Systematic Astrology 2

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Oct 8, 2017

1. Divisions
Universal investigations concern races, countries, and cities, genethlialogical investigations those that concern individuals. We must treat them in order, since the particular falls under the general. Universal inquiries are related to whole countries, cities, greater and more periodic conditions that affect multiple countries, wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, deluges, and the like, and the lesser and more occasional, such as the changes in temperature with the seasons of the year, the variations of the intensity of storms, heat, and winds, or of good and bad crops, and so on. In the examination of these questions these two things particulary are taken into consideration, the familiarities of the places on the ecliptic and also of the planets with the several climes, with the significance of heavenly bodies in their own proper regions at a given time, manifested through the ecliptical conjunctions of the luminaries and the passages of the planets at rising and stations.

2. Genetics and Environment
Let us briefly consider the genetic considerations that arise from the process of evolution, natural and sexual selection. With the races, the nations in the equator are burned by the Sun, with black skins and thick, woolly hair, contracted in form and shrunken in stature, brave, adventuresome, ardent with love that is more of eager desire than the delicate mixture of sentiment and sensation, transient in grief, with good memory, but also inferior in intelligence and imagination, and some of their regions plainly give evidence of solar baking. Both here and elsewhere we must consider the particular biological subdivisions and admixture of races, for example, people of the kalenjin tribe excel at running marathons because of their thin legs, while most of the black nations in the northwest have some white ancestors, an admixture amounting to about one-fifth on average.

The yellow races have straight, black hair, and dark brown almond-shaped eyes arising from the adaptations concerning the snowy and cold regions, they are haughty and ruled by opinions, and again the northeastern nations have superior intelligence even compared to white races, while the southeastern nations have inferior intelligence and are shrunken in stature, again, similar to those of the black races, and again, these natures arise from the baking by the Sun.

The inhabitants of the northern regions are nourished by the Moon, they are white in complexion and straight-haired, tall and well-nourished, the nordic races are of good intelligence and they are governed by laws, and prosperous, while the mediterranean races are of average intelligence, less developed in their laws and culture, moderate in complexion, stature, temperament, and the like, and again, the Ashkenazim have superior intelligence and subtlety, and are prosperous, while the Arabs are manly, courageous, but inferior in intelligence and cultural development, they lack our democracy and are plagued by superstition, giving inferior rights to their women, of course, then, we must take great note of gender with such regions, and similarly in case of racial, religious and other kinds of oppression, for nations generally do not discern the benefits of reciprocal altruism, virtuous politics and cooperation even though they may often exceed the benefits of kin altruism.

And now within each of these general regions certain special conditions of character and customs naturally ensue. For as likewise, in the case of the climate, even within the regions that in general are reckoned as hot, cold, or temperate, certain localities and countries have special peculiarities of excess or deficiency by reason of their situation, height, lowness, and adjacency, thus making some inclined to horsemanship because of plain country, to seamanship because of close sea, and to prosperity because they live with the abundance of costly natural resources, so also would one discover special traits in each arising from the natural familiarities of their particular regions with the planets with the places of the ecliptic. These traits, too, would be found generally present, but not in every individual, for racial and geographical characteristics, although informative, possess limited effect with respect to the biological uniqueness of each individual. We must deal with the subject summarily, in so far as it might be of use for the purpose of particular investigations.

3. Familiarities
1, 2, 3 in the respective hemispheres control countries up to the tropics, each having control over one-third, naturally since they are most affected with the increasing latitude of the Sun, while the following places 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 control countries up to the arctics, each having control over one-ninth, naturally since they are affected by the solar rays with similar proportion, and the countries up to the poles must be regarded with most preceding places, that is 12, naturally since they have continuous days and nights. And countries are more affected when their latitude relates to the ecliptic in proportional degrees. And we must always consider the particular climate of the nativities, for when they occur at the equator, the seasonal powers must be disregarded in favour of other powers, likewise proportionally therefrom, holding the reversal of places and winds with respect to the two hemispheres, and the powerful effects of genetics, environment, and the like.

