Solar return DSC on natal moon and moon in SR 5th?

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Jan 8, 2016

Wondering if anyone is able to give me some insights about my solar return for this year.

The solar return descendant is exactly on my natal moon and the sr moon is in the 5th house with jupiter. Also sr mercury is conjunct the sr dsc in the 9th.

New love.. Or what? ����

Very thankful for any replies that might help shed light on this or on other aspects of the chart. Thank you! ⭐��


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This year you'll will be an interesting one for you! You'll be very concerned with your public appearance, as shown with your Leo Rising Ruler sitting in the 10th house. The Sun is conjunct Uranus, so you might even feel like a completely different person this year. With your SR Moon and Jupiter both in the 5th, there could be loads of fun and romance for sure. Do I see anything long lasting? Not necessarily, but definitely fun! With that Venus in 8th, they could be a bit of a mysterious type. Might also not just be one, but a couple! And with that descendant in Aquarius, I don't think you're going to want to be tied down either. You'll come across as a free spirit, friendly, but hard to read.

Are you thinking of online dating? I ask cause your SR Moon is sitting in the Natal 3rd house of communications.

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This year you'll will be an interesting one for you! You'll be very concerned with your public appearance, as shown with your Leo Rising Ruler sitting in the 10th house. The Sun is conjunct Uranus, so you might even feel like a completely different person this year. With your SR Moon and Jupiter both in the 5th, there could be loads of fun and romance for sure. Do I see anything long lasting? Not necessarily, but definitely fun! With that Venus in 8th, they could be a bit of a mysterious type. Might also not just be one, but a couple! And with that descendant in Aquarius, I don't think you're going to want to be tied down either.

Are you thinking of online dating? I ask cause your SR Moon is sitting in the Natal 3rd house of communications.


Crazy, I was literally just thinking "hmm, wonder if anyone's replied in my thread on aw" when a notification pops up in my phone! 🤣

It is true I do feel like a new person, have had lots of internal changes going on since November of last year. Sounds like a lot of fun and yes you're right I have been dating some online women. 😂

That aquarius descendant could be my ex as she's an aquarius. We've been seeing each other secretly for some "fun" but unfortunately that's now dead and buried. We quit seeing each other pretty much the days just before my birthday. And lol couples? 😂 Thanks for your reply
Sounds like a lot of fun and yes you're right I have been dating some online women. 😂

Haha! Too funny! Well, like I said, this is going to be a fun year for you with lots of romance but not in the permanent kind. Jupiter in 5th will make sure of that. Just be careful not to put every girl on a pedestal that takes your fancy. You might feel like they're perfect at first, then be let down not long after. Also these ventures might be costly to your bank. Try to manage your money well. :)

If you're interested to know when you might find something more permanent, let me know in a PM and I can have a look for you. :)

Dani made some excellent comments, and I would also add that SR Venus is at an Aries Pt and as your natal ASC ruler (and having a Venus return, as well as Mars return sidenote!) there will be an emphasis on Venusian themes this year. So I would take a special look at its rulerships (natally and in the return) and aspects it's making. Lots of luck! :smile:

For solar return chart, it would be wise to correct the precession. The reason for why you should correct the chart because vernal equinox and soliscite are moving backwards in respect to the fixed stars at a rate of approximately 50.25 seconds per year. Hence the correcting the precession should improving significantly for timing of planetary transit. Then applying and analyzing the natal chart with the solar return chart. For more detail examples this following thread would be helpful:


Wondering if anyone is able to give me some insights about my solar return for this year.