Sun's position in the horoscope

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I can relate to this a lot.

My sun is in the 5th as well and I have always strove for, but have failed, at expressing myself through creativity. And I also struggle with most of the houses.

I think I over-value the 5th to the detriment of most of the houses. Most of my planets fall into this house.

I am naturally better at 6th house matters, which is where my moon is. Helping others comes naturally to me and makes me happy, but can also be a burden (family).

Your comment about scorpio moons having a mean streak caught my interest. One of my aunts has this tendency, and did a lot in childhood. In her case, her likely pluto/asc aspect plays a part too.

The 8th house is a hard one for me to figure out for some reason. Any thoughts on what a person would struggle with if they had sun there? My sister has that placement, but her sun is aries and rising is leo. She's pretty contradictory. The only things I've gleaned are that she really needs alone time (but in general has to be go-go-go non stop and needs to be with people) but she is extremely private. We both have that in common, but I think she is even moreso than me! (which is saying a lot since I am a sun/capricorn combo).

These questions are directed towards everybody, by the way. I just quoted bittermoon because I liked what they said.
The 5th signifies many things - fun, play, leisure, recreation, hobbies, interests, children, romance, etc. The sign, planets in the 5th, ruler of the 5th, aspects, placements etc could cause many different influences along with the rest of the chart. Yes, the moon is where we are supposed to be naturally instinctively comfortable. I think that perhaps we express our sun much later in life - maybe because we need quality there and are not easily satisfied.
The 5th signifies many things - fun, play, leisure, recreation, hobbies, interests, children, romance, etc. The sign, planets in the 5th, ruler of the 5th, aspects, placements etc could cause many different influences along with the rest of the chart. Yes, the moon is where we are supposed to be naturally instinctively comfortable. I think that perhaps we express our sun much later in life - maybe because we need quality there and are not easily satisfied.

Oh I know the 5th represents a lot of things. It seems to have a lot packed into one house! Most houses seem to be mainly about two or three themes, all related, whereas house 5 I swear is pretty much "everything else"! It's all the fun stuff of the zodiac really. I sort of think, astrologically, it is where my lazy side comes into play. I have a hard time with routines and structure and making myself do things unpleasant. My ultimate goal has always been to express myself creatively/artistically, but that has been one of the hardest things!
The 5th signifies many things - fun, play, leisure, recreation, hobbies, interests, children, romance, etc. The sign, planets in the 5th, ruler of the 5th, aspects, placements etc could cause many different influences along with the rest of the chart. Yes, the moon is where we are supposed to be naturally instinctively comfortable. I think that perhaps we express our sun much later in life - maybe because we need quality there and are not easily satisfied.

Can be true. I have my Moon in the 5th, Pisces. Trine my Mercury-Pluto-Mar Conjunction in Scorpio in the 1st, Sextile Uranus-Neptune Conjunction in the 3rd Capricorn and conjunct. my PoF. My Moon also receives virtually no harsh aspects. I think I express my creativity real well, at least in the sense of always wanting create or enjoy stories, games and other hobbies that please me (if that makes sense).
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Moon in Taurus in the 5th here and I always felt very comfortable in expressing myself creatively.
Moon Taurus in the 5th = Cooking is fun! I love cooking.

About the Sun: My Sun is in 9th, Leo. I always have been interested in foreign lands and cultures and I love studying. As a matter of fact I also live abroad, far away from homeland.
Can be true. I have my Moon in the 5th, Pisces. Trine my Mercury-Pluto-Mar Conjunction in Scorpio in the 1st, Sextile Uranus-Neptune Conjunction in the 3rd Capricorn and conjunct. my PoF. My Moon also receives virtually no harsh aspects. I think I express my creativity real well, at least in the sense of always wanting create or enjoy stories, games and other hobbies that please me (if that makes sense).
Yes pisces is supposed to have very good imagination so you should be quite good at creating stories, games etc.

How do you feel about your sun's placement? How do you experience your sun, its sign, aspects, etc?
Moon in Taurus in the 5th here and I always felt very comfortable in expressing myself creatively.
Moon Taurus in the 5th = Cooking is fun! I love cooking.

About the Sun: My Sun is in 9th, Leo. I always have been interested in foreign lands and cultures and I love studying. As a matter of fact I also live abroad, far away from homeland.
I too have moon in the 5th but in scorpio - maybe thats why my hobby (5th) is delve into mysterious subjects like astrology, metaphysics etc. Funnily enough, I too enjoy cooking - but not everyday. Maybe thats because the moon's dispositor is in the 4th house of home.

I guess your sun manisfests clearly in your chart because it is strongly placed in its own sign.
My Sun (Sag) is in the 10th house and Sun rules the 6th (Leo) while ruler of 10th (Jupiter) is in the 9th conjunct MC.

