Sorry for the late reply! Good to hear you're doing well. Your Mars is right on your ascendant, so that's a major indication of surgery. However, as it's not too afflicted it indicates a successful operation with a normal healing time.
Yep, 12th house moon indicates you'll need rest, as well as association with hospitals. And people get scared with Pluto in the 8th but it could honestly just mean a dramatic change in your current situation. Even it could mean a lot of money coming in and out.
I had a peek at your solar return and you've got Venus and Jupiter in your first, which is really good for anything to do with the body. Means you're going to have a healthy year, or if there are any bumps in the road, you'll bounce back super quick. There will be a lot of time spent at home and thinking about your home this year, which is indicated in your 4th house. But that may or may not be related to your surgery as fourth house also pertains to inner feelings. With that Neptune in 4th, your emotions could be clouded this year. Keep positive thinking!