Solar Eclipse on President Trump's chart - astrology thread only

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It's been one year since the fake prezzy O'Biden took office.

Looking at the inauguaration chart, it was never going to succeed for the illegal resident even though they thought they got away with stealing the election from Trump who won in a landslide.

Void :moon::conjunct::mars::conjunct::uranus::aries::square::sun: (represented by China Joe). :pluto::conjunct:MC & he has been a tyrannical dictator.

President Trump has said that what happened on Nov 3/2020 was an 'Act of War'. He has said many times that it was worse than what happened on 9/11 or Pearl Harbour. The USA was attacked by foreign & domestic traitors who upsurped the will of the people who voted to bring Trump to a 2nd Term.

Now that a year has past, the Military have more options to the 'belligerent occupier' (the Xiden Marxist Regime)

The Military never passed the nuclear codes onto Traitor Joe but he has been allowed to carry on as an 'executive president' as Congress voted him in.
Trump wanted to avoid a civil war at all costs; he has been following the Constitution which is near & dear to his big Regulus :conjunct::mars::leo:heart.
He has taken the abuse, the lies, the fake impeachments, the attacks, the slander & propaganda because he loves America, loves freedom & loves the Constitution.
He talks about 'taking the slings & arrows' for the American people.
He often calls himself a 'war-time President' & is surrounded by Generals.

Will the Military roll in with tanks to take over Washingon which is considered an 'enemy territory?' That option is there but Trump & the Military want a 'peaceful transition'. :mars: aggression is justified to deal with a known enemy but I highly doubt this is the path they will take. Only they know but military people probably can figure out what they will do according to the Law of War Manual. Dec 2016.pdf?ver=2016-12-13-172036-190

Donald J. Trump
January 20th, 2022
President Biden admitted yesterday, in his own very different way, that the 2020 election may very well have been a fraud, which I know it was. I'm sure his representatives, who work so hard to make it look legit, are not happy.
Today's Full Moon at 27 :leo: directly on President Trump's :mars::conjunct::leo: Royal Regulus and he's been proven right yet again.
The Truth takes time sometimes because Trump has been dealing with very evil enemies but they are being exposed now.

Killary & her criminal gang spied on him just like he said they did back in 2016.
Not only is Clinton a traitor, her & her buddies which include O'Bummer, top leaders in the CIA, FBI, DOJ (back then when they had their puppets in play) are all guilty of treason. There is a death penalty for that.

She spied and then lied..over & over again & the fake news lied with her.

Pluto re-directing the energy from the evil cabal & eliminating them all.

Donald J. Trump
February 14th, 2022
I was proven right about the spying, and I will be proven right about 2020!
Hold the Line Patriot. Help is on the way. President Trump will not allow the country to get to the point of no return. His :mars::leo:Generals are working behind the scenes.
Everything is in place for his triumphant return as the entire world knows he won the 2020 election in a landslide.

Full Moon changing the energy, Solar Eclipse time in April.

BEST IS YET TO COME.:smile::smile::smile:

Let's hope so. How long can the US survive the current administration??
Full moon should change some energy.
My understanding of the Durham investigation is that there is nothing there to suggest that HRC actually committed any type of crime.

A lawyer, seemingly working for her PAC however lied to the F.B.I> He is the one being charged by Durham, the prosecutor.

The FACTS: (are not the conspiracy theories) there is a big difference

From Time Magazine online:

John H. Durham, the Trump-era special counsel investigating the inquiry into Russia’s 2016 election interference, filed a pretrial motion on Friday night, he slipped in a few extra sentences that set off a furor among right-wing outlets about purported spying on former President Donald J. Trump. But the entire narrative appeared to be mostly wrong or old news—the latest example of the challenge created by a barrage of similar conspiracy theories from Mr. Trump and his allies.The latest example began with the motion Mr. Durham filed in a case he has brought against Michael A. Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer with links to the Democratic Party. The prosecutor has accused Mr. Sussmann of lying during a September 2016 meeting with an F.B.I. official about Mr. Trump’s possible links to Russia. The filing was ostensibly about potential conflicts of interest. But it also recounted a meeting at which Mr. Sussmann had presented other suspicions to the government. In February 2017, Mr. Sussmann told the C.I.A. about odd internet data suggesting that someone using a Russian-made smartphone may have been connecting to networks at Trump Tower and the White House, among other places. (excerpted on Vanity Fair link)

The upcoming Eclipse mentioned, may indeed have the opposite effect on Trump, and find
his light burning out as in a slow burning fire coming to a head -

As for the idea that these transits somehow brings him a glow?

