Solar Eclipse on President Trump's chart - astrology thread only

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President Trump working the rallies ahead of the midterms.
Yesterday, in PA. Yuge crowd, Mr.T. was on fire & dropped many comms & even did 2 'air' Qs!
:saturn:ruling hard work with
:neptune::pisces::trine::saturn::venus::cancer: in T's chart & the magnetism is off the charts!
We LOVE our beloved President Trump. ❀️

Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT

President DJ.. Trump, delivers remarks in support of his unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing vot highlighting the slate of Trump Endorsed America 1st candidates including:
Doug Mastriano for Governor
Dr. Mehmet Oz for United States Senate, in a state
where the President’s 2022 endorsement record is undefeated, currently 8-0.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


& then today,
a beautiful, big rally in MIAMI, FLORIDA (his home state).

The enormous crowd couldn't contain their love & kept interrupting with 'WE LOVE TRUMP' & 'WE WANT TRUMP'
& 'USA'.
Mostly hispanic crowd who voted 4 Trump in 2020 & will vote 4 him in 2024. They adore DJT!!!
Transiting :neptune::sextile: M/C = popularity/love stronger than ever for DJT!
:sun::mercury::venus::scorpio: H3 of communication.
Well, we did 2 major rallies, so successful & enabling his chosen candidates to win on Nov 8.
W I N N I N G!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Trump Endorsed Candidates Dominating Recent Polls, Proving Trump is Still the​

Republican Kingmaker πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

Trump-endorsed candidates for the Senate are doing remarkably well, proving that a Trump endorsement still pulls enormous
weight in the RepParty.
Trump endorsed 22 candidates for Senate this year & it's possible that ALL of them will win!🎊🎊🎊

Trump-backed candidates
Marco Rubio (R-FL),
Mike Lee (R-UT),
Chuck Grassley (R-IA),
Rand Paul (R-KY),
James Lankford (R-OK),
Jerry Moran (R-KS),
John Boozeman (R-AR),
John Hoeven (R-ND),
Mike Crapo (R-ID),
Tim Scott (R-NC)
John Neely Kennedy (R-LA)
Hershel Walker (R-GA)
Dr. Oz (R-PA)
Blake Masters (R-AZ)
J.D.Vance (R-OH)

And, of course, the Trump-backed Kari Lake, Ron DeSantis & others for Gov are going to do really well.
:taurus:Nov 8.
which will directly be :conjunct: DJT's M/C!
Pray that they don't try to kill him when the Dems lose bigly though he has more Secret Service protecting him now
than ever before.
Apparently, there was another assassination attempt last week which was stopped.
Likely, the O'Biden fascist regime will send in their 'pitbull dogs' aka Antifa to riot, loot, assault people & create chaos.
But we are NOT going to allow them to steal another election. NOT going to happen again.
DJT prepared this time around.😊😊😊


How the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of November 2022​

Will Affect The Midterm Elections/DJT's chart.​

With the LE :conjunct::northnode::uranus:Trump M/C...we will witness the culmination of a great new beginning with the Dems
being almost wiped out. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The conflict & stress of the eclipse could create great violence & mayhem if Antifa.BLM are ordered to to riot by
the O'Biden regime. 😌😌
The Dems are not going to be able to cheat like they did in 2020 but they will try....coz they can't win elections unless
they steal them. That's a proven fact.
With Photo ID in place, no mass mail-in ballots, poll watchers, drop-box watchers, etc etc the Dems will have much less
opportunity for election fraud. Oh, they'll still try.
Maybe another 'broken water pipe/toilet', maybe power 'outages'......but Reps are very prepared to counter their fraud.

The LE will be very, very positive in Trump's chart but he has to be careful of the violent Dem mob w/:mars::conjunct::sun::square::neptune:!
The FM:moon::taurus: will also :sextile::venus::saturn::cancer::conjunct: H11 & the election will be extremely benficial to the Rep Party.πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡

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I have posted about the positive transits habbening today, Nov 8th in Trump's chart which fortell a gigantic,
big, beautiful red wave incoming. The Trump-endorsed, America 1st candidates are all going to win.
That's the power of the blood moon lunar eclipse :taurus::conjunct: his M/C :conjunct::uranus::northnode:.
MAGA Rising. Peak success. Culmination of the building up of the Patriots to join the GOP.

