Significator in Dignity - Who Likes Whom?

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Feb 3, 2009
Ah ha! So I've just realized that not all of us agree on who likes whom!

I'm actually quite glad because I really thought I'd misunderstood too much in horary.

So, example? We have Jupiter transiting through Virgo. Jupiter is significator 1. We have Gemini rising for the 2 significator.

So who likes whom? It can be sometimes hard to follow up charts with people we don't know. But with friends and family, it may be easier to test who likes whom more. Has anyone any experience on this?

In this case, Significator 1 is also in detriment, which has it's own meaning of course.
It depends on how you view receptions.

If it is a love horary, Jupiter is rising lord and Mercury 7th house lord, if Jupiter is in Virgo, Jupiter is in Mercury's exaltation and domicile and in his detriment.
It can be viewed as Jupiter is deeply interested and fascinated by Mercury or that Mercury receives Jupiter very very well and is the one interested, since Jupiter is in his sign.

However, in my opinion, this shows a mutual interest, Jupiter indeed is fond of Mercury and Mercury receives it well.
Either way, whatever choice of receptions you make, just make sure that this kind of reception works well for you and brings results. Not all astrologers view reception in the same way.

Hope this helps.
Hmm good to know. Food for thought. Well, I'll test this in my own charts. I think I should take love horaries right out of it though! Too subjective.
Ah ha! So I've just realized that not all of us agree on who likes whom!

I'm actually quite glad because I really thought I'd misunderstood too much in horary.

So, example? We have Jupiter transiting through Virgo. Jupiter is significator 1. We have Gemini rising for the 2 significator.

So who likes whom? It can be sometimes hard to follow up charts with people we don't know. But with friends and family, it may be easier to test who likes whom more. Has anyone any experience on this?

In this case, Significator 1 is also in detriment, which has it's own meaning of course.

If you follow Lilly receptions Jupiter in Virgo means Mercury invites Jupiter into its sign because Mercury 'likes' Jupiter.

I follow Frawley reception theory, he has his work based on Lilly except for receptions. According to Frawley, Jupiter is in Virgo because Jupiter 'likes' Mercury, he is taking the risk to be in sign where he is not in good shape and thus vulnerable, and well if you love someone, there is a certain vulnerability. If Jupiter is in 7th house, Jupiter is in love and vulnerable (in this case the detriment can be disregarded). For the scenario you paint, If Jupiter is not in 7th house, yet still in the sign of the 7th ruler, according to Frawley, the querent is still in love

'But this shows a quite a different dynamic: the querent is miserable, and therefore loves that person.("Oh wonderful person, who will stop me from being unhappy"). With the obvious implication that if the querent stops being miserable, the love too will stop. The same distinction is true of lord 7 in the sign on the Ascendant or in the other sign ruled by Lord 1' Horary Textbook, p 195.
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Thanks for the patience and guidance Rafaella, and the book knowledge.

So now I know where Lilly and Frawley stood on reception, and that they're respect proponents on either side of the horary reception theory.

I'll test it with more awareness and see how I fare.
This has come up in job/love horaries for me frequently in the past year.

I've wondered myself. If it's 'a significator in the other sig's sign', then the second sig. is 'entertaining or receiving' the first - so that's who is interested.

On the other side, it appears that a planet is 'visiting' the other sig's sign - going to visit, that person is interested.

As for Mercury and Jupiter, as it turns out, I asked if I've met my future husband. Well the past nearly two years in another country was a big deal. Important relationships. I'm Mercury, and he, whoever he is, is Jupiter - in my sign. So, according to Frawley, he's still in love with me! We may have met then.


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Thanks for the patience and guidance Rafaella, and the book knowledge.

So now I know where Lilly and Frawley stood on reception, and that they're respect proponents on either side of the horary reception theory.

I'll test it with more awareness and see how I fare.
This has come up in job/love horaries for me frequently in the past year.

I've wondered myself. If it's 'a significator in the other sig's sign', then the second sig. is 'entertaining or receiving' the first - so that's who is interested.

On the other side, it appears that a planet is 'visiting' the other sig's sign - going to visit, that person is interested.

