Solar Return planets on the 8th

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
Puerto Rico
Any relevant experiences with having a Solar Return Sun in the 8th house along with other planets such as venus? Is it normally a bad thing or a good thing?
You can't label it 'good' or 'bad' as it depends on so many things.

A friend of mine had her Solar return Sun and Venus conjunct in the 8th house last year and that's when she started to experiment with plastic surgery and had 3 procedures done - her Sun and Venus are natally conjunct in the 1st house.

So this was definitely a year of transformation (8th house) of her physical appearance (1st house) and the best thing she's ever done according to her...
I have Sun-Venus conjunct my Solar Return next year :) and it also conjuncts my natal planets I dont have a Sun-Venus conjunction on my natal chart though. However no plans for cosmetic surgery.
This year Im having Jupiter conjunct venus and south node in 8th house. North node is in 2nd.(i hope it means good year for money:tongue:)SR jupiter is square my natal venus.
This year in my SR, which will begin in a few days, I have too the Sun- Saturn in my 8th conjuct, so i' ll keep you posted. Unfortunatelly, the 8th of the SR return is in my first natal. I don't think i' ll have a great year! Hope i'm wrong!
Ehh, I have the Sun in my 8th this year, but as a curiosity, I casted my chart for my year of "25" and I have an 8th house stellium... Yikes!