Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury violent tendencies?

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Nov 12, 2024
I don't know why but so many people I know with this combo have some very violent tendencies, and almost all of them will hit first! I am gonna share a few folks I know and their stories.

Yesterday my mother who is a Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury kicked my dad several times after my dad yelled at her for no reason. This morning she calmed down but she said if I tried to stop it again she would beat my senses in as well. My mom has done stuff like this in rage at my dad before, recently she threw stuff at him in a public place, and once a year ago after she felt he was cheating (he 99 percent was for sure) got a butcher knife and threaten to stab him, but eh he isn't a great person. My mom is a big believer in beating the butt of people growing up. My mom feels my dad should have been beaten more growing up and maybe he wouldn't be so stupid or something. Heck my mom even spanked my dog's butt when he took a dump on the floor.

2nd person is a 77 year old man that also has this combo and is an admin on a website. He is only about 5 foot 10 and 150 lbs but in a fit of raged he judo flipped a 6 foot 6 220 lbs man that is only 40 years old. He hurt the 40 year old man to such an extent he had to be sent to the hospital, and the 40 year old didn't know whether to be upset or impressed. The beat down happened because the 40 year old messed up his burger or something. The 77 year old is often going off about how people should respect him and that his age doesn't mean he can't kick butt! He feels humans need to be punished and believes that torturing people is a good thing to do.

Third guy is younger but often has similar rage issues. He is yet again a Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury, and he has yelled quite a few threats since I've known him. He has a list of people he would like to hurt, and has also sent people to the hospital before. He once beat a guy for like 30 minutes straight and sent him not only to the hospital but to the ICU. Also for one serial killer and his girlfriend he wanted to not only execute the serial killer but to burn him at the stake until he is nothing but cinders and to make sure he isn't hurt with wet wood so he can fully feel the pain. Then after that the Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury guy said he wanted the serial killer to feel the flames until he dies and goes to hell. He also wanted the girlfriend whom managed to leave prison to hear the punishment she escaped from by sending a recording of the tortured man's screams to mail to her house and force her to watch on the anniversary of his execution the rest of his life.

I know even more folks with this combo, but I don't feel like sharing their stories right now and they are AS crazy, but still a little crazy.

Also these people are all of different races and countries. Only my mom is an American and the other two are not Americans. Sorry for the horrible writing, I still haven't quite recovered mentally and still trying to relearn my English skills and such.

Also these are NOT the only stories of the three, but probably their craziest ones.

Also I am NOT saying these people are bad (okay maybe judo flipping someone over a bad burger is a bit extreme but the other two have a good point in a way. I feel people are too afraid of anger and dark energy and as a Pluto Asc and a person with a Pluto Square Mercury/12th House Scorpio Mars and my Lilith Conjunct Sun/North Node/ I am likely as crazy as all three combined.
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I know of several Taurus people with Mercury in Aries who are not violent. Maybe those 3 people who you refer to have something extra going on? Could their Mercuries be hard hit by bad aspects maybe? Mars opposing/squaring the Suns or Mercuries or Pluto or Uranus emphasised somehow?
I know of several Taurus people with Mercury in Aries who are not violent. Maybe those 3 people who you refer to have something extra going on? Could their Mercuries be hard hit by bad aspects maybe? Mars opposing/squaring the Suns or Mercuries or Pluto or Uranus emphasised somehow?
Sure, my mom's chart looks like this


and the last guy that said the weird stuff looks like this
Thank you. It does look like there is a very debilitated Mars in both charts. The man's chart has a malicious T-square to his Mercury in Aries, from an angular Mars opposed Uranus/Neptune in his 1st. I think it is interesting that he is so vocal with the threats and the torture lists. It is his Mer5cury that is the apex of the T-square. So he vents in a mercury way? But Mars is right there too so he does act out physically as well.

His Sun in the 4th with a T-square might indicate that he had a difficult childhood. The square from 1st house Saturn could mean that his father was cold , if not abusive himself? But th opposition from Jupiter could mean that his father was also rewarding him at times, if he followed in his footsteps or even fought back? I'm not sure--but it seems he had a confusing and extreme childhood situation. Jupiter opposed Saturn is like 'good cop' vs 'bad cop.' Like he had some good influences and some bad ones and it confused him?

