So what do you think of the age of Capricorn?

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And when do you suppose the age of capricorn is going to happen?

do the ages go backwards? I assume so, from your post?!?.......I reckon we need some visionary books about the age of aquarius, maybe you could write about them. (get this population thinking good, hundredth monkey style!)
capricorn sounds like an age I wont be wishing to hurry up much......from the freedom, will go to order, structure and discipline? ........not looking forward to that.
but hey, thats just my 2cents worth.

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Liquid Green:

Yes, the ages move backwards. Remember the Pisces age with Christianity spreading all over the world and having a fish as its symbol? We might still be in that age since nobody is certain of when the Aquarius era will start. Some think that it started in 2000, some others think it may be on 2012, and yet there are those who think it will start at some point on the next 500 or 600 years. We don't even know for sure how long an era lasts or if they are regular or irregular cycles. We only know that they are twelve and that they mark our development and evolution through the precession of the vernal equinox.


I don't worry about the age of Capricorn when we are barely starting the era of Aquarius. But I guess it will be karma time, a time of adjustment and correcting errors we might have made during the last eras. I think it will be definitely a harvesting time.

Thanks for you reply Carole,

I must ask , would the ages have something to do with the cycle that the indians refer to as the yurgas......I believe from memory that we are leaving Kali yurga.
That would make some sense, as the yurgas, take close to 26000 years to complete and somewhere i heard that each yurga takes 2000 years.....not sure.
could be totally on the wrong knowledge of vernal equinox's is zilch....
going to look it up though.....................
Some Eastern beliefs share many similarities with Western's. What you are talking about must be the same thing with some slight variations.

Mmmm...the Age of Kali Yurga must be considered the age of destruction as Kali (that four-armed divinity of theirs) is the goddess of death and destruction if I am not wrong. Well, we cannot deny that these last two millennia have been very violent with all the blood shed by the persecution of the Christians to begin with, then the Catholic Church itself with its Inquisition and their witches hunting, the new world discovery, the wars all over the world for different reasons, etc. And we are still witnessing that nowadays.

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Yes.....I believe it is very similar.....I dont know much about indian philosophy but Kali does represent destruction.....very worth description of our past 2000 years......

I went back to the book i first read about the yugas (i spelt it wrong)......and it is the term the indians use for the processions of the equinoxes.....

I found a link , it is wikipedia ;), but think they have got it right this timing was totally off though (2,000 years each yuga).....any way, I am threadjacking so heres the link....

and off i go!
Kali may represent death but also rebirth. To bring in the new the old has to die. It is about the cycles of life. Kali teaches us to not hold to the past so that we can move forward and let new life begin again.

Death is not ugly but it is an important part of life. Transformation is another way to look at Kali, just one of the many transformations that occurr on the cycle of life.

Kali brings the attention then not to past failure or future fear, but to release that and focus on the precious moment. We can of course have free will as to how our consciousness precieves this moment... good bad or ugly....

Capricorn gives freedom through discipline, and prepares for physcial reality. I think there is a real wisdom of the earth contained in capricorn, the highest mountain the deepest sea. There is incredibly great respect for Gaia in Capricorn.

Love Light Wisdom
thankyou for the education Flea......I am a cap, but have yet to see those qualities in myself.....hence my fear of the age of cap.
I hope great things for this planet as i have been doing my bit to save it from destruction.......but i understand the rebirth thing......

really, thanks!
Hmmmm Kali Goddess which I was thinking about is not the Kali of the the Yuga.... deeper down the rabbit hole we wonder....

apparently the sanskrit words are completely different ...go figure.

But then the enlightened one would say we are all one, but mirrors of ourselves in eachothers eyes.

"I do not imagine that in my reflections on the meaning of man and his myth I have uttered a final truth, but I think that this is what can be said at the end of our aeon of the Fishes, and perhaps must be said in view of the coming aeon of Aquarius (the Water Bearer), who has a human figure and is next to the sign of the Fishes. This is a coniunctio oppositorum composed of two fishes in reverse. TheWater Bearer seems to represent the self. With a sovereign gesture he pours the contents of his jug into the mouth of Piscis Austrinus, 10 which symbolises a son, a still unconscious content. Out of this unconscious content will emerge, after the passage of another aeon of more than two thousand years, a future whose features are indicated by the symbol of Capricornus:11 an aigokeros, the monstrosity of the Goat-Fish, symbolising the mountain and the depths of the sea, a polarity made up of two undifferentiated animal elements which have been thrown together. This strange being could easily be the primordial image of a Creator-god confronting "man," the Anthropos. On this question there is a silence within me, as there is in the empirical data at my disposal - the products of the unconscious of other people with which I am acquainted, or historical documents. If insight does not come by itself, speculation is pointless. It makes sense only when we have objective data comparable to our material on the aeon of Aquarius." -Carl Gustav Jung, 1961
- The age of Pisces began in the year 0 A.D the year supposely Jesus Christ was born. The fish respesents the Sun in the house of Pisces. From 2150 B.C to 1 B.C the Sun was in the age of Aries, the year of the Ram. That's way the Jews today still blows the Ram's horn. The age of Aries began at the time of Moses, (Minses, or however the prophet name) when he receviced the ten commandmend. Which was intruduce after the finishing age of Taurus 4300 B.C t0 2149 B.C. The beginning of the age of Aquarius starts on the year 2150 AD (I doubt anybody here will still be alive, who knows maybe.) "He who enter the house will find a man bearing a pitcher of water." So from 2150 AD to 4300 AD is the age of Aquarius. And the come forth the ae of Capricorn. 4300 AD. Every age is last 2150 years. The time for the Sun to go through all of the constellations is approximately 26,000 years, this is call the Great Year. This is due to the earth's wobble rotation.
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I believe that the phenomenon of the Great Year, in astrological terms, is based on the sidereal Zodiac- the constellation rising over the vernal equinox. It is not based on the tropical Zodiac which will always have Aries on the cusp of the vernal equinox.

