Should I stay in my current job or get the new job?

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Feb 5, 2023
Hi everyone,

I recently cast a horary chart to help decide whether I should stay in my current job or take a new job offer that’s come my way. I would love to get some insights from you all on what the chart might suggest!

Jupiter (current job) is weak in Gemini, suggesting that my current job might not be offering much growth or satisfaction. The Moon moving away from Jupiter and towards Mars hints that I might encounter more stress or conflict if I stay.
Mercury (new job) is retrograde and in the 6th house, potential challenges if I take the new job. However, the mutual reception between Mercury and the Sun could indicate some hidden benefits or improvement opportunities once Mercury goes direct.
Here’s my situation: I’m supposed to start the new job in two days, but I haven’t said anything at my current job yet because I was considering trying to do both for a month since they’re both remote. However, I’m now thinking that might be too much, and I’m feeling the pressure to make a decision.

I’m leaning towards the new job, but I’m concerned about the retrograde Mercury and whether it might signal delays or miscommunications. On the other hand, Jupiter’s detriment in Gemini doesn’t seem to bode well for staying where I am.

I would really appreciate any additional insights or thoughts on this chart. What do you think—is it better to stay in my current job, or should I take the plunge and go for the new opportunity?

Thanks so much for your help!


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I have a couple of questions:

is this a career-track position that you've been offered?

had you expressed interest / applied for this position in the past?

Reason I ask is to determine if 10th house should be used as career
or whether 6th house should be used as labor so to speak.

I do see that mercury retro is in the 6th house at this time, and it is best if in 6th house retrograde regarding work, if the job/work was something you had your eyes on in the past.

Mercury applies well to your co-rulers, Jupiter and Moon, so I see that as favorable.

Saturn in your first expresses your doubts. It appears that Venus in 7th and Saturn in 1st, though a distant opposition, don't like the idea of you changing jobs.
Is there a mate at home whose home life might be impacted with your job change?
When we look at you and your current job, you are Moon and the job is Jup. The job is pretty dismal with Jup in its detriment in Gem and you as Moon are separating from it. It's not a good job and you/Moon see that as reflected by Moon's reception to Jup.
Another job is Saturn, ruler of the 11th. So your significator is Jupiter. This prospective new employer/Sat really likes you, is in the your house/the 1st house and also receives you/Jup by dignity. The prospect here at looks much better than where you are currently. If it were me, I would go for it!
Hi quest,

That is quite the predicament you find yourself in.

After trying several things, I'm also leaning towards going for the new job.

Your current job is in detriment, you know what that is, I think, after reading your post.
If you take either Saturn or Mercury as the new job, they are both peregrine. It could be indicating those first days, weeks or months in a new job and the somewhat lost feeling that gives. Comparable and different to how you seem to be feeling now with the Moon also peregrine.
There is the possibility the whole company is in that state, there is no telling other then doing your worldly research, I think.

With Saturn you get some mixed reception.
With Mercury you rule by triplicity, are in your term, indicating you'll be in your element there.

Note that the day and hour ruler signal towards Saturn, what the Mars is, could be action, work or the reaction of your current employer, some anger. Or an underlying stream yet unseen.

The Moon can indicate, through her path and encounters, what the future holds in regards to the question.
It's perhaps debatably far of still but the Moon is changing signs after that encounter with Mars and a few degrees, she's coming home. Doing way better and that can signal that change will turn out to be good for you.

The method by Frawley offers mixed insights, one more stay then go, so that is contradicting but not very insightful.

Antiscia gave nothing.

The last thing I tried were some Arabic parts, the part for benefic change at 22degr.17min. of Libra is degree exact training your Moon.

Part of change conjuncts the 5th cusp in the chart. A positive place, fun, self expression. The feel of that is in line with the Moon changing signs. I think it's very minor evidence in the chart though.

All in all it makes me think the chart might suggest that changing jobs is for the better.

Good luck making your decision, I hope it turns out well!
I have a couple of questions:

is this a career-track position that you've been offered?

had you expressed interest / applied for this position in the past?

Reason I ask is to determine if 10th house should be used as career
or whether 6th house should be used as labor so to speak.

I do see that mercury retro is in the 6th house at this time, and it is best if in 6th house retrograde regarding work, if the job/work was something you had your eyes on in the past.

Mercury applies well to your co-rulers, Jupiter and Moon, so I see that as favorable.

