Solar Eclipse on President Trump's chart - astrology thread only

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Re: Solar eclipse in d.j.trump's chart - astrology thread only

I don't see how an Eclipse in 2017 has anything to do with Trump being elected in 2016. This is what his paid influencers do...use his mantras implying win win win. It's wearing off. I don't think the Eclipse this year has had a positive affect on him.

The Eclipse that directly impacted his chart on the very same day as the Electoral College voted in 2020, completely dashed his chances for being re-elected. It "eclipsed" his Presidency. And, it's irreversible unless he runs and succeeds in 2024.
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I think the eclipse that took place in august 2017 suggests Trump's reign as presidency, and then the recent eclipse that took place in Sagittarius suggests Trump's transition out of presidency.
Re: Solar eclipse in d.j.trump's chart - astrology thread only

That's because you know nothing about the impact of eclipse.
You have confused them with Solar Returns!

Eclipses have been anticipated for eons as harbingers of Great Events & Great Destinies. LE can bring down an empire, SE can bring forth Kings & Queens.

The astrologers who study eclipses understand the relevance of the Great Total Solar Eclipse in 2017 and the election of a new leader, President Trump.

The SE impacted his :mars:/AC DIRECTLY!:w00t::w00t::w00t:

Hence, his totally unexpected VICTORY in the 2016 election when the fake news gave Killary a 95% or higher chance of winning.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

And now in June 20, 2021, there is another Solar Eclipse but it's even more important as it :conjunct: Trump's already powerful :sun::uranus::northnode: and his Victory is even bigger. Way bigger. More popular, not only in the U.S.A. but around the world.

You can believe anything you like with your Trump-Hate BUT astrology doesn't lie.:tongue::tongue::tongue:

The entire, corrupt deep state tried to destroy him & he emerged bigger & better & stronger than ever.

In these eclipses, we have witnessed the rise of a 'non-politician'.
President Trump --- a leader with the Heart of the Regulus Lion who follows the Constitution and believes in people having the :pluto: power.

He is ROARING and people are listening.:):):)

Like he said:


August 21, 2017
The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, dubbed the "Great American Eclipse" was a total solar eclipse visible within a band that spanned the contiguous United States from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.


I don't see how an Eclipse in 2017 has anything to do with Trump being elected in 2016. This is what his paid influencers do...use his mantras implying win win win. It's wearing off. I don't think the Eclipse this year has had a positive affect on him.
Re: Solar eclipse in d.j.trump's chart - astrology thread only

Ooops, I meant to say June 10, 2021.

I've enclosed the Solar Eclipse for the correct day showing the big, positive impact it made on President Trump's chart.

I already posted the SE in :leo: of Aug 2017 which made a YUGE impact on his chart.

Trump's Destiny to lead the country for two terms cannot be denied.

Delayed yes with the electionsteal & the LE but he will be re-installed as the LEGAL POTUS very soon! God knows when.:smile::smile::smile:


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It's well-known that chart-impacting eclipses are of uncertain import. They can go either way. The one in 2020 went against Trump, which is why he officially lost the Constitutionally certified election. That can't be reversed, because the Constitution doesn't allow for that.
Remember the :mercury:RX :conjunct:MC in his Solar Return?

Issues related to :gemini: communication from the past brought forward.

Today, President Trump launched a major class action lawsuit against Big Tech, MSM for their massive censorship...not just of the election fraud but of ANY discussion about masks, HQC, Invermectin, Zinc, Vit D, etc. How many people did they kill by not allowing free flow of information? ANY doctor or herbalist or scientist who questioned the WHO/CDC/FAUCI were banned, censored & even had their medical licenses revoked. The Big Tech, Fake News TRAMPLED the 1st Amendment.

Enough is enough. A recent poll reports that 2/3 of Americans think that the Big Tech Overlords have too much power & that they & the Fake News should allow Free Speech. Millions of people will be joining the lawsuit.

Finally, Justice is wielding its mighty sword!