Now that the subject at hand has been set forth, it is necessary to attach to this section this further consideration, in the case of metropolitan cities, the most sympathetic places with the ecliptic are places of the Sun, the Moon, and the angles, especially the Hour-Marker, at the foundation of the cities, which are often the same as the places of Midheaven in the nativities of founding figures.

4. Method
The first and most potent cause of events lies in the conjunctions of the Sun and Moon at eclipse and the passages of the planets at that time. There are four divisions to be considered, the first is the regional, therein we must foresee for what countries and cities there is significance in various eclipses or in the occasional regular stations about Phainon, Phaethon and Pyroeis, for whenever they halt, they are significant. The second division is chronological, therein we must foretell the time of the events and their duration. The third division is generic, therein the need will be to understand with what classes the event will be concerned. The fourth and final division is the specific aspect, by which we discern the quality of the event itself.

5. Region
In the eclipses of Sun and Moon above the horizon, we shall examine the region of the ecliptic in which they take place, and the countries in familiarity, and in similar way ascertain which of the cities, either from the Hour-Marker and the luminaries at the foundations or from the Midheaven of the founding figures, for they are most sympathetic to eclipses. And in whatsoever countries we discover a familiarity of this kind, we must suppose that some event will occur which applies, generally speaking, to all of them, but particularly to those which are most related to the eclipse.

6. Time
As the eclipses which take place are not completed in the same number of hours in every locality and because the solar eclipses do not everywhere have the same degree of obscuration or same time of duration, we shall set down the hour of the eclipse, with each of the related localities, and from the angles, as in a nativity, understand how many hours the obscuration of the eclipse lasts in each. For when these data are examined, when it is a solar eclipse, the predicted event lasts as many years as the equinoctial hours which we discover, and when it is a lunar eclipse, as many months. The nature of the beginnings and more important intensifications of the events, however, are deduced from the position of the eclipse relative to the angles. For when the eclipse falls with the Hour-Marker, it indicates that the beginning of the predicted event is with the first period of four months and that its important intensification lies with the first third of the entire period of its duration, if with the Midheaven, in the second four months and middle third, if with the Setting, in the third four months and the final third. And beginnings of the particular intensifications and relaxations of events are deduced from the conjunctions which take place during the times of the predicted effects, when they occur in the significant regions and in some aspect to them, or from the other movements of the planets, for rising and stationary planets related to the events produce intensifications in the events, while the setting, under the rays of the Sun, and evening advancing planets bring about relaxations.

7. Class
The generic classification is ascertained from the natures of the places and the predominators of the eclipses and the most preceding angle, the Hour-Marker or the Midheaven, with five methods of predomination, house, trigon, elevation, term, aspect, giving preference to the predominators of the eclipse, and with the nature of the proximate fixed stars. Now, eclipses at the Hour-Marker indicate foundations, crops and adolescence, at the Midheaven, kingship, worship and adulthood, and at the Setting, transitions, deaths and elderhood, and the like.

1, 2, 3 indicate airy domains
4, 5, 6 indicate fiery domains
7, 8, 9 indicate earthy domains
10, 11, 12 indicate watery domains

1 and 7 indicate weather and worship
4 and 10 indicate weather and politics
2, 5, 8, 11 indicate foundations and buildings
3, 6, 9, 12 indicate humans and kings

The obscuration with the eclipses and the positions of the planets which furnish furnish the cause indicate how large a portion of the class involved will the event affect, for morning planets affect the majority, the evening affect the minority, and those with the diameter usually affect the half.

8. Quality
The comprehensive observation of the predominating natures, whether the planets, or one of the places with the ecliptic, or the fixed stars, indicate the proper quality of the predicted events. And we must consider not only the mixture of the planets one with another, but also their combination with the others that share in the same nature, whether place or fixed stars, by virtue of the natures that have already been set forth in our tabular exposition.

