Table and explanation of natural dignities and debilities

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Oct 8, 2017
1. Houses
Leo is summery house of Sun
Cancer is northern house of Moon
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter
Aries and Scorpio are stormy houses of Mars
Taurus and Libra are temperate houses of Venus
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury

Leo is heating and moderately drying just like the Sun.
Cancer, by reason of being the most northern place receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are cold and moist, so it is constituted the house of the Moon.
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn.
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter that anticipate seasons with greater moisture (winter and spring) and heat (spring).
Aries and Scorpio are productive of storms, Aries produces great heat, while Scorpio produces the most dryness, so they are related to Mars.
Taurus and Libra are temperate (in weather and temperature) so they are related to Venus.
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury that anticipate seasons with greater dryness (summer and autumn) from seasons with good weather.

2. Elevations
Aries is heating elevation of Sun
Taurus is vernal elevation of Moon
Libra is cooling elevation of Saturn
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury

Aries is heating elevation, not in quantity (which is the place of Leo), but in quality, as this is the place of the vernal equinox which causes the greatest increase of heat.
Taurus is the most moistening of all places so it is predominated by both moistening planets.
Libra is cooling elevation, not in quantity (which is the place of Aquarius), but in quality, as this is the place of the autumnal equinox which causes the greatest increase of cold.
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter, because this place is summery and at the same time receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are moist and fecund.
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars, because this place receives an admixture of extreme southern winds which are burning, drying and destructive, by reason of being the most southern place.
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the moistening spring.
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the drying autumn. Virgo is related twice to Mercury.

3. Depressions
Libra is cooling depression of Sun
Scorpio is autumnal depression of Moon
Aries is heating depression of Saturn
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter
Cancer is northern depression of Mars
Virgo is drying depression of Venus
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury

Libra is cooling depression, not in quantity (which is the place of Aquarius), but in quality, as this is the place of the autumnal equinox which causes the greatest increase of cold.
Scorpio is the most drying of all places and it is predominated twice by Mars.
Aries is heating depression, not in quantity (which is the place of Leo), but in quality, as this is the place of the vernal equinox which causes the greatest increase of heat.
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter, because this place is wintry and at the same time receives an admixture of extreme southern winds which are burning, drying and destructive.
Cancer is northern depression of Mars, because this place receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are moist and fecund.
Virgo is drying depression of Venus, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the drying autumn.
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the moistening spring.

4. Trigons
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars

Because winds always predominate an exact direction, and because there are four possible general directions of winds, the twelve places are sharply pointed in groups of three separated by four places, that is by the figure of the trigon.

Aries + Leo + Sagittarius = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold = 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness (South or Fire)
Taurus + Virgo + Capricorn = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat (West or Air)
Gemini + Libra + Aquarius = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture (North or Water)
Cancer + Scorpio + Pisces = 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold (East or Earth)

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night, more moistening by night due to the moisture of the night.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night, more cooling by night due to the cold of the night.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night, more moistening by night due to the moisture of the night.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars both by day and by night, as only Mars produces such drying and maleficent winds.

Of course, for the Southern Hemisphere, the equatorial winds of Sun and Jupiter become northern, and the polar winds of Saturn and Mercury become southern, as the direction of their two angles are reversed.

5. Bounds
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by day give Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by day give Venus 7.5°, Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Sun 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by day give Saturn 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5° and Venus 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by day give Mars 7.5°, Sun 7.5°, Venus 7.5° and Saturn 7.5°

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by night give Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5° and Mars 7.5°
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn by night give Moon 7.5°, Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5° and Jupiter 7.5°
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius by night give Mercury 7.5°, Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5° and Moon 7.5°
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces by night give Mars 7.5°, Jupiter 7.5°, Moon 7.5° and Mercury 7.5°

Because the winds often experience increase of power through predomination, or stillness through predomination of the contrary wind, or admixture through predomination of neighbouring winds, the places are divided into four equal bounds of 7.5° - so that the first bound is the wind blowing with twice the power, the second bound is the wind receiving an admixture from the wind of the following angle, the third bound is the wind receiving an admixture of the wind from the opposite angle that produces stillness, and the fourth bound is the wind receiving an admixture from the wind of the preceding angle. One can observe this change from the powers of the planets.

