Solar eclipse on my Sun

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Jan 15, 2025
Hey, could you help me and write what can happen 29.03.2025 during solar eclipse on my Sun?
Generally recently it is hard time in my life and wider analyse would be welcome too. I think Pluto conjuncing to my Moon, and Uran to my Chiron is not a good prediction.
Herę is my natal chart with Transits on 29th March 2025:


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Hello Nin,

it seems that for a few months now, you have been struggling to get a result in relation to your activity and your ideas. You seem attached to your ideas and you want to do the best you can to be appreciated and to be loved by leading you to want to master this. There is a need for you to advance the fact of being loved. You absolutely want to be valued in relation to your thoughts and your ideas. This must contribute to having a result in relation to being appreciated. If this is the case, even if it seems difficult, still try to have a result between your activity and your ideas until the end of February 2025.

Ecliptique. :)
Nin, If the time of the birth chart is good, you will have the significant transit of Jupiter in the 7th house in trine to natal Venus and Saturn from mid-August 2025... Beforehand, at the beginning of the year, you will have the transit of Venus in conjunction with natal Sun...

If the time is not good, instead you will have the significant transit of Uranus in the 5th house in your birth chart, from mid-May 2025. You will absolutely want to make the most of your aspirations.

In any case, this will concern the relationship with others or love contributing to wanting to have a result in being appreciated and loved.

Ecliptique. 🙂
Hi Ecliptique 😊
Thank you for your analyses. Your first post seems to be true. It is hurting. This reffers to Pluto conj. Moon, isn't it?

Second post.. Venus in conjunction with natal Sun yes, will be but I think Saturn will be there also.. I do not expect to much. Generally I don't expect to much. Rather problems and sadness..

no more than the transit of Pluto to natal Pluto in progress, it is not the transit of Pluto to the Moon which would not be effective until 2027 anyway; this transit will not be significant even if, as you have already noticed, the Moon is square to Pluto in your birth chart. It is much more than that at present. Having the expected result is very difficult but it is not over.

If I consider that the time is right, the transit of Venus from the end of the month is important. It will lead you to have a passionate impulse in relation to being appreciated, by favoring it. You will want to be absolutely close to what is causing the problem, this is what will awaken your reflection. This will help you dedicate yourself to a goal, which will have an impact on you. You will be in harmony and well-being with your thoughts and ideas, this is what will make you the object of interest. You will want to show yourself to be cooperative, this is what will promote the relationship with others.If this interpretation does not prove to be true, it will then be necessary to consider the transit of Uranus...In any case, the transit of Saturn in this case will not be significant either, you can dismiss it.Try to get through the current period as best you can, relax.

You will be able to come back to take stock in mid-May 2025 for example...

Ecliptique. :)
It is very interesting what you are writing. I am happy what you write🙂 now I will wait for the end of the Month.. I am afraid about my relationship, this Uranus hm.. I will check exact Transits tonight...
Hey, could you help me and write what can happen 29.03.2025 during solar eclipse on my Sun? Generally recently it is hard time in my life and wider analyse would be welcome too. I think Pluto conjuncing to my Moon, and Uran to my Chiron is not a good prediction.
Herę is my natal chart with Transits on 29th March 2025:
that eclipses directly on natal planets
MAY have DRAMATIC effects.
HOWEVER the effect of an eclipse varies :)
dependent on the individual natal chart
planetary placements

Angles aka ASC/DESC/IC/MC are a variable factor
from chart to chart.
SO generalization is not reliable

and so
Eclipse effects ARE NOT NECESSARILY dramatic
but they are certainly linked with change
such as
change of career
relationship changes

An eclipse
- whether solar or lunar
affects only those whose natal charts are connected to it
by aspect to their natal planets/ASC/DESC/IC/MC.

According to a book "Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths"
by Bill Meridian: “..Eclipse paths are an astrological
technique that can pin point important areas
on the surface of the earth for you individually.
When you were born there had to be an eclipse near your birth.
By a method developed in the 1930's by Lorne Edward Johndhro of California
which he later passed on to Charles A Jayne Junior
of New York
we can determine which eclipse is your eclipse path.."

