Solar eclipse on my Sun

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Thank you Nailu.
Nice to see the Mars opposite Chiron, Sun in Aries both natal, in regards to the jogging. The progressed Mars exact trining the ascendant, both Pisces and a Scorpio eight house can be dark places sometimes. Running 'with' that.
That's actually a nice kind of insight as well for other charts and people, the idea of activating such a watery Mars to deal with the water, the emotions, getting the blood running.
It's actually a grand water trine Ascendant, Moon, Mars in the progressed chart.
This water trine, I hadn't seen this before you wrote.. Mars is not only in Scorpio but also in Scorpio's house. This water, I have much of water in my chart. The whole natal ninth affects me strongly. There is Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio in progressed chart too.
I want to say that I go jogging in area of the lake. Looking at lake while jogging...
Neptun is sextile to Pluto in Scorpio.

Anyway were the times when I allowed this water to take control of me.

I'll look more at progressed chart, transiting Venus is passing now my Asc.
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Hi anyone,
I wanted to ask something. As I wrote I have some problems connected with my marriage. I am ignored. Somehow situation changes, but not much, generally I and my needs are omitted. I did much for this marriage, I sacrified much. Don't want to describe much, but let's write many of alone evenings, much of houseworks while second person resting with tv and so on.

Of course I thought something one day will change. My husband will see how much I do and will apprieciate this.

Now I would like to ask how to defend? He has got Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1st house. He has got stellum in 10th in Cancer and Leo. This Pluto Saturn is opposite my Merc. Where should I look for a power in my chart?
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Nin, this may have been mentioned by someone earlier, but keep in mind that when an eclipse occurs, it doesn't mean that something will happen that specific day.
The effect of the eclipse can last up to six months, and it can begin a while before the actual day of the eclipse.
The event, however, will depend on which planets and angles of your chart are touched by the eclipse.
So, you don't have to hide under the bed on March 29th!
Now I would like to ask how to defend? He has got Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1st house. Our Suns are both on Desc. He has got stellum in 10th in Cancer and Leo. This Pluto Saturn is opposite my
Nin, this would be a proper subject for a new thread in the horary section of the forum.
Hello Nin,

what are the ideas, by being close to it, that you can put forward that can lead you to attach yourself to the fact of being appreciated and being loved? You can hope to solve the problem by being absolutely recognized through what is causing you problems. Your husband can be interested in you for your ability to exist through your ideas. What you can achieve through what you do must advance the fact of being loved. Keep in mind to always improve the fact of being loved...

I hope this helps you.
Ecliptique. :)
Hello Nin,

what are the ideas, by being close to it, that you can put forward that can lead you to attach yourself to the fact of being appreciated and being loved? You can hope to solve the problem by being absolutely recognized through what is causing you problems. Your husband can be interested in you for your ability to exist through your ideas. What you can achieve through what you do must advance the fact of being loved. Keep in mind to always improve the fact of being loved...

I hope this helps you.
Ecliptique. :)
Dear Ecliptique,
I'll think about it ... Thank you for your post. Being loved you say hmm worth to think.
Nin, being appreciated and being loved is more than just thinking about it, it is something you must always implement. I am thinking for example of the deadline of 2029 - 30.

Ecliptique. :)
Hi Nin!

Defending, it's usually a form of playing along with the game played in the end.

You power, anyone's really is the Sun. Your's is a natal Aries, a dynamic active and go-get-mentality, action based Sun.
It wants to express in good part, in a similar manner through the Aries Mercury.
The fire may have settled a bit with now being a progressed Sun in Taurus, still that's very much around what you need in life to live. Natally tied into the ideas of home and family, not just where you come from, also what you have formed at a later age. Maybe a bit more of a grounded and settled energy to balance out the fiery parts. Finding balance, Libra, you said the NINth, right? Very much relational too.

Thing is, the inconjuncts to Aries' ruler Mars can be somewhat hinering your actual actions. His Pluto/Saturn, 30 degrees from Mars, your mecury 150 degrees.
Knowing your weaknesses is a form of strength as well!

With the little that can be gathered about your husband here, it's unfair to downright attack him, not my intention at all.

One form to activate a passive, maybe conservative man leaning back in a Saturnian manner is to 'do you'. Live your will, your Sun and lead by example through showing what it is you need and how you want to go about that. It is in fact in your nature.
As is the whole situation you describe in some ways. Especially Mercury ruling 5,6 and 8 is very much involved and apparently under some pressure.

Don't hide too much behind settled structures if they bother you, look at the progressed ninth for example, Uranus there, new insights and ways to see and be involved with the world.

Just some thoughts, not to say to go and run out or anything as I thing you have a pretty deep and strong connection as well. Just to assert yourself but not persé to him. Live your passions, interest and take space. No time to wash clothing, because something else, something you like to put time and effort in took can be a nasty 'fight' can be an eye opener at some point, especially with the dishes still out.

That if communication fails offcourse and coaching, therapy is no option and within reasonable boundaries.

Saw your own Pluto also oppose the Mercury? He's not alone in 'fighting' it so it appears.

I hope more people will react here as this is, I think, a way more common thing!!

Thank you all for insights. I am greatful you spent your free time to look and share.
Nin, being appreciated and being loved is more than just thinking about it, it is something you must always implement. I am thinking for example of the deadline of 2029 - 30.
I think I love myself. But to be a couple it is needed the second person who loves too. I cannot force someone to love.