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One can observe some kind of contrary rulership over the solstices - Cancer is ruled by Jupiter and Moon, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Mars, and this seems to be related to their extreme direction that push the planets upwards and downwards, after all, Cancer, although summery, begins the decrease of day and the eventual increase of cold, and Capricorn, although wintry, begins the increase of day and the eventual decrease of cold. These effects are not immediately present due to the seasonal lag. An alternative explanation involves only the winds, which were very important in ancient astrology.
1. Houses
Leo is summery house of Sun
Cancer is northern house of Moon
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter
Aries and Scorpio are stormy houses of Mars
Taurus and Libra are temperate houses of Venus
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury

Leo is heating and moderately drying just like the Sun.
Cancer, by reason of being the most northern place receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are cold and moist, so it is constituted the house of the Moon.
Capricorn and Aquarius are wintry houses of Saturn.
Sagittarius and Pisces are windy houses of Jupiter that anticipate seasons with greater moisture (winter and spring) and heat (spring).
Aries and Scorpio are productive of storms, Aries produces great heat, while Scorpio produces the most dryness, so they are related to Mars.
Taurus and Libra are temperate (in weather and temperature) so they are related to Venus.
Gemini and Virgo are changeable houses of Mercury that anticipate seasons with greater dryness (summer and autumn) from seasons with good weather.

2. Elevations
Aries is heating elevation of Sun
Taurus is vernal elevation of Moon
Libra is cooling elevation of Saturn
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury

Aries is heating elevation, not in quantity (which is the place of Leo), but in quality, as this is the place of the vernal equinox which causes the greatest increase of heat.
Taurus is the most moistening of all places so it is predominated by both moistening planets.
Libra is cooling elevation, not in quantity (which is the place of Aquarius), but in quality, as this is the place of the autumnal equinox which causes the greatest increase of cold.
Cancer is northern elevation of Jupiter, because this place is summery and at the same time receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are moist and fecund.
Capricorn is southern elevation of Mars, because this place receives an admixture of extreme southern winds which are burning, drying and destructive, by reason of being the most southern place.
Pisces is moistening elevation of Venus, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the moistening spring.
Virgo is drying elevation of Mercury, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the drying autumn. Virgo is related twice to Mercury.

3. Depressions
Libra is cooling depression of Sun
Scorpio is autumnal depression of Moon
Aries is heating depression of Saturn
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter
Cancer is northern depression of Mars
Virgo is drying depression of Venus
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury

Libra is cooling depression, not in quantity (which is the place of Aquarius), but in quality, as this is the place of the autumnal equinox which causes the greatest increase of cold.
Scorpio is the most drying of all places and it is predominated twice by Mars.
Aries is heating depression, not in quantity (which is the place of Leo), but in quality, as this is the place of the vernal equinox which causes the greatest increase of heat.
Capricorn is southern depression of Jupiter, because this place is wintry and at the same time receives an admixture of extreme southern winds which are burning, drying and destructive.
Cancer is northern depression of Mars, because this place receives an admixture of extreme northern winds which are moist and fecund.
Virgo is drying depression of Venus, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the drying autumn.
Pisces is moistening depression of Mercury, again, not in quantity, but in quality, this place precedes the moistening spring.

4. Trigons
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars

Because winds always predominate an exact direction, and because there are four possible general directions of winds, the twelve places are sharply pointed in groups of three separated by four places, that is by the figure of the trigon.

Aries + Leo + Sagittarius = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold = 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness (South or Fire)
Taurus + Virgo + Capricorn = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat (West or Air)
Gemini + Libra + Aquarius = 1 Moisture + 1/2 Heat + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture (North or Water)
Cancer + Scorpio + Pisces = 1 Heat + 1/2 Dryness + 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold + 1 Cold + 1/2 Moisture = 1 Dryness + 1/2 Cold (East or Earth)

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are southern wind trigon of Sun by day and Jupiter by night, more moistening by night due to the moisture of the night.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are western wind trigon of Venus by day and Moon by night, more cooling by night due to the cold of the night.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are northern wind trigon of Saturn by day and Mercury by night, more moistening by night due to the moisture of the night.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are eastern wind trigon of Mars both by day and by night, as only Mars produces such drying and maleficent winds.

Of course, for the Southern Hemisphere, the equatorial winds of Sun and Jupiter become northern, and the polar winds of Saturn and Mercury become southern, as the direction of their two angles are reversed.

Hi petosiris,

[deleted attacking comment - Moderator]

You only need to look at Sun, Moon, the five planets, the signs/houses they're in, the lots of fortune and spirit, and the 12th parts to read a chart. The direction the wind is blowing doesn't really figure into the equation.
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[deleted attacking comment - Moderator]

You only need to look at Sun, Moon, the five planets, the signs/houses they're in, the lots of fortune and spirit, and the 12th parts to read a chart. The direction the wind is blowing doesn't really figure into the equation.