But what will the Dems do to stop Mr.T. from running in 2024?πŸ€”πŸ€”
He announced in his rally in OH last night that on Nov 15th, he will be making a 'big announcement from MALargo'.
We all know he's going to run in 2024 & that day, he will likely make it 'official'.
Will the Dems order their DOJ/FBI goons to arrest him before then on fake & phony charges?
Remember, :neptune::square::sun: still in effect & the lies, the propaganda, the unfair persecution of Trump continues.
The swamp have tried to destroy him for over 7 yrs but he's withstood their attacks w/that courageous
:mars::leo::conjunct: Royal Regulus :conjunct:AC.
But the Dems are cornered like a dangerous beast as they lose the House/Senate & could possibly attack him
again with a public arrest & false charge to humilitate him.
Trump is prepared. He has taken the onslaught for the :moon:people of America & the Constitution.
He will never allow the country to fall completely to the communists/marxists.

Gen. Flynn Warns of an FBI Perjury Trap for Trump, 'Like They Tried to Set Me Up'​

The red wave came through & Reps flipped enough seats to take over the House.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
The powerful LE on Mr.T's :uranus::northnode::conjunct::moon::conjunct:MC brought his popularity to the fore-front.

They also won enough seats in the Senate to take it over by 1 vote.....but the Dems have
stolen those key Senate seats.☹️

They couldn't commit election fraud on the massive scale they did in the 6 swing states like in 2020.
But just cheat enough to steal Rep seats to deny them winning the Senate.

In the chart of the LE, the focus on Trump's chart was great Victory. :jupiter::pluto:both creating positive & powerful
transits in his chart...
but :neptune:afflicted creating confusion, deceit & fake election 'problems' meant to help the Dems steal the seats in
order to keep control of the Senate. :neptune:rules theft.
T had Victory aspects in 2020 like this but it was stolen from him then too.
The Dems cannot win the House/Senate without cheating & this time they could only cheat on a much smaller
scale as election laws have been installed & no more mass mail-in ballots.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, R -Arkansas. won governor.
Brian Kemp R-Georgia, won governor
Lee Zeldin R-NY, won governor (but had it Stolen by the corrupt Kathy Hochul)
Joe Lombardo R-NV won governor
Greg Abbot R-TX won governor.
AND...a whole lot more!

In fact, Reps did extremely well & now have more Govs than Dems.
And they flipped enough seats to have control over the House!

Trump's endorsed candidates of 330 won at a rate of 97%.
Transiting :pluto: :trine: MC/LE!πŸ€—πŸ€—
Would have been higher if the Dems had not stolen some.

Let's see what can happen to rectify another stolen election by the crooked Dems.
but :neptune:afflicted creating confusion, deceit & fake election 'problems' meant to help the Dems steal the seats in
order to keep control of the Senate. :neptune:rules theft.

"Lee Zeldin R-NY, won governor (but had it Stolen by the corrupt Kathy Hochul)"

what does that mean??
but :neptune:afflicted creating confusion, deceit & fake election 'problems' meant to help the Dems steal the seats in
order to keep control of the Senate. :neptune:rules theft.

"Lee Zeldin R-NY, won governor (but had it Stolen by the corrupt Kathy Hochul)"

what does that mean??

Any info on how was it stolen? So far, I haven't seen anything about Lee Zeldin conceding. Looks like it's a projected win by the media, not a certified final result.

Meanwhile, r.Jupiter is back in tropical Pisces.
And, the total Lunar eclipse right on election day could have brought some unexpected results.
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but :neptune:afflicted creating confusion, deceit & fake election 'problems' meant to help the Dems steal the seats in
order to keep control of the Senate. :neptune:rules theft.

"Lee Zeldin R-NY, won governor (but had it Stolen by the corrupt Kathy Hochul)"

what does that mean??