I don't think so, not if the news this week has been carefully read - (outside of Fox TV )

1) He lost a court fight (D.C. against Racine) the trial now becomes a criminal one

2) He was publicly embarrassed and worse when the esteemed MAZARS Accounting Firm, issues a letter which said in effect, because of the revelations in NY's Attorney general Office investigating his crimes at his organization,

MAZARS will no longer represent him from this day forward (they won't even do Melania's taxes ) because they say their figures cannot be relied upon!
3)Trump learned that he is now being investigated for absconding with over 15 boxes he would not allow anyone to see him personally packing, of property belonging to the American People, the records of his own 4 years stint.

4) It was revealed (last Solar Eclipse or upcoming?) that he both "ate and swallowed" top secret memos, as well as flushed them down the toilet when aides and Staff in the White House told the Jan. 6th committee they had to call the plumbers and WHY they did, as well as what the plumbers found clogging up the toilet!

Remember, he was obsessed about toilet water not being strong enough in the WH. NOW we know why this obsession, he was flushing Top Secret Documents or others deemed property of the People of the USA.

5) Don't Eclipses also portend revelations you'd prefer kept secret? Or was it as I think, TR Pluto opposing his natal

Saturn (exact) & Venus in the public venue 11th house.

Why he is the laughing stock now, of the Social Media and other countries (like the U.K.) reporting on this:
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You cannot refute Durham's indictments & interim reports, based on evidence & not the lunatic left lies.

Durham is :saturn: he deals in proof, classified docs.
Killary is :neptune: who lies & deceives non-stop. Thi time, however, she got caught. Remember when Trump said in 2017 that 'he caught them all'.

He wasn't kidding!

In a court filing Friday, Durham reported that in July 2016, a tech executive named Rodney Joffe worked with the Clinton campaign's law firm to "mine Internet data," some of it "non-public and/or proprietary" — that means secret — to search for information that could be used to claim a Trump-Russia connection. Among the secret data that was "exploited," according to Durham, was internet traffic from Trump Tower, from Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building, and — after Trump was elected president — the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Joffe's company, Durham says, "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement" — a government contract — to provide tech services. They then "exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's [Internet] traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

After that, the Clinton team went to the CIA to try to get the nation's spy agency interested in the anti-Trump effort. That mirrored earlier Clinton approaches to the FBI, when Clinton operatives tried to interest agents on what is known as the "Alfa Bank" story, which was a phony allegation that there were all sorts of suspicious connections between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign.

The bigger goal of all of it, Durham says, was "to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia." So there was a two-track operation going on: While the FBI was doing spying of its own, the Clinton team was spying, too, and trying to get the FBI and CIA involved. It was all part of a larger plan to push the "narrative" of Trump-Russia collusion.

This is treason. It will lead up to the highest level of traitors which include O'Bummer & Killary.

And the CIA who are not allowed to investigate any American, esp POTUS.

At least 25 FBI (most were fired after their crimes were investigated by Durham) have testified before a Grand Jury.

You can ignore the Durham investigation but that won't stop what is coming.

Neptune totally knocked on the head by Saturn reality.:surprised::tongue::lol:

The Michael Sussmann Indictment
No surprise: Trump/Russia was a Hillary Clinton operation all along.

My understanding of the Durham investigation is that there is nothing there to suggest that HRC actually committed any type of crime.
You cannot refute Durham's indictments & interim reports, based on evidence & not the lunatic left lies.

Durham is :saturn: he deals in proof, classified docs.
Killary is :neptune: who lies & deceives non-stop. Thi time, however, she got caught. Remember when Trump said in 2017 that 'he caught them all'.

He wasn't kidding!

