Sexy what does it mean to have SEX APPEAL

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I was asking about both those things

Tbqh, I’m not sure of either one of those. I do know that I’ve seen many many many Cancers remark that they don’t like people much tho. Most tend to be introverted, but that’s another matter. It may have to do with empathicness. There may be a disdain held toward a humanity that is largely destructive and superficial since Cancer is a sign that seeks depth and soul

Idk about the neon sign thing tho. I do suspect the MC conjunct Venus may contribute
Sexual abuse, abusive situations, predators, being used and abused in r'ships this could be also physical abuse, rape, very sexual....etc.

@Chrysalis, thank you for sharing. I have almost similar cases like you so I went checked my nessus and ****... is there, it conjunct my venus...
I have looked at your chart and the way I see it is that you are a very intelligent person. With a Virgo asc and merc in cancer, venus gemini in 10th and pluto in scorpio.

You are emotionally intelligent too. You have great vocabulary and amazing at words which shows with your quotes etc.
pluto in scorpio makes you magnetically sexy.
The sun/venus opposition to Uranus can be sexy, it's fascinating, it's alluring. When one thinks they have it understood it jumps away and dazzles in another way. Filtering through a cancer ascendent/moon gives a shyness that attracts in a shy and timid way by not overwhelming but caring, it too is illusive.

Actually no one goes until my Sun-Uranus opp which is the "spine" of my chart.

Women are attracted to highly masculine guys. Cancer ASC is the opposite. Cancer ASC men have round, soft and feminine face which women aren't attracted to. Especially with a Domicile Moon.

And Cancer is prone to obesity because Moon rules food. I know I eat like a hog. If we have family dinner people say: 'We don't throw any food just let helike13 finish it all like a shredder"

Do you know that cartoon titled Chowder? I think Chowder has a strong Cancer archetype :)



Remember, this is an astrology thread. Stick to astrology. I just deleted a whole non-astrological conversation. If you want to have a non-astrological conversation, take it to Chat. If you're posting here, make sure you tie what you have to say to the relevant astrology.

Astrology only,
I have looked at your chart and the way I see it is that you are a very intelligent person. With a Virgo asc and merc in cancer, venus gemini in 10th and pluto in scorpio.

You are emotionally intelligent too. You have great vocabulary and amazing at words which shows with your quotes etc.
pluto in scorpio makes you magnetically sexy.
Awwwww... Thank you lovely. This makes me feel warm inside. Although on the note of Pluto in Scorpio, doesn't that mean a whole generation of individuals possess magnetic sexiness?
Awwwww... Thank you lovely. This makes me feel warm inside. Although on the note of Pluto in Scorpio, doesn't that mean a whole generation of individuals possess magnetic sexiness?

Generational it may be however each individual has a chart and your chart for you this is how I see it.

Awwww nice to know you feel good after my words! 😍
Does having Pluto in the first give you sex appeal? What if your venus is in the 3rd and you look hot. Does Venus make a difference? YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE

So this is my original question and wanted thoughts around this on this thread. Thank you 😊
Does having Pluto in the first give you sex appeal? What if your venus is in the 3rd and you look hot. Does Venus make a difference? YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE

So this is my original question and wanted thoughts around this on this thread. Thank you 😊

Are you saying you're upset that people have turned the discussion to the other astrological facets of sex appeal?

I would believe that if you hadn't been an enthusiastic participant in the turning of the discussion. Since you have been, it's fine if you want to get more thoughts on the original question, but don't complain because other aspects of the topic have also been discussed.
Are you saying you're upset that people have turned the discussion to the other astrological facets of sex appeal?

I would believe that if you hadn't been an enthusiastic participant in the turning of the discussion. Since you have been, it's fine if you want to get more thoughts on the original question, but don't complain because other aspects of the topic have also been discussed.

No. I’m asking my question again just a reminder 👍
Don’t tell me to stop complaining. No where in my post you highlighted does it say I’m complaining now leave me alone please
No. I’m asking my question again just a reminder 👍
Don’t tell me to stop complaining. No where in my post you highlighted does it say I’m complaining

Thanks for clearing that up.
The two most sexually appealing men I have met have Sun conjunct Eros. One has an exact aspect, the other has it by 1 degree. I am biased since one of them has this conjunction exactly conjunct my Moon and the other has it exactly conjunct my Psyche, but other women find them to be incredibly appealing as well. One of them also has Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto. I have not noticed that I am drawn to men with Pluto in the first house. But I seem to be drawn to men with Venus conjunct Pluto. I believe that people have different preferences when it comes to these things, but obviously some people are appealing to many and some are not appealing to anyone.

As I see it, sex appeal is bad for a woman to have. Women can attract sexual attention almost regardless of what they look like anyways so it is not needed. Like Chrysalis has mentioned, the ones who are appealing will be hunted by the large group of men who are sick. Pedophiles, rapists and manipulative psycopaths/narcissists.

I am very worried about my precious little niece :crying: Eros on Libra Asc. Mars conjunct Lilith. Mars and Venus square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Moon square Mars and opposite Pluto. Several harsh Neptune squares. Scorpio Sun. Orcus on an angle badly aspected. I have never seen anything like her chart.

