Spring's been a bummer. Will I meet someone else this summer?

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Sep 20, 2012
Sorry for the poem. I don't know how else to state the facts.
I've had a long stretch of aloneness and recently dated a guy it didn't work out with. It's left me feeling extra alone. I never try for sex/dating ever, and when I did, I got too excited about the guy I was seeing. I have a very full life and not obsessed with this nor do I completely shut it off. But of course as a human, sometimes I get lonely and sad, especially after being rejected by someone I grew to like in a very sudden way that left me kind of humiliated.
I also hope to find someone like he did, and everyone who left me did (almost always, if not always, for someone else). It makes you feel like you're the problem.
I just want one season of some gentleness and companionship.
Will I happen to meet anyone this summer?

Already, I can say the stellium in H6 and Moon in H8 are terrible. Moon there makes sense as I am worried/sad about this. The H6 stellium shows sickness.
I am Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. Moon is in exaltation in mutual reception by exaltation with a peregrine Jupiter and Venus is in dignity. So it seems like I am doing alright. Jupiter is in same degree as Algol, I'm losing my head over this. My planets are dignified but also in malefic situations.

Potential partners are anyone who intersect with Moon, Venus, or Jupiter and of course, Mercury L7. Mercury is in H5 describing my situation/focus as L7 in L5.

Applying aspects are Moon square Mercury, however with no receptions, this square doesn't seem to matter. It would be nice if the receptions were nice, at least then the square would not be so bad. But now without any receptions, I doubt that is contact. Venus applies to Saturn, with the same situation except Venus is exalted by Saturn. Jupiter conjuncts Sun which could be a contact. Sun conjuncts Venus which could be another one.

I see a total of 4 applying aspects to me and I'm not sure any of them will amount to anything given the lack of receptions.

What's my summer looking like? Is it a dud or am I right that these considerations point to nothing spectacular?

Thank you for your help

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Moons next aspect is to Mercury so it looks like you will. I wish Merc had a lot more reception then just in your triplicity but ah well.
Moons next aspect is to Mercury so it looks like you will. I wish Merc had a lot more reception then just in your triplicity but ah well.
More friendly vibes? Could we time it so I can test if horary timing works lol.