Synastry, bi-wheel, twin flames? second opinions

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Dec 7, 2014
When I met this person my whole life changed and even tho we didn't work out, I will always be in love with them.
Few interesting things I noticed: our north and south nodes are mirrored in each other's houses (4th and 10th). Venus conjunct Lilith, Lilith seventh house conjunct Ceres (this aspect doesn't show in the chart because I forgot to display Ceres but the outer wheel's Lilith is a conjunction with inner Ceres by about 1º). Both with full 8th houses. etc. Commente please, shed some light in my passion. I'm the inner wheel.
horoscope-synastry-chart22-700__radix_astroseek_customized-6-8-1994_14-10 (1).png
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Their sun/moon midpoint is in almost exact conjunction with my south node and mine is 4° conjunction with their moon.
Well, natally your venus aspects neptune so you are always already inclined towards a certain idealization. On the other hand, your nodes are not making any significant aspects to inner planets so I would disregard that premonition. The connection you are feeling is likely coming from the moon/sun conjunction. Your neptune is also squaring their venus, and as someone who has natal venus/neptune, you're being pulled towards that dynamic. There are some soft pluto/inner planet aspects which could add some energy to the mix--but the attachment is likely their moon on your sun. I would be interested to see the composite though because there is not much to suggest any significant attachment here. That is, the feelings you are citing are probably articulated in the composite.
There is a conjunction between the sun/moon midpoint of one with the other's South node, I thought that was relevant, no? Here is the composite chart:
View attachment 107768

Composite + Natals:
View attachment 107770

Ah! Sorry. I missed that--my apologies. Yeah, I certainly think that plays a part. What's happening there, is that the sun/moon conjunction in the synastry is translating into the composite as well, suggesting that it is a theme that is playing out between the two of you. Looking back at your synastry, I also noticed the venus/saturn opposition. Saturn is the lord of karma so a venus connection does say something.

What also strikes me though, is the exact sun/pluto opposition. I don't know if you were with this person long enough for the composite to activate but I can imagine how powerful the connection would be considering that aspect. You also have mars, the lord of the 7th conjunct the composite south node.
Ah! Sorry. (...)
Thank you!
I'm only back because as I was studying your reply and the aspects I noticed the composite is a bit off. Here is the corrected version (I think only the moon changes a bit):

Some other stuff I noticed altho not sure about the relevance
-composite moon exact trines jupiter
-composite moon squares the nodes
-composite venus squares ascendant (conjuncts midheaven) 1º
I was looking at Paul and Linda McCartney's for reference and noticed a lot of chiron interaction so, I'm not sure if composite + natal aspects are a thing but:
-composite chiron conjuncts 1's Venus
-1's chiron conjuncts composite ascendant also
-2's vertex conjuncts composite mars + south node

I'm also leaving the same synastry again below because the style of the one above is off and confusing.
I always thought our Venus conjunct Lilith aspect + other lilith in house 7 played a role in our dynamic, only case I ever felt my lilith activated. In that case, composite lilith is at a wide conjunction with the composite sun too. Paul and Linda have something similar going on. It seems to me that not only the synastry's Venus + Saturn opposition has a big influence but also the Saturn conjunction with Mars and Sun. I was looking again at the sun/moon midpoint thing may not have significance as the conjunction was an orb of 7º, but then I read others who might consider the conjunction based on intuition.
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