What will happen in 2029-30? I think tr Pluto conjuncts natal Moon yes? I don't know what to think about this. Pluto transit to Asc was very difficult for me. This was very difficult time.

You say being loved and apprieciated is important. Is it needed because some points in my natal chart ( for example egsalted Venus)? Or is it just general advise to woman? Maybe to receive some love I should give it first more? Or maybe increase the meditation time? Do you have some ways how to implement more love to life? I would be greatful if you could advise the appriopriate ways 🙂

Yesterday I checked our synastry after years and realised it is warm and nice.


Thank you for your time. I am greatful.

My Sun.. Yes you are right, I should wake up the Sun! I think my husband has got much of water that influences on me.
Finding balance, Libra, you said the NINth, right? Very much relational too.
Nice, I haven't seen that. Yes I always look for being calm in philosophy, meditation. Sometimes I angage too much in this.
Thing is, the inconjuncts to Aries' ruler Mars can be somewhat hinering your actual actions. His Pluto/Saturn, 30 degrees from Mars, your mecury 150 degrees.
Thank you for these weaknesses.
One form to activate a passive, maybe conservative man leaning back in a Saturnian manner is to 'do you'. Live your will, your Sun and lead by example through showing what it is you need and how you want to go about that. It is in fact in your nature.
🙏very good advice I was practising it in past. I wrote here, because, I don't know if you see this, his character is much stronger than mine. I with my tolerant and acceptable Moon have difficulties to insist.

On the other hand I have often impression I am very misunderstood in everyday interactions. I think I behave often preventively, preparing for various situations I think like Scorpio. For example here nothing bad is going on I believe, and I already look for solutions and strenght. And people can recognize me like I am panic. In the same moment others see my Ascendant Capricorn and think I am calm, quiet, always yes saying person. I think both people's reactions are incorrect. I am analysing a lot and I like to be prepared. Probably my husband has the same impression. He thinks I am totally adapting person as I cooperated and was helpful in everything for years. But it doesn't mean I am powerless, lost.

Just some thoughts, not to say to go and run out or anything as I thing you have a pretty deep and strong connection as well.
Thank you. I think I will deal with it. Just must cooperate with my inner energy. This year many slowly planets change the sign. And Jup will enter the Cancer sign! Interesting how it will work.
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Hello Nin,

the transit from Pluto to Moon will take place in 2027 and 2028, no worries with this transit.
If I insist on the improvement of wanting to be loved it is in preparation for the difficult period of the significant transit from Uranus to Venus in 2029 -30.
It would of course be useful to have your husband's birth chart.

I think that from the end of February 2025, you should come out of this difficult period where you absolutely wanted to have a result that you did not obtain between an attachment to your ideas and what you wanted to achieve.

Ecliptique. :)
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Hey Ecliptique :)

Thank you so much 🙏 now I understand. Uranus now finishes passing through 8th my husband's house and will be in his ninth in year 2029-2030. I wrote in my first post yesterday some details describing his chart.
I think that from the end of February 2025, you should come out of this difficult period where you absolutely wanted to have a result that you did not obtain between an attachment to your ideas and what you wanted to achieve.
Hopefully yes. You gave me some hope.
Thank you dear Ecliptique so much, I am very grateful.
Hi Nin,

One more tip for you.

As you may or may not have noticed, we talked about it a bit, your natal and progressed charts both have the interceptions in the 1-7 house axis and the duplicated cusps from Gemini to Sagittarius.

To some effect these bring together as well the potential in developing your Leo Sun, and Aquarius Saturn & Moon, in relation to Gemini/Mercury and Saggitarius/Jupiter and the other way around.
In the progressed chart Libra to Aries, the natal ninth, Venus and Your Sun sign is related to again Gemini and Jupiter.

So finding (more)power may come from studying those and working with it.

To that effect you may like a series of blogs that you can find and read here: .
Cami did a great job of working out a theory and gives tips and tricks to help you in a practical way to work with this. You may even reach her with questions through the possibility of leaving comments, questions etc.
Be advised, the first 'chapter'is at the bottom of the row.

It may prove to be very helpful and it is freely available (for now at least haha).
Good luck!🦁🍀

Again thank you for your tips. I still don't understand everything but will get familiar with this.

I find it very interesting.
Nice Sunday to everyone.
Nin, in your husband's birth chart, the transits of Uranus in the VIII as well as in the IX can provide answers to adapt to given periods but without the birth chart, it is not possible to specify when. What you have communicated on his birth chart are useful indications but do not allow to fix future significant periods to adapt a strategy.
As far as you are concerned, it is on your thoughts and ideas that you must work. All the efforts made will be beneficial as for the future significant transit of Uranus to natal Uranus and Venus in 2029-30...

Good luck.
Ecliptique. :)
Ecliptique, perfect, all noticed. Interesting is also that this will be the time when Urabus enters my fifth , my NN is there also.. Doesn't it look like I can be the "cause" of problems?
If you want to talk about certain ideas that you would have, yes, that can always be improved. However, there is also your husband with his point of view. He can also give up on his side in relation to his way of being. This is why it is very useful to study the two birth charts.In 2029 - 30, what you want to do according to your aspirations will be important.

Ecliptique. :)
I can send you birth details through private message. Is it possible? But I can't view your profile to do so.
I'd prefer not to public it here.

Nin :)