As for Mercury and Jupiter, as it turns out, I asked if I've met my future husband. Well the past nearly two years in another country was a big deal. Important relationships. I'm Mercury, and he, whoever he is, is Jupiter - in my sign. So, according to Frawley, he's still in love with me! We may have met then.

This is not the best of questiosn for horary, you assume that you will get married and that is not a guarantee for anyone. I think you asked this question previously didn't you? The thing is many times the chart might be showing your recent relationship and I think that what it showed in your previous chart. The chart generally shows whats going on around you and because I guess you were busy in relationships that's what it showed.

This chart has Moon application to Jupiter, that shows you haven't met your future partner, as this is an applying aspect. Jupiter in sign of Virgo just shows he is not in best shape and perhaps when you meet this person he may not be the best of partners, a miserable person generally is not a good partner to anyone. This is probably your next partner, whether this is your husband specifically, I don't know.

Many charts mainly show what is going on and whats next.
Moon application to Jupiter - good point. The future. Though, I don't see much reception of Jupiter by Mercury... As for bad partners, my trust is decimated right now. Hope and romance are on ice. I'm happy to put all that aside for now and concentrate on the rest of life. A lot of healing needs to be done. So that's two of us.

As for marriage and fate, well fate is a matter of opinion I guess. Each of us are still putting the pieces together I think. My views on fate have been challenged head on this year.

As for who likes whom - I'll keep a firm eye on this one in future charts. :happy: I did notice it in career charts too, not just relationships.
If you follow Lilly receptions Jupiter in Virgo means Mercury invites Jupiter into its sign because Mercury 'likes' Jupiter.

I follow Frawley reception theory, he has his work based on Lilly except for receptions. According to Frawley, Jupiter is in Virgo because Jupiter 'likes' Mercury, he is taking the risk to be in sign where he is not in good shape and thus vulnerable, and well if you love someone, there is a certain vulnerability. If Jupiter is in 7th house, Jupiter is in love and vulnerable (in this case the detriment can be disregarded). For the scenario you paint, If Jupiter is not in 7th house, yet still in the sign of the 7th ruler, according to Frawley, the querent is still in love

Two very interesting and yet very different perspectives ! There is no easy way out of this one, is there?

I have a different perspective of my own and I can bring two examples.

A few years back, me and a good friend had a fall out and we stopped all contact. At one point, I remembered about my friend and asked a question in the lines of "how is my friend doing these days? is he still upset with me?". I don't remember what the planets were but I remember how my significator was in my friend's sign of detriment and his significator was in my sign of detriment. It was literally mutual detriment. At the time I interpreted the chart as both of us still holding a grudge. However, i was shocked to learn later on that it was the other way around!
When we got in touch again, we both became aware that all that time we were convinced that the other one was still holding a grudge when, in reality, we were both sorry and wanted to be on speaking terms again. So the mutual detriment meant exactly that: we both "saw" the other one as still upset with us.

It seems that if I am in your sign of detriment, I am under the impression that I am not welcome by you (regardless of whether that is true or not). If I were in my own detriment, then the interpretation would have been "I am not welcome full stop".

Things can get a bit muddier when there is partial detriment with partial reception. To this i bring another example, a situation from my present. I am about to finish my PhD and I've been having this distinct impression for a while that my supervisor does not like me, either professionally or personally. There is something about his demeanor and tone of voice towards me that does not say "you're a good protégée" at all.
So I raised a chart asking explicitly "what does my supervisor think of me?".
I was Mercury in Capricorn, he was Jupiter in Virgo. I was in his sign of fall, and he was in my sign of domicile/exaltation (but in his sign of detriment). I interpreted this as I felt unwelcome by him (either true or not but that's how i was feeling; the fact that i was peregrine might mean he doesn't waste much time thinking of me either positively or negatively), while he appears to think that i hold him in great esteem (more imaginary than real in this case, because there are ways he conducts research that i do not agree with). The fact that Jupiter is actually in his own detriment might be a testament to the fact that he really does just think i see him as a great mentor when in reality I don't.

