Spotting Astrologers

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Aug 30, 2008
Without talking to somone, is there ever a way of finding out of they are interested in astrlogy? I'm still working on it.....

Are you talking about when you meet for the first time or casual acquantance or coworker/friend you are comfortable talking with? Are you afraid if you express your own interest in astrology, you may be considered "weird" or come under attack?

I live in an area that is in the Bible Belt and I keep quiet mostly because some people think astrology is of the Devil here! But I now have a regular lunar forecast in a local paper that seems well received.

Or are you wanting to know what to look for in someone's chart to see if they are interested or open to astrology?

I might mention the phase of the current phase of the moon or ask someone if they know their sun sign, just to see if they have any knowledge at all. If they do, they will usually like to share it by telling you something about their sign and how they do or don't identify with the sign characteristics.

That is the first sign of interest and the open invitation to talk further on the subject. Then you will go in further or the other person will show signs of losing interest or changing the subject.

If you are examining a natal chart, look to the water houses - 4,8,12, especially the 8th. People with planets in any of these houses usually are naturally intuitive or empathetic in some way or have an interest in psychological analysis or metaphysics. Also examine what sign Mercury, which rules the mind, is in. It may show if the person may be curious or open to alternative thoughts. Scorpio ( who's home is the 8th) likes to dig for answers to mysteries and is attracted to arcane or occult (hidden) knowledge. Aquarius is a fixed air sign attracted to alternative systems of analysis and finds astrology attractive. Mercury placed in the top hemisphere of the chart rather than the bottom, may indicate a mind that seeks beyond the basic, immediate or apparent as well and would therefore indicate a person more open or interested in astrology.

Hope that helps,
ask them, to Depth


Without talking to somone, is there ever a way of finding out of they are interested in astrlogy?

I think this is one thing you have to "talk out" with someone else. Just ask, "What do you think about astrology?" and see what they have to say. If they say, "I think it's a stupid waste of time," move on: the person is not open to astrology. But if they say, "I think it is an interesting idea..." then you might have an opening to talk about astrology.

Talking it out,

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I havent met one person in my city that is into it.

Hoorary for the internet and going crosseyed looking at a screen too long lol
HiddenDepth said:
Without talking to somone, is there ever a way of finding out of they are interested in astrlogy? I'm still working on it.....

I don't think there is a way to find out without asking someone, but if you have their chart, I heard that having aspects with Uranus can indicate that you are interested in Astrology.
I seem to recall reading that astrology might be of interest to those with planets (the Sun?) at either 27Leo/Aq or 10Pis/Vir. I have no particular idea why these degrees would be particularly meaningful, but as I have Sun at 27Leo it's always stuck with me.

As for finding out whether people are interested, I have a couple of passing comments that I insert into the middle of a sentence. If they have any particular interest they'll usually pick up on it ...

- "blah blah blah that's just typical Leo for me blah blah blah".
- "the stars above are indicating tough/good times at the moment".
I have four planets in my eight house Mars/Virgo, Mercury r/Virgo, Venus/Libra, Jupiter/Libra. What affect does my Mercury r have with this house?
I think it's rare to find others into astrology in your own area. If you mentioned astrology they might just start talking in general Sun signs. I prefer forums as you can discuss all of astrology in more detail rather than what Sun sign are you. Most of us astrologer's look normal these days we wear everyday clothes, and have a job :D . We are quite hard to spot ;) .

Here is a picture of me if your interested, I just blend into the background :)

For some reason I thought you were pretty attractive Shining ray. But now I know the truth... Now we know. Oh... now we know.
Shining Ray said:
I think it's rare to find others into astrology in your own area. If you mentioned astrology they might just start talking in general Sun signs. I prefer forums as you can discuss all of astrology in more detail rather than what Sun sign are you. Most of us astrologer's look normal these days we wear everyday clothes, and have a job :D . We are quite hard to spot ;) .

Actually, it is easy to find them if you *look* for them; I now attend a monthly Astrology meetup and have found quite a lot of people who are interested in Astrology like I am.