At the press conference, :moon::northnode::conjunct: Aldebaran.

In all astrology it has been thought eminently fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox.

:sun::conjunct:fixed star Sirius.brilliant white and yellow star in the Greater dog. It is the brightest star in the night sky.

The lawsuit is going to have a MAJOR IMPACT on Freedom of Speech, on the importance of the 1st Amendment, without which we don't have a country.

As President Trump nicely put it in his speech, God gave us the ability to think and have opinions and no dictator or no gov't should have the right to take that away.


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What in Trump's Chart causes him to be so in love with the death penalty?

Venus conjunct Saturn doesn't seem particularly caring, Mars conjunct Ascendant is violent, Pluto=Mars/Saturn looks a tad murderish. I hate looking at his's basically a diagram of a rich, privileged, stupid, swindler with power beyond his mental capacity.
It's true, :venus::saturn: is an inhibiting type of love nature. Often never show your true feelings in public, always want to take care of the partner & others with the :saturn: sense of responsibility. It can often indicate a mother who didn't freely express her love.

Your comment about :pluto: = :mars::saturn: makes absolutely no sense. Trump has a beautiful :moon::trine::mars: and :sextile::sun:.
:pluto: is not strong in his chart at all making only :sextile::neptune:. That enables him to work behind the scenes, in secret to defeat his enemies who are very powerful. He came to drain the :pluto: swamp but it's much more evil than he knew before he started the journey.

But it's his :mars: that is his 'crowning glory'. Right in the Heart of the lion & notice how much his hair is discussed! LIke the mane of a lion.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

There is nothing violent about this fortunate placement. In fact, Trump is a peacemaker & always exacts revenge on his enemies through legal means.
Not once in his 75 yrs has be ever been violent. Angry yes. :mars: rules anger but he absolutely abhors violence of any kind & will go to great lengths to ensure violence is avoided.

Do you remember when the fake news reported that he was going to start wars all over the world? HUH! It was the exact opposite. Peace treaties in the Middle East, he and N.Korea leader were sending love letters to each other and not one country was invaded when President Trump was in the WH.:happy::happy::happy:

:mars::conjunct:AC :conjunct: Regulus makes him the man he is. A modern-day General Patton. Courageous, strong, aggressive and chosen by Destiny to be a Leader & have the Military support.

This alone signifies that the Native shall be a person of great note and power, too much exalted, and attain to high preferment and honors, although descended from the meanest parents.

“The Lyon’s herte is called of some men, the Royall Starre, for they that are borne under it, are thought to have a royall nativitie.”

And this title, the Lion’s Heart, has been a popular one from early classical times, seen in the Kardia Leontos of Greece and the Cor Leonis of Rome.

Venus conjunct Saturn doesn't seem particularly caring, Mars conjunct Ascendant is violent, Pluto=Mars/Saturn looks a tad murderish. I hate looking at his's basically a diagram of a rich, privileged, stupid, swindler with power beyond his mental capacity.
Oops, here's the natal chart showing the :mars::conjunct:AC :conjunct: Regulus. Even before he was POTUS, he was a star and well-known & well-liked celebrity around the world. His family crest is one of nobility & honour.

Trump doesn't allow his enemies to get away with their crimes. :pluto: 12th, they plot behind the scenes but he knows what they are up to & in turn, he waits for the right time to strike them down......

just like a lion hunting its prey & bringing them down with one bite to the neck. At least the death to the prey is quick like lightning.

With President Trump, :mars: conj Regulus doesn't just get even. They bring down the enemy with such power that they will never rise again.

Don't mess with the Hair!:lol::lol::lol:


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It's true, :venus::saturn: is an inhibiting type of love nature. Often never show your true feelings in public, always want to take care of the partner & others with the :saturn: sense of responsibility. It can often indicate a mother who didn't freely express her love.