:neptune: on a lower octave level rules chaos, fraud, deception, theft, fantasy, illusion, etc.
Every planet has a higher & lower way of manifesting.
With :neptune::pisces::square: Trump's :sun:, at least 5 candidates that he endorsed had their seat stolen from them.
Lee Zeldin, Kari Lake, Dr. Oz, Blake Masters, Herschel Walker.
So while there was a red wave, which is shown in Mr.T's chart & Reps won the majority in the House &
Gov's, πŸ€—πŸ€—
the Dems denied the Reps to take majority in Senate by STEALING certain seats.πŸ˜—

:neptune: unfavorably aspected, chaos can arise. The situation becomes untruthful & fraudulent.
There can be deception, lying, illusion.
Meanwhile, r.Jupiter is back in tropical Pisces.
Ummm...not sure what your point is here. :jupiter::retrograde:went into :pisces: on Oct 28/22.
If you want to discuss how it impacted Trump's chart, it made beautiful aspect to his M/C.
Which has brought him more fame/popularity than ever!
But it's also transiting :pluto::trine: M/C that brought him the title of 'Republican Kingmaker'.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  • President Donald J. Trump has endorsed over 330 candidates this election cycle.
  • President Trump hosted 30 rallies across 17 states over the past 18 months.
  • President Trump hosted over 50 in-person fundraisers in support of candidates up for re-election.
  • President Trump delivered remarks on over 60 TeleRallies and automated calls in support of Republicans.
  • President Trump raised nearly $350 million this election cycle for Republican candidates and Party Committees.
  • Make America Great Again Inc., the main Super PAC for President Trump, has spent $16.4 million in 5 weeks in
  • support of U.S. Senate, Gubernational, and Attorney General races across the country.
All the :saturn:hard work has paid off with great gains in the House, Senate, Gov's, school boards (very important to the GOP
to get America 1st candidates in & woke, lunatic left school trustees out).
With a winning record of 97% in midterms, Trump's endorsements are like pure gold!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

:jupiter:turns direct into :aries: on Dec 28/22 where it then starts to :trine: Trump's :pluto:...which makes pefect astrology sense
as the new House/Senate/Govs & other REP winners are sworn in in Jan/2023.
A new era as the Reps begin the task of Making America Great Again!
And we have President Trump to thank for Saving America once again. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

When is the first day of a new Congress?
The U.S. Constitution mandates that Congress convene at noon on January 3 in each odd numbered year,
unless it has passed a law allowing for Congress to convene on a different day or time (20th Amendment, Section 2).


BIG DAY for Trump-Endorsed Candidates that Fake News Media Will Not Report –​

9 Losses and 174 Wins So Far!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

The FM Lunar Eclipse had a major impact on Trump's chart :conjunct: his MidHeaven exactly along with :uranus::northnode:.
There were twists/turns, tension/fraud & a whole lot of :neptune:deception.
But, in the end, the Reps took back the House & likely the Senate too. Made yuge gains with school boards which was a
priority w/Trump to ensure parents have rights & not the radical, woke teachers.
What's going on between Trump and DeSantis?
Their charts seem to be reasonably compatible.
Suns are squared and Trump's Venus/saturn square DeSantis' mars, so maybe DeSantis jumps the gun when Trump wants caution?.
Many of us who are fans of both aren't looking forward to any rivalry between them. There's a great need for unity in these times.
What's going on between Trump and DeSantis?
Their charts seem to be reasonably compatible.
Suns are squared and Trump's Venus/saturn square DeSantis' mars, so maybe DeSantis jumps the gun when Trump wants caution?.
Many of us who are fans of both aren't looking forward to any rivalry between them. There's a great need for unity in these times.

They both have male egos "on steroids"! Trump has Regulus conj his Ascendant. DeSantis has Mercury conjunct Saturn.
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Ermmm. :unsure::unsure:
The comment above makes no sense as :sun: rules ego.
Royal Fixed Star Regulus :conjunct:AC = Military honors, Royalty, Great favor over enemies esp working with with the
top of the Military incld Generals
:mercury::saturn::conjunct: has nothing to do with relates to how a person communicates..with great logic & caution.
If you want to discuss Ron & Don then please don't hi-jack this thread as it's concerning Mr.T & astrology,
Thank you.

The blood moon eclipse certainly did bring great success to Trump as it impacted his M/C.
His America 1st, MAGA candiates took back the House & the Senate which was his goal.

