Solar Eclipse 10°04' Libra - 2nd October

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I will have the Solar Eclipse in my 9th house, which so far has been almost literal!

This past week, I have been catching up with friends, and family members too, all who have visited from overseas 🙂 which has been lovely!

Also travelling a fairly long-ish distance for another family gathering (birthday party). Libra theme of connecting family together, some who haven't seen each other in decades.

Also a small win on the lotto 😁 nowhere near life changing so I can't quit my job and jet off to the Bahamas, but appreciated the little gift from the Cosmos!
With the Jupiter square Saturn and Pluto's hard aspects to both, political tensions and underlying affiliations are starting to emerge. Polarisation of East vs West are building to breaking point, with Iran's influence in both financial and military backing of their satellites, these states are now sending missiles into Israel since the attack by Hamas on 7th October last year. Israel has now blown up several of Iran's military supply routes to their supporters in Yemen with fears of all out war in the Middle East.

Looking at the chart for the Islamic State of Iran, I've noticed that the secondary progressed ascendant is now starting to apply to the opposition of their natal Mars [indicating war could be on the horizon] and the coming solar eclipse is opposite their natal Sun. This Pr opposition to natal Mars is not yet exact, and the common consensus is that these satellite states will be doing Iran's dirty work for the moment [even though many are pressurising for entry into conflict]. Time will see, but it makes me wonder just how many of their missiles have been shipped to Russia for their war in Ukraine with one of their main allies against the West being a little too busy at the moment. Lebanon is now in the spotlight, and have noted that when the civil war began in Lebanon on 13th of April 1975 the Sun was conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. This civil war was essentially triggered by so many sub-groups being in the same vicinity; essentially tribal wars sparked by the Middle Eastern mandates. When Iran started to back Hezbollah in 1982, the Saturn 0 Pluto was conjunct the natal Mars of the mandates. We now see that it's a Chiron return of the civil war with Uranus opposite the ruler of the ascendant of Lebanon's chart. In progressing the chart of Iran, I wanted to see when the progressed ascendant comes close to the opposition of natal Mars and came up with a date of 27th January 2026 [Mars in Iran's natal chart is at 25 Pisces 37, so has been sensitised by the last lunar eclipse]. At At this time it becomes apparent that with the retrograde periods of both Chiron and Uranus, they will both occupy the same degrees that they do at present. Remember that the progressions of the mandates of last years attacks on Israel, saw Chiron exact to the minute conjunct the descendant [10 Aries/Libra axis].

Chiron is conjunct the MC of Iran's chart, showing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the head of their military. So is Chiron depicting Iran's involvement in the Mandates Chart? It certainly seems possible, if not likely. The following is what I see for Iran in early 2026: Pr Moon conjunct natal Descendant = focussing on conflict with others, as also backing from their allies. Pr Chiron within 2 minutes of the MC = wanting prominence on the world stage, but also Khamenei could be in bad health [he is now 85]. Tr Sun in square to natal Chiron = as above. Tr Uranus conjunct Pr Sun = sudden events involving the nations rulers. Tr Mars 0 Pluto opposite Pr Jupiter = possible extreme conflict with power issues with foreign relations, although religion/law could also be in the frame etc. Tr Node opposite natal Saturn = outmoded routine structures. Is this out and out conflict with the possibility of the passing of Khamenei.

Sorry if this is a little disjointed, am limited with time as also tired. The Lebanese chart could need more delving into here.
Islamic Republic Iran.gif

Islamic Republic Iran progressed Jan 2026.gif
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What an eclipse! I feel like I've stepped through a portal into an alternate reality 😮 Brave new world indeed!