Hi AJ,

I am sorry to hear that you haven't read a traditional astrology text yet, don't you have naturalistic explanations for what you do, or you are comfortable with tea leaves reading, whole signs, lots and 12th parts as some astrologers of modernity?

You only need to look at Sun, Moon, the five planets, the signs/houses they're in, the lots of fortune and spirit, and the 12th parts to read a chart.

Where can I read about those only necessary factors? Do you have an example?
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Of the two luminaries, Sun is given masculine Leo and Moon feminine Cancer and both luminaries oppose the Dark Lord Saturn who is Lord of the Planets. Light opposing Dark. Saturn's in the deep cold, while Sun is warm and toasty and certain Moon phases are warm and toasty.

This also has to do with laundry, the laundry of the four elements to be precise.

I asked you a few questions in that thread:
Why is Saturn lord of the planets? Why is Moon warm and toasty? Why is Mars exalted in deep cold, but depressed in warm and toasty sign?
Hey petosiris,

Would you say that the domiciles and exaltations would need to be flipped in the Southern Hemisphere? For example the Sun would be exalted in Libra as that marks the start of spring down there. I noticed you mentioned that the winds for the trigons would be flipped, so I would think that the same would apply to the domiciles and exaltations.

I love what you're doing though and find the seasonal rationale and relative simplicity of it all very appealing. :)
Hey petosiris,

Would you say that the domiciles and exaltations would need to be flipped in the Southern Hemisphere? For example the Sun would be exalted in Libra as that marks the start of spring down there. I noticed you mentioned that the winds for the trigons would be flipped, so I would think that the same would apply to the domiciles and exaltations.

I love what you're doing though and find the seasonal rationale and relative simplicity of it all very appealing. :)

Yes, I would flip everything for S. I actually have a 5-fold system, that I explain here. -

Here are the more relevant parts:

29. Climates
Make universal investigations with the climate of the region, tropical, dry, temperate, continental or polar, the rainforest regions have high rainfall and temperature, monsoon regions have rainfall season, tropical savanna regions have moderate temperature and humidity, the humid continental regions have variable weather pattern and large seasonal variance, oceanic regions have plentiful precipitation, Mediterranean regions have airy spring, fiery summer, earthy autumn and watery winter, while steppe regions have high variation of temperature, subarctic regions have very cold weather and little precipitation, tundra regions have permafrost, the polar regions have covering with ice, and desert regions have little precipitation, extremely low humidity and high variation between diurnal and nocturnal temperature, for equatorial regions, places must be disregarded in favour of angles, configurations and non-wandering stars, likewise proportionally therefrom with the reversal of places and winds for the southern hemisphere, and for polar regions, angles must be disregarded in favour of places, configurations and non-wandering stars, according to latitude

We must note the particular geographical peculiarities of regions to obtain accurate prognostication of the weather and the winds.

Likewise, for universal and genethlialogical investigations exactly at the equator, different system of predomination is to be used, based on complete and powerful configurations having twice the power of operative and moderate configurations, and predomination based on the qualities of angles (Hour-Marker - Mars, Midheaven - Sun by day and Jupiter by night, Setting - Venus by day and Moon by night, Anti-Midheaven - Saturn by day and Mercury by night) because the predominations of houses, elevations, trigons and bounds are useless. Planets become powerful, operative and inoperative only based on their angularity and phases in case of the five planets. For investigations in between the equator and the tropics, both equatorial and temperate systems are to be used proportionally.

Likewise, for universal and genethlialogical investigations exactly at the pole, angles and the Lot of Fortune are not to be used. Universal judgement is to be made from eclipses, new moons and full moons alone, for nativities, the Moon alone predominates the body, the Sun alone predominates action, Venus by day and Moon by night predominate siblings, Jupiter for men and Venus for women predominate children and friendship. Planets become powerful, operative and inoperative only with respect to the universe. The method of temporal intervals is not to be used, instead the method of solar intervals, moving the planets 1° forward in the ecliptic every year. For investigations in between the pole and the arctic circles, the temperate system is to be used whenever possible (because there is no circumpolarity of the ecliptic) and the polar system otherwise (because there is circumpolarity of the ecliptic).

This system can't be criticized, except perhaps for being too rational and physical.
I would rather just call Aries - Libra and vice versa. It is easier to remember things in that way (following the seasons) and there is less confusion. After this flip, the only change that is further necessary, is the change of equatorial and polar winds, same as the direction of Midheaven and Anti-Midheaven for travel - the pre-ascension of the Midheaven indicates southern regions in the northern hemisphere, but northern regions in the southern hemisphere, and vice versa for the other hemisphere.