Saturn in your first expresses your doubts. It appears that Venus in 7th and Saturn in 1st, though a distant opposition, don't like the idea of you changing jobs.
Is there a mate at home whose home life might be impacted with your job change?
I have a couple of questions:

is this a career-track position that you've been offered?

had you expressed interest / applied for this position in the past?

Reason I ask is to determine if 10th house should be used as career
or whether 6th house should be used as labor so to speak.

I do see that mercury retro is in the 6th house at this time, and it is best if in 6th house retrograde regarding work, if the job/work was something you had your eyes on in the past.

Mercury applies well to your co-rulers, Jupiter and Moon, so I see that as favorable.

Saturn in your first expresses your doubts. It appears that Venus in 7th and Saturn in 1st, though a distant opposition, don't like the idea of you changing jobs.
Is there a mate at home whose home life might be impacted with your job change?

Both jobs are in customer service, just my current job is more focused in technical support, my career is more in the technical support field but I used to do customer service a for a long time, this would be like going back to something I used to do. And I never applied for this position before.
When we look at you and your current job, you are Moon and the job is Jup. The job is pretty dismal with Jup in its detriment in Gem and you as Moon are separating from it. It's not a good job and you/Moon see that as reflected by Moon's reception to Jup.
Another job is Saturn, ruler of the 11th. So your significator is Jupiter. This prospective new employer/Sat really likes you, is in the your house/the 1st house and also receives you/Jup by dignity. The prospect here at looks much better than where you are currently. If it were me, I would go for it!
Thank you that sounds awesome. I think I will do just that!
Hi quest,

That is quite the predicament you find yourself in.

After trying several things, I'm also leaning towards going for the new job.

Your current job is in detriment, you know what that is, I think, after reading your post.
If you take either Saturn or Mercury as the new job, they are both peregrine. It could be indicating those first days, weeks or months in a new job and the somewhat lost feeling that gives. Comparable and different to how you seem to be feeling now with the Moon also peregrine.
There is the possibility the whole company is in that state, there is no telling other then doing your worldly research, I think.

With Saturn you get some mixed reception.
With Mercury you rule by triplicity, are in your term, indicating you'll be in your element there.

Note that the day and hour ruler signal towards Saturn, what the Mars is, could be action, work or the reaction of your current employer, some anger. Or an underlying stream yet unseen.

The Moon can indicate, through her path and encounters, what the future holds in regards to the question.
It's perhaps debatably far of still but the Moon is changing signs after that encounter with Mars and a few degrees, she's coming home. Doing way better and that can signal that change will turn out to be good for you.

The method by Frawley offers mixed insights, one more stay then go, so that is contradicting but not very insightful.

Antiscia gave nothing.

The last thing I tried were some Arabic parts, the part for benefic change at 22degr.17min. of Libra is degree exact training your Moon.

Part of change conjuncts the 5th cusp in the chart. A positive place, fun, self expression. The feel of that is in line with the Moon changing signs. I think it's very minor evidence in the chart though.

All in all it makes me think the chart might suggest that changing jobs is for the better.

Good luck making your decision, I hope it turns out well!

This is very helpful. Thank you so much
If it is in fact a 'career field/path - I would consider MC ruler Jupiter as questiion significator and it is square to both Saturn and Venus in 1/7th house.
There is some kind of 'where do you end and I begin?' element of this new job.
Gird yourself to that Saturn in your horary 1st and hold your line if you need to - because Venus in 7th will want to smooth it over and maybe disheartening to Jupiter's aspirations.
The POF is in the querant's 2nd house which means money.

I think the waiting too long to decide matter might come back to haunt you if you didn't give notice to your current employer but for a few days before leaving. You might have to pick up/cover for others - Venus in 7th - who bail from their job with little or no notice? That might be the extra time that Saturn in your first is saying and seeming like a nag or downer, lol.
Hi quest,

That is quite the predicament you find yourself in.

After trying several things, I'm also leaning towards going for the new job.

Your current job is in detriment, you know what that is, I think, after reading your post.
If you take either Saturn or Mercury as the new job, they are both peregrine. It could be indicating those first days, weeks or months in a new job and the somewhat lost feeling that gives. Comparable and different to how you seem to be feeling now with the Moon also peregrine.
There is the possibility the whole company is in that state, there is no telling other then doing your worldly research, I think.

With Saturn you get some mixed reception.
With Mercury you rule by triplicity, are in your term, indicating you'll be in your element there.