In a court filing Friday, Durham reported that in July 2016, a tech executive named Rodney Joffe worked with the Clinton campaign's law firm to "mine Internet data," some of it "non-public and/or proprietary" — that means secret — to search for information that could be used to claim a Trump-Russia connection. Among the secret data that was "exploited," according to Durham, was internet traffic from Trump Tower, from Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building, and — after Trump was elected president — the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Joffe's company, Durham says, "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement" — a government contract — to provide tech services. They then "exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's [Internet] traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

After that, the Clinton team went to the CIA to try to get the nation's spy agency interested in the anti-Trump effort. That mirrored earlier Clinton approaches to the FBI, when Clinton operatives tried to interest agents on what is known as the "Alfa Bank" story, which was a phony allegation that there were all sorts of suspicious connections between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign.

The bigger goal of all of it, Durham says, was "to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia." So there was a two-track operation going on: While the FBI was doing spying of its own, the Clinton team was spying, too, and trying to get the FBI and CIA involved. It was all part of a larger plan to push the "narrative" of Trump-Russia collusion.

This is treason. It will lead up to the highest level of traitors which include O'Bummer & Killary.

And the CIA who are not allowed to investigate any American, esp POTUS.

At least 25 FBI (most were fired after their crimes were investigated by Durham) have testified before a Grand Jury.

You can ignore the Durham investigation but that won't stop what is coming.

Neptune totally knocked on the head by Saturn reality.:surprised::tongue::lol:

The Michael Sussmann Indictment
No surprise: Trump/Russia was a Hillary Clinton operation all along.

Durham Probe is Planning to Indict More Lawyers :smile:

Let's Go Brandon

SHOCKING Recall Election in San Francisco
Voters in San Francisco, CA
voted to recall three school board members yesterday.

Following the recall, Mayor London N. Breed released a statement
stating, "...The voters of this City have delivered a clear message
that the School Board must focus on the essentials
of delivering a well-run school system above all else...."
What if schools actually focused on education? Wouldn't that be something? :smile:


I'm surprised one fake news media reported on it. The rest of the corrupt media ignored Durham indictments, Durham reports and FBI report that killary spied on Trump AND got the head of CIA involved.

They spent 5 yrs screaming 'Russia - Trump collusion' and when it's proven that it was all a BIG LIE, they are quiet now.

Won't stop the indictments that are coming.:whistling::whistling::whistling:

:neptune:lies & trickery by Clinton & the fake news all unearthed by Durham, he's :saturn: Durham is the 'punisher', making them pay for their crimes.

The Full Moon :leo: smack dab on President Trump's AC & he's proved once again that he was telling the Truth & the whole world knows it now.

This is a interesting development, just on the full moon, WSJ admits The Clinton campaign spied on Trump.
EarthSky | Partial solar eclipse of October 25, 2022

Jan 04, 2022 · The partial solar eclipse of October 25, 2022, is followed two weeks later by a total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022

The above post lists just a few of the surprises in store for Trump this past week and prior.

As for the 15 boxes of recovered (partially recovered), it took about one year negotiating between the lawyers in the Archives and trump's personal lawyer to have them delivered. That load included the so called "Hurricane Sharpie map", in which he drew in a location where the Weather Dept. said would not hit and indeed it didn't causing people of that State, a scare which was not necessary had the original Weather Map be left along.

Astrologically, I think all of the aforementioned travails he has now, are due to the strong influence of Transiting Pluto opposing his Saturn-Venus. Venus is also about our money which now is the subject of much scrutiny in his home camp and will be for some time to come.

As we know, Pluto moves excruciatingly slowly, until everything is rooted out. These are a few things rooted out so far that I've mentioned.

How about the upcoming Eclipses, will they also reveal more that he'd prefer they did? I don't think he has planets on any of them although he may as aspects to the EC:

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse Apr 30, 2022, at 4:28 PM, at 10° Taurus 28′
  • Total LUNAR Eclipse May 16, 2022, at 12:14 AM, at 25° Scorpio 18′
  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse Oct 25, 2022, at 6:49 AM, at 2° Scorpio 00′
  • Total LUNAR Eclipse November 8, 2022, at 6:02 AM, at 16° Taurus 01′

the one located 25Scorpio will be on his IC cusp, squaring Mars and his P.O.F. But it's a Lunar Eclipse, probably to shake up the home life in some way. *4th house cusp.

