Solar Return chart- how to read

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Dec 29, 2024
Toronto Canada

I don't know how to read solar return charts well. Can someone read my 2024-2025 solar return chart? My birthday was in November.

A brief overview of 2024:
* I had an overall bad year with health for 2024 (but not bedridden). Some aspects of my life were okay, but the bad health really brought me down.
* I don't know what it was about this year, but I came across a lot of handsome men.
* I had a discovery about myself.
* Family life was so so.
* There was improvement for me compared to years 2019-2022 (these years were really bad in terms of health - was bedridden)

If anyone can give me a reading, can you tell me how my health might be? I have cancer moon in 6th house in the degree of Virgo which I'm guessing is a good improvement of health? But I don't know how to read this against a natal chart.

Any insights would be appreciated.

Attached is natal, solar and natal + solar return charts


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I don't know how to read solar return charts well.

Can someone read my 2024-2025 solar return chart? My birthday was in November.

A brief overview of 2024:
* I had an overall bad year with health for 2024 (but not bedridden). Some aspects of my life were okay, but the bad health really brought me down.
* I don't know what it was about this year, but I came across a lot of handsome men.
* I had a discovery about myself.
* Family life was so so.
* There was improvement for me compared to years 2019-2022 (these years were really bad in terms of health - was bedridden)
If anyone can give me a reading, can you tell me how my health might be? I have cancer moon in 6th house in the degree of Virgo which I'm guessing is a good improvement of health? But I don't know how to read this against a natal chart.
Any insights would be appreciated.
Attached is natal, solar and natal + solar return charts
Solar Return charts are created for the exact moment the Sun returns to its natal position, marking the beginning of a new astrological year. For a better understanding of the chart, pay attention to the house in which the Sun falls, the aspects it makes, and the planets in it. This provides insight into the upcoming year's themes and opportunities.
For Cancer native with Moon in the sixth house, particularly with Virgo undertone, one may develop concern with health, especially promoting or practicing health enhancing behaviors. Solar return charts usually show areas of personal development, but the charts must be analyzed together with the natal charts.

The 6th house is also associated with the routines, nutrition, and care that can be helpful during the recovery process. New people, including your talking about handsome men, may refer to Venus or social house activations. However, getting professional astrologer consultation would be the best solution in order to get relevant advice.​

I don't know how to read solar return charts well. Can someone read my 2024-2025 solar return chart? My birthday was in November.

A brief overview of 2024:
* I had an overall bad year with health for 2024 (but not bedridden). Some aspects of my life were okay, but the bad health really brought me down.
* I don't know what it was about this year, but I came across a lot of handsome men.
* I had a discovery about myself.
* Family life was so so.
* There was improvement for me compared to years 2019-2022 (these years were really bad in terms of health - was bedridden)

If anyone can give me a reading, can you tell me how my health might be? I have cancer moon in 6th house in the degree of Virgo which I'm guessing is a good improvement of health? But I don't know how to read this against a natal chart.

Any insights would be appreciated.

Attached is natal, solar and natal + solar return charts
For adding charts, may I make a suggestion, screenshots can be blurred.

At astro, you can press on the chart, and save it to photos. When you are making a post, press on the image at the top middle that looks like a mountain picture. Follow the directions and your image is easier to read. You can edit your data or black it out in photos, and our image would be easier to read.
I can’t tell what house Jupiter Transit is in from your screenshot.

But, it is trine your natal Chiron in the 6th of health.

I would like to see Jupiter in the 1st house in this case. 1st house being self, might compliment Chiron in the 6th well.

As you can see the screenshot cuts off the bottom of the chart.

I post the one below for you to see the difference. We see a partial chart in yours.

I'd be happy to comment on your charts, but honestly the chart size is too small for me to read the degrees; and then if I try to enlarge them, I lose the resolution.

Anything you can do to fix this would be helpful.