Something significant happened

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Jan 13, 2017

Something significant happen in my life. I’m 40 years old woman with issues with intimacy. My latest real dating experience is from around year 2003.

When my progressed Venus made exact semisextile to natal ascendant, man took contact to me via dating app. After two weeks sending messages back and forth we met and spent night together. It was also my first time. So that was big thing for me.

At the same time my natal 7th house ruler was applying exact conjunction to my 7th house cusp and transiting Pluto was trining Jupiter, that is old ruler of Pisces. Also Chiron was leaving 7th house simultaneously.

Only problem is that I don’t really feel anything else than mildly positive feeling towards him. When we met I realised that his photo was 5 to 10 years old and as he looked significantly older. Also during our time together I started to wondering if he has some kind of eating disorder. He is very sex oriented and would like to do it outside (public) etc. things that I don’t agree. Also his messages are suggestive of sex when there is only a chance. I think that's also part of the relationship, but there are those conversations even in the middle of everyday things. It’s uncomfortable for me. I am also concerned about his attitude towards women. I think I will end this soon.

I’m just wondering if this is how the universe brings potential relationships to people. I was expecting to fall in love when Neptune entered to my 7th. We just spent this weekend together when it happened and nothing. Can some comment or share experiences? Did I miss something from my chart that could explain this?
When my progressed Venus made exact semisextile to natal ascendant, man took contact to me via dating app. After two weeks sending messages back and forth we met and spent night together. It was also my first time. So that was big thing for me.
Semi sextiles are very weak aspects, to the angles even more so, and should not be treated in the same light as the major aspects. Semi-sextiles are said to 'require effort'; e.g. their meaning does not come easily. Your description of the man does sound like a Venus in Virgo report that doesn't fit its ' perfection qualities', whilst its retrograde position may tend to want to overlook the.
Don't forget any influence to Ascendant wil alsol take in the 7th house .... in this case a strained sesquiquadrate135 degree aspect.

At the same time my natal 7th house ruler was applying exact conjunction to my 7th house cusp and transiting Pluto was trining Jupiter, that is old ruler of Pisces. Also Chiron was leaving 7th house simultaneously.
Transit Neptune was also completing the harsh aspect to natal Mercury square Neptune (media contact deception?) and is now in the long term harsh direct/retrograde/direct aspect with natal Pluto, that trines Moon and sextiles Sun. By its completion your 'starry eyed' nature may have undergone a necessity to open your eyes to what is. and not what you (obsessively?) dream of expecting.:)
The eventual transit of Neptune to Jupiter could look more promising.
I’m just wondering if this is how the universe brings potential relationships to people.
It doesn't. Astrological symbolism is totally neutral, simply showing how situations are at any given time. It's up to the individual how they choose to interpret them.

Did I miss something from my chart that could explain this?

Most astrologers will tell you that life's experiences at any time are not explained by a few aspects alone. There's a continuing story going on with which all parts of one's own nature (as per planet in sign) are involved. You might care to look at the positions of the solar arc directions which, although an hypotherical calculation are uncannily accurate, along with the secondary progressions. S.A.D's show the direction life is taking, whilst the transits bring the urge in acting with the progressions to bring about the 'once-in-a-lifetime ' theme of important periods. :)
“By its completion your 'starry eyed' nature may have undergone a necessity to open your eyes to what is. and not what you (obsessively?) dream of expecting.:)

Thank you for answering. Do you mean that Quincunx is behind this? Well I don’t know about losing starry eyes but I feel more and more that love is for other people and I have to choose between being alone or being in relationship that lacks feelings.

Interesting that you would see Neptune to jupiter transit important.

Too bad my Solar arc directions and secondary progressions are not that accurate, maybe because my country is up northern hemisphere. Also as I’m artist all love relates Solar arcs are about art related things for me, so disappointing :D