Still trying to understand the Scorpio worship in modern astrology.

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Dec 17, 2017
It keeps coming up as an unstoppable or strongest sign but I would think Aries or Capricorn would be more powerful, wondering what's leading to all of the Scorpio worship out there.

Apparently it is a stronger mars than Aries? What gives?

Can we say it is a stronger Sun than Leo too now?

I googled "most powerful sign" and it kept saying Scorpio for pages, like really....
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It keeps coming up as an unstoppable or strongest sign but I would think Aries or Capricorn would be more powerful, wondering what's leading to all of the Scorpio worship out there.

Apparently it is a stronger mars than Aries? What gives?

Can we say it is a stronger Sun than Leo too now?

I googled "most powerful sign" and it kept saying Scorpio for pages, like really....
Such comparisons aren't really going anywhere. It's a bit like asking which organ in your body is the most useful. Every Sun sign has its area of excellence.
Scorpio is considered "strongest" because it is the sign that struggles the most with letting go. So Scorpio will be the sign most likely to pursue whatever they set in their mind; but I don't believe we should call it "strongest".

Each sign is strong and weak in particular area. Capricorn is more rational than Scorpio, as stubborn and persistent, but less intuitive. Aries will be more impulsive and genuine than the two others, leaving less space to overthinking and brooding, but will also drop the ball faster than the others. Two signs often forgotten in the the strength area are Libra and Cancer, cardinal signs but less "impressive" as they are more acting in the background, yet don't get less done than the others.

Overall I think signs shouldn't be seen as better or worst, stronger or weaker, but as different.
It keeps coming up as an unstoppable or strongest sign but I would think Aries or Capricorn would be more powerful, wondering what's leading to all of the Scorpio worship out there.

Apparently it is a stronger mars than Aries? What gives?

Can we say it is a stronger Sun than Leo too now?

I googled "most powerful sign" and it kept saying Scorpio for pages, like really....

I do have to agree that modern pop astrology sort of worships Scorpio/Pluto.
I find it very annoying.

No sign is better than the other, every sign has their role to play.

But yes Scorpio is a particularly strong sign, compared to other signs. Pluto/Scorpio's specialty is willfullness, resourcesfullness, gaining and holding on to power/resources. This is not to say they are most definitely the strongest sign. Some of the other fixed/fire signs(and their ruling planets) can definitely go up against Scorpio/Pluto.
There is no "worship" of Scorpio. I challenge anyone to cite a book or article, or to link a credible professional astrologer who says such a thing. There is a branch of evolutionary astrology that seemed to deify Aquarius (Age of Aquarius) and Pisces (the final sign) but this sort of dates back to Dane Rudhyar and the 1970s.

So let's get clear.

Scorpio is the fixed water sign. They can get really determined upon a particular course of action, but probably no more so than the other fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, and especially Taurus.)

As a water sign, Scorpio tends to be intuitive, but no more so than the other water signs Cancer and Pisces. A Scorpio might expect another sign to pick up on subtle cues. A Cancer or especially a Pisces would be able to do this, but an air or fire sign would be hopeless.

Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars and modernly by Pluto. This can make them pretty aggressive when they want to be.

But there is no "worship" in any of this. Scorpio in many ways is a difficult sign. I don't envy them. They do not seem to have the personal boundaries of other signs. Sun Scorpios tend to find out who they are by pushing their limits with other people. It requires the other person to say, "stop" to get the Scorpio to learn where those boundaries are.

Scorpios do seem to have a sense of revenge, but to them, it is merely justice: tit for tat. If a Scorpio seems out to get you, just pause and reflect upon how you might have offended him, however inadvertently. (Given that this is a water sign, Scorpios can pick up your vibes even when you're not directly in their face about something.)

What seems to be far more obsessive than Scorpio is someone with Pluto squaring his sun. Something to think about.
There's a worship of falsity in astrology. That falsity comes from a tumblr stereotype of a sign, the favorited steroytype shifts with the sand of time. How to know if someone is truley a Scorpio or a Plutonic person right now, is to wait. The willful will remain the fakers will scatter and shift and the new fan fav will enter the picture. I should say that in my whole time in astrology I related to Scorpio, this time was before the fanfiction of Scorpio, now as I try to explore this sign, I get the hate bc the community looks at me like another sheep. I'm no sheep I'm not going anywhere and if I have to I'll start offing the fan club one by one. (Pluto moon,moon in eight, MC ruler in Scorpio, MC ruler ruled by Pluto, AC/MC=Venus in Scorpio, AC/MC ruled by Pluto, Sun/Moon=(Trine) AC in Scorpio, planet that rules the sign the AC ruler is in, in scorpio). But as many of you have said no sign is stronger than the other, power is just precived differently by each generation, and right now power is in those "poor people who have to struggle" and many people want to be apart of this group, why anyone would what to be raped or abused or assulted beats me. Why anyone believes Scorpios are most likely to experience this also beats me.
It might be helpful to become an astrology connoisseur. Astrology has always contained the good, the bad, and the ugly. Back in Roman times, the "good" astrologers who wrote books complained about the quacks who gave astrology a bad name. The Internet has made a lot of good astrology possible and accessible. It has also generated a lot of what I call "pop schlock" astrology. Pop schlock astrology used to be restricted to newspaper and magazine columns, but now anybody can start a blog or post on-line.

