Spiritual realm and warfare is real

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Abhi kanwar

Active member
Aug 9, 2023
My English isn't much good so I will try to keep it much clear. I've experienced spiritual warfare. I am a new member here, was going through different topics so that I could participate in the forums and also what other discussions people have. I landed on the this topic of spiritual realm so I decided to share my experience. This experience happened within the the time frame of 4-5 months and it still continues. I've been allowed to experience the attacks from the demons or been exposed to demonic realm for a long period of time. These creatures are very smart, clever and they know humans from centuries. They know our each and every habits, behaviours and Satan is the main culprit of it all. Might sound like a joke/bluff to many but I don't care how I sound like because it's REAL, as real as the breath I inhale everytime, as real as the sunshine that comes in my room every morning , and as real as the water I drink everyday. The story of God and Satan is true, Satan is as ugly as you could ever imagine, he hates every human with the passion, and he is very clever and smart, no wonder why he could get 1/3rd angels to his side in Heaven. He tried to destroyed my soul,my spirit. He communicates through thoughts, some kind of telepathy,thanks to Jesus who saved my life on time otherwise, without him, I might have ended up taking my life. Without Jesus, any person would end up getting teared up into and shredded into pieces by Satan and he would burn you. Jesus is the Saviour. Later on, Jesus revealed to me more about the enemy and his tactics and how he attacks. Jesus also communicates through thoughts and helped me to identify the patterns and schemesvof enemy and how he attacks so I could protect myself from his attacks next time. Satan is powerless in front of Jesus. I've also been attacked by demons at midnight but Jesus always protected me. All these stories of exorcisms and demonic possessions are true. Jesus saves.
My English isn't much good so I will try to keep it much clear. I've experienced spiritual warfare. I am a new member here, was going through different topics so that I could participate in the forums and also what other discussions people have. I landed on the this topic of spiritual realm so I decided to share my experience. This experience happened within the the time frame of 4-5 months and it still continues. I've been allowed to experience the attacks from the demons or been exposed to demonic realm for a long period of time. These creatures are very smart, clever and they know humans from centuries. They know our each and every habits, behaviours and Satan is the main culprit of it all. Might sound like a joke/bluff to many but I don't care how I sound like because it's REAL, as real as the breath I inhale everytime, as real as the sunshine that comes in my room every morning , and as real as the water I drink everyday. The story of God and Satan is true, Satan is as ugly as you could ever imagine, he hates every human with the passion, and he is very clever and smart, no wonder why he could get 1/3rd angels to his side in Heaven. He tried to destroyed my soul,my spirit. He communicates through thoughts, some kind of telepathy,thanks to Jesus who saved my life on time otherwise, without him, I might have ended up taking my life. Without Jesus, any person would end up getting teared up into and shredded into pieces by Satan and he would burn you. Jesus is the Saviour. Later on, Jesus revealed to me more about the enemy and his tactics and how he attacks. Jesus also communicates through thoughts and helped me to identify the patterns and schemesvof enemy and how he attacks so I could protect myself from his attacks next time. Satan is powerless in front of Jesus. I've also been attacked by demons at midnight but Jesus always protected me. All these stories of exorcisms and demonic possessions are true. Jesus saves.

Exactly how is Satan attacking you? And why does Jesus let Satan attack you if are a believer?
Exactly how is Satan attacking you? And why does Jesus let Satan attack you if are a believer?
Satan attacks through mind. He distorts the truth and creates evil plots to misguide you using your past life traumas and tragic events related to your life. He feeds on your fear, doubt and worry. There's a strong spellbound energy when Satan attacks you, it will tempt you yo entertain that thought but it's only meant to give you hopelessness and destroy you, through the power of Jesus you come out of that spellbound witchcraft energy and you're saved from evil scehemes of the enemy.
Every believer in Jesus has also to suffer like Jesus did. Bible says a servant can't be greater than his master, if Jesus sufferer, so will we( believers). The very specific reason Jesus allows the demonic realm for someone like me to experience is because many out there don't believe demonic realm and Satan is real. Through our testimonies, many people will believe and even I, who once was an unbelievers, got to experience the power of Jesus Christ and what goes in spiritual warfare.
Satan attacks through mind. He distorts the truth and creates evil plots to misguide you using your past life traumas and tragic events related to your life. He feeds on your fear, doubt and worry. There's a strong spellbound energy when Satan attacks you, it will tempt you yo entertain that thought but it's only meant to give you hopelessness and destroy you, through the power of Jesus you come out of that spellbound witchcraft energy and you're saved from evil scehemes of the enemy.
Every believer in Jesus has also to suffer like Jesus did. Bible says a servant can't be greater than his master, if Jesus sufferer, so will we( believers). The very specific reason Jesus allows the demonic realm for someone like me to experience is because many out there don't believe demonic realm and Satan is real. Through our testimonies, many people will believe and even I, who once was an unbelievers, got to experience the power of Jesus Christ and what goes in spiritual warfare.