This could be an area
that could be very important to you during your life
whether you go there or not. People from that area,
ideas from that area products from that area,
can be very important to you.

Eclipses on the same area can be studied
as eclipse families.
An eclipse can link two places together.
There are eclipses that activate other eclipses,
from decades earlier :)
Events that happen on or around an eclipse
can have dramatic outcomes
when activated by later eclipses

Every 18 years or so, eclipses repeat,
which can have significant impact.
So a solar eclipse remains a sensitive point for years :)
decades, even centuries
Far longer than anyone had previously thought :)

"..This book will revolutionize the study of eclipses.."
Cycles Research.

Jupiterasc ,
Now I know it can be dramatic and change my life. I know it. Well, we will see..
JupiterAsc , I do not remember anything sagnificant in that time.
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Hi (again) Nin,

A North node eclips is described as carrying some energy in, instead of taking energy away. Second house can relate to money, valuables, values, surviva-instinct, the body in general.
In general I think this eclipse is very hard to describe in terms of what it will bring. The many planets that are in conjunction to the eclipse give a general idea as if almost anything is possible, I think.

You may want to read up on the Pluto square Pluto transit as it can be quite challenging. There is a lot to find on internet, books. Beware of the dramatics some articles/YouTube's etc. can bring?
With that you can take into account the Neptune square Neptune, that in my experience can be rather impactful as well. It is close to your Sun, so the coming years you may have the opportunity to try and make friends out of these two planets. That is a very positive way to describe the possible harsh effects.
(Others don't feel much of it all)

Your chart shows your relationship(s) being possibly very important for you as a person both inwardly as outwardly, 7th ruler in the first house, the Sun ruling the intercepted Leo in your seventh, is in your second house. A partner can be a very 'forming' influence in your life(?)
If so, co-dependence is possibly something to be aware of and find your way with as a process.

I'm bringing that up in relation to your horary questions as well. Wanted to say that this draw-back you seem to feel from your partner, can be in relation to a strong inner need existing in you to find some more ground for you within you and your life. If that makes any sense.

It's just a thought, if it resonates is up to you. I wasn't to sure if to post it here, under a bit of a different subject (the eclipse) or the horary where this chart wasn't posted.
First of all I found my progressions. It looks not good. I am going to focus on positives like Uranus and Neptun. I want to feel those energies.
My relationship truely forms much in my life. I am thinking about it and solutions. My Sun and Moon are ruled by Mars and Uranus. Mars is in Scorpio, it should have a power. This should work somehow.
This solar eclipse.. I know what can happen.. this is why I asked here to know if my predictions are fine.
This will be my birthday. And probably I will feel not important, not noticed, like a thing not person.. and it will be not mistake, IT will be done purpousely to make me get to know. Maybe I will get gift and that's all. And this will be only the confirmation of bigger reality what is happening. My birthday will not change it.


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Hi Nin,

A little bit of your natal Sun, Mercury and Uranus too? To keep the fire inside burning for you. Be Seen, be heard, that's so Aries-like. As a woman in part shown by the exalted Venus in the natal chart in trine to the MC, a prominent Moon as well.

Feeling Neptune includes the possibility for dreaming, floating away. Nothing wrong with that but you may also want to know, or you already do and may want to focus somewhat on Neptune being the higher octave of Venus. And love always starts with loving yourself.

Venus are the nice things in life as well, right? Ruling the progressed Sun, the now strong Venus at home in Taurus. Asking to ground more and more that feeling.
I think it's much in line with the Natal N.N. placement, besides self expression it's also the fun things in life.
The progressed Moon shows up, strong in her home of Cancer, in the fifth as well. Maybe a call to (re-)define what that is for you, how that essentially feels and then make that known through the now first house Mercury. That can lead to some Uranus situations, some rebel side of you sticking it's head around the door every now and then to make sure you are heard.