Ref: Suns are squared and Trump's Venus/saturn square DeSantis' mars, so maybe DeSantis jumps the gun when Trump wants caution?.

Imo, His Saturn squaring the other's Mars suggests the other way around, i.e. he keeps him chained up (so to speak) doesn't allow for freedom of
expression. He likely won't run in 2024 if trump does.
My Sun (Capricorn) squares my husband's Sun (Libra) and it was difficult when we were younger for decades until we got older. Its not without difficulty when Suns are squared, personalities are quite different but compatible in other ways.
Ermmm. :unsure::unsure:
The comment above makes no sense as :sun: rules ego.
Royal Fixed Star Regulus :conjunct:AC = Military honors, Royalty, Great favor over enemies esp working with with the
top of the Military incld Generals
:mercury::saturn::conjunct: has nothing to do with relates to how a person communicates..with great logic & caution.
If you want to discuss Ron & Don then please don't hi-jack this thread as it's concerning Mr.T & astrology,
Thank you.

The blood moon eclipse certainly did bring great success to Trump as it impacted his M/C.
His America 1st, MAGA candiates took back the House & the Senate which was his goal.

View attachment 95414

Eclipses can go either way. Big win, or big loss. This one was a south node eclipse--Sun with the south node. When Sun is with the south node and the eclipse hits a crucial chart point, it's more likely to play out as loss than gain.

In reality, the candidates Trump supported lost big. The only ones who won their races (definitively, as of now) were in non-competitive races, facing challengers who had zero chance in the local political climate, and not even all of those won. Some areas elected a Democrat to an office that looked like a Republican shoo in, where the Republican candidate was supported by Trump. But anti-Trump Republicans did well, overall.

The House and Senate vote counts aren't complete yet, with the Nevada Senate race still uncalled and Georgia going into a runoff (Arizona also still officially uncalled, though the AP has now called it for Kelly). For the House, Republicans are ahead, but not by much, and it's the non-Trump Republicans who are mostly responsible for the lead. The Senate is going to end up either tied or with a 51-49 majority, assuming AP is correct in their assessment of Arizona, and if one party does get that slim majority, it's a toss up at this point which one it will be.

That's not a Trump Republican win, by a long shot. That's a big loss. South node eclipse takes away.

It's an even bigger loss considering how unpopular Biden is. Congress has usually gone heavily to the opposite party from the one holding the White House in the midterms, especially when the president is unpopular. This time, Republicans get either very slim majorities or none at all.

Makes me wonder if there are usable charts for the Republican and Democratic parties, and how the eclipse might have touched them. But that would be a subject for another thread.
Keep in mind, too, that eclipses that hit a crucial chart point can be felt months out. This eclipse season also hit Trump's IC (home and family) even more than his MC. A few months before (within range of eclipse effects) his first wife died. That's got to have very strong reverberations on his family. It's very Scorpionic, too, fitting his IC sign. Possibly, there have also been other recent shakeups in the Trump family that weren't in the public eye.
Makes me wonder if there are usable charts for the Republican and Democratic parties, and how the eclipse might have touched them.

These are the dates I have:

Democratic Party founding: May 13, 1792 12:00 PM Philadelphia Pa.

Republican Party: March 20th, 1854 Ripon WI. 16:30

sorry I don't recall where I found them .... But I'd guess the proof is in the pudding. Looks like they both have triggers
Republicans a square to their Jupiter, but Democrats a conjunction to their Jupiter and opposition to Saturn from the Eclipse.
Good idea to look, but I don't know what it implies. :unsure:
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These are the dates I have:

Democratic Party founding: May 13, 1792 12:00 PM Philadelphia Pa.

Republican Party: March 20th, 1854 Ripon WI. 16:30

sorry I don't recall where I found them .... But I'd guess the proof is in the pudding. Looks like they both have triggers
Republicans a square to their Jupiter, but Democrats a conjunction to their Jupiter and opposition to Saturn from the Eclipse.
Good idea to look, but I don't know what it implies. :unsure:

Either way, the election results are unexpected. Eclipses are a real wild card.

It would be interesting to see how Trump's chart connects to the Republican Party's. His chart is, after all, the primary subject of this thread.