So it is important to distinguish between someone on social media who knows very little astrology, and someone who knows a lot.
the quacks are not all quacks their needs to be a balance btwn the triditonalists and quaks, something's do need to be reestablished, and some things don't. I'm not claiming to know much, but the fact is I'm trying to descover more, and so what if I'm stubborn and obsessive in my ways, it further proves my point. We need to start with the elimination of star sign/sun sign astrology, it is what leads to most of these "quacks".
Really? So saying Mars in Scorpio is stronger than Mars in Aries is not worship?

Saying that it is the strongest sign whenever you google "strongest sign" is not worship?

And if a Scorpio was out to get me because they became envious of my success and potential, then quite frankly I would be coming up a gameplan to destroy them inside and out, experiment to see how much it takes to break the sign that modern astrologers have come to worship.
Really? So saying Mars in Scorpio is stronger than Mars in Aries is not worship?

Saying that it is the strongest sign whenever you google "strongest sign" is not worship?

And if a Scorpio was out to get me because they became envious of my success and potential, then quite frankly I would be coming up a gameplan to destroy them inside and out, experiment to see how much it takes to break the sign that modern astrologers have come to worship.

Please, please, please, AstroAssist-- try to think this through. Please use your Mercury and Jupiter, not your sun-Pluto. I have yet to see how your Scorpio boss has actually harmed you in any material way. Note that some concrete form of harm (denied pay raise or promotion) is different than your finding him disrespectful to you. You're getting obsessive about him, which risks clouding your frontal-lobe reasoning and forecasting abilities.

Maybe you've got a better metaphor than "worship." Are you familiar with the nearly 2000-year history of sign rulerships?

A good explanation of them is in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, ca. 150 CE, a book that became the standard work in astrology until the late 19th century. It is available in English translation.
I don't think he invented sign rulerships, but he certainly clarified and popularized them, in connection with the tropical western zodiac.

Basically Ptolemy noted the summer solstice at 0 Cancer, and the sun's affiliation with the hottest month of the year in the northern hemisphere, August/Leo. Also, in Hellenistic astrology, they had calculated the relative distance of planets to the sun and time to the summer solstice, and came up with this scheme of sign rulerships. Keeping in mind the order of signs in the zodiac wheel, the traditional rulerships worked out as:

4. Cancer=moon..........5. Leo=sun
3. Gemini=Mercury......6. Virgo=Mercury
2. Taurus=Venus.........7. Libra=Venus
1. Aries=Mars.............8.Scorpio=Mars

Truly, AA-- this outline goes back nearly 2000 years.
When the modern outer planets were discovered, modern (not traditional western or Vedic) astrologers worked them in either as co-rulers or as replacements for the traditional rulers. (Aquarius=Uranus, Pisces=Neptune, Pluto=Scorpio, although a few astrologers still like to keep the order of signs-by-the-numbers, and think Pluto should be assigned to Aries.)

I wouldn't say that Mars in Aries is stronger or weaker than Mars in Scorpio, myself. A lot of modern astrologers no longer consider Mars to rule Scorpio, thanks to Pluto.

Why don't you post some links to sites where you find Scorpio listed as the "strongest sign"? Or anybody "worshiping" Scorpio?? I'd like to see them. I'd be really surprised if the senior credible authorities in astrology (vs. newbie Joe Schmo in an open forum) are saying this. Further, whatever a "strong" sign means, you have to look at the entire chart.

More to the point of your struggles, AA, you've got to master yourself before you can hope to master anyone else. Hopefully your horoscope will indicate your areas of strength and challenges.
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AstroAssist, I did just now Google "Strongest Sign" and came up with the following pop-schlock sites. I hope they are not what you're basing your opinion on. They indicate precisely why astrology gets a bad name among sensible people.

Note that no site owner or authority is given. And while you're at it, you might want to buy their "love vitamins."

This site is run by Mary Smith. Click on her name and she describes herself thusly: "Content writing is what I do for a living, although for me it's also a lifestyle. Count on me for beauty and fashion tips anytime, as this is my area of expertise! Love making handmade DIY crafts and am a good sentimental adviser."

OK, so Quora is basically a Q and A site. The OP is by Marcha Fox, who describes herself as a professional astrologer. OK, so give her some credit, but she's not up there with the leading lights of astrology, and the people who responded to this thread couldn't agree on the answer. She doesn't list herself under her own website. Fox herself states, "just because a person is a Scorpio doesn't mean they're a strong person, only that they are driven by their passionate and potentially obsessive nature."

I don't suppose you ever saw a Wile E. Coyote-Road Runner cartoon? Where the obsessive coyote runs off a cliff?

Celebrity sun-signs??? Oh, c'mon. These guys make their money by selling hoodies and T-shirts. The astrology article is a come-on. Who are these people, anyway?