The T-square to the Moon is relative to the inner and outer struggles you feel emotions wise.
It's the opposite of that placement of the Moon that can help release some of the build up tentions. Your house of friends, defining dreams and wishes, also groups you (want to) belong to. Capricorn can be somewhat serious, not perse less fun though when you get a feel for it. Also great for more serious sharing among friends for example.

The Aries-Libra intercept in the first house does put a little exclamation -mark behind 'relations - and - you' as a theme in this life-phase. That's not a double up, more like some confirmation.

I read you in what you say, trying to also give some positives here. I also truly believe the progressions are not 'bad', the aspects in red are maybe better seen and easier digested as challenges, themes to work on in terms of finding solutions then just saying they're bad or negative. Nothing is, sometimes growing up hurts, for a 'grown up', growing more needs a touch of 'fire', inspiration and spirit.

Couldn't help but at least try and offer some of that. Hang in there and take enough time for yourself, you're just as much worth it as anyone else. You are however, very possibly, the only one really able to realize and make happen what you need for that. That's how the world is.
Thank you for your deep insight. It is very interesting. Current transits are also interesting. I was interested in astrology but 14 years ago and later too. I forgot quite much.
Of course I will not loose contact with reality. I will be more present and grounded.
I even forgot my Uranus is in Sagittarius 🙂. By the way New Moon will be on Aquarius soon.
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Good, nice to read that! Your location does state 'space' under your name so....😉

New Moon conjunct your twelfth cusp right.
Trine Jupiterrx transit in Mercury, your natal third, that's a transit inconjunct your natal Jupiter also retrograde but opposite that Uranus in the
New Moon sextile the Uranus, that natal Jupiter in the middle of that.

Good for re-igniting the astrology, nice.

Bringing in some Pluto energy square the natal Saturn, that's like get serious, like now.
So in any case you can expect serious astrology! 👍

When it's starting to refresh or maybe it has: I saw no less then six retrograde planets in your chart, everything from Mars and beyond. Any thoughts on that?
:) I have spent some time for analysing and looking for these aspects in my charts.

Trine Jupiterrx transit in Mercury, your natal third, that's a transit inconjunct your natal Jupiter also retrograde but opposite that Uranus in the
New Moon sextile the Uranus, that natal Jupiter in the middle of that.
Ok, so you are looking at my progressed chart. I forgot to check transits to progression..

Indeed transiting Jupiter is opposite my Uranus, 2 degrees to exact aspect! Transiting Uranus is moving back till 30thy January, so will not reach exact opposition to my Saturn.

When it's starting to refresh or maybe it has: I saw no less then six retrograde planets in your chart, everything from Mars and beyond. Any thoughts on that?
Ok, I found these 6 retrograde planets in progressed chart.. Hm return to the basics or roots?

Pluton is 4 degrees from sextile to my Sun, so I read new energy will come and refreshment. I think some transits are positive and will bring me energy :) . Reading this forum for sure will be complement.
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:) I have spent some time for analysing and looking for these aspects in my charts.

Ok, so you are looking at my progressed chart. I forgot to check transits to progression..
Yes I did otherwise I would have noticed the new Moon conjunct your natal Moon. (it was unintentional, I should have looked further, then again I wouldn't have bothered checking the progressions). That Moon conjunction also has that feeling of renewal don't you think? New cycle, new chances. It being a transit with clear emotional 'intent' may bring things up through that 'system' though.

A Sun trine Sun exacting a couple of days before, but still well in aspect. That can be nice. Empowering before moving into 'new emotional territory' or starting to change your standpoint.

Indeed transiting Jupiter is opposite my Uranus, 2 degrees to exact aspect! Transiting Uranus is moving back till 30thy January, so will not reach exact opposition to my Saturn.
With Uranus and Saturn I'm always thinking of Saturn building borders and structures and then Uranus breaking them away to make room for the new.
It falls all in place, it seems.
The reality check usually is to also realize that sometimes leaving the old behind can be difficult. To realize that 'the old' doesn't serve your best interest and make place for new doesn't make the emotions go away as fast as the thought can be thought. But that's me...thinking aloud, everybody goes about these things in their own way.
Ok, I found these 6 retrograde planets in progressed chart.. Hm return to the basics or roots?

