Solar return 2025; Major concern

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Jun 10, 2023
Hello folks,

I was looking at my next solar return chart and I'm actually worried about the stellium in the 8th house ( Sun, Uranus, Mercury ). I'm especially concerned about the effect it could have on my finances. I've just started to get better off financially this year, being able to save a bit and if something unforseen happens next year, vanishing all my efforts to nothing it would be absolutely devastating.

Can you help me to see clearer regarding this matter please ? Is there a risk of bankruptcy ? or does it tend more towards financial growth ?? I have no clue 🤷‍♀️

Thank you

Screenshot 2024-12-30 15.27.10.pngScreenshot 2024-12-30 15.27.01.png
I don't see reasons to worry in this SR. No heavy aspects between these planets in the 8th with other planets... There's in fact a healthy and down to earth trine to your capricorn natal mars.

Also, just chill because trust me, I went through very creepy solar returns in the past. And not once, but multiple times! And turned out that none of my fears materialized. So even If you had a creepy SR for 2025 (although to me It doesn't look like you have... ) if you're doing your job with honestity and isn't hurting or invading anyone's free will God and life will never punish you, but teach you lessons you can bear in the proper time.

Gotta wait for other answers and to hear what the other users will opine, but to me it looks pretty ok.
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Thank you Jenny82, maybe I'm stressed out for nothing, maybe not, because I've never been lucky in life and Uranus here is scaring me..
Looks not bad at a all, no malefics or poor aspects. It could be surprise I heritance, or getting involved with learning how to do investing, saving more with others. Can just be a focus on the deeper elements of life. 8th is the values you sure with others. How old will your be on this SR? Mars will be strong, as is Venus.
Looks not bad at a all, no malefics or poor aspects. It could be surprise I heritance, or getting involved with learning how to do investing, saving more with others. Can just be a focus on the deeper elements of life. 8th is the values you sure with others. How old will your be on this SR? Mars will be strong, as is Venus.

Thank you SummerBliss. Regarding inheritance, my mother passed away this year, I received nothing. My father tried to sweep this under the rug telling there is no inheritance. I know he's a manipulator so I don't know if it's the truth or not. I'll turn 39 next year, but my life has been delayed because of the strong influence of Saturn. I'm single , have no children and walk alone in life
Thank you SummerBliss. Regarding inheritance, my mother passed away this year, I received nothing. My father tried to sweep this under the rug telling there is no inheritance. I know he's a manipulator so I don't know if it's the truth or not. I'll turn 39 next year, but my life has been delayed because of the strong influence of Saturn. I'm single , have no children and walk alone in life
Well maybe there is something you get from your mom, wether it be something she owned or more clarity about the inheritance. Was there an executor of the will?
Was there an executor of the will?

Surely not ! then he (father) can get away with it. On the other hand I really don't want to have to deal with someone for whom clear communication, honesty and mutual respect are impossible
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The SR 8th stellium is crossing your natal 12th. My bet is it could gains you receive through unexpected and perhaps secret ways. Like, silent ways. Perhaps something in justice you've been waiting it's been many years now from your lawyer? It's unexpected and sudden. Perhaps even lotery stuff, lol. 12th is a house with multiple meanings but not just losses and humility, it's also behind the curtain stuff. Another possibility is you not receiving money per se but having multiple ideias of how to improve your finances in 2025. Uranus and pisces/12th have these... "aha" moments since rules creativity, dreams. Gotta hope for the best.

My mom recently went through a similar situation you went through. She should receive inheritance from a few relatives 10 years, 8 years ago and discovered recently two sisters of her betrayed her and stayed with all money so now they're fighting in justice. And what I started to do to help is to do lotery stuff. Because I believe if we have the right to receive money, money will come one way or another... 😂 It's the karma! And life will pay back those who stoled us one day but is not under our control.
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Thank you Jenny82. Nothing in justice, no lawyer, none of that.. lottery is impossible, I believe it's simply not my birth right, I'm the opposite of a lottery winner... New source of income, I don't think so. Sometimes I help people who are learning French since it's my native language. I like it but I never charged, I'm not a teacher. Also I'm writing novels in French, on adventure and friendship / romance but same it's not for profit and no one would care about my stories anyway. That's why I'm worried about something bad to happen to my finances with these planets in 8th more than a good surprise.
I've checked my progressed chart as well as but I think the orbs are still too wide because more or less 2 degrees but progressed Venus will trine natal Uranus, progressed Mercury will sextile natal Sun / Mercury, square Pluto, and trine Moon / Saturn and progressed MC will conjunct natal Jupiter.