Your comment about :pluto: = :mars::saturn: makes absolutely no sense. Trump has a beautiful :moon::trine::mars: and :sextile::sun:.
:pluto: is not strong in his chart at all making only :sextile::neptune:. That enables him to work behind the scenes, in secret to defeat his enemies who are very powerful. He came to drain the :pluto: swamp but it's much more evil than he knew before he started the journey.

But it's his :mars: that is his 'crowning glory'. Right in the Heart of the lion & notice how much his hair is discussed! LIke the mane of a lion.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

There is nothing violent about this fortunate placement. In fact, Trump is a peacemaker & always exacts revenge on his enemies through legal means.
Not once in his 75 yrs has be ever been violent. Angry yes. :mars: rules anger but he absolutely abhors violence of any kind & will go to great lengths to ensure violence is avoided.

Do you remember when the fake news reported that he was going to start wars all over the world? HUH! It was the exact opposite. Peace treaties in the Middle East, he and N.Korea leader were sending love letters to each other and not one country was invaded when President Trump was in the WH.:happy::happy::happy:

:mars::conjunct:AC :conjunct: Regulus makes him the man he is. A modern-day General Patton. Courageous, strong, aggressive and chosen by Destiny to be a Leader & have the Military support.

This alone signifies that the Native shall be a person of great note and power, too much exalted, and attain to high preferment and honors, although descended from the meanest parents.

“The Lyon’s herte is called of some men, the Royall Starre, for they that are borne under it, are thought to have a royall nativitie.”

And this title, the Lion’s Heart, has been a popular one from early classical times, seen in the Kardia Leontos of Greece and the Cor Leonis of Rome.
Pluto=Mars/Saturn is a Uranian midpoint
My Sun is 26 deg Leo like his Mars, the same degree of conjunction to Regulus, most interpretations I see online use a closer conjunction.
Is anyone considering nearby transits....Solar Returns are not stagnant, you can track the year with the planets & transits each month of that particular year.

Somehow, THIS must be considered as it's part of his "new Solar Year" fate:
on July 24, he has a Mars return, with Moon/Saturn conjunct at 10Aquarius opposing his natal Pluto, Mercury conjunct his Saturn, Pluto opposing his Venus and Neptune squaring his Sun/Moon opposition. Transiting Sun will also cross his sec. prog. MC/Saturn conjunction the next day. His solar arc Uranus is conjunct his Asc and solar arc Saturn conjunct his Neptune.
(Gary Lorentzan FB)

Ironic, Chay:
My Sun is 26 deg Leo like his Mars, the same degree of conjunction to Regulus, most interpretations I see online use a closer conjunction

My Moon is likewise, 26 Leo (I say it's conjunct within orb allowed to Regulus) It's in my 2nd house of values & assets.

The way you'll know for certain, is EVERYONE with a prominent Regulus planet will have a massive downfall that is quite public in life. His is here - the man of the "Regulus downfall" moment has come. Everyone saw it prominently acting out on January 6th. It will be significantly symbolic to his planet and house.

My husband's MC is 29"51 Leo, so I wasn't surprised when his arrived especially since I knew then about Regulus.

A quick rise but a faster life. They can reassemble of course and go on, but NEVER to the same place as the rise took them.
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Is anyone considering nearby transits....Solar Returns are not stagnant, you can track the year with the planets & transits each month of that particular year.

Somehow, THIS must be considered as it's part of his "new Solar Year" fate:
(Gary Lorentzan FB)

Ironic, Chay:
My Sun is 26 deg Leo like his Mars, the same degree of conjunction to Regulus, most interpretations I see online use a closer conjunction

My Moon is likewise, 26 Leo (I say it's conjunct within orb allowed to Regulus) It's in my 2nd house of values & assets.

The way you'll know for certain, is EVERYONE with a prominent Regulus planet will have a massive downfall that is quite public in life. His is here - the man of the "Regulus downfall" moment has come. Everyone saw it prominently acting out on January 6th. It will be significantly symbolic to his planet and house.

My husband's MC is 29"51 Leo, so I wasn't surprised when his arrived especially since I knew then about Regulus.