In terms of violence---the strongest indicator might be the Mars/Uranus opposition. And Neptune conjunct the Uranus adds alcohol/drugs or delusions to the mix ?

There is one interesting aspect that both these charts have---the Mercury in Aries is inconjunct Pluto. the intensity of the mind can lead to a frenetic pace of thought and motion without self-consciousness or mental hesitation. it can make the mind unstable and chaotic. And can lead to extreme views which can become arrogant, stubborn, narrow minded and domineering, incapable of listening to others views.

Your Mom has a very difficult chart. She does have a very lovely Sun/Venus conjunction with lots of strong trines and sextiles. So she dos have some kindness and loving feelings and protective urges, etc. , with sextile to Moon/Saturn in Pisces. But that Pisces opposes the triple Virgo conjunction.

Mars/Uranus/Pluto tightly conjunct in Virgo, sandwiching the 2nd house cusp---very protective of her own things, maybe very secretive?

That opposition to Moon/Saturn can set up a victim or martyr scenario. Poor me, everyone mistreats me, everyone disrespects me, etc. And yet she can't always see that she is the one sometimes being disrespectful or abusive? But I do think she means well most of the time for her loved ones. She loves very deeply and feels a lot of pain when she feels she has let her loved ones down.

But she probably learned in childhood not to trust others and to stand up for herself?
Well, I do know that people with a Taurus sun can be surprisingly violent if there are other indications in the chart. Aries is usually considered more violent, but Taurus can be very stubborn, and a very stubborn and angry bull can... well, gore you. Mercury in Aries might make them more prone to speaking without thinking, saying what's on their mind. So it definitely wouldn't help matters. But usually, aggression is represented more by Mars. In the case of Mercury being in Aries, that means it is ruled by the debilitated Mars if there are issues there... that is, their mouth gets them into fights.
I'm dating a Taurus Sun/Mercury Aries, let's chuck in a Moon Aries as well (@Lilith97 actually born a day or so after your mother, so near identical chart)

Yes, he's hot-headed, argumentative, and feisty all right. Unfortunately (for him) I have my Moon in a Fire sign also - part of a Sagittarius stellium, which steps right on that soapbox and goes on and on! I see it more as an "Aries tantrum" rather than anything concerning. We have recently agreed to stop arguing though, and to try and talk things through instead.

Mars in my 7th, it's weird how my relationships always falls into two categories: ones where we never argue, and ones where we always argue!
I'm dating a Taurus Sun/Mercury Aries, let's chuck in a Moon Aries as well (@Lilith97 actually born a day or so after your mother, so near identical chart)

Yes, he's hot-headed, argumentative, and feisty all right. Unfortunately (for him) I have my Moon in a Fire sign also - part of a Sagittarius stellium, which steps right on that soapbox and goes on and on! I see it more as an "Aries tantrum" rather than anything concerning. We have recently agreed to stop arguing though, and to try and talk things through instead.

Mars in my 7th, it's weird how my relationships always falls into two categories: ones where we never argue, and ones where we always argue!
I dated an Aries with his Mercury and Mars conjunct in Taurus. He was very stubborn, slow to actually fight, but when it did happen, he would totally lose it and go red zone. He had Jupiter/Scorpio opposed his Merc/Mars so that magnified his agitation level. lol
We have recently agreed to stop arguing though, and to try and talk things through instead.

Just after Mars Retrograde, clearly didn't work. Another bickering yesterday 🙄 this time, I chose not to add fuel to the fire, and not respond.

I'm in ghosting mode now, let's see how he likes those apples 😡

I think the trouble with Taurus/Aries combo is how self-absorbed they are, in tandem with their rigid and Fixed side. They can't see the woods for the self-obsessed trees. I thought Leos were bad enough!
The thread itself should have been posted in Natal Astrology, I just simply responded to it. I'm well aware of what Traditional (Hellenistic) astrology is.

But as it's here in Traditional Astrology, can't we just drop the pedantics and chalk it up to Mercury retrograde, and carry on with the thread?

And all signs do have their distinct personality traits, otherwise we wouldn't be here talking about Astrology?
My apologies for posting this in the wrong forum. Really still new to this stuff in general and didn't quite know where to put it at first.