Jupiter will transit my 2nd house and conjunct my natal Venus, but Saturn will my natal square my natal Venus ... I'm so confused
ChatGPT answer

Your solar return chart suggests the potential for money gain overall, but it comes with significant caveats. The opportunities for growth and financial improvement are there, but they depend on how you manage the dynamic aspects of the chart.

Why Mostly Gain?​

  1. Venus (8th House Ruler) Trine Mars in the 10th House:
    • This is a favorable aspect for career-related financial success and harmonizing efforts in professional endeavors. Gains can come through your work, reputation, or collaborations.
  2. Sun Trine Pluto:
    • This powerful aspect supports financial regeneration, control over resources, and transformation. It implies you can rebuild or grow wealth, particularly through strategic decisions.
  3. Jupiter in the 9th House:
    • While the square to Saturn calls for caution, Jupiter in the 9th can bring long-term growth through wise investments, education, or opportunities tied to foreign connections.

Why Potential for Loss?​

  1. Uranus in the 8th House:
    • Uranus can bring unexpected events related to shared finances or investments. If you're not cautious, this could lead to sudden losses.
  2. Jupiter Square Saturn:
    • This aspect warns against overconfidence or taking risks without a solid plan. Financial growth might be slower or require overcoming obstacles.

Final Assessment

The chart leans toward financial gain, provided you exercise caution and strategy, particularly with investments and joint finances. Avoid impulsiveness and aim to ground your decisions in careful planning. By focusing on your partnerships and professional growth, the potential for gain outweighs the risks of loss.

Muntha in Fifth House

Muntha in fifth house is considered to be auspicious. During this year, a person receives happiness and peace of mind. He also achieves success. Students are able to do well in examinations. A person’s children also succeed in life. Muntha in fifth house gives monetary benefits. A person gets opportunities to succeed in his profession and business. He is also well-respected in society. Fifth house is also known as a Dharma triangle. Therefore, a person may be inclined towards religious activities when Muntha is in fifth house. Such a person goes on pilgrimages. He may get married or be involved with other auspicious activities. He is also fortunate during this period.

This is my Muntha in vedic astrology for the next solar return. I could notice that vedic astrology makes more accurate predictions than western astrology, I hope it's a good omen. My Muntha this year is in the 8th house. That's why I'm always on a roller coaster emotionally, having to deal with a lot of mental strain and pressure throughout the year. This is exhausting. It relates to death as well. My mother died a few months ago. Also relocation, and I moved to a new city a few months ago.
I found more positive indicators : Solar return ascendant in the natal 5th house. Ascendant ruler Venus ( same as 8th house ruler ) trine Mars in 10th house, and Solar Return MC falling in my natal 2nd house . Knowing Jupiter will transit my 2nd house , conjunct Venus and trine Pluto , these are good indicators for financial health
Actually it looks like I'm gonna have to deal with inheritance dispute since I had news from the notary and it's exactly as I said in my previous post. I just have the proof now
He probably signed documents against my own volition since I wasn't aware of anything, for him to inherit the totality of my mom's funds, funds that firstly came from my grand parents, nothing to do with him . I see red
No surprise I'll have nothing since the widowed chose the usufruct so he keeps everything and me nothing. I've been able to see the attestation of inheritance and there is a lot of money. This spineless manipulator tried to make me believe he couldn't even pay for the funeral and there was nothing left, nothing to inherit . What a poor man you are
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Thank you WrittenInTheStars. I don't think about this anymore. These are toxic thoughts, and receiving inheritance doesn't make anyone wealthier in the end. It's all about mindset, and faith .