The two most sexually appealing men I have met have Sun conjunct Eros. One has an exact aspect, the other has it by 1 degree. I am biased since one of them has this conjunction exactly conjunct my Moon and the other has it exactly conjunct my Psyche, but other women find them to be incredibly appealing as well. One of them also has Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto. I have not noticed that I am drawn to men with Pluto in the first house. But I seem to be drawn to men with Venus conjunct Pluto. I believe that people have different preferences when it comes to these things, but obviously some people are appealing to many and some are not appealing to anyone.
As I see it, sex appeal is bad for a woman to have. Women can attract sexual attention almost regardless of what they look like anyways so it is not needed. Like Chrysalis has mentioned, the ones who are appealing will be hunted by the large group of men who are sick. Pedophiles, rapists and manipulative psycopaths/narcissists.
I am very worried about my precious little niece

Eros on Libra Asc. Mars conjunct Lilith. Mars and Venus square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Moon square Mars and opposite Pluto. Several harsh Neptune squares. Scorpio Sun. Orcus on an angle badly aspected. I have never seen anything like her chart.
I wish that I could just follow here everywhere and protect her. It is already obvious that her sex appeal will be off the charts. Her eyes shift between pure innocence and intense wildness and she also has perfect features. She loves very passionately.