A quick rise but a faster life. They can reassemble of course and go on, but NEVER to the same place as the rise took them.

Yes, I'm coming to the sad realisation that I've peaked :wink: At least I hope so, wouldn't want to fall any further. I also would look at Trumps transits more than anything as indicators of what is happening in his life.
With Trump I was rather sure it had to be on Nov. 2020 Elections....
The simple transits of that day included Tr Vesta cj. Regulus squared his BML.
:w00t: Vesta I use as the Higher judicial law.

I haven't checked anything else (like his Solar Arcs, etc) however for that time.

So with this alone I"m rather certain, he's experienced, the "infamous" Regulus Fall! :surprised:

For me, it likely occurred during my Pluto transit when my 2nd house Moon was severely tested. I'm seeing it as Values, the values I held dear needed to be re-assembled more in tune with reality & true value.
:mercury:RX :gemini::conjunct:MH & Truth Bombs exploding all over the place from AZ audit to PA, GA, WI, one of the biggest class action lawsuits to ever be filed against Fake News/Big Tech.

45,000 attended his last rally, over 2 M views on one outlet alone & Patriotism at an all time high. Helps to have Jupiter conjunct DC in your birthday year!

President Trump probably has about 100 M supporters now & the #s are increasing as the Marxist Dems destroy the country.

Of course, one needs to look at the on-going transits in addition to the Solar Return. That's what this astrology thread is all about. During the speech conference, I posted about the fixed stars Sirius & Aldebaran being prominent.:surprised:

President Trump will never have a Regulus fall. Never. The Lion is the King. He's protected by God. The Dems have tried everything & it's all failed. They are the ones that are falling as God destroys the evil one by one.;););)

Here's the latest one who attempted to destroy Trump & is now weeping as he's led off to prison for extortion.

Disgraced Trump foe Michael Avenatti weeps as he is sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for Nike extortion scheme

[Deleted attacking comments. - Moderator]

Is anyone considering nearby transits....Solar Returns are not stagnant, you can track the year with the planets & transits each month of that particular year.

Somehow, THIS must be considered as it's part of his "new Solar Year" fate:
(Gary Lorentzan FB)

Ironic, Chay:
My Sun is 26 deg Leo like his Mars, the same degree of conjunction to Regulus, most interpretations I see online use a closer conjunction

My Moon is likewise, 26 Leo (I say it's conjunct within orb allowed to Regulus) It's in my 2nd house of values & assets.

The way you'll know for certain, is EVERYONE with a prominent Regulus planet will have a massive downfall that is quite public in life. His is here - the man of the "Regulus downfall" moment has come. Everyone saw it prominently acting out on January 6th. It will be significantly symbolic to his planet and house.

My husband's MC is 29"51 Leo, so I wasn't surprised when his arrived especially since I knew then about Regulus.

A quick rise but a faster life. They can reassemble of course and go on, but NEVER to the same place as the rise took them.
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This is the SECOND moderator warning about this thread. All posts MUST focus on astrology, and NO personal attacks! I've deleted several more posts that did not focus on astrology, contained personal attacks, or both.

If you want to post about Trump--positively or negatively or anything in between--without mentioning astrology, take it to Chat. If you want to debate what another participant in this thread says about Trump, his supporters, other politicians, etc., take it to Chat. If you want to debate what another participant says about the relevant astrology, you may do so in this thread, but do it RESPECTFULLY. No "you" statements. No talking down.

Continuing violations of the rules will result in this thread being closed.

Someone mentioned the Profection Year. This Solar Return is a new year for him, is it a Mars or Venus profection year? Do we know yet for certain?

The Benefic planets and the Malefic planets are still what they've always been, and Trump's natal Mars rising, is conjunct Regulus, and of course it is STILL a malefic in nature. Ironically, it applies to HIM too, even though many can't see it. Had there not been a Trump on January 6th, to say, "lets walk to the Capitol, and I'll be there right with you " (prior to taking the limo back to the safety of the WH) - there very possibly would not have been a demonstration or attempt to overthrow the VP and the Electoral college that day.