Overall, it does look like placements of detriment and exaltation refer not only to how we are objectively perceived by the other one but how we subjectively feel we are seen. If my significator is in my partner's sign of exaltation then i have the impression that i am liked by my partner, which may or may not be true (the subjective factor). If my significator were in a form of dignity of its own then that would be a testament to the objective position that i hold (if in dignity then i am seen positively, if in detriment then i am seen negatively).

Please let me know what your take is on these situations!

Sincerely yours!
reception is how you feel about the other person

sign - you love them
exalt - he/she excites you


detriment - hate ... not in a way i will go kill you but more like you are not going to do anything so i do not wish to speak with you ...
fall - disappointed


significator in someone's house the person is accidntly better placed in a way i am in your house... sort of like a welcome package
I agree with you

Extending the rationale to non-romantic relationships, I was putting forth the possibility that domicile/exaltation get different meanings depending on whether that significator is in their sign of domicile/exaltation/detriment or the other person's sign.

When your ruler is in a sign of dignity/debility for my ruler then it has a different meaning (which might refer to a subjective interpretation of how i view you; call it psychological projection if you will) than when your ruler is in a sign of dignity/debility for itself (which might refer to a more objective status quo).

reception is how you feel about the other person

sign - you love them
exalt - he/she excites you


detriment - hate ... not in a way i will go kill you but more like you are not going to do anything so i do not wish to speak with you ...
fall - disappointed


significator in someone's house the person is accidntly better placed in a way i am in your house... sort of like a welcome package
Please let me know what your take is on these situations!

Sincerely yours!

I have a million examples on the view I shared above, the most recent occurred exactly today.
Perhaps it was an accident that the horary you casted matched the way you thought the quesited viewed you; in both cases presented, I think your boss really likes and values you, perhaps even more than needed and regarding your friend, you were disappointed he is still holding a grudge and blaming him for holding it.

The only take on reception is how you see/feel about the quesited; no matter it is a job, children and so on. If it were to describe situations and other things, events and so on. then reception will definitely show how they will unfold and how the planets are willing to perform.

However, is your choice to believe that this is the actual meaning of reception, though I never found that to be true, in any book about the matter or situation.
Excerpt from B. Dykes' "Using Medieval Astrology"

"When a planet is in aspect to the lord of its domicile, or exaltation, or of at least two of the other dignities, it is 'received', by that lord, and the lord is the 'receiver'. For example, let Venus be in 25 Sagittarius and bear a trine aspect to Jupiter in Leo. Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius by domicile, he receives her there, and she is received by him. Put simply, they are in 'reception'. Or, suppose Mercury is in 25 Pisces in a nocturnal chart, and he trines Mars in Scorpio. Mars is neither the domicile nor exalted ruler of Pisces. But he is the primary triplicity ruler by night, and he rules Mercury's term. Since he rules two of Mercury's minor dignities in that position, he can receive Mercury.

Another view is found in William Lilly, and expounded today by John Frawley. Frawley and Lilly claim that reception takes place simply by being in the dignity of any planet whatsoever, - i.e. that no aspects are needed, and that a planet can be received by its triplicity, or term, or decan ruler alone. So if any planet is in the first decan of Aries, it will be 'received' by Mars, regardless of Mars's condition or any aspect between them. Now, this definition is really what medieval authorities called 'generosity', a very minor situation that holds between any planet and whatever planets rule its degrees at any time whatsoever. To me the difference between generosity and true reception proper is the difference between someone's being in your home (generosity) and actually greeting them while they are there (reception). If you go to someone's house and the door is unlocked, but nobody is home, you are not exactly being received. Aspects confer that kind of greeting, recognition, perfection, reception."

My personal comments:

1. Although it is considered to be a minor situation, 'generosity' is still a good indication of 'who likes whom or what' in horary.

2. Receptions are crucial for the perfection of the matter in question. For example, trine without reception will most likely signify missed opportunity, opportunity that presented itself easily but it was rejected in some way.