Phainon predominating causes destruction by cold, with long illnesses, consumptions, withering, disturbances caused by fluids, rheumatisms, quartan fevers, falling, exile, poverty, imprisonment, mourning, fears, and deaths, especially among those advanced in age, scarcity and destruction of useful animals by disease, fearful cold, freezing, misty, pestilential, corruption of the air, clouds, gloom, multitude of destructive snowstorms, abundance of harmful reptiles, storms, the wreck of fleets, disastrous voyages, scarcity and death of fish, high and ebb tides of the seas, the excessive floods of rivers and pollution of their waters, want, scarcity, and loss of crops, especially of those grown for necessary uses, through worms or locusts or floods or cloud-burst or hail or the like.

Phaethon predominating causes increase, fame, prosperity, abundance, peaceful existence, bodily and mental health, happiness, benefits and gifts from rulers, greatness and magnanimity of kings, multitude and abundance of useful animals, destruction of the opposite kind, temperate, healthy, windy and moistening air, favourable for the growth of what the earth bears, the fortunate sailing of fleets, the moderate rising of rivers, abundance of crops and everything similar.

Pyroeis predominating causes destruction through dryness, wars, civil faction, uprisings, capture, enslavement, wrath of leaders, sudden deaths arising from such causes, fevers, tertian agues, the raising of blood, swift and violent deaths, especially among those in the prime of life, violence, assaults, lawlessness, arson and murder, robbery and piracy, hot weather, warm, pestilential, and withering winds, lightning, hurricanes, drought, sudden shipwreck of fleets through changeable winds, the failure of the water of rivers, drying up of springs, tainting of potable waters, scarcity of useful animals and things that grow from the earth, the loss of crops by drying as the result of hot weather, or by locusts, or by the beating of the winds, or by burning in places of storage.

Phosphoros predominating causes increase, fame, honour, happiness, abundance, happy marriage and many children, satisfaction in every mutual relationship, increase of property, neat and well conducted manner of life, paying honour to those things which have to be revered, bodily health, alliances with the leaders, the elegance of rulers, temperate air, moist and very nourishing winds, good and clear weather, generous showers of fertilizing waters, the fortunate sailing of fleets, full rising of rivers, abundance of useful animals, good yields of fruits, successes, profits and the like.

Stilbon predominating causes transitions, stimulating events, cleverness, robbery, theft, piracy, or assault, unsuccessful voyaging with maleficent planets, occasional diseases of dryness, quotidian agues, events which concern priestly code, worship, royal revenues, changes in customs and laws from time to time in consistency with its association with the other planets on each occasion, and irregular, fierce and changeable winds, thunder, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning, destruction of useful animals and plants, diminishment of waters when setting and filling of waters when rising.

Such are the effects produced by the several planets, each by itself and with command of its own nature. Associated, however, now with one and now with another, in the different aspects, by the exchange of places, and by the phases with reference to the Sun, and experiencing corresponding tempering of their powers, each produces a character, in effect, which is the result of the mixture of the natures that have participated, and is complicated. It is of course a hopeless and impossible task to mention the proper outcome of every combination and to enumerate absolutely all aspects of whatever kind, since we can conceive of such a variety of them.

We must observe what affinity exists between the planets which govern the predictions and those that control the countries which are affected. When the predominating planets are beneficent, and have familiarity with the affected subjects, and are not overcome by the maleficent planets, they more powerfully produce their natural benefits, even as, whenever they bear no familiarity or are overcome by the opposite sect, they are less helpful. When maleficent planets govern predictions and have familiarity with the affected subjects or are overcome by the beneficent planets, they do less harm, but when they are neither lords of the countries nor are overcome by planets that have familiarity with the regions, they exert all the more intensely the destructiveness of their natures. Nativities are more affected by universal ills when they happen to have the most essential places, the Sun, the Moon and the angles, the same as those that furnish the causes, the ecliptical places, or the places directly opposite, and with these positions, the most dangerous and hardest to avoid are those in which either of the luminaries is in possession of the same or the opposite degree.

9. Colours
In the prediction of general conditions we must observe the colours at the time of eclipses, either those of the luminaries themselves, or those of the formations that occur near them, rays, halos, and the like, for they indicate the effects appropriate to their colours. When the colours appear to cover the whole body of the luminary or the whole region surrounding it, the predicted event will affect most of the parts of the countries, but partially, only those parts against which phenomena are inclined.

