Stagnation- stuck in a rut

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Aug 21, 2017
My details are: 7th May, 1991, Calcutta 3.45am, Female.

I have entered Jupiter-Saturn period. Also undergoing 2nd phase of Sade sati. Also, my 11th house is going through a lot of activity as it is the sign of Capricorn, has Saturn conjunct Moon, aspected by Jupiter which is in the 5th house of Cancer (lord is Moon). Jupiter is also my lagna lord.

My questions that I hope someone can shed a light on is:

1. My professional life has been stagnant for a while. I have always had this sense (or maybe it is an illusion), that I have to achieve something important in life. In any case, I feel like a failure because I am facing my own mediocrity and it is a very humbling experience. I am a practicing lawyer btw. Anyhow, I know that Saturn has a lesson during this period of Sade sati but I cannot understand what is this karmic lesson. I feel like it is an obstacle which I need to overcome before my life can change and I can move forward. Can someone shed some light here.
In this regard I also feel that while in my childhood I was very uninhibited, through college and in my present professional life I have developed a fear of personal speaking which I need to overcome. I am unable to determine the cause of this. This is very damaging given my profession. I also used to be able to write very well but despite the desire to do so, am unable to put pen to paper. What is possibly the reason for this

2. In terms of relationships, I have never been in any sort of romantic or physical relationship. Therefore, there is stagnancy in this area in life too While it was not so important to me initially, lately I feel dejected at the lack of progress in this area of life. I also love in a city away from home, so loneliness is a big factor why I have started yearning for companionship and a support system. What are my prospects in terms of relationship and marriage? I am extremely shy and suffer from low self esteem and poor body image issues, so therefore feel that this is not something I am worthy of, are destined to be blessed with.

3. I was previously suffering from very poor mental health but now seem to be better off, apart from the regular routine anxiety that everyone faces in life. However still feel that physical health is worrisome. Any suggestions?

By way of information, I wear a yellow sapphire on my right hand second finger, and red coral in right hand fourth finger. This is purely based on suggestions to my mother and I have not personally been told to wear this.
Hi lucky girl !

who said you cant write , the way you explained your life is so poetic and crystal clear ,it makes astrologer to predict more effectively . so far nobody wrote like this before . indeed you are good writing skill . all it takes right time . horoscope has equal number of good and bad things . after every bad dasa there comes good dasa sun indeed rises in the east .

Meena lagna capricorn rasi. sravana nak good for listening writing and speaking . maha vishu nakshatra . so be proud for taking birth in that .

jupiter in cancer is very good exalted brahmin that too in buddhi stana gives intellectual humanitarian generous mind ,also he is lord of 1st too , person highly intelligent and spiritual . 10th lord exalted in is very good it makes you popular in your field . whatever field you may choose you come out as flying colors , irrespective of field 10th lord in 5th exalted shows someone who earns by their intelligence and education . you also has fertile imagination , since moon is with saturn it gives late ,after 35 .

5th lord of mind is with 12th lord of imagination and quarantine , indicates someone who values privacy lot , accept loneliness as bliss , saturn moon conjunction gives loneliness depressed worry some person , it also indicates cold strict mom . lack of mother love . hardly person smile , gives serious gesture . even you are surrounded by many you feel emptiness you yourself remove from group and be alone . fear of rejection is also reason . its good for spirituality too , you even have many articles regarding spirituality , love failure stories too . take care of your eyes , its most affected area in your horoscope .

whenever we say writing buddha must be strong . those who strong budha is very good in writing , they play with words , moon denotes physical expression while mercury denotes writing , anyone can imagine and go to dream world but only those who have strong budha can put their dreams into writing , its a rare gift , person should be destined for that . your mercury debilitated

3rd house is writing , as per lagna venus holds 3rd and 8th indicates someone who writes about failed relationships and extra marital affairs of others , someone who brings secrets of others out . both from lagna and rasi its afflicted . lagna wise 3rd lord in 4th is good but its with ketu . rasi wise 3rd lord is exalted in 7th very good but debilitated 6th lord in 3rd and aspected by saturn . saturn delays it but never denies . your are gifted imagination but you cant put that into words since mercury debilitated . mind goes blank words wont come . many strikes in the paper . but definitely you write well in future and your articles published too .

Rahu in 12th as per rasi very good for imagination , you also hear weird voice and get sudden idea for your writings , divine angels help you in that .

Reg relationship , you get little happiness in that , since your professional life is nice you give less importance to family life , indeed you marry like others have kids but you do that as duty without attachment . your mind longs for another world . always feel shouldn't have born here . but some how life moves on . prof is good finance is good . your profession takes high after kids born .

No need to worry about sade satti , its not that much worst for your chart ,you just have minor health problems like head ache fever cold etc , needs to be away from home , disagreements with family members etc . also note this sade sati also gives you marriage too . your life gona settle soon . after that magic happens in your life . so no need to worry about that just concentrate on studies and keep writing aside ,planets knows when to give and what to give . so believe in god , live the current moment , rest happens by itself.. .
My details are: 7th May, 1991, Calcutta 3.45am, Female.

I have entered Jupiter-Saturn period. Also undergoing 2nd phase of Sade sati. Also, my 11th house is going through a lot of activity as it is the sign of Capricorn, has Saturn conjunct Moon, aspected by Jupiter which is in the 5th house of Cancer (lord is Moon). Jupiter is also my lagna lord.

My questions that I hope someone can shed a light on is:

1. My professional life has been stagnant for a while. I have always had this sense (or maybe it is an illusion), that I have to achieve something important in life. In any case, I feel like a failure because I am facing my own mediocrity and it is a very humbling experience. I am a practicing lawyer btw. Anyhow, I know that Saturn has a lesson during this period of Sade sati but I cannot understand what is this karmic lesson. I feel like it is an obstacle which I need to overcome before my life can change and I can move forward. Can someone shed some light here.
In this regard I also feel that while in my childhood I was very uninhibited, through college and in my present professional life I have developed a fear of personal speaking which I need to overcome. I am unable to determine the cause of this. This is very damaging given my profession. I also used to be able to write very well but despite the desire to do so, am unable to put pen to paper. What is possibly the reason for this

2. In terms of relationships, I have never been in any sort of romantic or physical relationship. Therefore, there is stagnancy in this area in life too While it was not so important to me initially, lately I feel dejected at the lack of progress in this area of life. I also love in a city away from home, so loneliness is a big factor why I have started yearning for companionship and a support system. What are my prospects in terms of relationship and marriage? I am extremely shy and suffer from low self esteem and poor body image issues, so therefore feel that this is not something I am worthy of, are destined to be blessed with.

3. I was previously suffering from very poor mental health but now seem to be better off, apart from the regular routine anxiety that everyone faces in life. However still feel that physical health is worrisome. Any suggestions?

By way of information, I wear a yellow sapphire on my right hand second finger, and red coral in right hand fourth finger. This is purely based on suggestions to my mother and I have not personally been told to wear this.
Good to read that you have little knowledge of astrology, interpreting in your own way.
Your readings about your career, relationships etc are lacking basic principles of astrology.

Career and relationship has a common factor, i.e 10th house and it's lord.
Both changes shape as per houses and trigger for the quality event.

For example 10th house of career can activate for your relationship, a feather on your cap, if you are looking for occupation and authority.

Here you get to know how karaka are manifested in the chart.
You can get a vast insight and explanations about your chart.

Good luck