Hey everyone! I'm in a bit of a dilemma
I'm not sure whether to use placid us, or equal, or sidereal, or tropical..? I can understand all of my charts, with all these possibilities, but I'm just wondering, and looking for a definite answer. Thank you in advance.
For a start:
Tropical astrology is mapped from the time the Sun moves over the equator at 00Norh00 declination, which is called 0 Aries on the ecliptic, and the signs of the zodiac are mapped in even, 30 degree segments from that point, with 0 Cancer at 23North26 declination, 0 Libra at 00South00 declination as the Sun moves into the Southern hemisphere and 0 Capricorn at 23South26 declination. I have done my best to describe this, with illustrations, here:
So tropical astrology is based on the real orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
Sidereal astrology has many problems, including considerable differences in measuring when to start 0 Aries. From my point of view after many years of study, these problems need to be cleared up before it can be seriously considered. Perhaps it would interest you to read this critique by the highly respected Dieter Koch:
Therefore I recommend you start your studies with Tropical Astrology.
As to house systems:
There are many ways of dividing time and space to arrive at various house systems. Placidus is the most commonly used and, for many, many people, very accurate indeed. Equal House is just equal 30 degree divisions from the Ascending degree, so it is not truly a house system that involves the division of time and space involving the Ascendant and MC, just 'houses' arranged from the Ascendant, so perhaps it should really be called Ascendant Houses. You can also do Equal houses from the MC and these could be called MC houses.
Equal houses are very simple, but from my own studies, not all that accurate in mapping events in the life.
So, if you are just starting your astrological studies, perhaps it would be a good idea to start with the Tropical Zodiac and a quadrant house system, the most popular of which is Placidus. This should give you a good, thorough and intelligent grounding in basic astrology. If your interest continues, it would then be a good idea to look at the reasons behind the various types of house systems and study the way these are calculated.
For a really good, clear practical understanding of how to use a house system in real life, I recommend Noel Tyl's Vocational Exercises here:
http://noeltyl.com/discussion/index.php?board=2.0 Though the tutoring is based on how to determine a person's career or vocation, the principles hold true for any area of someone's life. It would probably be a good idea to start with the earlier examples as the shorthand they use in the more recent examples could be confusing for a beginner.