Solar Return 2025

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Jan 5, 2023
Thought I'd get some ideas as to what to expect for 2025. Some noteworthy observations:

  1. Mars is my Lord of Year (Scorpio 12th house profection year)
  2. Ascendant on Solar Return exactly conjunct natal Mars
  3. Mars is stationary direct in Solar Return
  4. Venus is stationary retrograde in Solar Return (and in the sign of Mars rulership). Stations retrograde on the very same day!!
  5. What is Pluto in 7th about!? 😮

Looking forward to interpretations 🙂

Venus retrograde is usually pretty dreadful for me, especially in terms of romantic relationships.

So to have it station retrograde on my actual birthday, is a bit next level 😤 as it will be affecting my whole year! 🤦 I guess it will be working in tandem with that Pluto in 7th house.

I'm guessing it will be about dealing with, and working through, past relationship issues, as retrogrades are?

Has anyone had a Venus stationary retrograde in the Solar Return before? How did that year unfold? Actually I'll start a separate thread on that one.
All planets are on the top part of the chart, I guess next year will be all about being out there and dealing with other people/external factors. Great time to advance your career - if this is your cup of tea - maybe in teaching/publishing? Either way, this is the year for being assertive. Nice SR chart :)
Thought I'd get some ideas as to what to expect for 2025. Some noteworthy observations:

  1. Mars is my Lord of Year (Scorpio 12th house profection year)
  2. Ascendant on Solar Return exactly conjunct natal Mars
  3. Mars is stationary direct in Solar Return
  4. Venus is stationary retrograde in Solar Return (and in the sign of Mars rulership). Stations retrograde on the very same day!!
  5. What is Pluto in 7th about!? 😮

Looking forward to interpretations 🙂

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PenguinTrauma you have a Cancer ascendant (Family, home, homeland issues, etc.). Your Birth Moon is activated. Well, look at which natal house the ascendant of the return falls as well as the Moon on the natal and return, what aspects it makes and where it is. At the same time, look at the Secondary Moon (it will play an important role throughout the year
Thought I'd get some ideas as to what to expect for 2025. Some noteworthy observations:

  1. Mars is my Lord of Year (Scorpio 12th house profection year)
  2. Ascendant on Solar Return exactly conjunct natal Mars
  3. Mars is stationary direct in Solar Return
  4. Venus is stationary retrograde in Solar Return (and in the sign of Mars rulership). Stations retrograde on the very same day!!
  5. What is Pluto in 7th about!? 😮

Looking forward to interpretations 🙂

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Hi PT, :)
The time has come, again, hasn't it?
First of all, as I always say, a SR without the natal in a bi-wheel is of little help.

A station planet can be very powerful, so issues related to Venusian themes are a focus, that is relationships/finances, also popularity. This is all I know. It is mostly read in natal. Venus is sextile to Jupiter, which increases popularity. There is an emphasis in 10th, so being out there, in public, to be seen, in an assertive (not timid) way is possible. However, most planets are in Aries, which is intercepted, it is fire, bold and angry, but all that seems blocked and Mars, their ruler in fall, creating emotional turmoil especially in relationships with others (square Venus), as if all this assertiveness and anger is sizzling, but it won't express itself easily. The message of Aries/Libra intercepted is "who am I/how do I learn to relate? how to be assertive and do my own thing without ruining relationships?"
Pluto is in 7th, so maybe you perceive others to be provocative, aggressive, maybe co-operation is difficult. I think this goes with what I said above.

Mercury is angular, conj MC and NN, but in Pisces. This makes him extremely powerful, so talking, communicating, probably learning/teaching too become highlighted.

Thankfully Saturn is no longer conj. the Sun, which must be a relief, but conj. MC from 9th and this cannot be so bad. Maybe you take more responsibilities that are related to career, or you feel dutiful and seek respect in career/to increase reputation. It is conj Mercury from the next house, so probably seeking to increase status through speaking/teaching/communication.

With the Cancer ASC, there is some need for emotional security, but given Mars in Cancer and 12th, I think that this can be a challenge at times.

It is a good SR. I will ask you to have a look at mine!
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PenguinTrauma you have a Cancer ascendant (Family, home, homeland issues, etc.). Your Birth Moon is activated. Well, look at which natal house the ascendant of the return falls as well as the Moon on the natal and return, what aspects it makes and where it is. At the same time, look at the Secondary Moon (it will play an important role throughout the year

Secondary Moon, the progressed Moon?

