Should I return to my ex bf?(just broke up...)

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Feb 13, 2010
Should I return to my ex bf? (Update!)

I am desperated to know whether I should return to my ex bf right now... We just broke up two days ago... I suggested that we should not be together anymore......

But right now, I feel sad and lonely and need his company....he is always good to me ..... I missed him......He try to talk to me this morning , I only replied with cold words....I really broke his heart.... for many times....

Below is my chart and my delineation.....,please help and offer me your suggestions....Thank you very much!



1. This chart is so heavy with Jupiter and pisces and also Neptune conjuct ASC and sextile Venus (Lib) in the sad H8.....
-There must be something is what I could not concern as for neptune conjuct my ASC, or too romantic and idealistic to my love situation. Maybe he didn't love me as much as I think, or he lied to me for something I didn't know?

2. Party A

I am Obdurate Saturn and only stick to what I think and believe and always ignore other peoples' suggestion had just left the opposition with Jupiter and Uranus and was in H7

In 2 degrees' time the ASC will change into Pisces, then Jupiter will be me, and Jupiter rx conjuct Uranus rx in the H1, both are retrograde, and Jupiter will return to its strong position - Pisces at 9th September. It indicates that the whole situation will be better at that time.

1. Jupiter is conjuct Uranus in 1.27 degree - There will be sudden changes happen to me in 1 or 2 days which is 03-09 or 04-09.

The asc is Aqu 28 and will soon change to Pisces, which also indicates that sudden event in two days' time which is 04-09.

2. H10 Ruler is the same with ASC Ruler, which indicates that I will focus on my career after 2 days instead of love.

3. Moon is the H5 Ruler is going to sextile venus in 3.2d which indicates that in 05-09 or 06-09 I will have fun in play or romance, as for who will be the other party Mars, I judge from the Venus conjuct Mars in 3d, which could be after three weeks and 2 days or 3 days that would be at 25-09 or 26-09 or 05-09 or 06-09,which is the time venus and mars retrograde, will I go back to him again?

4. Maybe tonight is the right time to talk about the return as H3 ruler venus is going to conjuct his h3 ruler Mars in 3d, which could also be seen as 3 hours.... But as for the conjuction of Jupiter and uranus, there will be sudden changes of ideas and decisions again on me, maybe I should wait to see what those changes will be then to take action?

Party B:

1. Position
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Not sure how good this is looking.

It's a very late ascendant, this could show that you have asked before, or you already know the answer somehow.

Mars and Venus are in the 8th house, which is a house of loss. They are seperating too. Maybe that shows a communication as Venus rules your 3rd house, Moon is trining that.

You are Saturn, he is Sun.

Sun is approaching trine to the North Node, not sure what sort of influence that is. Maybe something that is in the hands of fate somehow, anyway the situation maybe out of your control.

Sun is combusting it's depositor, Mercury, in his 1st house. This maybe shows a fear from him. Maybe he is wary about communicating for the meantime. This too is trining the North Node, again showing things out of your control.

Fixed ascendant, and Neptune there showing a feeling of illusion surrounding this.

Moon recently squared Sun, showing the recent tensions. Perhaps the full Moon brought on the split.

Moon does trine Venus, Mars. After though, it squares Saturn then Jupiter. It doesn't look promising for initiating anything at the moment.

Jupiter is there in the ascendant, though it is in the dark side of the house - hidden in its influence. It is also the ruler of the intercepted sign of Pisces in the first. Something about that is making Jupiter be unable to act. Perhaps that is also to act in his benefic way.

The same things applys to the Sun, it is in an intercepted sign of Mercury in his 1st house. Mercury is the ruler of that intercepted sign, and also about to combust. He is really unable to act in this circumstance.

So sorry, my answer would be 'no', don't get your hopes up just at the moment. Maybe allow the dust to settle.

I am a little sad to hear about that.....

If he is scared to contact.....then maybe it is my fault to have hurt him so much.....

I have another two optional bf to choose from....One is taurus the other is a scorpio, I am not sure which one to choose from... or I just give him up to choose a new life....:sad:

Bad feelings always make me want to study further horary to help myself....But during this kind of situation, one cannot see himself clearly......I am totally lost just like the neptune conjuct in my ASC.....:sad:
Sorry it is bad news :(

With the Mercury being retrograde at the moment, now may not be the right time to initiate action. Plans are likely to change during this retrograde.

It is however a good time to think over events that have happened, to assess situations including past events. Maybe he is doing this as his ruler is Mercury, combusting the Sun.

By letting the situation rest (for the time being), it is not necessarily letting him go. I'm a firm believer in letting things go, and if they return to you they are meant to be.

Good luck :)

Update..... I just talk to my ex bf that I missed him, and he is glad to accept and he is glad that we could be together again.....:sad:.......

I don't know if it is a good decision or not.....

When I talk to him, he is already asleep at a earlier time, he said he is upset and don't konw what to do, so he could only sleep......