It was Trump who said, " We'll walk to the Capitol, and I'll walk with you", but he didn't! He took the limousine back to the White House to the arms of safety. He first encouraged them to "be strong" (see the linked speech below)

Elsbeth Ebertin studied historical events with the planetary configurations in each case and came to the following conclusion; “when Mars or Saturn are in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded e.g. assassinations, coup d’états, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, overthrow of heads of state and similar events”. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p51-52.]

Trump's Speech on Jan. 6th: Putting VP Pence into the crosshairs of violence:
the crowd (a "Mars" event- created a hangman's galley & brought and hung a noose, while they searched for the Vice President!

Has anyone figured out the Profection Year in 2020 or 2021?

Mars may be the 2020, and Venus 2021? :pouty:

Some of these transits with Venus look terrible -

Venus may be either Ivanka or his wife Melania but Venus & the Moon indicate women.

on July 24, he has a Mars return, with Moon/Saturn conjunct at 10Aquarius opposing his natal Pluto, Mercury conjunct his Saturn, Pluto opposing his Venus and Neptune squaring his Sun/Moon opposition. Transiting Sun will also cross his sec. prog. MC/Saturn conjunction the next day. His solar arc Uranus is conjunct his Asc and solar arc Saturn conjunct his Neptune. Gary Lorentzan F.B.


And Mike Pence, I hope you're going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you're not, I'm going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I'm not hearing good stories.
All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.
And I actually, I just spoke to Mike. I said: "Mike, that doesn't take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage." And then we're stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years. We're just not going to let that happen.
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btw, I forgot to mention another important MERCURY news event proving once again that the Solar Eclipse is stirring up new beginnings in relation to communication.

A Conservative, free-speech platform was launched on July 4th, right at the end of the Mercury RX post-shadow so all clear to begin new projects.

Jason Miller, the Founder, is hoping President Trump will join but we'll see. But all the people who were kicked off Twitter, YT, etc are flocking to the site. There are already 1 M users and it hasn't been a week. A lot of great Patriots on the site can now post without fear of censorship or banning.

This is very positive Mercury news & they fired it up to start on Independence Day.

Former Trump aide Jason Miller joins RAV to talk about his latest social media platform GETTR. The new platform is geared towards “fighting cancel culture, promoting common sense, defending free speech, challenging social media monopolies, and creating a true marketplace of ideas.”
CPAC wrapped up in Dallas tonight, started on July 9th with the NM :cancer:and wrapped up with the exciting :moon::leo:! You have to wonder if they have an astrologer on staff; the GOP time everything perfectly! :happy::happy::happy:

Don Trump Jr was so funny pocking fun at the lunatic left Dems! :biggrin:
There were so many fine speeches, the best saved to last of course being President Trump.

He spoke for 1.5 hrs & completely trashed the fake prezzy O'Biden terror regime & then attacked the RINOs like McConnell, Romney & the war-mongering Cheney. The SR :moon::mars::conjunct: fireworks!

And with :moon::leo::conjunct: n :pluto: H12 :sextile::neptune:, he was inspiring and hopeful when he talked about how he was going to SAVE AMERICA & secure the border once again when he returns. He tapped into the unconscious longing of the crowd to have American values returned.

He had to stop several times as the packed crowd chanted U.S.A. & showed their patriotism & love.

Mike LIndell was there to meet with Trump but he didn't give a speech.
He sponsored the RSBN network & at one point, there were over 2 M views! :):):)

Last time that happened in his rally, Big Tech Oligarchs shut down the network from broadcasting. They are so afraid of his popularity but with :jupiter::conjunct: DC for months to come, the love-fest continues.

Probably at least 100 M supporters in the U.S.A. now & not even counting all the Patriots around the world who support & love him.:w00t::w00t::w00t:



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