That is a textbook bible answer. I don't believe you are actually being attacked.
That is a textbook bible answer. I don't believe you are actually being attacked.
Well, if that is what the textbook says, I guess it says it right. My job is to share my testimony, I am not worried about the' not being to convince people part'. That's what Satan wants you to believe in the first place(that nothing of it's real). May Jesus bless you and reveal you the truth.
That is a textbook bible answer. I don't believe you are actually being attacked.
I think you had some different expectation from my testimony or story, you were expecting some fancy story with interesting details while I just gave simple and plain details about how he attacks and how jesus saved me. I am sorry my story narration skills couldn't come upto the expectation which your itching ears were expecting to hear. 🖐
I think you had some different expectation from my testimony or story, you were expecting some fancy story with interesting details while I just gave simple and plain details about how he attacks and how jesus saved me. I am sorry my story narration skills couldn't come upto the expectation which your itching ears were expecting to hear. 🖐

I expected a story different from different from the bible.
I expected a story different from different from the bible.
Well, you've already answered it for myself. If we see logically, if my story comes similar to the stories from the Bible, then of course the whole story is true because it's only the Bible itself from where, the concept of God and Satan and spiritual warfare originates. How come do you expect my testimony/story to be different from the very book(Bible) which introduces the concept of demonic realm, demons, angels , Satan and God? And if it comes from there, I suggest and believe it's true and authentic. And also, I haven't told here any proper details about the attacks and experiences (all of them) which I have actually gone through, just tidbits of it which made you to quickly judge and reach at the conclusion that it's all similar from the textbook and not hold much value, but it's just the half story told. Anyways, if I began telling each and every experience it would take days for me to explain. I just wanted to share my experience that's it. Hell is real, heaven is real, God is real and so does Satan.
Well, you've already answered it for myself. If we see logically, if my story comes similar to the stories from the Bible, then of course the whole story is true because it's only the Bible itself from where, the concept of God and Satan and spiritual warfare originates. How come do you expect my testimony/story to be different from the very book(Bible) which introduces the concept of demonic realm, demons, angels , Satan and God? And if it comes from there, I suggest and believe it's true and authentic. And also, I haven't told here any proper details about the attacks and experiences (all of them) which I have actually gone through, just tidbits of it which made you to quickly judge and reach at the conclusion that it's all similar from the textbook and not hold much value, but it's just the half story told. Anyways, if I began telling each and every experience it would take days for me to explain. I just wanted to share my experience that's it. Hell is real, heaven is real, God is real and so does Satan.

You are welcome to share your story. Keep in mind it is pretty much the same story as billions of others. It has been shared and repeated so many times it's lost credibility i.m.o.
You are welcome to share your story. Keep in mind it is pretty much the same story as billions of others. It has been shared and repeated so many times it's lost credibility i.m.o.
Thank you for informing me about that one. Just wanna say as long as my spirits are high and as much as I want to share my testimony, I will keep sharing in different platforms where it can add meaning to anyone's life. Even if there are billions of stories like mine, you have no idea how greatly it would've helped in creating a change in the lives of different people where it was meant to. I always look on the positive side in life and also motivate others to look on the positive side of life and ahead in life. We don't know when our story can change lives for others. Good luck 🙌

(Just because it has lost credibility for one person, doesn't mean it's necessary and applies for all)