How has it been for you all?
I have no planets in libra or aries, nor aspecting planets to them to trigger anything in the 3rd/9th house they rule.
My 3rd and 9th are empty nests in my chart. Always a concept.
However, Just the day before yesterday, I did retain a landscaping company to bring a goat to my back 40 for a reasonable price with proven competence for 1/2 a day and I also bought two new books on line for a good discount from seller on a bogo at a local town book seller for pick up - no delivery or postage or *****. I also took time to read the operator manual of my surveillance system at house and learned a couple new things. See how it is?
I spoke of India winding China up with trade etc outside of BRICS, and here we have Please see #5 in China,-Increasingly, public sentiment
I watched the whole PBS Jewel and The Crown series in mid 1980's. India isn't winding anyone up. India has been the world's mistress for too long. They are tired of it. Maybe they are behind the kill beef initiatives though.... who knows. Even the chinese won't give up their beef in soup or on a plate. Maybe the new moon has guided me back to old ways of living as a neighborhood culture. Every local is an entrepenuer with a niche. In 1978, my mom went jobless. I had a part time job in highschool and we went on welfare and foodstamps and the rent for our place got behind. I looked in a local paper and an apt, not far from our house or school was up for rent and I called the number and talked to a lady and asked about the rent and she set meet her at the place and we did and she rented to us on the spot and we lived there 3 years. Indian people from the continent like and value and reward initiative. Sometimes it takes an Aries 9th house ruler to shout it out, like I'm doing.
I thought that maybe Iran would possibly refrain from sending missiles into Israel; I was wrong, but hadn't realised that in the early hours of 31st July 2024 Hamas's political leader [Ismail Haniyeh] was assassinated in Tehran. Hama's armed wing then said that the killing had taken the war with Israel to 'new levels' and warned of 'enormous consequences' for the entire region. Haniyeh was in Tehran for the inauguration ceremony of Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian the day before.

Looking at progressed charts of both the Middle Eastern Mandates and that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, things start to make a little more sense.

Mandate Chart The progressed Nodal axis across the 2nd/8th houses are in semi sextile/quincunx relationship to Chiron on the descendant. Iran's progressed Moon at this time was conjunct the midpoints of the Mandates N Node/Chiron. Progressed Moon/Uranus of Mandates were at 10 Aries 24 conjunct conjunct Chiron and DESC [abandonment of peace], with MC/Pluto [powerful changes in regard to dominant players of the region] in square at 10 Cancer 35. The Nodal axis cuts the chart of the Islamic States natal MC, whilst Iran's progressed conjunction of Mercury/Chiron is conjunct their MC. Much going on here that I never realised.Middle eastern mandate prog 31 July 2024.gif
Islamic Republic progs 31 July 2024.gif
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I watched the whole PBS Jewel and The Crown series in mid 1980's. India isn't winding anyone up. India has been the world's mistress for too long. They are tired of it. Maybe they are behind the kill beef initiatives though.... who knows. Even the chinese won't give up their beef in soup or on a plate. Maybe the new moon has guided me back to old ways of living as a neighborhood culture. Every local is an entrepenuer with a niche. In 1978, my mom went jobless. I had a part time job in highschool and we went on welfare and foodstamps and the rent for our place got behind. I looked in a local paper and an apt, not far from our house or school was up for rent and I called the number and talked to a lady and asked about the rent and she set meet her at the place and we did and she rented to us on the spot and we lived there 3 years. Indian people from the continent like and value and reward initiative. Sometimes it takes an Aries 9th house ruler to shout it out, like I'm doing.
Look at the evidence of India breaking away from BRICS to discover markets elsewhere [who can blame them]. Unfortunately this doesn't bode well with China. I'm talking geopolitical tension here, which is exactly what this is. Brazil is next when the Saturn/Neptune conjunction kicks in. Sorry but in#28 you state 'I have no planets in libra or aries, nor aspecting planets to them to trigger anything in the 3rd/9th house they rule'. And yet in this post you talk of your 9th ruler in Aries; please explain!
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With the Jupiter square Saturn and Pluto's hard aspects to both, political tensions and underlying affiliations are starting to emerge. Polarisation of East vs West are building to breaking point, with Iran's influence in both financial and military backing of their satellites, these states are now sending missiles into Israel since the attack by Hamas on 7th October last year. Israel has now blown up several of Iran's military supply routes to their supporters in Yemen with fears of all out war in the Middle East.

