Sun transit natal saturn and other things

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
portland, oregon
Been reading Robert Hand's stuff on transits... seem to work for me.

Thought I'd share my experiences just because, sometimes its what one learns that feels like the most precious reward for one's troubles.

I am going to write this as clearly as I can, for information gatherer types.

My natal is below. Pay special attention to the uranus in the 8th, transit jupiter across my midheaven/north node, mars, moon and the sun. (pretty much everything lol)

During the last two months, my mars transit my 12th was difficult and also very interesting, as in, I was very clearly cast into the role of retreat, surrender, giving, serving and withholding. Mars doesn't feel comfortable in the 12th imho, although mars in pisces can be very clever though.

I lost my previous job position working for my land lord (in exchange for rent) which actually I was thinking might have more to do with uranus transit my 8th house, however, I got another job really quickly.

Interestingly, in my meditation practice, I was starting to have strong flashbacks to my past and my interactions with others had heavy anxiety triggers (as in, I WON'T make the same mistakes again, this is all to awfully familiar etc, so I isolated myself from those people who I felt threatened me or reminded me of past failures. And this all happened very quickly and without much drama (on my part - openly that is) however on the others part, a lot of drama happened, including name-calling etc)

Mars in the 12th anyone?

My new job is now a grave shift job, which I have never had before. Its very difficult for me, to live in the darkness, and serve beer and cigs drink all night long (24 hour convenience) to all types.

Just last night, the moon entered leo. (and into my 12th) Last night was the most crazy night of my life. Every person who came into the store had either a story to tell (including one man saying he stole from his wife) and or, a story happened.

First of all, a power outage during a rainstorm caused a critical bug in the cash system. The register was down for over an hour, within minutes of my shift starting (I work alone too) and the problem was so bad, my boss told me in the morning he had NEVER seen anything like it before.

Next, after an hour of relative normalcy. . . I had to call the cops on a belligerent drunk who accused me of racism (because I stopped serving him alcohol) would not stop swearing at me, and threatening a lawsuit then he shoved a customer down hard. I HAD to call the cops and it was not my favorite thing to do. Cops came. . ..drama drama. . . . moon in leo anyone?

Then lastly, my big debut today was I completely forgot to card a man making purchases of cigarette cartons with a credit card AFTER MIDNIGHT DUH. Its possible he totally ripped the store off for $200 with a stolen credit card and its my fault for not checking like the newb I am. So I had my moment of stupid as well, and I worry I might loose the job that I have just started. (prob not, but seriously, I've done myself a number)

Actually, more drama than that happened, but I'm running out of space and words. . .

I'm reading Robert Hand now, book on transits, and boy the last couple days for me have been INTENSE. I'm currently applying for some cash aid as well due to my financial hardships and its been really a dramatic past couple of days (living off of pop tarts and caffeine basically)

Thought I would share the pure raw data on my transits. Today the sun is conjunct my natal saturn. So that's a woopty doo. . . .Leo moon in the 12th, probably means everything I do today, externally (and out-goingly) better be impeccably selfless and well-planned, otherwise I should keep my lushous lips shut.

Working grave shifts gives me the enormous opportunity to really see how the moon affects the general people, especially those who are unconscious (drunk/tweakers etc) and I do seem to notice general patterns. Yesterday for example (moon in cancer) people were much more needy and quiet. Today was a LOUD freakin day. There is more to say but I don't want to annoy anyone . .. :rightful: Hope this isn't too lengthy...

Mars conj natal mars tho soon. Wish me luck my fellows!:w00t::unsure:


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Oh lastly, I forgot to add, my dream from last night (daytime for you normal people) was very very intense. I have been thinking of military service for some time now, and this is the first dream I had regarding this.. . so far.

I want to add this, and all this information, primarily so people can maybe themselves learn something or see some new horizons for their own astrology practice. . .