But yeah, for random meeting of people, it is hard to find.
HiddenDepth said:
Without talking to somone, is there ever a way of finding out of they are interested in astrlogy? I'm still working on it.....
I don't think you can find out many things about people if you don't talk to them! :D
There's no badge, no special symbol to wear, and no, a pendant miming the shape of your astrological sign doesn't mean in the least you're interested in astrology.
I am quite content when I guess right the sign or the ascendant after a few words exchanged.
Caprising said:
I think that the time is right for a general "astrologer" sign,just like the 2 fishes that churchies use. Maybe a tatto on our forehead of venus (just kidding:) seriously though us "macho males" need some discreet way of saying "yes I find astrology very interesting" without appearing unmacho or weird, does anyone have any ideas for a symbol? We are a creative bunch, why don't we invent one? any takers?

I don't think astrology or the occult practices should be encouraged. The more people that follow the more idiotic it becomes.

Don't encourage it.
Oh, I don't know. I once noticed a group of middle-aged people, all quite laid back and casual-genteel shabbily dressed, and I just 'knew they were astrologers - in the UK, this casual genteel/shabby practically seemed to be a uniform of astrologers I met at various venues/enclaves.

And as I snoopily eavesdropped, sure enough, the conversation turned to transits, aspects, planets.

I think an intereat in astrology could go with certain kinds of lifestyle, perhaps a little bit hippy, or whatever.

Personally I tend not to seek out astrologers these days, because I don't really like sun-sign astrology.

Most of my students are certainly not the sort of people who would be into that kind of thing - usually, they are far too straight. In fact, I sometimes get 'blackballed' for looking too 'witchy' - that happened just recently, when the director of a language school told me I reminded her of someone who maybe worked for one of Harry Potter's schools. She didn't take me on, so now I regret not having told her I practised black magic, human sacrifices and could turn language school directors into frogs.

Funnily enough, a lot of psychic shopsand venues did not go for the 'witchy' look either. Too much into white light and peace and love.
I also go to meetings such as NCGR and Friends, I am just getting back out again:) Have 2 little ones at home with much responsibility(saturn 5th).
I don't talk astrology with people I don't know anymore,unless I am at a meeting, convention, class for astrology, or here. I have had bad experiences with it.( when I had been excited about finding a meaning or aspect etc in the chart of a family member, I would be brought down with "That is wrong"
I can't stand the over-rightousness and judgement of those who think its evil, I wish I could explain -its like tring to understand Gods incredibly complex plans, like a puzzle basically a map of the stars (which God created). I really would like to start up a group closer by me, but I am willing to travel to find likeminded people. Fortunatly I do not have to travel far to find everyone here.:eek: Inwh
There is an Astrological Association in Great Britain and they had a litle badge that members could wear. I think it had lighning bolts as a symbol, or something similar.

I wouldn't wear a badge, seems a bit Freemason-ish, somehow. I think it can be easy to tell who might be more open to such things, with a little discreet questioning, anyway.

The question, then, becomes, whether or not I would want to get to know a lot of astrologers and for me, if that means just labelling other people by their sun signs alone, then these people are about as welcome to me as a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons cold-calling at my doorstep.
I think a symbol is a good idea...but intertwined snakes would remind me too much of the medicine symbol :p
Caprising said:
I thought that a discreet symbol might be a good idea, but going by the limited response maybe not:( .I still think that it's a good idea, so am going to suggest a symbol, one that came from the original hebrew version of the (gasp) bible. According to Zacharia Sitchin (yes I read his books:) ) the emblem of intertwined serpents was "Enki" (one of the gods who created us according to Zacharia's interpretation of the hebrew document describing the making of adam and eve. The intertwined serpent represents not only healing and medicine (to this very day) but also emulates the structure of the genetic code, the secret knowledge which enabled Enki to create "the Adam" and then grant adam and eve the ability to procreate. We humans are now "creating beings" with the discoveries of genetics, so the act of the creation of adam and eve isn't really that hard to believe. I'm all for the intertwined serpents, what do you guys think? would you wear one?
I might be wrong, but the symbol you are suggesting doesn't seem very discreet to me, and I don't see its relation to astrology.
Serpents only remind me of
- Eve and the first sin in history;
- the Virgin Mary who will tread on it and win it over;
- Cleopatra and her suicide.
Not suitable if you ask me. I'm sure we could find something better. Maybe Saturn and its rings?