Comets that appear either at the time of eclipses or at any time whatever, rays, trumpets, jars, and the like, naturally produce effects peculiar to Pyroeis and to Stilbon, wars, hot weather, disturbed conditions, and the accompaniments of these, and they indicate, through the parts of the ecliptic in which their heads appear and through the directions in which the shapes of their tails point, the regions upon which the misfortunes impend. Through the formations, their heads signify the kind of the event and the class upon which the misfortune will take effect, and through the time which the last, the duration of the predicted events, through their placement relative to the Sun likewise their beginning, for their appearance in the east betokens rapidly approaching events, while those in the west indicate events that approach more slowly.

10. New and Full Moon Preceding Equinoxes and Solstices
It is most proper and natural to employ the four starting-points for investigations which deal with the year, observing the syzygies of the Sun and Moon with new and full moon which most nearly precede them, and among these in particular the syzygies with which eclipses take place, so that from each of the equinoctial and solstitial places, we may conjecture of corresponding seasons.

Furthermore, we must take into consideration the special qualities of the places about the ecliptic to obtain the prognostication of the winds and of the more general natures, and the variations of degree from time to time are in general again shown by the conjunctions which take place at the aforesaid points and by the aspects of the planets to them, and in particular also by the New and Full Moon in the several places and by the course of the planets with the monthly investigations.

11. Natures
1, 2, 3 are moistening and moderately heating, 1 is stormy, 2 is temperate, 3 is changeable
4, 5, 6 are heating and moderately drying, 4 is summery, 5 is summery, 6 is changeable
7, 8, 9 are drying and moderately cooling, 7 is temperate, 8 is stormy, 9 is windy
10, 11, 12 are cooling and moderately moistening, 10 is wintry, 11 is wintry, 12 is windy

Fixed stars signify moistening, heating, drying, cooling, temperate, windy, stormy, snowy, misty, destructive, pestilential, tectonic effects and the like with their brilliance, proximity and colours.

Make determination of the weather according to the country, tropical, dry, temperate, continental or polar. Rainforests have high rainfall and temperature. Monsoons have rainfall season. Tropical savannas have moderate temperature and humidity. Humid continental countries receive variable weather patterns and large seasonal variance. Oceanic countries have plentiful precipitation. The Mediterranean obtains airy spring, fiery summer, earthy autumn and watery winter. Steppes have high variation of temperature. Subarctic countries have very cold weather and little precipitation. Tundras obtain permafrost. Polar countries are covered with ice. Deserts have little precipitation, extremely low humidity and high variation between diurnal and nocturnal temperature.

12. Seasonal Investigations
The method of dealing with significations in detail involves the following procedure, one method is that which is more generally conceived, with relation to the quarters, which will demand that we observe the New Moon or Full Moon which most nearly precede the equinoctial and solstitial places and that as the degree may fall in each latitude investigated, we dispose of the angles as in a nativity. We must then determine the rulers of the places of the new moon or full moon and of the most preceding angle, after the fashion explained by us in the preceding sections dealing with eclipses, and from this to judge of universal situations from the special nature of the season, and to determine the degree of intensification and relaxation from the qualities of the predominating planets, and the kind of weather which they produce.

13. Monthly Investigations
The second procedure is based on the month, in this we observe the following new moons or full moons that take place, observing only the kind that preceded the equinoctial and solstitial places. We observe the angles and the predominators of both the places, and particularly the appearances of the planets, their applications and separations, the properties of the planets and of the places in which they happen to be, and to what wind the latitude of the Moon is inclined through obliquity of the ecliptic, from all these facts, by means of the principle of prevalence, we may predict the general conditions of months.

14. Weekly Investigations
The third procedure is to observe even more minutely detailed relaxations and intensifications of the weather. This observation is based upon the configurations of the luminaries successively not only the new moons and full moons, but also the half moons, in which case the indicated change generally has its beginning three days before and sometimes three days after the progress of the Moon matches that of the Sun, and we must also observe their aspects to the planets, when they are at each of the positions of this kind, or likewise others, such as hexagon and trigon, for it is in accordance with the nature of these that the special quality of the change is apprehended, and in harmony with the natural affinities of the attending planets and of the places for the ambient and the winds.