Because of that I think pinning the dates of the ages down to specific years is much more difficult as the borders between one constellation and another in sidereal astrology are much harder to draw. It can be done, but I think there is a level of artificiality about it- I mean nobody talks about a future Age of Ophiuchus or any of the other constellations that cross the ecliptic.

So I think it is virtually impossible to pin down the dates of the Ages to specific years, and I don't think each age is of equal length.

Saying that, I think the cross-over period from Pisces to Aquarius came during the Age of Englightenment, when Uranus was first discovered, and the industrial age began. I think we are pretty much at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius now- brotherhood, human rights, technology, bizzare post modernism and deconstruction, apparent freedom. Communism, industrialisation, massive population growth- I think these are all Aquarian things from an esoteric perspective.
Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, but also the sign of human genius, one united with all and all for one. The Aquarian Age is designed to rebel against aspects of the Piscean Age that kind of raped over humanity-- the holy wars and the governmental iniquities. It can be expected that there will be a greater reverence for the Goddess after all that. Science too, with alternatives to religious quagmires. After 2000 years of Aquarian humanity, with more freedom, chaos, and anarchy, the age of Capricorn might be a welcome relief, with more establishment of order. Capricorn unites the heights and depths of human experience, the high mountain and the deep sea. It is like a yin yang that unites spirit and matter, and unites chaos with order. It leans more towards order, building empires out of chaos. Capricorn can be evil in its desire to dominate all life with some kind of divine order. But after 2000 years, it might be a welcome change. Or maybe we'll warp into a new universe before then.
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2000 years from now humanity will have long transcended our biological natures and have merged with our technology, first becoming tran-human cyborgs, then "post-humans". the culmination of the Aquarian Age. Capricorn brings structure and order and stability, perhaps through the rule of benevolent, god-like super-AIs. There will be a reborn "earthy" spirituality and organized religion based on sustaining the earth-like planets we settle or create through terraforming.

On the other hand, the structure of society itself will become very stable and hierarchical, mainly because technology will have become so advanced that only the AI "Gods" can understand it, it will be essentially "magic" to the average person.
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Interesting reading. I definitely think that the "doomsday-theories" is just an outspring of the Aquarian eccentric nature, and that goes out to all the "revolutionized" news topics.

I also strongly believe that the age of Aquarius will bring a better future for humanity opposed to what most people think!

The age of Capricorn? Humm.. that's a tough nut. Hard work is definitely in the focus.. Maybe a cleansing process from the last age? Cap is also connected with fear and the "devil" as in the gaot, and its rawness. Maybe we'll face a very hard age full of lessons. Interesting thinking ^_^
It's interesting to note that Capricorn and Sagittarius are the only signs that are represented by beings that are part one thing and part something else. Gemini has the twins, but those are two humans. Scorpio has the scorpion and the eagle, but not a creature made of both. I hypothesise that Capricorn is the "first sign" in terms of describing the evolution of souls in the Earth. We began as Capricorn, the near senseless conglomeration of parts. From there, we progressed into Sagittarius, which is part horse, but with the torso and head of a man, symbolising (much like the Sphinx) man's dominion over his own animal nature.

It's also interesting to (once again) note the strange distribution of the traditional rulerships. They are placed in order of increasing distance from the Sun. The luminaries begin at the Cancer/Leo cusp and the planets are listed in proper, heliocentric order in both directions around the circle. If we stop at Saturn, we stop at the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp. If we include outer planets, the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp is where the lists from each side overlap. This also suggests that Capricorn may be the original "first sign," meaning that we would transition to the next iteration of the circle at the end of Aquarius.

If we assume that the birth of Jesus marked the exact beginning of Pisces, then we should reach the age of Capricorn around the year 4295 at our current rate of precession. If we make that assumption, that also means that we won't actually reach the age of Aquarius until around the year 2148. If we assume that the year 2000 marks the exact beginning of Aquarius, then we should hit Capricorn around the year 4148. Star-based astrology should hold the answer to exactly when we are now.