Stolen or Missing Passports

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I do not know why you delete your post. I would like to see that chart and what testimonies were that thay will be found outside.
i deleted it because no one replied to it by the time i found them.

here is the chart if you are interested:

The passports were carelessly misplaced mostly on my part for not double checking to see if I had them. I had run what seemed to be a million and one errands that day. I must have slept 3 hours the night before.

I guess I would be represented by Jupiter rx, right? conj Chiron and Neptune rx... in total confusion running around on mostly family errands.

Mercury would rep the passports. Involved in a t-square with Pluto and Mars.

4th hs ruler is mars, representing the location of the passport. Mars is in the 7th hs..definitely not with me or in my home. pluto in 1st opp mars = me goin crazy by going to multipe places multiple times before someone eventually finding them.
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I use 2nd house ruler and POF for finding lost items.
In your chart Sa in Vi and POF in PI are rulers.
Vi means that it can be at doctor's office, health spa, veterinarian's office, nursing home, dry cleaners, grocery store, accountant's office, pharmacy, zoo, police station, nursery, tenant place.
9 house may means to search at airport or turist agency.

Direction Southwest
Near colour:black

POF is in 3 house in Pi. This place might be a hospital, Tavern, drugstore, liquor store, shoe store, gasoline station, photo store...
Direction Northeast.

Near colour: sea green, white

It will be interesting to tell us if some of these places fits with places where you found passports.
my mother's passport i lost first thing in the morning. the store clerk actually "forgot" to give it to me after he had copied a number of documents including my mothers passport. I think he failed to give me the other passport on purpose because I complained about the cost of the copies (each copy was 15 cents, but he charged 30 cents for copying two documents on one side of the page). The guy next in line was also waiting for photocopies, and I had gone to the bank next door, had parked in front of his store which is open concept with the front wall completely made of windows. I also went to the stationary store which is beside the bank.
This convenient store is located North east of our house.

I lost my passport late night the same day at the photo centre of a drug store, south Eest of my house. I went there twice to double check and no one knew had seen or heard of a missing passport. Not until the third time I went there did i get my passport back. The supervisor working the night i made the copies kept them in some back room and got it out for me. She seemed like a nice lady. I complained about their copier that night too. My picture kepting coming out completely black even on the lightest tone. When i told the cashier she said too bad so i asked to see the supervisor and she said i didnt hve to pay for them. If anyone was involved in foul play it could have been the cashier who was working near the photocopier. thats how mercury (passport) in tsquare with pluto/mars (not so nice ppl) could have came into play.

why do you use pof? what degree of pisces is it in? saturn in virgo could mean losing the item in daily errands. That day I had also gone to a relative's house, the bank, stationary store, an accountant's office, government office, walk in medical clinic and grocery store.
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Fine, all fits with chart!
POF is in 3 house in Pi. This place might be a hospital, Tavern, drugstore, liquor store, shoe store, gasoline station, photo store...
Direction Northeast.

I always use POF (day formula) because from my experience it is best clue for direction! I do not analyse degree, only house and sign of its placement and as you see it was correct!