Some of what was hidden is now revealed (likely a result of Pluto's transit?) note: The Supreme Court sided with January 6th -

Various losses:

Current TR - Tr. Uranus squares 12th house Pluto from the 9th of Justice and Judges (higher law)
:pluto::trine: President Trump's MC along with fortunate :northnode:. He's becoming more & more popular & his political endorsements are a gold ticket to success. His record is 157 wins, 2 losses.

Pluto bringing long term achievement, he's getting ready for an even bigger & better comeback (even though everyone knows he won 2020).

President Trump. :love::love::love:

As we know, Pluto moves excruciatingly slowly, until everything is rooted out. These are a few things rooted out so far that I've mentioned.

TRUTH social media launched today. 02.22.2022 very auspicious day..

EXACT timing of :pluto: return in the USA Sibley Chart.


They will finally hear the truth about many things but slowly, gently.
It would give people a heart attack if they actually knew the truth of the satanic cabal that's been running the world.

The election fraud. The pedophiles at the highest levels. The corruption. The world is being run like a criminal enterprise with the central banking system at the centre of the evil empire.

Fake news is dead, :pluto: rules death. TRUTH social is an acquisition company so they can buy up fakebook, cnn & all the other fake news that are going bankrupt & actually report real news with real journalists.

Not a coincidence that :pluto: bringing back Trump in a big way with nice aspect to his MC.
Everyone knows he's the real President.:smile::):)

Majority of Donald Trump-Backed Candidates Expected to Win Midterms—Bookmakers

Truth Social launches on iPhone with lengthy waitlist

What’s happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump Administration. Not even a possibility!
Transiting conjunction of :moon::venus::mars::pluto::capricorn::trine: Trump's
MidHeaven and recognition throughout the world of how he kept peace around the world with his 'peace through strength' policy. He kept good relations with the leaders whether he liked them or not, whether he agreed with them or not because that's what you do when you want to keep balance & harmony.

President Trump proven right over & over again. In this critical time, his excellent policies of securing the border, making America energy efficient & encouraging Germany & other European countries to not rely soley on Russian energy but to buy it from the US to not become hostages to Russia.

They didn't listen due to their lunatic left agenda & hatred of Trump & now many countries are panicking about where or how they are going to get gas & oil. The traitor resident in the WH begging Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil to sell to them & they told him to take a hike after he maligned them, calling them the biggest threat to climate change & other ridiculous insults. The moron stopped the Keystone pipeline & reversed all of Trump's brilliant policies & the country is going to hell.

The people miss Trump more than ever, reflecting in the MidHeaven transits and :jupiter: H7; the love fest grows stronger for the man & the MAGA movement.

Donald J. Trump
February 22nd, 2022

In 2018, I told Germany not to do the gas pipeline deal with Russia. The Fake News Media will never tell you, so I will!

Donald J. Trump
February 23rd, 2022

Putin is playing Biden like a drum. It is not a pretty thing to watch!

Poll: Just 1 Percent of Americans View Biden’s Economy as Excellent

Donald J. Trump
February 24th, 2022

If I were in Office, this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened!
President Trump proven right about everything, again.:whistling::whistling::whistling:

The rigged election & Trump wants them to return the diamonds they stole

Russiagate proved to be a total fantasy made up by O'Bama, Killary & the Demonrats (who actually colluded with Ukraine to try to bring Trump down before & after the 2016 election)

Corrupt media really are the enemy of the people

The Hunter Biden laptop from hell was a true storey
Over 50 'intelligence' liars claimed it was Russian dis-information when they knew it to be completely true & would have put the Biden Crime Family in prison for treason, pedophilia, money laundering, tax evasion, bribery.

The conspiracy theories the fake news & Demonrats kept screaming out were all TRUE.
Almost everything the fake news reported on has been total propaganda/lies.

:jupiter::venus::pisces: still active in Trump's 7th bringing him even more popularity around the world.
:neptune::trine::saturn: and the truth is being revealed about how the Demonrats/media colluded together to try to destroy Trump

They are still trying to blame everything on Trump including the Xiden-hyperinflation, the high cost of oil & gas but nobody is buying their bull anymore except the most hypnotized sheepies. :neptune::square::sun: and the lies/propaganda against him continue but they are quickly stamped out when the truth comes out.