3. From my experience, Lilly and Frawley got it 'in reverse', i.e. Venus in Capricorn making aspect to Saturn or Mars will be well received because Saturn 'likes' everything coming from the place of his domicile and Mars 'likes' everything coming from the place of his exaltation, but Venus in Capricorn making aspect to Jupiter won't be received because Jupiter 'doesn't like' everything coming from the place of his fall. So it's "Saturn loves Venus" and not Frawley/Lilly "Venus loves Saturn".
Cap, if you were replying to me, I considered the view of Lilly/Frawley.
I was saying that I never encountered in practice/read about lucammxi's take on reception as applying.
If we go in depth and analyze the reception on particular cases, we can end up on opinions or something else, but reception shows inclination, no matter whose view [Lilly/Frawley] you apply.
Cap, if you were replying to me, I considered the view of Lilly/Frawley.
I was saying that I never encountered in practice/read about lucammxi's take on reception as applying.
If we go in depth and analyze the reception on particular cases, we can end up on opinions or something else, but reception shows inclination, no matter whose view [Lilly/Frawley] you apply.

No, I wasn't replying to you or anyone else in particular. I was just sharing my view (and B. Dykes' view) on the subject in the spirit of open discussion.

Of course, this subject is open to different interpretations. When I first started, I used Lilly/Frawley method of receptions but usually it didn't correspond well with the reality of the situations so I switched (with excellent results). It is not that Lilly and Frawley don't have good points and useful tricks, it's just that reception is not one of them, in my opinion.
My personal comments:

1. Although it is considered to be a minor situation, 'generosity' is still a good indication of 'who likes whom or what' in horary.

2. Receptions are crucial for the perfection of the matter in question. For example, trine without reception will most likely signify missed opportunity, opportunity that presented itself easily but it was rejected in some way.

3. From my experience, Lilly and Frawley got it 'in reverse', i.e. Venus in Capricorn making aspect to Saturn or Mars will be well received because Saturn 'likes' everything coming from the place of his domicile and Mars 'likes' everything coming from the place of his exaltation, but Venus in Capricorn making aspect to Jupiter won't be received because Jupiter 'doesn't like' everything coming from the place of his fall. So it's "Saturn loves Venus" and not Frawley/Lilly "Venus loves Saturn".

Thank you for the feedback, Cap !

Because there didn't seem to be a gold standard regarding how to interpret receptions, i went to this section of the forum in search for more answers.

I offered my own opinion also based on experience and i was curious if anyone else had tried different approaches to receptions.
The way i saw it, human interactions are somewhat messy, as we don't always communicate our intentions, desires and beliefs as clearly as we should. We therefore try to fill in the gaps, we project and we (counter)transfer onto each other. Interactions therefore contain a blend of objective (how i really feel about you) and subjective (how you think i feel about you) elements, and horary astrology should be able to pick them up accordingly.
I was merely trying to find the correlates of these subjective and objective elements, which often fly in the face of each other. That's why people ask horary questions about relationships in the first place.

Our approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive. If my Mercury is in Capricorn, and your Jupiter is in Virgo and the two are not in aspect (e.g. different decans) we could interpret this in the following way: Jupiter is aware of the sudden "generosity" and might be under the impression that because he is in my house I have love/respect for him. I believe it is this where we have room for the subjective element, the empty house metaphor if you will. The fact that Jupiter is actually not in his element at all could point to the actual situation, of how i really see you. Reception could refer to the subjective elements while dignities/debilities might point to the objective.

I do not think my approach is the only one or the best one. Trying to figure out my previous chart with me and my supervisor, something didn't quite fit with the classic interpretations. If Jupiter is so smitten with me because he is in my "house" (so smitten, in fact, that he becomes vulnerable, hence the detriment), that means my supervisor admires me greatly and that simply is not the case. There had been more than a few occasions where he has played the bad cop for no reason. The reverse doesn't fit the reality either. Simply because Jupiter is in my house I should think highly of him (the "generosity" part), which again doesn't align with the reality. He is borderline cheating with his research, conveniently omitting things which might hurt his interpretation of the results.

All the best to you!
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Thank you for the feedback, Cap !

