Should I move to Jersey?

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2011
I'm so lost in what to do.

I have two choices.

One is to move to Jersey in the Channel Islands to network and get my business project going and possibly enjoy a new culture with new people.

The other is to go home to the UK and at the same time get closure from the guy I just can't stop thinking about and find out once and for all, through hanging out with my old friends, if he has any mutual feelings towards me.

It's not the same guy as I posted about years ago.

Also I don't really know him personally, only met him briefly through mutual friends, but he has the same interests as me and is such a kind soul. Yes I'm fantasising over another guy now :(

I can start my business project in the UK too, but it just seems easier with people who I can network with a lot easier.

I've been in lockdown in South Korea, but planning to move in October.

My horary question is....should I move to Jersey (Channel Islands)?

For potential love or career? I really just want closure as I really like him, but then again I'm passionate about my business project. So which do I prioritise.

I understand it sounds ridiculous, but some of you know my past and I'm desperate to be loved.
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interesting ...

mars is about to aspect saturn retro
I think this is UK

usually Retro is going back to where you have been as mars turns retro...
so you if you go back to UK you will return where you are.

I am not seeing NJ .. if i had seen NJ i would have seen mars entering 7th house and there would have been moon/venus . mars/venus connection
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You mean if I go back to the UK, I will return to Korea? Or I will go back to the UK as that’s where I was before Korea late last year. Korea is not my home. I am only here during lockdown and plan to was planning to return to the UK, but there's an option to consider Jersey (in the Channel Islands, not USA which is a one hour flight from the UK.)

The ascendant is 0...too soon to make decision? Still developing?

I'm still learning horary and this is what I got:

My significator is Mars. Is Mars in the 6th house or as it's on the cusp, it is 7th?

Do I look into aspects to the 9th house for travel? Is the answer no to moving to Jersey because it's opposed Venus?

Moon in the second house aspects are opposed to the 10th house (career) so it won't be a good idea to go to Jersey for my business project?
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i mean you will go to UK then return to korea or return where you lived before.
0 asce means your question is all over the place but it is fine readable.
i mean you will go to UK then return to korea or return where you lived before.
0 asce means your question is all over the place but it is fine readable.

return as in move or a trip? Sorry for the question. Lived before? A country I have lived before at any time in my life?
you asked will i move to Jersey?
Answer No

your 2nd question : "go home to the UK"
Yes that is the one but you will not STAY there perm. because Mars will turn direct and hit Taurus at some point.

Saturn is 3rd house and 4th house - saturn is retro - that is given going back to UK.
Does it show why I will return? Financial issues?

Still a beginner sorry, I moved the chart forward with the date and when Mars reached 1 degree in Taurus, it was trine with Venus in 10th house?
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Does it show why I will return? Financial issues?

Still a beginner sorry, I moved the chart forward with the date and when Mars reached 1 degree in Taurus, it was trine with Venus in 10th house?

Okay.. how many questions do you think one HORARY chart can answer? I get you are new but one chart shows ONLY what you asked not subsequent questions that may arise.

You have at least 6 questions within your original post and now you are asking about if the horary shows your finances triggering why you will be moving again.

Then you are asking why you got 0 asce. Take your natal chart and put it on top of your horary and see what that shows.

Okay I get it now. So horary only answers the question. Thanks Tikana for being lighthearted towards me :)
Hello Lilly1983,

UK seems the best choice. Saturn R (own sign). You go back home as you mentioned 'Go home to UK'. But there will be delays. Saturn turns Direct Sept 30th but you will have to face the square from Mars again. I would say Mid-January, things will settle down. Plus Fortuna on the cusp of the 4th = Home

For Channel Islands you say ' the Channel Islands to network and get my business project going and possibly enjoy a new culture with new people.'
Sun close to 11th House (Antiscia Mars) and Moon's next squaring Mercury in the 11th (own sign) does not favor networking and meeting new people.

Kind regards,