The mid-terms are going to be a huge victory for Trump's Patriots who are running. 33 of 33 picks in recent TX elections claimed Victory & there's much more of that to come. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

TRUMP: “When I was in the White House we had peace through strength… They didn’t F*ck around with us.”


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Filthy mouth, should be washed out with soap! He should be glad I wasn't his mom, or perhaps she gave him a hot sauce on his tongue (hot pepper) My guess is she did and hit the limit so theysent him off to rich kids' military (you fix him) school for troubled kids. They are known to instill some discipline when parents throw their hands up but are wealthy enough to afford having others discipline the kid.

But that's the norm as to dirty language in public and nothing new here.

Tr. Saturn over 6th house of civil Lawsuits, squaring the MC

He'll have to be deposed soon, in the NY Fraud case of his business practices. Guess he's feeling the pressure ...:lol:
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President Trump uses a swear word like we all do from time to time when we are angry.
And Trump certainly has a right to be angry at the Demonrats/corrupt media who colluded together to rig the 2020 election, hide the Hunter laptop from the public, created fake impeachments. Every crime they did they projected onto Trump & then add in the incest/pedophila by top Demonrats, incl the O'Biden Crime family & one can see how evil & depraved these Demonrats rally are..:whistling::whistling::whistling:

Trump's :mars::leo::conjunct: Royal Star Regulus & his anger is righteous, just & lawful. THe world is finally waking up to how he has been wrongly persecuted & attacked because he doesn't play in the corrupt, evil game.

Thel cabal broke every criminal law in the book & their punishment is coming.

List of Xiden's crimes, not even including O'Bummer/Killary's all I'll be here all day/night.:tongue::tongue::tongue:

1. Pay-to-Play in Ukraine
The most obvious scandal bared by the emails and text messages contained on Hunter’s laptop concerns the influence profiteering Joe Biden during his 8 yrs as V.P. with Ukraine featuring heavily in the pay-to-play scheme.

2. China Gets in the Game
Ukraine is but a patch on the influence-peddling undertaken by Hunter on behalf of “the big guy,” who got 10%.
Hunter Biden’s joint global equity firm, the Bohai Harvest Equity Investment Fund, had helped coordinate the purchase by a Chinese mining company of the world’s largest cobalt source in the Congo.
That deal gave China control over a huge chunk of the world’s known cobalt supplies — to make electric car batteries.

3. Moscow, Kazakhstan, and More
Hunter also received a combined $3.5 million from the wife of the former Moscow mayor, a Kazakhstan investor, and several other individuals.

4. Traitor Joe's Firing of the Ukraine Prosecutor Investigating Burisma

Trump's popularity becoming stronger each month with each revelation & truth dripping out. He was born for a time like this, to be the Solar King :leo: Lion to protect & save America.:):):)

Filthy mouth, should be washed out with soap! He should be glad I wasn't his mom, or perhaps she gave him a hot sauce on his tongue (hot pepper)
President Trump proven right about everything, again.:whistling::whistling::whistling:

The rigged election & Trump wants them to return the diamonds they stole

Russiagate proved to be a total fantasy made up by O'Bama, Killary & the Demonrats (who actually colluded with Ukraine to try to bring Trump down before & after the 2016 election)

Corrupt media really are the enemy of the people

The Hunter Biden laptop from hell was a true storey
Over 50 'intelligence' liars claimed it was Russian dis-information when they knew it to be completely true & would have put the Biden Crime Family in prison for treason, pedophilia, money laundering, tax evasion, bribery.

The conspiracy theories the fake news & Demonrats kept screaming out were all TRUE.
Almost everything the fake news reported on has been total propaganda/lies.

:jupiter::venus::pisces: still active in Trump's 7th bringing him even more popularity around the world.
:neptune::trine::saturn: and the truth is being revealed about how the Demonrats/media colluded together to try to destroy Trump
They are still trying to blame everything on Trump including the Xiden-hyperinflation, the high cost of oil & gas but nobody is buying their bull anymore except the most hypnotized sheepies. :neptune::square::sun: and the lies/propaganda against him continue but they are quickly stamped out when the truth comes out.