Because there didn't seem to be a gold standard regarding how to interpret receptions, i went to this section of the forum in search for more answers.

I offered my own opinion also based on experience and i was curious if anyone else had tried different approaches to receptions.
The way i saw it, human interactions are somewhat messy, as we don't always communicate our intentions, desires and beliefs as clearly as we should. We therefore try to fill in the gaps, we project and we (counter)transfer onto each other. Interactions therefore contain a blend of objective (how i really feel about you) and subjective (how you think i feel about you) elements, and horary astrology should be able to pick them up accordingly.
I was merely trying to find the correlates of these subjective and objective elements, which often fly in the face of each other. That's why people ask horary questions about relationships in the first place.

Our approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive. If my Mercury is in Capricorn, and your Jupiter is in Virgo and the two are not in aspect (e.g. different decans) we could interpret this in the following way: Jupiter is aware of the sudden "generosity" and might be under the impression that because he is in my house I have love/respect for him. I believe it is this where we have room for the subjective element, the empty house metaphor if you will. The fact that Jupiter is actually not in his element at all could point to the actual situation, of how i really see you. Reception could refer to the subjective elements while dignities/debilities might point to the objective.

I do not think my approach is the only one or the best one. Trying to figure out my previous chart with me and my supervisor, something didn't quite fit with the classic interpretations. If Jupiter is so smitten with me because he is in my "house" (so smitten, in fact, that he becomes vulnerable, hence the detriment), that means my supervisor admires me greatly and that simply is not the case. There had been more than a few occasions where he has played the bad cop for no reason. The reverse doesn't fit the reality either. Simply because Jupiter is in my house I should think highly of him (the "generosity" part), which again doesn't align with the reality. He is borderline cheating with his research, conveniently omitting things which might hurt his interpretation of the results.

All the best to you!

Hi, lucammxi!

I understand your standpoint and you certainly raise some interesting questions.

In astrology, we're dealing with highly symbolic language and there are only 7 (+3) planets and 12 signs as an equivalent of some 150,000 words of human language. So, context is playing a crucial role in the interpretation. Also, as I see it, the whole idea of astrology rests on the assumption that the Universe is holographic in its nature and that every part is reflected in all other parts on a fractal scale accordingly. With that in mind, here are some remarks about your "supervisor example".

Since your question was "What does my supervisor think of me?" the chart doesn't reflect what you think of your supervisor, it only reflects what your supervisor thinks of you. After all, it would be pointless to ask a question about your own opinion. You know what you think and you don't need astrology for that. In that context, the position of Jupiter is descriptive of your supervisor only. Also, only questions about future (or past) events need applying (or separating, in the case of past events) aspects. All other types of questions can be delineated without aspects present in the chart. Third thing, exaltation and fall are connected with the notion of exaggeration and represent something unrealistic (or highly subjective) by default. It is impossible to go into finer details without the chart but it seems to me that you got a very accurate answer to your question.

Your second example, about your friend, is certainly very interesting. There are some techniques, apart from planet/sign/house/aspect, that I find useful to establish the psychological profile and state of mind of the person depicted in the chart such as fixed stars, elevated and pitted degrees, part of the spirit, planets on relevant cusps etc. All of these can be helpful in adding details to the overall picture.

Best wishes!
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Hi, lucammxi!

I understand your standpoint and you certainly raise some interesting questions.

In astrology, we're dealing with highly symbolic language and there are only 7 (+3) planets and 12 signs as an equivalent of some 150,000 words of human language. So, context is playing a crucial role in the interpretation. Also, as I see it, the whole idea of astrology rests on the assumption that the Universe is holographic in its nature and that every part is reflected in all other parts on a fractal scale accordingly. With that in mind, here are some remarks about your "supervisor example".

Since your question was "What does my supervisor think of me?" the chart doesn't reflect what you think of your supervisor, it only reflects what your supervisor thinks of you. After all, it would be pointless to ask a question about your own opinion. You know what you think and you don't need astrology for that. In that context, the position of Jupiter is descriptive of your supervisor only. Also, only questions about future (or past) events need applying (or separating, in the case of past events) aspects. All other types of questions can be delineated without aspects present in the chart. Third thing, exaltation and fall are connected with the notion of exaggeration and represent something unrealistic (or highly subjective) by default. It is impossible to go into finer details without the chart but it seems to me that you got a very accurate answer to your question.

