Should Father go for Chemo?

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Feb 8, 2017
My father was admitted to hospital for a colon cancer operation. The doctors removed part of his colon and he recovered partially, now having occasional hiccups and still some tummy upset. The doctors have recommended him to go for chemo once he has recovered, but this can be delayed to some time in the future. A PET scan has found no other cancers in his system.

Should my father go for chemo?

Father is signified by Venus in Capricorn, in his triplicity - not a bad dignity at all. Treatment is signified by Father's L10, or L1, the Moon in Taurus. However, looking at receptions, it doesn't seem like such a good idea as the Moon (treatment) is in detriment in Capricorn. Furthermore, chemo is expensive and my family is currently unsure what to do in the mean time.

Can someone please provide an alternative opinion, if any? Thanks all.


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Dear renjer

What I see is yes even tho there are early deg. on the Ascendant that suggest to wait, it is a positive to decide to go to the chemical part of therapy. There is an opportunity to receive good treatment by it. Moon trine Venus sextile Neptune in the doctor's diagnosis 9th. Should he have already gone for some other treatment that is a plus also (Mars with Moon). Please go by what the doctor prescribes. Am no doctor-it is wise always to consult and use the advice of the physician rather than a soothsayer even tho well intentioned.
There are a lot of other directives that should be considered additionally before making the decision. The age of your Father, if his stamina is strong etc, the quality of life he has left? The natal chart should always be analyzed and progressions.

The significators are 'Moon' (ruler of the physical Ascendant) just past the conj. with Mars (operation surgery) a major player in Cancer or tumorous maladies just past the conj. with Uranus in a fixed sign, (another form of treatment), Moon will trine Venus doctor. Sun is in sect above the horizon, with Moon in a sign of her sect Taurus. Venus doesn't do too well in Saturn's sign yes but is the ruler of Libra at the bottom of the chart, (Libra rules the 7th house naturally, doctors), is the conclusion side of advice given for the question about the treatments), POF is within in a 12th house (hidden wisdom of 3rd house advice), (hospitals, concerns of the depositor Venus (lesser benefit than the greater benefic Jupiter, doctor blesses). Mercury is advice ruler of the 3rd house where POF is in (8th of surgery), i.e.; Venus is in mutual reception with Uranus/Mars (Venus in Capricorn) ref. to the first treatment, a mutual reception is a placement that aids the planets to be able to get out of the present situation they are in by being in each others dignified sign ruler-ships, the one here by exaltation also.

Venus will sextile (opportunity) Neptune the ruler of chemical therapy deposited in the 9th house, the diagnosis given by the doctor, Venus within the 7th house of doctors. Moon is in Saturn's house, (is strong by TOL of the square-further obstacles?) to Mercury in the 8th resonance fixed sign where Uranus is.

Mercury (will go retrograde, returning) rules the colon Virgo, will be experiencing the square in the future by Moon in a fixed sign, Mercury will quincunx (aspect of illness) the part of disease in Virgo In Mercury's house. Retrograde means returning. Will come close in aspect to square Mars again, Uranus again within 4 deg. Please use the doctor's advice. Mercury and Moon setting off future squares is a detriment to your Father's health.

My prayers go to your Father and his family.:love:


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Hi Stardust1 thanks for your reply.

As I asked the question on behalf of my dad, should the Chart be turned to L4 instead, ie, L4 Venus for dad, L1 moon for treatment and L10 Mars for doctors?

Just wanting to make sure, as chemo is a very big decision for all of us. Also, I have seen several articles about medical charts in the past, and doctors do get it wrong sometimes as well.

Anyway, due to the COVID situation we still have quite a bit of time to make this decision as the hospitals may not have enough staff members to look after father if he chooses to go for chemo.
Will take a look see by using the 4th house for your Father.

renjer I often use Lily technique using the first house as Prima Facia perogetor, one near and dear to you.

I am of the mind not to change my opinion even when using the 4th house as the Ascendant. Cardinal signs are on the Angles, the lords of these houses are moving swiftly with Venus as the ruler of the 1st house (I don't like to be blunt) and near Pluto I would take the doctor's advice. If it lengthens the life of your Father so much the better. Neptune in the 6th house will experience the sextile with Venus a good augur. I would not pass up the opportunity to have the benefits the sextile offers.

The Sun is an important revelator look to his aspects in both charts, the chart below is turned, the one above is not.

One more point: Virgo's ruler is going retrograde, returning as a health energy to re-address his influence in the overall consideration of the charts message. During his tenure he will once again come close to the planet of surgery in aspect. Weather Mercury speaks of check ups with the doctor or of health statuate's, it is better to be safe than sorry. Is your Father strong enough to experience the chemo therapy? rejer, the POF falls within your Father's 12th house, which additionally points to things of Neptune registering as beneficial.
My best wishes go out to your family, your Father.



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Thanks for looking at the chart with L4 as the ascendant. Will advise my dad accordingly.
treatment should be 10th house from 4th

i'd be looking to see if 4th house ruler is increasing in benefitiaries or becoming more malefic.
I would say DEF green light do it ..
because moon is extremely strong in taurus it just separating from mars which is natural ruler of surgery

your dad is in cap sign (aging sign) but its dispositor is only afflicted by sun which is malefic. it wont be melted butter on toast but totally survaveable because it is not at the end of the sign and northing really aflicts it
I would say DEF green light do it ..
because moon is extremely strong in taurus it just separating from mars which is natural ruler of surgery

Good idea, haven't really considered this. I had only looked at receptions - seems the treatment (Moon) doesn't really like him (Venus), but maybe this could just be a natural effect of the chemo - it destroys both healthy and cancerous cells.
Good idea, haven't really considered this. I had only looked at receptions - seems the treatment (Moon) doesn't really like him (Venus), but maybe this could just be a natural effect of the chemo - it destroys both healthy and cancerous cells.

L4 - him
treatment is 10th house
doctors you can try L10 (it isnot the question)
He will be fine