Oh nice! I have 6 retrogrades in my natal, so there's part of my interest in that.
I learned 'turned inwardly' and a bit Uranian in nature, very much 'self'.
Roots and basics are in the depth of that as well of course, to realize what those are and where the basis lies. Where one wants it to be as well for the parts we can 'change', the rest is maybe more looking at what was before.
Thank you, nice thought😊
Pluton is 4 degrees from sextile to my Sun, so I read new energy will come and refreshment. I think some transits are positive and will bring me energy :) . Reading this forum for sure will be complement.
I thinks it's very much related to the Pluto square still active, having had the most of that one, it's time to invest in self, leave what doesn't apply anymore, see what you want and need now it is apparent that life just swoooshes by like it's nothing. Getting older not old by any standard though. I'm not much older so I'm in that phase as well.

I think so too! Positivity is also something you can influence, a choice if you will. If and when not, that's a clear pointer that something is blocking, something in need of attention, some care perhaps.

Well I guess you'll be on here more, growing the inner astrology, talking. Nice!
That Moon conjunction also has that feeling of renewal don't you think? New cycle, new chances.
Yes, amazing is that I appeared on this Forum in less than two days after full Moon near my Descendant. My emotions during this full Moon were high.
The reality check usually is to also realize that sometimes leaving the old behind can be difficult. To realize that 'the old' doesn't serve your best interest and make place for new doesn't make the emotions go away as fast as the thought can be thought.
When Uranus was applying to the conjunction to my natal Sun I was afraid I would loose my relationship. That time I was keen on astrology and now I recall that time positevely. I was aware of transits and this I perceive positively. But those emotions connected with fear and justified by goings-on in reality were at least uncomfortable.
Oh nice! I have 6 retrogrades in my natal, so there's part of my interest in that.
I learned 'turned inwardly' and a bit Uranian in nature, very much 'self'.
So due to statistics made by Mr. McCormick you are the outstanding person :)
Getting older not old by any standard though.
Positivity is also something you can influence, a choice if you will.
Since the New Year I have started to go jogging (once again). This is for me very positive. But this time despite winter, even if snowing I find this time for myself, first time doing it truelly for myself, I am alone with my thoughts, alone with my space. It is so refreshing feeling, even this weather refreshes. I am glad I returned to this activity. I think passions give some colour to our everyday life.
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I learned 'turned inwardly' and a bit Uranian in nature, very much 'self'.
You remind me some lions that I knew. For example my older brother, lion, always self-oriented, serious, somehow mysterious or secret, but also fun-loving and amusing :)
Nin hi!

So nice to see and feel the positivity flowing from your posts too!

You remind me some lions that I knew. For example my older brother, lion, always self-oriented, serious, somehow mysterious or secret, but also fun-loving and amusing :)
You reference to Mr McCormick, outstanding people, one of the character traits of the Lion is it being outstanding, daring to be self, heart first perhaps!
And when they feel like action, they're quire the runners as well hahaha.

As a natal 12th house Lion I may understand some of what you're writing.
I was pointed towards the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, the lion-headed, some days ago. For what it's worth haha.

Nice to see the Mars opposite Chiron, Sun in Aries both natal, in regards to the jogging. The progressed Mars exact trining the ascendant, both Pisces and a Scorpio eight house can be dark places sometimes. Running 'with' that.
That's actually a nice kind of insight as well for other charts and people, the idea of activating such a watery Mars to deal with the water, the emotions, getting the blood running.
It's actually a grand water trine Ascendant, Moon, Mars in the progressed chart.

I agree. Passions and following them is a good medicine against fear. Self believe and feeling yourself are the better care takers, fear a nasty advisor.
And what you send out, give of in terms of energy, you'll get back 🤗