Taurus girlfriend left me for an Aquarius Man! Need Advice!

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Feb 7, 2011

I am new to astrology and I just had my heart handed to me in a blender by my ex Taurus. I am a 33 year old Cancer born July 21, 1977 and she is a 28 year old Taurus born May 7, 1982.

I'm trying to figure out if there is any hope for us getting back together. I have never been in love with another women who I felt so connected to and I am beyond devistated by the breakup.

It was a long distance relationship and we were together just over a year. Were looking at engagement rings just before it ended so it was pretty serious. Unfortunately I dragged my feet a little on moving back to her area (I used to live in her area) and I think it sent a signal that I wasn't going to be there for her. She ended up leaving me for her tattoo artist who is an Aquaius. They are complete opposites. We still talk occasionally but she is definitely enjoying her new man. He is the ultra cool, local celebrity tattoo artist, and I am just a normal everyday guy.

Any advice would be great. I believe we could be soul mates.

Hey Mechanical Design,

I appreciate your advice and I do agree with most of it. What is your sign by the way? I am indeed referred to as the "nice guy" and it is a huge pain in my ***, but it is difficult for us cancers to be any other way.

We brokeup partly because I was being a little slow and indecisive about when I was moving, and I think she finally got a shot to date her long time crush, though she would never admit it, her tattoo artist. She has known him for 10 years but they were both always in long term relationships until now. I know he is an Aquaius because his birthday is on Facebook and a mutual friend gave it to me. It is January 23rd. He is a complete Dbag of course, but he is a "bad boy" and like you said, many girls love to be with a guy who treats them like ****. I actually met him once when I used to live in her area. The only thing they have in common is tattoo's. She is trying to be something she is not and he will eventually see through it and either dump her, or she will scare him away with her taurus possessivness.

You are right about me moving on, but it is hard. We were incredibly happy together for 90% of the relationship.

Unfortunately I don't know her chart. I don't even know mine. I am new to this.
you should go to www.astro.com and make a chart...they also have synastry charts and other features under free horoscopes and the short horoscopes section...it will give you more specific information about your relationship with this woman. Also it helps if you have specific birth times for both you and the woman (it gives a full picture of what is going on)

hope this helps & best of luck with everything :)
Here are some of the issues you two have- in my opinion you could find someone a lot more compatible for you...even though it may be hard to see now.

(i took both of these explanations from Cafe Astrology) - no copyright/plagarism intended

your mercury is square her sun : (you would be mercury in the explanation- she would be the sun)

The two of you do not always see eye-to-eye on issues, and it is very easy for Mercury to become critical of Sun's plans or course of action. Compounding the problem is Sun's tendency to be very sensitive to criticism from Mercury and consequently react defensively to this criticism. Sun may find Mercury to be "all talk and no action", and Mercury may become frustrated, believing that Sun doesn't "get" the spirit behind Mercury's words. This need not be a serious problem however; a little tolerance for each other's right to disagree and respect for individual differences is all it takes to make personal differences stimulating rather than annoying. You challenge each other to see things from a different perspective.

Also your saturn is square her sun - (the reason she probably left you for the aquarius man)

"Although it's not usually apparent at the beginning of your relationship, certain patterns and dynamics are likely to develop between you over time. Saturn must be very careful not to harshly criticize or judge Sun. There is a strong tendency for Sun to feel blocked, frustrated, and discouraged by Saturn. Typically, Saturn will feel surprised by Sun's feelings of frustration and anger, and feel that Sun is just being overly sensitive to criticism. There is an element of truth to both viewpoints: Saturn tends to be too critical of Sun and Sun tends to be too sensitive to the criticism; the combination can be disastrous! Sun may try to ignore the problem, but ignoring the problem will not cause the problem to disappear. This is a relationship that can help both of you mature a great deal; you are able to build a secure, stable life together and face many challenges and responsibilities together that you have been trying to avoid. However, the tendency to become overly concerned with your responsibilities and be too conservative, cautious, and restrictive towards each other must not get out of hand, or you will both feel severely confined and restricted by being together. "
I doubt she will be with the Aquarius for a long time. Aquarius/Taurus it doesnt make sense to me.

