Synastry - Strong push/pull dynamic over 15 years

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You can have wonderful synastry and a good composite chart with someone who is really awful, emotionally immature or worse. I always recommend that students of astrology to pick some really evil human being (like Charles Manson or Adolph Hitler) and do many relationship charts with that person and yourself, your friends and family. You'll get some good ones but you wouldn't wish that person on any one?

Your description of how him and he handled the times you declined entering a relationship with him tells you all you need to know. You don't need astrology for this.

And yes, you might have a big stellium in your composite chart or planets on each other's Nodes or other astrological dynamics that make for the type of interaction you have experienced. If you can post the charts that would be helpful, I just can't see the chart from these tables.
Apologies for the delay in my reply :smile:

Thank you and yes, a good point made about the possibilities of good synastry with inhumane people. Likewise, I've had very limited synastry with people that I've positively connected with.

I have attached the chart - his birth time is unknown so please disregard the houses and ASC. He is red and I am blue.

There are strong contacts with the luminaries in this chart - sextiles and trines. Those are always strong indicators of attraction or ease.

But one person's Moon is in the others H12 -usually not good at all.

Also the trine between the Mars/Pluto conjunction to the other's Moon is an aspect that makes for obsessive, strong desire.
then you both have planets on each others' Nodes, usually and indicator of a "soul union" or past life connection.
It sounds like a karmic relationship, to me. I've been in those types of relationships before. Boy, are they intense!

And the whole push-pull dynamic is very normal in a karmic relationship.
Thank you both for your input.

As I don't know his birth time I'm not certain of his planets / house placements but he does fit having a 12th house pisces moon.

Interestingly, I think my Mars conjunct Pluto shows by my ability to understand him very deeply - over the years I have very intense dreams about his emotional states that have turned out to be accurate. I wouldn't say that I obsessively desire him. We're not in contact at the moment and I'm not that bothered; I know I won't hear from him for a while again, if not years.

He is VERY passive aggressive towards me and cannot communicate directly and openly. I'm not very experienced with Mars in Aquarius and I wonder whether his mars squaring my moon and also his mars squaring my mars conjunct Pluto may be contributing to this push/pull dynamic - or my inability to tolerate his controlling behaviour.

Funnily enough, the thing with this guy isn't that intense in comparison with other energy I've experienced but it is still exhausting as he doesn't seem to ever change! :lol:

With those two main Mars contact, there's a flavor of physical attraction! Good luck!