I wish that I could just follow here everywhere and protect her. It is already obvious that her sex appeal will be off the charts. Her eyes shift between pure innocence and intense wildness and she also has perfect features. She loves very passionately.
The two most sexually appealing men I have met have Sun conjunct Eros. One has an exact aspect, the other has it by 1 degree. I am biased since one of them has this conjunction exactly conjunct my Moon and the other has it exactly conjunct my Psyche, but other women find them to be incredibly appealing as well. One of them also has Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto. I have not noticed that I am drawn to men with Pluto in the first house. But I seem to be drawn to men with Venus conjunct Pluto. I believe that people have different preferences when it comes to these things, but obviously some people are appealing to many and some are not appealing to anyone.

As I see it, sex appeal is bad for a woman to have. Women can attract sexual attention almost regardless of what they look like anyways so it is not needed. Like Chrysalis has mentioned, the ones who are appealing will be hunted by the large group of men who are sick. Pedophiles, rapists and manipulative psycopaths/narcissists.

I am very worried about my precious little niece :crying: Eros on Libra Asc. Mars conjunct Lilith. Mars and Venus square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Moon square Mars and opposite Pluto. Several harsh Neptune squares. Scorpio Sun. Orcus on an angle badly aspected. I have never seen anything like her chart.

I wish that I could just follow here everywhere and protect her. It is already obvious that her sex appeal will be off the charts. Her eyes shift between pure innocence and intense wildness and she also has perfect features. She loves very passionately.

When you put it like that no you don’t want it at all and I have nieces and nephews and all you want to do is protect them from this evil world and you don’t want this so called sex appeal to be anywhere and yes ur right I don’t need it as there are a lot of sick ppl out there 😬 thanks for your insights
The two most sexually appealing men I have met have Sun conjunct Eros. One has an exact aspect, the other has it by 1 degree. I am biased since one of them has this conjunction exactly conjunct my Moon and the other has it exactly conjunct my Psyche, but other women find them to be incredibly appealing as well. One of them also has Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto. I have not noticed that I am drawn to men with Pluto in the first house. But I seem to be drawn to men with Venus conjunct Pluto. I believe that people have different preferences when it comes to these things, but obviously some people are appealing to many and some are not appealing to anyone.

As I see it, sex appeal is bad for a woman to have. Women can attract sexual attention almost regardless of what they look like anyways so it is not needed. Like Chrysalis has mentioned, the ones who are appealing will be hunted by the large group of men who are sick. Pedophiles, rapists and manipulative psycopaths/narcissists.

I am very worried about my precious little niece :crying: Eros on Libra Asc. Mars conjunct Lilith. Mars and Venus square Pluto and opposite Uranus. Moon square Mars and opposite Pluto. Several harsh Neptune squares. Scorpio Sun. Orcus on an angle badly aspected. I have never seen anything like her chart.

I wish that I could just follow here everywhere and protect her. It is already obvious that her sex appeal will be off the charts. Her eyes shift between pure innocence and intense wildness and she also has perfect features. She loves very passionately.

I think there are very intricate facets of natal charts that might affect things in ways you won’t expect. Despite whatever aspects you see and think might lead to a certain life, they may lead to entirely the opposite effects because of details that are easy to miss, or simply because there are things natal charts can’t account for

Features can change drastically as one ages sometime too
Actually no one goes until my Sun-Uranus opp which is the "spine" of my chart.

Women are attracted to highly masculine guys. Cancer ASC is the opposite. Cancer ASC men have round, soft and feminine face which women aren't attracted to. Especially with a Domicile Moon.

And Cancer is prone to obesity because Moon rules food. I know I eat like a hog. If we have family dinner people say: 'We don't throw any food just let helike13 finish it all like a shredder"

Do you know that cartoon titled Chowder? I think Chowder has a strong Cancer archetype :)



I find physical trait astrology to be heavily lacking

Cancer energy at best is protective in an extremely secure and dominant way that puts women at peace. Nurture that protective aspect and desire to keep the one you love safe. Straight women find that sexy

I don’t think Chowder is Cancerish at all. That’s just a silly cartoon
Generational it may be however each individual has a chart and your chart for you this is how I see it.

Awwww nice to know you feel good after my words! 😍
Thank you!
You’re right. I am magnetically sexy with a brilliant vocabulary
Not good babes. What have we done to deserve this ?

Maybe in our past life we we used people , and took advantage of them etc...idk.

No, we deserve NONE of this. I don't believe past life. In Christianity, there is no such thing as past life either.
Sometimes, I feel like people used the past life to justify that what happened to you is 'you deserve it'. They blame us, they blame our past life when they knew nothing and it baffles me they could even say such thing when the victim is hurting, is unbelievable (my friend did that to me). So I don't believe past life, they just want to make it like is all our own fault when they couldn't explain why this is happening to us so yeah, I don't buy the past life thing.

And hey, I found something informative about nessus:

Somewhere in the article says that we can save ourselves too. I remember I am able to save myself once. And another time, I was being save by my uncle. Please keep having hope, may be there is a reason, to make us super strong to keep living and helping others.