I am very ambitious and my career obviously means everything to me but it's not just a career, it's a vocation and I need to feel that I am making a difference. The various jobs I have had have all involved travel, learning/training, foreign languages and responsibilities. Status is important but learning supercedes status.

Pluto square my Sun and power struggles have always been present in the work environment.

Mars also squares my Sun which shows the competitive side of me in the work environment.
My Sun (Sag) is in the 10th house and Sun rules the 6th (Leo) while ruler of 10th (Jupiter) is in the 9th conjunct MC.

I am very ambitious and my career obviously means everything to me but it's not just a career, it's a vocation and I need to feel that I am making a difference. The various jobs I have had have all involved travel, learning/training, foreign languages and responsibilities. Status is important but learning supercedes status.

Pluto square my Sun and power struggles have always been present in the work environment.

Mars also squares my Sun which shows the competitive side of me in the work environment.
Thanks Naomi - thats helpful. Your sun is clearly very well placed and manifested in the 10 house.

I'm very interested in the Gauquelin research which showed that planets conjunct MC and Asc but in the 9th and 12th have an effect on the native's career. Your Jupiter in a key Gauquelin zone - do you have a jupiter type career i.e. journalists, playwrights, executives, actors, education, politicians, etc?

I have started a thread on this if you'd like to see that.
I worked as a translator/interpretor for a number of years involving a lot of travelling, so definitely a Jupiter occupation. Then Pluto crossed my MC/Sun a few years back and I had a complete career shift, now a Systems Analyst which fits very well my progressed Sun/MC in Aquarius.

I still travel for work and part of my job is to train others in a language that is different from my mother tongue so the same Jupiter themes again.

Jupiter is the sole dispositor of my chart so I'm completely ruled by it!

I've been following your Gauquelin thread - just waiting for the right time to jump in...
Yes pisces is supposed to have very good imagination so you should be quite good at creating stories, games etc.

How do you feel about your sun's placement? How do you experience your sun, its sign, aspects, etc?

My Sun is in the 1st house, Scorpio. My Sun's conjunct. my AC (partile conjunction), square my MC/IC and Opposition to my DC. Also my Sun is conjunct my Jupiter.

I always feel like I don't give a good appearance or leave a well enough impression when first meeting someone. I'm the type that can be surrounded my many people and not get nervous, but as soon as someone approaches me or wants to talk, I lose myself.

Although I think I am sometimes overly optimistic (my outlook on life) so I tend to lose myself in my own expectations, so when they don't meet up I get discouraged. I suppose that's what a Sun-Jupiter conjucntion can do to a person. Cause them to have too much optimism. As they say "too much of anything is bad".
For me it's a huge quest, since my Sun is conjunct my North Node in 9th house. Sun is also my chart ruler and has lots of positive aspects (woohoo, world fame :tongue:).
So it will mean a lot for me I guess when working on my Sun sign.
Especially because my Sun is in Taurus and North Node in Aries. So contradictory!
This is very interesting :cool: Sun in the 12th? I struggle with maintaining my own identity, when I'm around people it just seems to dissolve. Alone time helps me shed off the mental/emotional -pollution- I pick up, regaining my sense of self. I am interested in the 12th house/my subconscious, a day doesn't go by without some deep thoughts and soul searching. I keep it very detached though. Aspects? Yes...I think so. I identify as someone -unique- always have. Square from Uranus, but I've read square from Jupiter inflates the ego into thinking you're more special than you are lol. Unsure about spiritually advanced people. Power issues? I don't think that's possible with the 12th house...there's just no beating something intangible :lol:

I completely identify with it man. I have in my Sun in Libra in that house and I always feel the need to be alone even when I like being around people and share time with them. I have it in square aspects to the Moon and Neptune.:annoyed:
I have my sun in the 6th, and I could say that my own health is the one I take for granted the most. I'm a workaholic person, and sometimes, I don't eat on time. Also, I don't mind working even when l'm sick. When I can't no longer bear body pain or headache, I would still work on my mind. Haha. I don't know. Maybe because of my ascendant in capricorn, mars in virgo and moon in virgo.
I have my sun in the 6th, and I could say that my own health is the one I take for granted the most. I'm a workaholic person, and sometimes, I don't eat on time. Also, I don't mind working even when l'm sick. When I can't no longer bear body pain or headache, I would still work on my mind. Haha. I don't know. Maybe because of my ascendant in capricorn, mars in virgo and moon in virgo.
Yes - that makes sense in light of this description:

"...Though one might think that the traits of their Sun would come easy to them, the truth is, the Sun shows what we are learning to be. It is very important to remember that the Sun represents reason as opposed to instinct."
The Sun represents where we put our life energy in and where we get our energy from. If things goes wrong about the house issues, we feel like all our energy is sucked out of us, we loose our faith in ourselves and our identity gets a punch.