Looking at the chart for the Islamic State of Iran, I've noticed that the secondary progressed ascendant is now starting to apply to the opposition of their natal Mars [indicating war could be on the horizon] and the coming solar eclipse is opposite their natal Sun. This Pr opposition to natal Mars is not yet exact, and the common consensus is that these satellite states will be doing Iran's dirty work for the moment [even though many are pressurising for entry into conflict]. Time will see, but it makes me wonder just how many of their missiles have been shipped to Russia for their war in Ukraine with one of their main allies against the West being a little too busy at the moment. Lebanon is now in the spotlight, and have noted that when the civil war began in Lebanon on 13th of April 1975 the Sun was conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. This civil war was essentially triggered by so many sub-groups being in the same vicinity; essentially tribal wars sparked by the Middle Eastern mandates. When Iran started to back Hezbollah in 1982, the Saturn 0 Pluto was conjunct the natal Mars of the mandates. We now see that it's a Chiron return of the civil war with Uranus opposite the ruler of the ascendant of Lebanon's chart. In progressing the chart of Iran, I wanted to see when the progressed ascendant comes close to the opposition of natal Mars and came up with a date of 27th January 2026 [Mars in Iran's natal chart is at 25 Pisces 37, so has been sensitised by the last lunar eclipse]. At At this time it becomes apparent that with the retrograde periods of both Chiron and Uranus, they will both occupy the same degrees that they do at present. Remember that the progressions of the mandates of last years attacks on Israel, saw Chiron exact to the minute conjunct the descendant [10 Aries/Libra axis].

Chiron is conjunct the MC of Iran's chart, showing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the head of their military. So is Chiron depicting Iran's involvement in the Mandates Chart? It certainly seems possible, if not likely. The following is what I see for Iran in early 2026: Pr Moon conjunct natal Descendant = focussing on conflict with others, as also backing from their allies. Pr Chiron within 2 minutes of the MC = wanting prominence on the world stage, but also Khamenei could be in bad health [he is now 85]. Tr Sun in square to natal Chiron = as above. Tr Uranus conjunct Pr Sun = sudden events involving the nations rulers. Tr Mars 0 Pluto opposite Pr Jupiter = possible extreme conflict with power issues with foreign relations, although religion/law could also be in the frame etc. Tr Node opposite natal Saturn = outmoded routine structures. Is this out and out conflict with the possibility of the passing of Khamenei.

Sorry if this is a little disjointed, am limited with time as also tired. The Lebanese chart could need more delving into here.
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Natal sun/mercury is on SN.
Now progressed sun/mercury midpoint is opposing uranus.
And moon is moving forward to activate the T-square.
Look at the evidence of India breaking away from BRICS to discover markets elsewhere [who can blame them]. Unfortunately this doesn't bode well with China. I'm talking geopolitical tension here, which is exactly what this is. Brazil is next when the Saturn/Neptune conjunction kicks in. Sorry but in#28 you state 'I have no planets in libra or aries, nor aspecting planets to them to trigger anything in the 3rd/9th house they rule'. And yet in this post you talk of your 9th ruler in Aries; please explain!
might be my mistake. 10th house is ruled by aries at 24 degrees. nothing in aries in 9th house.
With the Jupiter square Saturn and Pluto's hard aspects to both, political tensions and underlying affiliations are starting to emerge. Polarisation of East vs West are building to breaking point, with Iran's influence in both financial and military backing of their satellites, these states are now sending missiles into Israel since the attack by Hamas on 7th October last year. Israel has now blown up several of Iran's military supply routes to their supporters in Yemen with fears of all out war in the Middle East.

Looking at the chart for the Islamic State of Iran, I've noticed that the secondary progressed ascendant is now starting to apply to the opposition of their natal Mars [indicating war could be on the horizon] and the coming solar eclipse is opposite their natal Sun. This Pr opposition to natal Mars is not yet exact, and the common consensus is that these satellite states will be doing Iran's dirty work for the moment [even though many are pressurising for entry into conflict]. Time will see, but it makes me wonder just how many of their missiles have been shipped to Russia for their war in Ukraine with one of their main allies against the West being a little too busy at the moment. Lebanon is now in the spotlight, and have noted that when the civil war began in Lebanon on 13th of April 1975 the Sun was conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. This civil war was essentially triggered by so many sub-groups being in the same vicinity; essentially tribal wars sparked by the Middle Eastern mandates. When Iran started to back Hezbollah in 1982, the Saturn 0 Pluto was conjunct the natal Mars of the mandates. We now see that it's a Chiron return of the civil war with Uranus opposite the ruler of the ascendant of Lebanon's chart. In progressing the chart of Iran, I wanted to see when the progressed ascendant comes close to the opposition of natal Mars and came up with a date of 27th January 2026 [Mars in Iran's natal chart is at 25 Pisces 37, so has been sensitised by the last lunar eclipse]. At At this time it becomes apparent that with the retrograde periods of both Chiron and Uranus, they will both occupy the same degrees that they do at present. Remember that the progressions of the mandates of last years attacks on Israel, saw Chiron exact to the minute conjunct the descendant [10 Aries/Libra axis].

