Will this year be good career-wise?
Currently, I'm unemployed/broke and job-hunting.. These aspects are good & bad, so I'd love to get help synthesizing..
- Chiron is conjuncting my progressed MC thru 2012
- T Uranus (my N 10H ruler) is squaring T Pluto (my 7H ruler)
- T Pluto in 8H (which has been HORRIBLE financially)
- T Jupiter about to enter 1H
SOLAR RETURN - This year's SR chart shows Jupiter, Venus and Vesta in 10H... However...Does SR Moon in 10H indicate fluctuation? Does Venus Retrograde indicate problems? Does South Node conjunct Venus & Jupiter indicate problems?
Also, what do you make of SR Sun/11H squaring SR Mars/2H? I'm hoping this does not hamper earnings!
Last, re Saturn/Moon and Venus/Uranus aspects:
I have SA Saturn/Moon squares AND Progressed Venus conjunct N Uranus... In, the SR chart, this theme is echoed: SR Saturn quincunx SR Moon AND SR Venus sextiles SR Uranus.
I've had health problems, so that could be the reflected in the saturn/moon... Hopefully the Venus/Uranus will bring luck with money and/or romance (I'm single).
Interestingly - both the SA Saturn-Moon AND the Pr Venus-Uranus aspects peak at the time of the Fall Eclipses, Scorpio 22 Solar Eclipse is conjunct my descendant..
Will this year be good career-wise?
Currently, I'm unemployed/broke and job-hunting.. These aspects are good & bad, so I'd love to get help synthesizing..
- Chiron is conjuncting my progressed MC thru 2012
- T Uranus (my N 10H ruler) is squaring T Pluto (my 7H ruler)
- T Pluto in 8H (which has been HORRIBLE financially)
- T Jupiter about to enter 1H
SOLAR RETURN - This year's SR chart shows Jupiter, Venus and Vesta in 10H... However...Does SR Moon in 10H indicate fluctuation? Does Venus Retrograde indicate problems? Does South Node conjunct Venus & Jupiter indicate problems?
Also, what do you make of SR Sun/11H squaring SR Mars/2H? I'm hoping this does not hamper earnings!
Last, re Saturn/Moon and Venus/Uranus aspects:
I have SA Saturn/Moon squares AND Progressed Venus conjunct N Uranus... In, the SR chart, this theme is echoed: SR Saturn quincunx SR Moon AND SR Venus sextiles SR Uranus.
I've had health problems, so that could be the reflected in the saturn/moon... Hopefully the Venus/Uranus will bring luck with money and/or romance (I'm single).
Interestingly - both the SA Saturn-Moon AND the Pr Venus-Uranus aspects peak at the time of the Fall Eclipses, Scorpio 22 Solar Eclipse is conjunct my descendant..
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