My Sun is in 9th and it's conjunct my North Node, so whenever I achieve my North Node (which is at 29 degrees in Aries) than I'll shine at my best. With the late degree, I know I'll be a latebloomer (however, my Sun is in early degrees).
Natally the Sun is opposite Pluto and for 1,5 year long, Saturn transit will be conjunct Pluto, opposite Sun.
So my Sun is very fragile for a long time (hey, it's my birthday tomorrow, so I actually want to have a healthy solar return :unsure:)

A Sun in the 9th house: living abroad, feels at its best and more confident when travelling or studying, likes to think about life on a deeper level, is maybe a little a lucky person, loves adventure, loves discovering new cultures,...
It's strange but i actually have a difficult time understanding my Sun's sign and the house it's posited in compared to the other planets in my chart.

I also find it quite difficult to understand suns in charts, the other planets tend to be easier for me to comprehend.
sun's house position is where we receive our creative fuel. the house indicates where we are most "realized" in our creative expression.
my sun is in 7th conj. descendent.
I get my energy and express myself best in one on one relations and by forming partnerships.
uranus rules 7th ~ aquarius.
i am all about forming bonds and alliances with and for friends. sun in detriment in 7th surely points to getting the "short end of the stick, usually.
i give up a lot of personal power to my mates and close friends.
(i always wished for sun in 10th conj. mc.....recognition for being ME, vs. recognition of me through others.)
Oh wait. I forgot to mention that my sun is opposite my ascendant. And it is 3°30 away from my descendant. I've read somewhere that (i'll just quote);

"IF the Sun is in your sixth house AND within 3°-4° of your descendant (check the orb in the header), THEN its expression through your seventh house is at least as strong as through your sixth; "

This might be the reason why I don't feel like a cancer-woman or so motherly at all? Though I'm really sensitive inside, people would always have no idea about how I truly feel. Many people have already called me poker-faced :pouty: :w00t: Hahaha. But I like it that way. Haha. It makes me feel indecipherable. :rightful:

"The Descendant intensely symbolizes what we don't identify with in ourselves, and therefore project onto or seek in others or through intimate relationships. With the Sun here you need partners or intimate one-to-one relationships to find your center, sense of purpose, and to fulfill your goals. If you're a man who judges himself, you may experience this part of your nature as disintegrative and demoralizing. But whichever sex you are you need others through which you - and so that you - can shine! This may be difficult to accept, but there is nothing wrong with this need or dependence. It just is. It is WHO YOU ARE!
Souls who have incarnated at sunset, as you have, often find or model their own will and sense of purpose on that of their partner. In your intimate one-to-one relationships your partner will be dominant and hold the power. This may occur through your helping them to shine or through your learning to adjust to their needs and their demands and by putting yourself second. You tend to find your sense of self as part of a couple rather than as a separate ego."

Haha. I was just about to make side comments when I read this part: and therefore project onto or seek in others or through intimate relationships.[/U] I was like "NO WAAAAAY!!" But when I continued and was able to read this part: But whichever sex you are you need others through which you - and so that you - can shine! This may be difficult to accept, but there is nothing wrong with this need or dependence. It just is. It is WHO YOU ARE! I was like "OKAAAY. So that was just a normal reaction. Lol" :biggrin: I don't know. But it seems like the whole paragraph is true for me. It's just that, I don't ultimately seek intimate relationships or what. I mean, it's not my priority for now. In fact, I would just often push people away or avoid them when they start to lay hints about their feelings for me.. Although I kinda like it when they pursue me, but.. ugh. Blame it on my virgo moon!! :pinched: Now I wonder when will it be my time "to shine" if my virgo moon is always there to make me feel cautious in such stuffs.. I mean, being so overly cautious has always been my problem when it comes to love matters. Most of the time, even though the guy I like, likes me too, I just don't want to level it up becauseeeeeee. I'm too coward :sad: I'm so afraid to be hurt so bad! :sad:
I also find it quite difficult to understand suns in charts, the other planets tend to be easier for me to comprehend.
Yes, me too. The sun doesn't seem to have a specific function like the other planets - I guess it must be like the CEO of an organization - just setting the agenda and keeping an eye on things.

Fullmoonlibra - happy birthday!

Maemae - I have the same sun placement and I can identify with that. I think this also gives an ability to see the other's point of view very well.

Junejune - I have actually heard this from many cancer people - that they don't feel motherly at all. Nor do I identify with my sun sign very much.