Funnily enough, that will enter a new sign in June, to Virgo. Currently in Leo and about to conjunct my natal Saturn.
According to my 2025 solar return chart, you are headed for a year of change and increased awareness of self, others, and boundaries. Mars being the lord of the year and placed prominently in the chart, issues of power, dominance, and the potential hidden issues may come up in this year. Venus R is likely to bring deep pondering over values, preferences, and patterns of relating especially where fairness is concerned due to Venus’ stationing retrograde in Mars’ sphere of influence.

Pluto in the 7th suggests important changes that may bring important truths in partnerships and help to build a new type of relationship. This stellared configuration guarantees chances for rebirth, though one will have to wait and take time to develop a better character.​
I overlooked that part! Here is the chart with my natal

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I can see your SR better now! :)
It is no surprise that Mars is the LoY, as it is so accentuated being conj. SR ASC! Mars rules your n MC, your reputation and career, so these issues are a big focus this year, also how you pursue your desires, lessons on how to assert yourself, be competitive, may be a year of action, unlike the year before with the 12th house Sun/stellium and ASC conj. Neptune.

I can see Saturn exactly conj. n Venus. You will not take your relationships lightly. If they are to survive, they have to be meaningful. Those relationships can be romantic, as well as friendships. You may need to take on more responsibilities, be more mature towards your partner. Also, maintaining stability in finances and reassessing financial obligations may become a priority. In any case, Venusian things become important this year. So you may need to realistically re-evaluate relationships and keep only what is really important, meaningful and serious. New relationships formed during this time may carry a sense of destiny, feeling significant and transformative. This can be a case, as SR Pluto is in 7th. However, those (new) relationships come with challenges and seriousness/commitment is required. Also you may become aware of things that bother you, find that too much is asked from you and you may need to re-assess your desires. Unless you find someone to come up to your expectations, though, you may end up feeling lonely and isolated. THe same goes for your finances. You may be asked to be more prudent, serious, assess your spending habits and spend only when necessary. In any case, adjustments have to be made. It is also interesting that SR NN is conj EXACTLY SR Mercury, the ruler of n DC. I hope it means that you meet someone important in your life. Anyway, relationships are Very important this year, they could be rather intense, though, with Pluto in 7th. It is also advised that you are careful about who you let into your life and be mindful of stalkers, obsessions and toxic relationships. SR ASC is in natal 7th too.

SR Sun in 9th, a great house, of travelling, philosophy and expanding your consciousness. This placement is WAY better than it was last year.
With SR Uranus in 5th there could be a change and instability in your romantic situation. It will shake things up in 5th house matters. You may attract an "unusual" type of guy, or someone unavailable.

Talking of Annual Profections, as you know, the most important times are :
1. Transits to the lord of the year in the natal chart
2. Transits by the lord of the year to natal planets
3. Transits through the profected sign that year

Since it is a 10th house Profection year, matters of career/reputation are important. Natal Mars is "seen" by trine from the MC. Mars is not in a good shape in natal, though. It is in fall, rx, thankfully in sect, which improves (slightly) it's expression. It is positive that there is a trine to natal Venus, which is exalted. The rx may indicate delays in the planet's expression, in matters related to 7th house and may affect career too. In SR Mars is in Cancer again, Direct but in 12th and I wonder if this brings someone from the past, or there is the element of "secrecy" about it. It may be a year that you attract conflict with others, though, as Mars is square Pluto in natal.

Just some additional thoughts

Re-read the interp @IRIS70 that's very detailed! Thank you very much for the reading 🙂

The Venus Retrograde, Mars in 12th, Uranus in 5th, and Pluto in 7th, yes I'm feeling that relationship issues will be "interesting".

I also suspect people from the past making a reappearance too, more of a subtle intuition really, behind the scenes. I feel a disturbance in the force 🤔

The travel bit sounds good. I figured if I haven't settled down by my 50s (slim chance anyway with Uranus in 5th!), I want to go travelling instead 🙂 even if just short breaks, nothing grand like trekking in Mongolia (although if I won the lotto..... 😁).
Hi PenguinTrauma,

The subtle "intuïtive part, behind the scenes" you describe now, may indicate this solar is starting to pick up momentum allready?
With all respect to Iris's beautifull reading I think she may have been mistaking about your age (or I am) but to me this looks like a 12th house profection year, giving some importance to Jupiter, the first and the twelfth. Ruler of your natal Sun, Mercury and Venus. Also aligned with the idea of your sr-Sun being in the 9th.
With natal Jupiter on the decendant still in the sixth, and the SR-sixth on the ascendant, some issues about self empowerment can arise. The partner-idea that was described involved as well. May 26 2025 you will have a Jupiter-return.

The Mars return will go on for 3 passes. 1st one has passed, 2 more to come.
January 23 - 26 of 2025 may be interesting as it involves A Venus return, a Mars return in a comfortable trine aspect?

As you are an astrologer yourself, the question rises, what have you made from the (quite abundant) interceptions in your chart?
The solar tenth has many planets, also is intercepted. It seems to indicate something 'personal relations' (Aries/Libra), something communication, thinking (3rd-9th natal) and something showing yourself in the world. That last bit includes also 'where you come from'. Are you someone who looks back to where you come from, family dynamics and how they formed you being you now? Family tree?
Lillith in the inconjunct to the nodal axis, Mercury on top of it; natally in the seventh, square the nodal axis, though your Moon is sextile to the nodes, she is quincunx to Lillith. Maybe something can come up giving you the chance to see and heal something from your families past, regarding women. Note the Chiron on the 4th, in aspect as well.

Thinking back to the Jupiter, the twelfth and Pisces, Neptune in the mix and the sixth house idea that came up. I can't help to see that as oportunity to heal something. And again pointing to that 'relations (from the past) idea'.

Just a thought, maybe it resonates, though it also may be somewhat far out for a solar-return read. I think it adds up to what you wrote before on your active 12th house in the recent past. Now a possibility to pluck some fruits from what you('re) (s)owed?

Anyhow I wish you a very good year ahead!
I use whole sign houses for profections, so in my case it would be a Scorpio and 12th house profection year. With Mars as LOY.

Next year will be the 1st house Sagittarius profection year (with Jupiter in its exaltation in Cancer. Finally!)

I totally forgot about my Jupiter return this year as well, May is not too far away either! I like that there could be some healing involved though.

The 23rd to 26th January is very notable indeed, I have also a Lunar Return, as well as the Venus and Mars Returns. Additionally a Zodiacal Releasing change as well (Level 2 in Lot of Eros).

It does seem to point to shifts in relationships, with Venus/Mars. Possibly even foreshadowing, as Venus and Mars will both be stationary in my Solar Return.

Although the first pass of Mars return was an emergency operation and a week in hospital! 😲
Yes I see how that is with whole signs, those are like 'the standard' to use? Seems so odd in comparison to your natal chart in the above (Placidus?) configuration.

Then again with your Mars-return story, nasty!, Scorpio as the 12th of hospitals makes some sence perhaps. Are you someone who looks into the background of that, like what's the message on other levels, besides the darn thing happening itself? (just being curious)

It'd be interesting to see where the lots of fortune and spirit are. They can say something about the profection year as well right? As 'fate' and your reaction to it. Fate, like the possibility for these energies to find output in your life.

A busy year, lots of reviews, check ups on where you are with energies, planetary cycles. Nice that Jupiter return this year, as if it shows now to be brushed up on, polished so next year, in that exaltation, he's ready to shine.
Thought I'd get some ideas as to what to expect for 2025. Some noteworthy observations:

  1. Mars is my Lord of Year (Scorpio 12th house profection year)
  2. Ascendant on Solar Return exactly conjunct natal Mars
  3. Mars is stationary direct in Solar Return
  4. Venus is stationary retrograde in Solar Return (and in the sign of Mars rulership). Stations retrograde on the very same day!!
  5. What is Pluto in 7th about!? 😮

Looking forward to interpretations 🙂

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Looking at upcoming retrogrades, I knew there was a Mercury retrograde coming up (similar degrees, signs, and timing to the Venus retrograde)

What I didn't know, is that it enters shadow, the day before my birthday.

So: Mars stationary direct, Venus stationary retrograde on the very day, and Mercury entering shadow the day before.

The fun never stops! 😃🤦‍♀️
Thought I'd get some ideas as to what to expect for 2025. Some noteworthy observations:

  1. Mars is my Lord of Year (Scorpio 12th house profection year)
  2. Ascendant on Solar Return exactly conjunct natal Mars
  3. Mars is stationary direct in Solar Return
  4. Venus is stationary retrograde in Solar Return (and in the sign of Mars rulership). Stations retrograde on the very same day!!
  5. What is Pluto in 7th about!? 😮

Looking forward to interpretations 🙂

View attachment 114441
It upper horizon which means no wall flower year. Cancer rising . Sentimental and sensitive, intuitive is how you view the world . Almost opposite your natal. A different sort of year. Sun in ninth . Travel , studying and possibly publish if that something in mind. Moon Aries a go getter fire sign . How your emotions be and Conjoin Venus tenth house. Sometimes this does signify an important relationship with a female or domestic comes forth. I've gone back over a few Venus Rx and they different for everyone.
Saturn hugging your MC . Serious about status and your career. I see Saturn as a focal point too.
Jupiter and Uranus in 11th house. Jupiter is trine Pluto. Expansion with groups. Friends and general luck related to the fruits of your career
Uranus is the out of the blue planet.
Unusual and never know. mars is almost cusping ascendent . Your natal Mars , So your use to this energy. Pluto seventh could be power plays especially sq sun or moon ,, personal planets but it not. Relationships could be heavy.

Your sun has good aspects 😊 so ninth house things should not be a problem.
I think just a different sort of quest this year .
I've had a few Venus conjoin moon solar returns and they seemed sweet. Rx too , one of them

Mars perfection year . Public for you Aries Pisces , 9th and 10th
I can see your SR better now! :)
It is no surprise that Mars is the LoY, as it is so accentuated being conj. SR ASC! Mars rules your n MC, your reputation and career, so these issues are a big focus this year, also how you pursue your desires, lessons on how to assert yourself, be competitive, may be a year of action, unlike the year before with the 12th house Sun/stellium and ASC conj. Neptune.

I can see Saturn exactly conj. n Venus. You will not take your relationships lightly. If they are to survive, they have to be meaningful. Those relationships can be romantic, as well as friendships. You may need to take on more responsibilities, be more mature towards your partner. Also, maintaining stability in finances and reassessing financial obligations may become a priority. In any case, Venusian things become important this year. So you may need to realistically re-evaluate relationships and keep only what is really important, meaningful and serious. New relationships formed during this time may carry a sense of destiny, feeling significant and transformative. This can be a case, as SR Pluto is in 7th. However, those (new) relationships come with challenges and seriousness/commitment is required. Also you may become aware of things that bother you, find that too much is asked from you and you may need to re-assess your desires. Unless you find someone to come up to your expectations, though, you may end up feeling lonely and isolated. THe same goes for your finances. You may be asked to be more prudent, serious, assess your spending habits and spend only when necessary. In any case, adjustments have to be made. It is also interesting that SR NN is conj EXACTLY SR Mercury, the ruler of n DC. I hope it means that you meet someone important in your life. Anyway, relationships are Very important this year, they could be rather intense, though, with Pluto in 7th. It is also advised that you are careful about who you let into your life and be mindful of stalkers, obsessions and toxic relationships. SR ASC is in natal 7th too.

SR Sun in 9th, a great house, of travelling, philosophy and expanding your consciousness. This placement is WAY better than it was last year.
With SR Uranus in 5th there could be a change and instability in your romantic situation. It will shake things up in 5th house matters. You may attract an "unusual" type of guy, or someone unavailable.

Talking of Annual Profections, as you know, the most important times are :
1. Transits to the lord of the year in the natal chart
2. Transits by the lord of the year to natal planets
3. Transits through the profected sign that year

Since it is a 10th house Profection year, matters of career/reputation are important. Natal Mars is "seen" by trine from the MC. Mars is not in a good shape in natal, though. It is in fall, rx, thankfully in sect, which improves (slightly) it's expression. It is positive that there is a trine to natal Venus, which is exalted. The rx may indicate delays in the planet's expression, in matters related to 7th house and may affect career too. In SR Mars is in Cancer again, Direct but in 12th and I wonder if this brings someone from the past, or there is the element of "secrecy" about it. It may be a year that you attract conflict with others, though, as Mars is square Pluto in natal.

Just some additional thoughts

I'd see the Pluto in the 7th as including open enemies, so fighting battles or just sparring in some kind of contest can be transformational especially with those trines.
Yes I see how that is with whole signs, those are like 'the standard' to use? Seems so odd in comparison to your natal chart in the above (Placidus?) configuration.

Then again with your Mars-return story, nasty!, Scorpio as the 12th of hospitals makes some sence perhaps. Are you someone who looks into the background of that, like what's the message on other levels, besides the darn thing happening itself? (just being curious)

It'd be interesting to see where the lots of fortune and spirit are. They can say something about the profection year as well right? As 'fate' and your reaction to it. Fate, like the possibility for these energies to find output in your life.

A busy year, lots of reviews, check ups on where you are with energies, planetary cycles. Nice that Jupiter return this year, as if it shows now to be brushed up on, polished so next year, in that exaltation, he's ready to shine.

We think of the 12th as doom and gloom but it can be transcendent because it requires depth and sorting murky things out in our subconscious minds and in the collective subconscious. The 12th is ultimately mystical because it requires at some point some kind of sacrifice of the ego. But that doesn't mean making an uncalculated surrender; that would be victimhood.

The trick is to try to go with the flow but also be on the alert for how to make it work for you and be prepared to be strategic, it's about backroom deals and those aren't always happening on the dark side. My grandmother had Mars in the 12th house and she was in the French Resistance. A brilliant placement for a spy or someone who can be strategic and undercover in some way.

We tend to yearn for/want all good stuff year in year out but forget we are ultimately on a spiritual journey, and a strong 12th placement can shock us Into this reminder. It's about becoming the best version of ourselves in the circumstances. Ironically my grandmother felt her best years were during the war and this says a lot about her ability to rise above the fray, but also that adversity can be the making of us.

Sometimes being misunderstood at least in the short term, might need to be accepted ...a delay before a longer term release. Whether that is in this life or for the afterlife is worth more than a passing thought

The 12th has an echo of Pisces so Cancer is not far off being at home there too, it's capable of being psychic so take notice of dreams, omens etc.
I would think that to succeed with this trickiness of the Mars being in Cancer and retrograde and also in the 12th it's important to not go into open combat but to take the lay of the land and be in tune with the tribe.
I hope this makes sense.

(I'm Mars ruled being sun in Aries and have a similar SR placement for 2025 so I really have to take this on board.
A complication for me is the SR Asc is on an anoretic degree at 29 deg Cancer so there is a sense of shifting movement in relation to home or family, or just general circumstances.)
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Hi PT, :)
The time has come, again, hasn't it?
First of all, as I always say, a SR without the natal in a bi-wheel is of little help.

A station planet can be very powerful, so issues related to Venusian themes are a focus, that is relationships/finances, also popularity. This is all I know. It is mostly read in natal. Venus is sextile to Jupiter, which increases popularity. There is an emphasis in 10th, so being out there, in public, to be seen, in an assertive (not timid) way is possible. However, most planets are in Aries, which is intercepted, it is fire, bold and angry, but all that seems blocked and Mars, their ruler in fall, creating emotional turmoil especially in relationships with others (square Venus), as if all this assertiveness and anger is sizzling, but it won't express itself easily. The message of Aries/Libra intercepted is "who am I/how do I learn to relate? how to be assertive and do my own thing without ruining relationships?"
Pluto is in 7th, so maybe you perceive others to be provocative, aggressive, maybe co-operation is difficult. I think this goes with what I said above.

Mercury is angular, conj MC and NN, but in Pisces. This makes him extremely powerful, so talking, communicating, probably learning/teaching too become highlighted.

Thankfully Saturn is no longer conj. the Sun, which must be a relief, but conj. MC from 9th and this cannot be so bad. Maybe you take more responsibilities that are related to career, or you feel dutiful and seek respect in career/to increase reputation. It is conj Mercury from the next house, so probably seeking to increase status through speaking/teaching/communication.

With the Cancer ASC, there is some need for emotional security, but given Mars in Cancer and 12th, I think that this can be a challenge at times.

It is a good SR. I will ask you to have a look at mine!

However, most planets are in Aries

Is that correct? It's tricky to do a visual take when the planets are in a house to assume that it's in the same sign. Here there's a dominance of late Pisces rather than Aries. The box on triplicities and elements is always a good read on things to double check your impressions, I've been tripped up a lot of times.
This Pisces connects thematically with the 12th house situation in Cancer. I feel the good aspects are strong however.