If you follow Lilly receptions Jupiter in Virgo means Mercury invites Jupiter into its sign because Mercury 'likes' Jupiter.
I follow Frawley reception theory, he has his work based on Lilly except for receptions. According to Frawley, Jupiter is in Virgo because Jupiter 'likes' Mercury, he is taking the risk to be in sign where he is not in good shape and thus vulnerable, and well if you love someone, there is a certain vulnerability. If Jupiter is in 7th house, Jupiter is in love and vulnerable (in this case the detriment can be disregarded). For the scenario you paint, If Jupiter is not in 7th house, yet still in the sign of the 7th ruler, according to Frawley, the querent is still in love
Two very interesting and yet very different perspectives ! There is no easy way out of this one, is there?
I have a different perspective of my own and I can bring two examples.
A few years back, me and a good friend had a fall out and we stopped all contact. At one point, I remembered about my friend and asked a question in the lines of "how is my friend doing these days? is he still upset with me?". I don't remember what the planets were but I remember how my significator was in my friend's sign of detriment and his significator was in my sign of detriment. It was literally mutual detriment. At the time I interpreted the chart as both of us still holding a grudge. However, i was shocked to learn later on that it was the other way around!
When we got in touch again, we both became aware that all that time we were convinced that the other one was still holding a grudge when, in reality, we were both sorry and wanted to be on speaking terms again. So the mutual detriment meant exactly that: we both "saw" the other one as still upset with us.
It seems that if I am in your sign of detriment, I am under the impression that I am not welcome by you (regardless of whether that is true or not). If I were in my own detriment, then the interpretation would have been "I am not welcome full stop".
Things can get a bit muddier when there is partial detriment with partial reception. To this i bring another example, a situation from my present. I am about to finish my PhD and I've been having this distinct impression for a while that my supervisor does not like me, either professionally or personally. There is something about his demeanor and tone of voice towards me that does not say "you're a good protégée" at all.
So I raised a chart asking explicitly "what does my supervisor think of me?".
I was Mercury in Capricorn, he was Jupiter in Virgo. I was in his sign of fall, and he was in my sign of domicile/exaltation (but in his sign of detriment). I interpreted this as I felt unwelcome by him (either true or not but that's how i was feeling; the fact that i was peregrine might mean he doesn't waste much time thinking of me either positively or negatively), while he appears to think that i hold him in great esteem (more imaginary than real in this case, because there are ways he conducts research that i do not agree with). The fact that Jupiter is actually in his own detriment might be a testament to the fact that he really does just think i see him as a great mentor when in reality I don't.
Overall, it does look like placements of detriment and exaltation refer not only to how we are objectively perceived by the other one but how we subjectively feel we are seen. If my significator is in my partner's sign of exaltation then i have the impression that i am liked by my partner, which may or may not be true (the subjective factor). If my significator were in a form of dignity of its own then that would be a testament to the objective position that i hold (if in dignity then i am seen positively, if in detriment then i am seen negatively).
Please let me know what your take is on these situations!
Sincerely yours!