15. Daily Investigations
Day by day intensifications of these particular qualities are brought about when the more brilliant and powerful of the fixed stars make morning and evening appearances, with respect to the Sun.

16. Hourly Investigations
Hour by hour intensifications and relaxations of the weather vary in response to positions of stars as these, in the same way that the ebb and flow of the tides respond to the phases with the Moon, and the changes in the air-currents are brought about especially at such appearances of the Sun or the Moon at the angles, in the direction of those winds towards which the latitude of the Moon is found to be inclining, in every case, however, one should draw his conclusions on the principle that the universal and primary underlying cause takes precedence and that the cause of particular events is secondary to it, and that the force is most ensure and strengthened when the stars which are predominators of the universal natures are configured with the particular causes.

17. Atmospheric Investigations
When the Sun rises or sets clear, unobscured, steady, and unclouded, it signifies fine weather, but if its disk is varied, or reddish, or sends out reddish rays, either outwardly or circling back upon itself, or parheliac clouds on one side, or yellowish cloud formations while emitting long rays, it indicates heavy winds, and if it is dark or livid, being accompanied by clouds, or if it has halos at one side, or parheliac clouds on both sides while emitting dark rays, it indicates storms and rain.

Observe the course of the Moon three days before and three days after the quarters of the Moon. When the Moon appears thin and clear and has nothing around it, it indicates clear weather. If it is thin and red, and the whole disk of the unilluminated part is distinct and a little shaky, it causes winds, with that direction in which it is particularly inclined. If it is observed to be dark, or pale, and thick, it indicates storms and rain. Observe the halos around the Moon, for when there is one that is clear and gradually fading, it indicates fine weather, if there are two or three, they indicate storms. If they are yellowish and broken, they indicate storms accompanied by heavy winds. And if they are thick and misty, they indicate snowstorms, and if they are pale, dark and broken, they indicate storms with both winds and snow, and the more of them, the more severe the storms. Of the halos that gather about the stars, both the planets and the brilliant fixed stars, indicate what is appropriate to their colours and the nature of the luminaries which they surround.

Observe the colours and brightness of the fixed stars which are close together in some number. If they are brighter and larger beyond their customary appearance, they signify the winds that blow from their own region. When in a clear sky, the star clusters appear dim, invisible, or thickened, they indicate rain, but if they are clear and constantly twinkle, they indicate heavy winds. Comets generally foretell droughts or winds, and the greater the number of parts that are found with their heads and the greater the size, the more severe the winds. Shooting stars, coming from one angle, denote the wind from that direction, from opposite directions, a confusion of winds, from all four angles, storms of all kinds, including thunder, lightning, and the like. Clouds resembling tufts of wool signify storms. Rainbows signify storms after clear weather and clear weather after storms. All atmospheric phenomena indicate events according to their brilliance, formations and colours.

Let us, then, consider that thus far in outline, there has been given an account of the investigation of general questions, both in more universal aspects and in particular detail.

Gottfredson, L. S. (1997). Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history, and bibliography.
Retrieved from
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from
Schmidt, R. Hephaistio of Thebes Apotelesmatics Book I. Project Hindsight.

Now that the subject at hand has been set forth, it is necessary to attach to this section this further consideration, in the case of metropolitan cities, the most sympathetic places with the ecliptic are places of the Sun, the Moon, and the angles, especially the Hour-Marker, at the foundation of the cities, which are often the same as the places of Midheaven in the nativities of founding figures.

Gottfredson, L. S. (1997). Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history, and bibliography.
Retrieved from
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London. Retrieved from
Schmidt, R. Hephaistio of Thebes Apotelesmatics Book I. Project Hindsight.
because each metropolitan city is founded at a particular time
each metropolitan city under investigation
requires a different chart
even if those cities are neighbouring metropolitan cities :smile:
I propose the following for each Hemisphere with its reversed zodiac:
