I can see your SR better now!

It is no surprise that Mars is the LoY, as it is so accentuated being conj. SR ASC! Mars rules your n MC, your reputation and career, so these issues are a big focus this year, also how you pursue your desires, lessons on how to assert yourself, be competitive, may be a year of action, unlike the year before with the 12th house Sun/stellium and ASC conj. Neptune.
I can see Saturn exactly conj. n Venus. You will not take your relationships lightly. If they are to survive, they have to be meaningful. Those relationships can be romantic, as well as friendships. You may need to take on more responsibilities, be more mature towards your partner. Also, maintaining stability in finances and reassessing financial obligations may become a priority. In any case, Venusian things become important this year. So you may need to realistically re-evaluate relationships and keep only what is really important, meaningful and serious. New relationships formed during this time may carry a sense of destiny, feeling significant and transformative. This can be a case, as SR Pluto is in 7th. However, those (new) relationships come with challenges and seriousness/commitment is required. Also you may become aware of things that bother you, find that too much is asked from you and you may need to re-assess your desires. Unless you find someone to come up to your expectations, though, you may end up feeling lonely and isolated. THe same goes for your finances. You may be asked to be more prudent, serious, assess your spending habits and spend only when necessary. In any case, adjustments have to be made. It is also interesting that SR NN is conj EXACTLY SR Mercury, the ruler of n DC. I hope it means that you meet someone important in your life. Anyway, relationships are Very important this year, they could be rather intense, though, with Pluto in 7th. It is also advised that you are careful about who you let into your life and be mindful of stalkers, obsessions and toxic relationships. SR ASC is in natal 7th too.
SR Sun in 9th, a great house, of travelling, philosophy and expanding your consciousness. This placement is WAY better than it was last year.
With SR Uranus in 5th there could be a change and instability in your romantic situation. It will shake things up in 5th house matters. You may attract an "unusual" type of guy, or someone unavailable.
Talking of Annual Profections, as you know, the most important times are :
1. Transits to the lord of the year in the natal chart
2. Transits by the lord of the year to natal planets
3. Transits through the profected sign that year
Since it is a 10th house Profection year, matters of career/reputation are important. Natal Mars is "seen" by trine from the MC. Mars is not in a good shape in natal, though. It is in fall, rx, thankfully in sect, which improves (slightly) it's expression. It is positive that there is a trine to natal Venus, which is exalted. The rx may indicate delays in the planet's expression, in matters related to 7th house and may affect career too. In SR Mars is in Cancer again, Direct but in 12th and I wonder if this brings someone from the past, or there is the element of "secrecy" about it. It may be a year that you attract conflict with others, though, as Mars is square Pluto in natal.
Just some additional thoughts