Can someone help me understand why I struggle with relationships? With friendships, family, romantic, professional. It's hard for me to create and sustain relationships and I've developed a lot of anxiety because of this. Never really used to pay a lot of attention to this but since 2012 I've noticed that I don't really have a lot of people that I feel close too. Almost as if there's a wall that blocks me from others and others from me. I was wondering if it was transit Pluto that's been causing this.
It's mainly the afflicted Venus at the apex of a difficult t-square formation and Saturn in the 4th, and Mars in the 7th.
Venus rules the 11th house of friends, and the 7th of one-on-one relationships. It even affects public persona because it conjuncts the MidHeaven.
It's square to Mars will make difficulty with the opposite sex because your internal yin-yang energy is conflicted and that always manifests outwardly with a potential partner. Mars is also ruling the 5th house of romance and courtship, as well as bringing conflict to the 7th.
Saturn in the 4th will bring fears lessons and challenges to home, roots, and your emotional foundation connected to family.
Uranus opp the Sun can make you unstable or prone to breaks. Oppositions tend to play out with others, so it can also mean others destabilize you or break away.
Transiting Pluto opp your Sun is asking (forcefully, and maybe through external circumstances) for you to transform. Your natal Pluto is too. In the 1st house you have a powerful affect on others, sometimes extreme like/or dislike reactions and it is asking you to alter or transform your manner of relating with others, probably toning down intensity as Scorpio Rising and Pluto in the 1st and opposite Mars (which also rules personal assertion) can all be quite intense or too intense of energy for most people.
Venus sq. Pluto brings crisis and intensity to relationships, and Mars opp Pluto can be a very powerful anger, and/or attract that or dangerous types of guys.
All this necessitates deep healing and transformation work. There are two agendas for the soul here the karmic and Dharmic. The 4th house is Cancer's natural house and Saturn Lord of Karma is asking you to work on building a home and family which your Cancer Sun is naturally predisposed to do. Additionally the outlet for the energy of the t-square is is opposite Venus which is your IC, cusp of the 4th, so energy will be focused there automatically.
With the North Node in Scorpio, you need to develop positive Scorpio traits and there's an evolutionary inclination toward deep transformation usually experienced through emotional and sexual intimacy. This is why you have Scorpio Rising, Pluto aspects, and why the Sun, Moon and Merc are focused in Scorpio's natural house -the 8th.
I would recommend deep healing/transformation work like hypnotherapy, parts therapy in hypnosis or within other therapies to integrate disparate parts of of the subconscious mind which are pulling you in different or opposite directions, and to get your yin-yang working more harmoniously within so that it will translate into harmony in your relationships.