Chiron is conjunct the MC of Iran's chart, showing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the head of their military. So is Chiron depicting Iran's involvement in the Mandates Chart? It certainly seems possible, if not likely. The following is what I see for Iran in early 2026: Pr Moon conjunct natal Descendant = focussing on conflict with others, as also backing from their allies. Pr Chiron within 2 minutes of the MC = wanting prominence on the world stage, but also Khamenei could be in bad health [he is now 85]. Tr Sun in square to natal Chiron = as above. Tr Uranus conjunct Pr Sun = sudden events involving the nations rulers. Tr Mars 0 Pluto opposite Pr Jupiter = possible extreme conflict with power issues with foreign relations, although religion/law could also be in the frame etc. Tr Node opposite natal Saturn = outmoded routine structures. Is this out and out conflict with the possibility of the passing of Khamenei.

Sorry if this is a little disjointed, am limited with time as also tired. The Lebanese chart could need more delving into here.
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All of this^^^ is truly frightening. Israel is in a lot of severe danger.

I can see how Chiron energy could be the key to this---

when the civil war began in Lebanon on 13th of April 1975 the Sun was conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. This civil war was essentially triggered by so many sub-groups being in the same vicinity; essentially tribal wars sparked by the Middle Eastern mandate...

:chiron:in :taurus::conjunct:MC
:chiron::trine::saturn::virgo:in 1st

In Iran's mundane chart we see Chiron applying to a tight conjunction w/MC in Taurus, and trining Saturn in the 1st house. Chiron is at the Zenith thus a very public element, denoting those in Supreme Authority, and the National Reputation.

The Trine to Saturn in the 1st shows how much control the authorities have over the 1st house [inhabitants.] --- Even to the smallest detail as denoted by the Saturn in Virgo.

But the Chiron at the very tip top describes an overall theme of being 'the martyr' or 'the victim' and needing to display and portray the national theme of being in constant danger if the government does not have Supreme command of it's citizens.
All of this^^^ is truly frightening. Israel is in a lot of severe danger.

I can see how Chiron energy could be the key to this---

:chiron:in :taurus::conjunct:MC
:chiron::trine::saturn::virgo:in 1st

In Iran's mundane chart we see Chiron applying to a tight conjunction w/MC in Taurus, and trining Saturn in the 1st house. Chiron is at the Zenith thus a very public element, denoting those in Supreme Authority, and the National Reputation.

The Trine to Saturn in the 1st shows how much control the authorities have over the 1st house [inhabitants.] --- Even to the smallest detail as denoted by the Saturn in Virgo.

But the Chiron at the very tip top describes an overall theme of being 'the martyr' or 'the victim' and needing to display and portray the national theme of being in constant danger if the government does not have Supreme command of it's citizens.
Many thanks Katydid, your insights are always noted and appreciated and it's great to know people are starting to really take note of world events; things can only change when we see these things objectively and [from our part] just let the astrology talk without bias.
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All of this^^^ is truly frightening. Israel is in a lot of severe danger.

I can see how Chiron energy could be the key to this---

:chiron:in :taurus::conjunct:MC
:chiron::trine::saturn::virgo:in 1st

In Iran's mundane chart we see Chiron applying to a tight conjunction w/MC in Taurus, and trining Saturn in the 1st house. Chiron is at the Zenith thus a very public element, denoting those in Supreme Authority, and the National Reputation.

The Trine to Saturn in the 1st shows how much control the authorities have over the 1st house [inhabitants.] --- Even to the smallest detail as denoted by the Saturn in Virgo.

But the Chiron at the very tip top describes an overall theme of being 'the martyr' or 'the victim' and needing to display and portray the national theme of being in constant danger if the government does not have Supreme command of it's citizens.
I also think that something of note is that at the time of Chirons discovery, Egypt's Anwar Sadat, put his hand out to Israel, and was the first ever Arab leader to do so; he ultimately paid with his life. The Sun of the Mandates chart is conjunct that of Chiron's discovery, and when Hamas attacked Israel on 7th October 2023 the progressed Moon had just passed this point [but still conjunct], indicating the attack was put into place during it's conjunction. I have noted for many years that Chiron is a very political planet/body; at Chirons discovery the midpoints of Jupiter/Saturn = Mars and square Chiron. Hard hitting politics.
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