Okay, Hmmm. 7 March 2007, 7:00 am-ish, beautiful San Fran. Mercury hour; Jupiter rules the Ascendant.
It's not an especially promising chart to read, and I feel rather reluctant, myself, for a number of reasons. The first may be because we didn't have an exact time; ideally we will have the time down to the minute! So it may be off.
The second is that the Lord of the Hour and the Ascendant ruler aren't compatible. I've said on other threads that while this isn't a *big* problem, it does put up a little flag about potential confusion in the querent or the chart. I think it's fair to say you are a little confused right now!
The third is that the Moon is Void of Course, being at 26+ degrees Libra. It has made its last aspect to any of the traditional planets, and no, I won't consider Pluto until later maybe!
Lilly says that a late moon in Libra, even if void of course, will 'perform somewhat'; but the late degrees in Libra are within Via Combusta, which is not a happy place for the moon! After the moon leaves Libra, it goes into the sign of its fall, Scorpio, so even if we were to consider the moon's progression to the next sign, it shows a worsening of the situation, not an improvement.
This will be a little confusing, but we will explore it.
You, as Jupiter, are placed in the 9th of 'higher learning', quite strong in your own sign and house. This is appropriate since one of your questions is about education. Since Jupiter also rules the 9th (one of your questions), we then take the Moon and Venus as your co-significators and leave Jupiter ruling the 9th.
The Moon in this chart rules both 'you' and the 5th of pregnancy/children. Tellingly, it is VOC in the 7th of your partner. Having children with this man is not really an option right now, something you alluded to in your previous post. The Moon does not make an aspect to 'you' as Jupiter *or* as Venus, as both aspects have already been spent.
Since Jupiter is also the ruler of the 9th, we look at Venus as being yourself. Venus is detrimented in Aries, being the sign opposite to her ruler. This can reflect your sense of not being at your best right now; and also impatience (being in Aries). However, Venus *applies* to trine Jupiter, ruler of the 9th. This is a favorable aspect, especially with Jupiter having so much dignity. In fact, Venus' next aspect is to Jupiter, in about a degree.
One thing to note is that all the axes of the chart are in mutable signs, meaning a lot of fluctuation; and that the 4th/10th axis is in late degrees (27+). There is a sense of things already set in motion with late degrees, especially in terms of career/ambitions. Pluto on the MC tells us that you are having a crisis where your life-direction is concerned, and this VOC moon's final aspect shows us the crisis of children/partnership (Moon/7th) versus career (MC). Many modern horarists consider the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, to be mostly malefic in nature.
This is as far as I will take it.

The chart, insofar as this one will be read, is indicating that energy is directed toward higher education, but probably not children, at this time. I would suggest that at this point, you mull over the 9th house stuff in the chart for a few days, and then ask another question (and *mark the exact time you ask it!*

) about *either* studying astrology *or* your PhD, when you feel a little clearer about your desires (or utterly vexed at not being able to make a decision! Both types of energy work well for charts.)
Best wishes,