Your second example, about your friend, is certainly very interesting. There are some techniques, apart from planet/sign/house/aspect, that I find useful to establish the psychological profile and state of mind of the person depicted in the chart such as fixed stars, elevated and pitted degrees, part of the spirit, planets on relevant cusps etc. All of these can be helpful in adding details to the overall picture.

Best wishes!

I appreciate your openness about the matter, Cap !

I completely agree about the limitations of the chart compared to how complicated life is. Having said that, the horary chart should be a comprised, abstract yet all-in-a-nutshell snapshot of the entire situation asked about. Horary astrology is always directed towards something/someone else other than the querent and yet the querent and his/her condition still play a massive role in the interpretation. On one hand, if i ask about a person or an object that is significant to me, my own status quo is implicitly represented in the chart. Furthermore, the chart could reveal things about my status quo which are not immediately clear to me when i ask the question (especially regarding future developments). On the other hand, we are already considering the reception and dignity/debility of the quesited. It would seem an awful waste of simbols if my own reception and dignity/debility couldn't be interpreted, just as the quesited's can.

Regarding my question about the supervisor, i could try posting it on the Relationships forum, as this section only deals with the general technique.

Thank you!

All the best as always,
I appreciate your openness about the matter, Cap !

I completely agree about the limitations of the chart compared to how complicated life is. Having said that, the horary chart should be a comprised, abstract yet all-in-a-nutshell snapshot of the entire situation asked about. Horary astrology is always directed towards something/someone else other than the querent and yet the querent and his/her condition still play a massive role in the interpretation. On one hand, if i ask about a person or an object that is significant to me, my own status quo is implicitly represented in the chart. Furthermore, the chart could reveal things about my status quo which are not immediately clear to me when i ask the question (especially regarding future developments). On the other hand, we are already considering the reception and dignity/debility of the quesited. It would seem an awful waste of simbols if my own reception and dignity/debility couldn't be interpreted, just as the quesited's can.

Regarding my question about the supervisor, i could try posting it on the Relationships forum, as this section only deals with the general technique.

Thank you!

All the best as always,

Hello again, Lucammxi!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and providing an interesting platform for a discussion!

The fact is, I agree with you in 99% of everything you say. Of course, querent and his interaction with the quesited play a massive role in MOST horary questions/charts. What I was trying to say, and perhaps I didn't articulate my thoughts well, is that when we use horary we are dealing with an intelligent system here. I know this sounds like bordering with metaphysics but in reality, it is not far from the latest scientific trends. Put simply, it is not ONLY about a snapshot of current developments in time. The system (or the Universe) KNOWS when it's appropriate to include a querent into the picture and when it's not. It has to be this way because, in order to deliver a correct answer to a particular question, the system must overcome the limitations of the symbolic language and it can only use current planetary placements. So, it all depends on a question. In your particular question "What does my supervisor think of me?", what is important is supervisor's significator, your significator and the one-sided relation of supervisor's significator towards your significator. And that really gives the answer to your question. Your attitude towards supervisor wasn't the part of the question. Or in another example, if you ask "This Sunday I'm going to the beach, what the weather will be like?", there is no need for you to be included in the chart. Let's say, you get significator for the weather, Jupiter in Cancer - it will rain like hell. And that's it. Of course, in MOST horary questions the querent has to be included. What I'm saying is, horary is much more than a prediction tool. For me, it is communication with the Universe in an intelligent way.
reception is how you feel about the other person

sign - you love them
exalt - he/she excites you


detriment - hate ... not in a way i will go kill you but more like you are not going to do anything so i do not wish to speak with you ...
fall - disappointed


significator in someone's house the person is accidntly better placed in a way i am in your house... sort of like a welcome package

What a nice way of putting it. Very simple, thanks again.:whistling:

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