The mid-terms are going to be a huge victory for Trump's Patriots who are running. 33 of 33 picks in recent TX elections claimed Victory & there's much more of that to come. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

TRUMP: “When I was in the White House we had peace through strength… They didn’t F*ck around with us.”

The 7th is also the house of our "known enemies" as they are called or thought of. He (trump), still has to be deposed soon by his arch-enemy, Tisha James the Attorney General of NY. There are at least 14 open cases he may have to been deposed in some of them soon.
"The question is whether the (Office of the Attorney General) can use the office subpoenas to avoid the grand jury process and compel testimony from those whom it does not wish to grant immunity," the appeal states.
A state judge ruled against the Trumps' request in February, saying they could invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination and refuse to answer questions, which Eric Trump did during his 2020 deposition. Attorneys for the Trump family argued that a jury could draw an "adverse inference" if the Trumps opted not to answer questions in depositions.
New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron had ordered the Trumps to sit for depositions by March 10, but the former President and his children reached a deal to delay those appearances until after an appeal is decided.
As for the rest of the post - it truly defies all logic -

claiming that the election was rigged however Republicans who won, were on the same ballots as Trump. All of the Trump and Republican rigged election accusations have never included any evidence to substantiate the claims.

Trump followers make claims of incest and pedophilia, but have never offered one single piece of proof to justify their accusations of such a serious crime.

[FONT=&quot] The Hunter laptop story began in 2020 before the election; claiming that the Democrats were responsible for colluding to hide it when it was the Republicans who were in charge. Now claiming that the Biden's are a crime family yet in the four years that Trump was in the White house, with Republicans controlling both house of congress, and the Justice Department, there was not one single indictment for any crime.


Saying that one can "see" the depravity and evil is, once again, opinion without proof. Name calling and baseless accusations are always the first refuge of those who lack actual evidence.
Trump will be returning in an election he won in a landslide. Possibly the only state he didn't win was NY but he did turn CA red!:happy:

It's all in the chart, the :northnode: 10th playing a pivotal role in his success.

It's likely that he will serve the last 2 yrs of the election in won in 2020 & still be eligible to run in 2024. Read up on the 22nd Amendment.

:jupiter::pisces: 7th has brought him more love, more popularity around the world & great legal success. It just gets better & better for him.
God is on his side to defeat the satanists who want to destroy him.

[deleted attacking comment - Moderator]

The 7th is also the house of our "known enemies" as they are called or thought of. He (trump), still has to be deposed soon by his arch-enemy, Tisha James the Attorney General of NY. There are at least 14 open cases he may have to been deposed in some of them soon.

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Letitia James is certainly part of the 7th house 'known enemy'. She has made her career all about 'getting Trump' because she is a very deranged person.:whistling::whistling::whistling:

:jupiter::pisces:7th brought Trump great victory over the demented AG James when the new Manhatten DA Bragg (a black Democrat) threw out all the charges, stating there was nothing to charge Trump with.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg axed predecessor's 'rushed' criminal probe into Donald Trump’s finances ‘after his lawyers couldn't convince him ex-president had intentionally inflated value of assets’

Alvin Bragg ended the grand jury into Trump because he was not convinced that they could prove their fraud case

Out-going DA Cyrus Vance Jr rushed the probe forward in his final months in office making veteran prosecutors in his office uneasy

The DA sought to prove that Trump inflated the value of his properties in order to secure bank loans

Vance had tried to bring fraud charges before against the Trump SoHo project, but could not make the case

New York AG Letitia James continues to push a civil fraud case against the Trump Organization for inflating asset value

These corrupt Demonrats have been searching for a crime to charge Trump with for over 5 yrs but he's not a criminal like them, Trump follows the law.

Trump Victory again thanks to :jupiter: 7th legal.

The 7th is also the house of our "known enemies" as they are called or thought of. He (trump), still has to be deposed soon by his arch-enemy, Tisha James the Attorney General of NY. There are at least 14 open cases he may have to been deposed in some of them soon.