I feel guilty again....

At the same time, the taurus have a date with me this saturday....but being return with my ex.....It is really a mess....
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Well that's not a bad thing, to sleep on it. Things are often quite alot clearer in the morning. So it's good news, he is happy for you two to get back together?

I always follow my heart in matters of the heart. I find the path is always the right one that way, even if it seems precarious at times as well as unclear. :biggrin:

Aaah I see, the Taurus, maybe that is the Mercury intercepted in the 7th house. Well there are 3 planets in total in the 7th house. It's been said somewhere that the planets can describe the person. Mercury might be a younger man here, while that Saturn could be an older person, fatherly or serious? Sun is also the focus of the chart, so I would guess that he is the main man. If this is the case, Sun is going to combust Mercury. That either means, Sun finds out about Mercury, or more likely Sun overpowers and outshines Mercury, so wins out.

Enjoy your date.

Hopefully when Mercury travels direct again, you might find things clearer :)


I just dont see this relaitonship moving anywhere ...

late deg could be that you alreayd know the answer
sun is in his own 1st house - he is interested in himself more than anyone else
saturn is in 7th - you love him more
reception between sun and saturn is shall i say krappy?
sun is in saturn's fall... i'd say agrh .. naw dont even bother
it is just bad. I dont know but that reception is bad .. he doesnt even see you.
moon trines mars which rules his 9th.. makes sense that you talked
but no no relaitonship here ... sorry

shrug i dont know

Im confused here

you cared enough about this guy to ask a horay on him yet you have others around you would like to get to know...

You have asked for this situation.

It sounds like you would rather be free to persue other interests right now.. so you should do it. maybe its just the lonleyness you feel when you want your ex back.. but thats not enough for a real relationship is it?

perhaps you allready know this as the late asc shows and chiron on the asc.

he is definatly taking this harder with his sun and merc and you all in his house.
merc being burnt by himself, showing he doesnt feel he can contact you.
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Maybe I get back to him because of loneliness, I know that he will always be there for me , he loves me more.....

Tonight I canceled a date with a friend to company him, I know it will be the last few days that we could be together, I predict that I will break up with him again in 8th or 9th September.....

As for there is a new situation therefore I started a new chart to ask about the new situation with him, below is my chart:

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Hi there

Just to clarify, are you asking, "where is this going with him?"

The Moon is void of course, I'm afraid I don't see the new situation going anywhere :sad: Immediately after changing signs, Moon squares Saturn (which rules the 4th house (end of matter) and 5th).

Venus is also seperating from Mars. Both are in your first house, he is still interested in you. Receptions between Venus and Mars are far from equal.. Mars liking Venus to his detriment (Venus in Mars' detriment/Mars in Venus domain but in detriment - meaning, by being 'looked after' by Venus, Mars is being damaged/detrimented in some way). These things happen for a reason, even tough lessons can be the making of us.

Each time I start a chart is to find that he is Mars or venus and I am the Venus or Mars, and there will be Venus and Mars retrograde in late September, and as to Transit, the venus and mars will conjuct both retrograde in his natal 12th house, and in my 10th house, I am afraid that if we were still together at that time, he will have an affair with other body or we will get back together if we broke up before the retrograde.

According to Chinese astrology, he is not the right one for me for his secrecy and not so honest, and this afternoon I will go to the cinema with a Taurus guy, he is much better than him according to the horoscope, while whatever which one I choose, this september won't be a peaceful month for in my progresstion, Sun square Uranus this month .....

I do think too much....Now I am still with my bf...and after the date with the taurus, I will go to the cinema again to watch the same movie the second time with my Cancer bf......

What a life.....:crying:
hey C,

but mars and venus are separating.

i dont know how much you love him or is this just out of loniliness ..

1st horary was SHOULD I.. answer is no.. moon shows what is to come.

moon is void here curently peregrine..

now he is in to you and you are running away .. and both of you are via combusta.. not exactly great. venus is conj spica so via combusta is mellowed..

dunno what to tell you

(Following is simple Lunar Divination, and is not in accordance with standard horary practice)

This is based on the 2nd chart "new situation with him":
-Moon seperates from Jupiter: -1 point
-Moon's next conjunction is with South Node (Dragon's Tail): - 2 points
-Moon's next house is a pivot: + 1 point
-Moon's next sign is its domicile: + 2 points
-Moon's next sign is straight: - 1 point
-Ascending degree in a straight sign: - 1 point
-Part of Love (asc+venus-sun) = 7Sagittarius: Moon chases Part of Love: + 1 point

Positive = 4 points
Negative = 5 points
Net = -1 point

Divination: current circumstances are slightly unfavorable (slightly inauspcious) for this relationship: period of time likely covered by this divination (based on sign of Moon's next conjunction with planet or node) = Cancer = 28 days (minimum) to 9 weeks (maximum)