Note that the day and hour ruler signal towards Saturn, what the Mars is, could be action, work or the reaction of your current employer, some anger. Or an underlying stream yet unseen.

The Moon can indicate, through her path and encounters, what the future holds in regards to the question.
It's perhaps debatably far of still but the Moon is changing signs after that encounter with Mars and a few degrees, she's coming home. Doing way better and that can signal that change will turn out to be good for you.

The method by Frawley offers mixed insights, one more stay then go, so that is contradicting but not very insightful.

Antiscia gave nothing.

The last thing I tried were some Arabic parts, the part for benefic change at 22degr.17min. of Libra is degree exact training your Moon.

Part of change conjuncts the 5th cusp in the chart. A positive place, fun, self expression. The feel of that is in line with the Moon changing signs. I think it's very minor evidence in the chart though.

All in all it makes me think the chart might suggest that changing jobs is for the better.

Good luck making your decision, I hope it turns out well!
Nailu, who are you and how are you so good at this?
Nailu, who are you and how are you so good at this?
Hi Blister,

Thanks once more?

Good is a matter of opinion and in the case of horary also results perhaps.

I do love astrology very much and for some reason I read some years back that horary was a good way to start the journey, or that it was considered to be that in earlier times. As I was really struggling with my natal chart at the time, I switched interests and bought a book.
That book by Anthony Louis must have spoken to my inner 'need' , to know truth or something. On a more feel-base it fitted very much with other forms of divination I was taught and the more spiritually inclined life I had back then. Runes, Reiki, being into clearvoyance, hearance, feeling; guided a bit by some nice people.

At some point I joined another forum, overcame some fear and massive amounts of nerves to speak out on what I felt I knew and am still learning, horary, astrology in general. And speaking out hahaha.

More importantly I love to (at least try my best) helping people and am one of those people having not yet tapped into an ability to try a more professional approach.
After looking for a chart for Iceland, I stumbled over this forum and decided to join.

But basically I'm just a grown up countryboy who is still trying to come at odds with the real world.

Is this the place for all that? Not really but let's hope Quest, or others, don't mind too much. In the meanwhile thanks for asking. Love to know who you are.
Hi Blister,

Thanks once more?

Good is a matter of opinion and in the case of horary also results perhaps.

I do love astrology very much and for some reason I read some years back that horary was a good way to start the journey, or that it was considered to be that in earlier times. As I was really struggling with my natal chart at the time, I switched interests and bought a book.
That book by Anthony Louis must have spoken to my inner 'need' , to know truth or something. On a more feel-base it fitted very much with other forms of divination I was taught and the more spiritually inclined life I had back then. Runes, Reiki, being into clearvoyance, hearance, feeling; guided a bit by some nice people.

At some point I joined another forum, overcame some fear and massive amounts of nerves to speak out on what I felt I knew and am still learning, horary, astrology in general. And speaking out hahaha.

More importantly I love to (at least try my best) helping people and am one of those people having not yet tapped into an ability to try a more professional approach.
After looking for a chart for Iceland, I stumbled over this forum and decided to join.

But basically I'm just a grown up countryboy who is still trying to come at odds with the real world.

Is this the place for all that? Not really but let's hope Quest, or others, don't mind too much. In the meanwhile thanks for asking. Love to know who you are.
fear and nerves - do you have a merc/saturn aspect?
You are welcome!
And this is just a point of clarification for me please.
Could you tell me what house you are using for Merc to signify the other job?
Many thanks, and good luck no matter what you choose to do.
I was following bonatti, taking L1 and L7 for the jobs, L1 being my current job, the condition of the moon and moon aspecta
Update: Everything turned out great! I gave my notice the day after I posted this question. Initially, I said I was going to stop working a week later to give them some time to find a replacement, but the project manager called and suggested it would be easier if I finished at the end of August, just two days after my notice. I was relieved because I really didn't want to stay longer.

However, the next day, they asked if I could cover a few more days due to not having enough staff, which I agreed to. It was a bit challenging, as I ended up working from 9 am to 10 pm for a few days, but now it's all done, and I feel confident I made the right decision.

I love my new job and the colleagues I've met so far, although I'm still waiting for my work computer to arrive at home, which is taking longer than expected (maybe that’s Saturn in the 1st house)

Thankfully, there were no hard feelings from my previous employer no arguments or tension at all.

Thank you all for your help!

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