Hopefully she will be back to your Mr Cancerian, just make an effort for her, she is Taurus and prob not comfortable it moving locations. You will need to do it!
i don't think you both are compatible...sun square mercury is a major problem...she may feel like you are too critical of her all the time. And chances are you see her as being to sensitive.

Also your saturn is square her sun...she feels like you are in a way like a rain on her parade.

I don't know either of you , so I'm not 100% sure if this is what is going on...

that is why she chose an aquarius man probably- because he's more free and not as restricting towards her . I don't think she will last with an aquarius man because taurus and aquarius have different values- aquarius values freedom and taurus values stability and hates change.

Even if you get back with her, you could probably make things work if you really tried but over time the same issues would pop up again. Would you rather be with someone who you constantly have to change who you are and worry about what you say to her? Or do you want to be with someone who you are naturally compatible with?

I know it may be hard to see now, and I hope what I said didn't sound insensitive- but I think you can find a better match :)
I wanted to just add some general information

while aquarius and taurus do not get on.... I can say that im aquarian with a 7th house taurus....:andy:

anyway most relationships i know around me have suns square to one another or sun square moon or saturn.
It depends on ones relationship chart as to what they need and or want in relationships... she may be confliced i havent looked at her chart there for she would like the challenge of being in a relationship that matches her chart.

Also your saturn is square her sun...she feels like you are in a way like a rain on her parade.
its horrible but yeah ive seen many long term marriages with this aspect.

Im on loves side... so I hope she returns to you if this is what the universe has instore for you.
....put the astrology aside for one second. she left you. she betrayed and lied to you....not exactly the basis for a healthy relationship. you're not soul mates and i dont know why you would want to bother with someone like that. you sound rather needy and desperate for love considering you're willing to take back someone so duplicitous. focus on building up your self esteem before delving into another relationship.
....put the astrology aside for one second. she left you. she betrayed and lied to you....not exactly the basis for a healthy relationship. you're not soul mates and i dont know why you would want to bother with someone like that. you sound rather needy and desperate for love considering you're willing to take back someone so duplicitous. focus on building up your self esteem before delving into another relationship.

are you serious?

THis is an astrology site and one he asked to determine what is going on astrologically.
The background information is one that is helpfull for us to annalyse not to scruitanise and certainly not our business to do so.

but hey nice to see you have your life in such great order other people are not so lucky. I found your post very cruel and not warrented here.
Sun-sigm compatibility or incompatibility is a pretty ridiculous idea for a relationship.

Were it actually true, we could just go with anyone who has the same, a sextile, or trine sun-sign and live happily ever after.

This is not how life works. Much compatibility is based on how each individual's temperament complements the other, or doesn't. The synastry will only show you the course the relationship will take - if there's a relationship at all.

I mean, surely, you've all done charts of people you have great synastry with, yet nothing ever happened, or it ended in disaster, no?
absloutly... it complicated
and chart comparrisons also takes some experiance and theres so much more involved.:smile:
are you serious?

THis is an astrology site and one he asked to determine what is going on astrologically.
The background information is one that is helpfull for us to annalyse not to scruitanise and certainly not our business to do so.

I'm not saying he should get off the site and that astrology is pointless for his situation, just that he should put it off for one second and evaluate his situation without it...again, just for one second. He should take a second to look at what a backstabbing, lying person she was even if the charts deemed him "compatible" with her.

but hey nice to see you have your life in such great order other people are not so lucky. I found your post very cruel and not warrented here.

I have no idea where you get off thinking I'm cruel. Yes I said he had low self-esteem but so do millions of other people and it's a huge problem. I'm not saying it makes him PATHETIC or a BAD person; it's just that there are so many individuals out there with low self-esteem willing to take back partners who cheated on them, lied to them, and betrayed them. These people are so dependent on relationships, that they're willing to take back these partners without taking a pause to really look at themselves and realize how amazing they are.