I found more sites like this, but a Big Hint: serious professional astrologers proudly identify themselves by name. Generally they're not into advertising a range of other esoteric or New Age products, let alone hoodies and T-shirts. They get invited to speak at conferences. Many are authors of books that are not self-published.

Run a mile if an article identifies "the best and the worst signs of the zodiac," or "the strongest sign of the zodiac." Astrology goes by a synthesis of the entire chart, not some stupid sun-sign astrology used to peddle non-astrological products.
Those comparsions about most powerful sign are much similar to like "What's the most psychic sign" where there are often Cancer, Pisces and Sagittarius listed as the top but many disagree whether the fiery Sagittarius is more psychic or would it be watery Pisces or Cancer. I then wondered if you are of certain sign, are you automatically better at something than another sign? Playfully expressed yes, seriously expressed, not sure but would argue "no".
Would quite literally suck if your star sign determined whether you can be psychic or not or if you can be strong or not. Astrology is fun but would suck if taken as seriously as scientific facts of someone's potential.

Besides, since there are multiple zodiac system, some preferring western 12 signs, some 13, and then there's vedic and draconic systems as well. Your sign can be different in every system. Does changing the system make you a different person? No.

To the powerful comparsion itself: I know few Scorpio who envy Aries due to their strength although because Scorpio are also more subtle, they also look down to Aries as foolish.
Well, more to the point, AA is a young junior employee, and his boss is a middle aged manager. I'm guessing this isn't Mr. Scorpio's first rodeo. Given that the supervisor normally has a say in junior employees' merit evaluations, assignments, pay raises, and promotions-- plus a reference if AA seeks employment elsewhere-- I don't see trying to destroy Mr. Scorpio through some kind of frontal Mars assault as a move that expresses much frontal lobe activation.

Companies generally want team players.
Really? So saying Mars in Scorpio is stronger than Mars in Aries is not worship?

I don’t belong in the modern part here, but I saw this and wanted to offer a different perspective for you regarding this topic:

It’s not really worship per se. People can think what they want but the idea of “strength” isn’t like some stat you can soundly review IRL as if it were a video game — this is something that is extremely important. Mars is — can I say “happy” — in Scorpio because it is a water sign and it “cools” his natural heat as a hot and dry planet. In Aries...well, a hot and dry sign + the planet of naturally excessive heat = ?? (Presumably danger)

I used to be in your shoes. “Everyone likes Scorpio!” No. They do not. Rest assured.

And if I had it my way, the only thing that would ever be in Scorpio would be Mars. Maybe Jupiter to mitigate the sign’s naturally destructive tendencies.

If anything, in MY simple opinion, people should strive to appreciate the human signs: Virgo and Libra, which don’t seem to get much interest. The others are cool but I’ve developed a liking to them due to Libra’s amicable nature (being ruled by Venus) and Virgo being ruled by Mercury which I think is actually really cool. Also, it was the sign that originally had the powerful fixed star Spica in it.
I think we also have to ask the questions, strong in what way? Strong for what purpose?

Emotionally, a woman with a night birth and an elevated moon in Cancer is in a "strong position."

Someone with a predominant Capricorn can have enormous staying-power, almost to a fault. Capricorn is not a fixed sign, but with the Saturn rulership they apparently don't expect life to be easy, and they can hang on in tough situations for extended periods.

For wit and word-power, I'd go with Mercury in Gemini; for a kind of practical detail-orientation, in Virgo.

Would you rather your tax accountant had a bunch of placements in Virgo or a Mars in Aries?

And so it goes.

Moreover, what's with the tribalism here? Nobody reads a horoscope just focusing on the sun-sign. That's pop-schlock magazine column astrology. Or from those wonderful people hoping you'll buy their T-shirts.
Some people like stereotypes and war. And I agree with you for not foucusing on just sun sign. Even including my moon and AC Isn't quite accurate. Cap. Sun Cap. AC Virgo moon, vs saying Aquarius stellium, Saturn chart ruler,hades moon in the 8th, is so much more accurate in my chart for example.
Sponatinus side note, we should make a t-shirt with the individuals natal chart printed on the back with there most resonating sign/planet on a little pocket in the front.
My T-shirt would say, "Thank God, I'm an Aquarian."

I sometimes find this sort of emotional aggressive talk to be wrong-headed and tiring. There is too much aggression on the planet as it is, to wonder how to ramp it up further in order to harm someone. There is something to be said for live and let live. Or just inviting the boss out for a TGIF and getting to know him as an actual card-carrying human being.
My T-shirt would say, "Thank God, I'm an Aquarian."

I sometimes find this sort of emotional aggressive talk to be wrong-headed and tiring. There is too much aggression on the planet as it is, to wonder how to ramp it up further in order to harm someone. There is something to be said for live and let live. Or just inviting the boss out for a TGIF and getting to know him as an actual card-carrying human being.

Exactly this!
I have SN-Neptune-Uranus-Mars in Aquarius, and I have Pluto-Chiron-MC/AC mp, Venus (MC ruler) in the 11th. Also Saturn is my chart ruler, I relate to the Aquarius more than the cap Sun and AC.