I have spent some time for analysing and looking for these aspects in my charts.
Ok, so you are looking at my progressed chart. I forgot to check transits to progression..
Yes I did otherwise I would have noticed the new Moon conjunct your natal Moon. (it was unintentional, I should have looked further, then again I wouldn't have bothered checking the progressions). That Moon conjunction also has that feeling of renewal don't you think? New cycle, new chances. It being a transit with clear emotional 'intent' may bring things up through that 'system' though.
A Sun trine Sun exacting a couple of days before, but still well in aspect. That can be nice. Empowering before moving into 'new emotional territory' or starting to change your standpoint.
Indeed transiting Jupiter is opposite my Uranus, 2 degrees to exact aspect! Transiting Uranus is moving back till 30thy January, so will not reach exact opposition to my Saturn.
With Uranus and Saturn I'm always thinking of Saturn building borders and structures and then Uranus breaking them away to make room for the new.
It falls all in place, it seems.
The reality check usually is to also realize that sometimes leaving the old behind can be difficult. To realize that 'the old' doesn't serve your best interest and make place for new doesn't make the emotions go away as fast as the thought can be thought. But that's me...thinking aloud, everybody goes about these things in their own way.
Ok, I found these 6 retrograde planets in progressed chart.. Hm return to the basics or roots?
Oh nice! I have 6 retrogrades in my natal, so there's part of my interest in that.
I learned 'turned inwardly' and a bit Uranian in nature, very much 'self'.
Roots and basics are in the depth of that as well of course, to realize what those are and where the basis lies. Where one wants it to be as well for the parts we can 'change', the rest is maybe more looking at what was before.
Thank you, nice thought
Pluton is 4 degrees from sextile to my Sun, so I read new energy will come and refreshment. I think some transits are positive and will bring me energy

. Reading this forum for sure will be complement.
I thinks it's very much related to the Pluto square still active, having had the most of that one, it's time to invest in self, leave what doesn't apply anymore, see what you want and need now it is apparent that life just swoooshes by like it's nothing. Getting older not old by any standard though. I'm not much older so I'm in that phase as well.
I think so too! Positivity is also something you can influence, a choice if you will. If and when not, that's a clear pointer that something is blocking, something in need of attention, some care perhaps.
Well I guess you'll be on here more, growing the inner astrology, talking. Nice!