Really? So saying Mars in Scorpio is stronger than Mars in Aries is not worship?
Saying that it is the strongest sign whenever you google "strongest sign" is not worship?
And if a Scorpio was out to get me because they became envious of my success and potential, then quite frankly I would be coming up a gameplan to destroy them inside and out, experiment to see how much it takes to break the sign that modern astrologers have come to worship.
Please, please, please, AstroAssist-- try to
think this through. Please use your Mercury and Jupiter, not your sun-Pluto. I have yet to see how your Scorpio boss has actually harmed you in any material way. Note that some concrete form of harm (denied pay raise or promotion) is different than your finding him disrespectful to you. You're getting obsessive about him, which risks clouding your frontal-lobe reasoning and forecasting abilities.
Maybe you've got a better metaphor than "worship."
Are you familiar with the nearly 2000-year history of sign rulerships?
A good explanation of them is in Ptolemy's
Tetrabiblos, ca. 150 CE, a book that became the standard work in astrology until the late 19th century. It is available in English translation.
I don't think he invented sign rulerships, but he certainly clarified and popularized them, in connection with the tropical western zodiac.
Basically Ptolemy noted the summer solstice at 0 Cancer, and the sun's affiliation with the hottest month of the year in the northern hemisphere, August/Leo. Also, in Hellenistic astrology, they had calculated the relative distance of planets to the sun and time to the summer solstice, and came up with this scheme of sign rulerships. Keeping in mind the order of signs in the zodiac wheel, the traditional rulerships worked out as:
4. Cancer=moon..........5. Leo=sun
3. Gemini=Mercury......6. Virgo=Mercury
2. Taurus=Venus.........7. Libra=Venus
1. Aries=Mars.............8.Scorpio=Mars
Truly, AA-- this outline goes back nearly 2000 years.
When the modern outer planets were discovered, modern (not traditional western or Vedic) astrologers worked them in either as co-rulers or as replacements for the traditional rulers. (Aquarius=Uranus, Pisces=Neptune, Pluto=Scorpio, although a few astrologers still like to keep the order of signs-by-the-numbers, and think Pluto should be assigned to Aries.)
I wouldn't say that Mars in Aries is stronger or weaker than Mars in Scorpio, myself. A lot of modern astrologers no longer consider Mars to rule Scorpio, thanks to Pluto.
Why don't you post some links to sites where you find Scorpio listed as the "strongest sign"? Or anybody "worshiping" Scorpio?? I'd like to see them. I'd be really surprised if the senior
credible authorities in astrology (vs. newbie Joe Schmo in an open forum) are saying this. Further, whatever a "strong" sign means, you have to look at the entire chart.
More to the point of your struggles, AA, you've got to master yourself before you can hope to master anyone else. Hopefully your horoscope will indicate your areas of strength and challenges.