Hello everyone! I’ve met this person who I have that very intense magnetic attraction to - like those are common with past life connections; I can feel it. I don’t think it’s a romantic connection - it’s difficult because on some level there is such intense familiarity; but I can feel we clash A LOT. There’s harsh mars aspects a lot of squares, moons squared, pluto etc… what catches me is his NN/Chiron on my IC conjunct my sun, I suppose that’s where the familiarity comes from? NN conjunct Pluto, etc…
The composite is terrifying, which most of my composites usually are haha… firstly mars square Neptune and Uranus, that’s like cheater/non committal etc energy.. then there’s a t-square between Venus/Pluto/Moon sounds intense too much, there could be lies, deception etc… NN is widely square to the Sun/Mercury - I think the only nice aspect is Jupiter conjunct Ascendent which is only nice for outside appearances really, and I think Jupiter/Ascendent is conjunct his natal moon. And Venus would be conjunct our natal venuses; which isn’t that exciting. But I was wondering what the overall picture looks like - I imagine a friendship or not even to be honest, and not even really feelings past initial attraction and perhaps sexual urges. We work together by the way so perhaps that explains some things… what do you guys think?




The composite is terrifying, which most of my composites usually are haha… firstly mars square Neptune and Uranus, that’s like cheater/non committal etc energy.. then there’s a t-square between Venus/Pluto/Moon sounds intense too much, there could be lies, deception etc… NN is widely square to the Sun/Mercury - I think the only nice aspect is Jupiter conjunct Ascendent which is only nice for outside appearances really, and I think Jupiter/Ascendent is conjunct his natal moon. And Venus would be conjunct our natal venuses; which isn’t that exciting. But I was wondering what the overall picture looks like - I imagine a friendship or not even to be honest, and not even really feelings past initial attraction and perhaps sexual urges. We work together by the way so perhaps that explains some things… what do you guys think?


