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Apr 9, 2023
Attractive guy from the gym, we've had no interactions but we steal glances every time we see each other. Today he was with a girl, was that his girlfriend? If not, is he single? The chart has a 29 degree ascendant which some might say makes it invalid but it's such an interesting chart that I thought I'd post anyway. I'm Mars, he is Venus and is sitting in his 5th house, which makes me think yes, he is romantically involved with someone. Whether it's the girl from today or not, I don't know. I'm not experienced enough to glean that from this chart. Although being in his 5th seems like an easy "yes", his significator, Venus, and the ruler of the 5th, Saturn, do not see each other. Venus is not applying to any aspects, so I'm not too sure that the answer is yes. On the other hand, Venus will soon change signs, gain dignity, and conjoin Saturn. Am I over complicating it?

There's also Saturn ruled by Jupiter and that T-Square between Moon-Saturn-Jupiter with Mercury also in the mix. There's a lot going on in this chart, so I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Would love to know what y'all see.

Attractive guy from the gym, we've had no interactions but we steal glances every time we see each other. Today he was with a girl, was that his girlfriend? If not, is he single? The chart has a 29 degree ascendant which some might say makes it invalid but it's such an interesting chart that I thought I'd post anyway. I'm Mars, he is Venus and is sitting in his 5th house, which makes me think yes, he is romantically involved with someone. Whether it's the girl from today or not, I don't know. I'm not experienced enough to glean that from this chart. Although being in his 5th seems like an easy "yes", his significator, Venus, and the ruler of the 5th, Saturn, do not see each other. Venus is not applying to any aspects, so I'm not too sure that the answer is yes. On the other hand, Venus will soon change signs, gain dignity, and conjoin Saturn. Am I over complicating it?

There's also Saturn ruled by Jupiter and that T-Square between Moon-Saturn-Jupiter with Mercury also in the mix. There's a lot going on in this chart, so I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Would love to know what y'all see.

View attachment 116401
"The chart has a 29 degree ascendant which some might say makes it invalid"
the chart is valid and easy to read.
the ascendant in the last degrees indicates that the situation will change and you will enter a new one.
regarding your question: if he is committed.
The indicator of =Venus, in Aquarius, indicates free relationships, not binding, with a strong element of having fun and having fun (5th).
Also Venus (he) has already made a square with Uranus which may indicate a possible separation or what I am writing to you, relationships (Venus) not binding (Aquarius) free, and having fun and having fun (5th derivative house). And the Sun in the 9th house, 3rd derivative from the 7th house, house of flirting and secret lovers.

Also, Venus and the Sun are ruled by Saturn and Venus has a mutual reception with him. Saturn is in the 12th house

However, you will definitely change your opinion and situation for him. Your interest will go away.....
I'm interested to know more about this, if you'd be willing to share.
of course,
I think I already refer to my answer a little about this change.
The ascendant in the last degrees = shows completion of one situation and topic and goes to another. Conditions change.
Mars (your sign) retrograde (you change your mind) will also change sign in a while (the situation changes) .....

Also in this chart it strongly shows mainly the financial part to concern you or will concern you in the future.
And I think that your main interest will be in your finances and your acquisitions.
of course,
I think I already refer to my answer a little about this change.
The ascendant in the last degrees = shows completion of one situation and topic and goes to another. Conditions change.
Mars (your sign) retrograde (you change your mind) will also change sign in a while (the situation changes) .....

Also in this chart it strongly shows mainly the financial part to concern you or will concern you in the future.
And I think that your main interest will be in your finances and your acquisitions.
Very interesting, thank you. I'll update if anything. : )