That being said. . . In my dream, I volunteered for both the marines and army, and I was going through a kind of "trial period" where I could try out both branches before sticking to one. (strange)

In the army, my comanding officer was an old cantankerous boss I had from when I used to work for UPS who literally sucked the life out of me and his anger often made me cry (ah my younger days)

That was a depressing time in my life.

In the marines, my co and all my comrades were really sexy, exciting and friendly people, however things started to turn ugly quickly. My co made us take a "test" that was very sadistic. It was a pain tolerance test, where each person was asked to withstand as long as they could, someone turning an electric power drill onto their backs (right side, below the shoulder blade exactly) and having it push into them slowly but more and more over time. It was a kind of hazing, yet everyone and myself were terrified into taking part. Some sad part of me, in this dream was desperate for the recognition of being the best at something, so I was waffling between joining the army and being with the most depressing and unstable, ugly boss I had ever had in my life, or being in the marines, and having hot comerades, but a literally sadistic boss.

Then I woke up. I was so terrified by this catch 22 that I woke up before my alarm. THEN I had THE DAY I JUST DESCRIBED TO YOU ABOVE. : P : P : P
All transits act as background influences until they make a mathamatical aspect to another planet or Angle ie: MC and Asc mostly....

I've found t mars through 12th a quiet time personally, but can see t mars would have made squares to saturn moon and pluto. T mars going over Asc is a great time to confirm TOB as it suggest much activities, actions etc

late next year you will be starting you saturn return, whoopy do....

Saturn Return
Saturn takes 30 years or so to complete its circuit around the zodiac so events that occur around the age of 29-30, 58-59 and 84-87 will be of great significance to the native, depending on the strength and aspects to natal saturn.

sun, moon,mercury and venus are all to quickly moving to have much effect. It's usually the malific 'outers' that you have to watch carefully.

I use--- 1° approaching, 1° exact and 1° departing. If you click on the link listed below for the online ephemeris it will list all planets at any given time. Learning astrology is like learning a new ‘language’ and obviously the more effort you put into something the more your knowledge and understanding will increase. All transits act as ‘background’ influences through a house, until it makes a mathematical aspect to a planet inside or an Angle.

For 'timings' I would look to the retrograde hit as the most important trigger, then look to see what the quicker planets are doing especially mars & mercury -- has fee six month transit forecast plus when you get into Extended chart selection, look at the three tabs after calculating a chart under ‘method’ default is circular wheels (on left), middle is special charts and in their you get graphic ephemeris 1yr (or 5years) with natal = transits for 1yr and lots more. BUT you first must learn or memorise the 'glyphs' ie: shorthand for recognising what these maps/graphics mean.

For example when you post or reply to a chart the 'smilies' to the right and just under them [more] if you click on there it will bring up a whole loads of 'glyphs' Mercury Uranus conjunction (+or - 8') trine aspect 120' Libra

Now it's more important to focus on transits from Jupiter to Pluto (poss mars as this is the ignition key)and these planets when aspecting something in your natal chart 'set off' the difficult or nice 'aspects - potential - problems' that your chart expresses. By that I mean if a benefic planet like Jupiter hits/touches/transits your venus, mars or uranus these could be experienced very pleasantly. BUT if your natal venus is afflicted, or badly aspected say conj saturn then jupiter will not has such a good effect. It all depends on how the natal planet is 'aspected'

For me I would say external 'events' must be seen by transits, progressions or Solar arcs to Angles ie: Asc/Desc & MC/IC most other times these events are 'internal, psychological matters as in between the ears'

Now uses a much wider orb, possibly something like 10° that’s why when you use the free transit forecast service a transit goes on for months and months. BUT common sense should tell you when the transit is ‘exact’ then it’s at the strongest. Some astrologers swear by 1° approaching produces ‘events’ some say the 1° exact, some say 1° off for triggering events. I personally look to the exact and 1° off for ‘timings’ especially the retrograde hit (backwards hit)

This last website link is rather nice because it gives interpretations of what the ‘Lord’ of the house cusp ruler means ie: T Jupiter sextiles natal sun, so wherever Leo rules in your chart is connected to the area this transit will be affecting –