With the Jupiter square Saturn and Pluto's hard aspects to both, political tensions and underlying affiliations are starting to emerge. Polarisation of East vs West are building to breaking point, with Iran's influence in both financial and military backing of their satellites, these states are now sending missiles into Israel since the attack by Hamas on 7th October last year. Israel has now blown up several of Iran's military supply routes to their supporters in Yemen with fears of all out war in the Middle East.
Looking at the chart for the Islamic State of Iran, I've noticed that the secondary progressed ascendant is now starting to apply to the opposition of their natal Mars [indicating war could be on the horizon] and the coming solar eclipse is opposite their natal Sun. This Pr opposition to natal Mars is not yet exact, and the common consensus is that these satellite states will be doing Iran's dirty work for the moment [even though many are pressurising for entry into conflict]. Time will see, but it makes me wonder just how many of their missiles have been shipped to Russia for their war in Ukraine with one of their main allies against the West being a little too busy at the moment. Lebanon is now in the spotlight, and have noted that when the civil war began in Lebanon on 13th of April 1975 the Sun was conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. This civil war was essentially triggered by so many sub-groups being in the same vicinity; essentially tribal wars sparked by the Middle Eastern mandates. When Iran started to back Hezbollah in 1982, the Saturn 0 Pluto was conjunct the natal Mars of the mandates. We now see that it's a Chiron return of the civil war with Uranus opposite the ruler of the ascendant of Lebanon's chart. In progressing the chart of Iran, I wanted to see when the progressed ascendant comes close to the opposition of natal Mars and came up with a date of 27th January 2026 [Mars in Iran's natal chart is at 25 Pisces 37, so has been sensitised by the last lunar eclipse]. At At this time it becomes apparent that with the retrograde periods of both Chiron and Uranus, they will both occupy the same degrees that they do at present. Remember that the progressions of the mandates of last years attacks on Israel, saw Chiron exact to the minute conjunct the descendant [10 Aries/Libra axis].
Chiron is conjunct the MC of Iran's chart, showing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the head of their military. So is Chiron depicting Iran's involvement in the Mandates Chart? It certainly seems possible, if not likely. The following is what I see for Iran in early 2026: Pr Moon conjunct natal Descendant = focussing on conflict with others, as also backing from their allies. Pr Chiron within 2 minutes of the MC = wanting prominence on the world stage, but also Khamenei could be in bad health [he is now 85]. Tr Sun in square to natal Chiron = as above. Tr Uranus conjunct Pr Sun = sudden events involving the nations rulers. Tr Mars 0 Pluto opposite Pr Jupiter = possible extreme conflict with power issues with foreign relations, although religion/law could also be in the frame etc. Tr Node opposite natal Saturn = outmoded routine structures. Is this out and out conflict with the possibility of the passing of Khamenei.
Sorry if this is a little disjointed, am limited with time as also tired. The Lebanese chart could need more delving into here.
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