Edit: Also is anyone able to move this to the correct forum? There are a few things I want to reply to but I want to make sure this is in the right area and such.
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This issue with violent tendencies pertains only slightly to Aries in Mercury/Sun in Taurus.

As you know, I left a comment for you on the thread with your natal chart about the problems you're having in your family. Because of your outrageous statements concerning violence, I won't be commenting on that thread again. So let me summarize here what i saw in your natal chart about your (nuclear) family:

Your Mother: Mars at 16SC = Scorpio 17 (A mother, the father of her own child)
Your Father: Saturn at 19AR = Aries 20 (a young girl feeding birds in the winter)
You: Pluto at 03SG = Sagittarius 4 (A little child learning to walk)

Now for your mom's natal chart:

Sun = 6TA19 = Taurus 7 (A woman of Samaria). Look this one up. Both in terms of the Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well and the meaning of the "Good Samaritan."

Mercury at 12AR37 = Aries 13 (an unexploded bomb). I call this the "Hurt Locker" symbol because that movie was built around this symbol.

Pluto at 13VI53 = Virgo 14 (A family tree)

Uranus at 10VI54 = Virgo 11 (A boy molded by his mother's aspirations for him)

Saturn = 14PI12 = Pisces 15 (An officer preparing to drill his men).

MC = 13TA01 but a few seconds earlier gives 12TA59 = Taurus 13 (A man handling baggage)

I could write a book about what all these symbols say. You're in a tough spot and probably need professional help to deal with it all. I pray that you find a will and a way.
Thanks for all of this. I am kind of taking an interest in Sabian symbols now, especially since I've gone into my own. However, I do have a question or two and that is why does Mars represent my mother and why is Saturn representing my father, or is this a house thing? Do those planets represent the mother and father for everyone in terms of this?
All, I've moved this thread to Natal Astrology. Thanks to the helpful person who flagged it for us and let us know it should be moved. That's how to handle it if a thread gets posted in the wrong place.

I also want to clarify what a moderator is, since there seems to be some misunderstanding. @JUPITERASC isn't a moderator, but a helpful member who's been around a long time and knows the forum standards. Moderators have "Staff" under their avatars. We're the ones with the tools to do things like move threads.

Since this thread has been moved, any debate here about what is or isn't traditional astrology is off topic.
Because it's not Traditional Astrology :)
This is the Traditional Astrology forum.
Out of all the different boards in this forum

this one is the home for traditional astrologers.
It was created so that traditional astrologers can discuss traditional astrology
with each other, without having to justify it to non-traditionalists

be interrupted by people disagreeing with traditional perspectives.

If you are not a traditional astrologer, you are welcome as a guest :)

Good guests respect the rules of the house.
In this house, the main rule is that
all posts must stick to traditional astrology only

If your post is not traditional, it belongs on one of our other boards
either Modern Astrology or any of the other boards.

If you want to post to ask why traditional astrologers don't use sabian symbols
do so anywhere but this board or Modern Astrology

or search the other boards for an existing discussion on that.
It is not respectful to come into someone's house
and demand why they don't do things your way.

All of the off-topic posts have now been deleted.
All of the off-topic posts have now been deleted.
They weren't off-topic BEFORE thread was moved to correct board by moderators :)

All, I've moved this thread to Natal Astrology. Thanks to the helpful person who flagged it for us and let us know it should be moved. That's how to handle it if a thread gets posted in the wrong place.
I also want to clarify what a moderator is, since there seems to be some misunderstanding. [B][SIZE=5]@JUPITERASC isn't a moderator, but a helpful member who's been around a long time and knows the forum standards. [/SIZE][/B]
Moderators have "Staff" under their avatars. We're the ones with the tools to do things like move threads. Since this thread has been moved, any debate here about what is or isn't traditional astrology is off topic.

So..... not stellium.
So it IS a "..stellium.." NOW :)
Sagittarius Assembly.

I like the sound of that
it furthers my soapbox

"My Sagittarius Assembly has decreed it so..."
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Thanks for all of this. I am kind of taking an interest in Sabian symbols now, especially since I've gone into my own. However, I do have a question or two and that is why does Mars represent my mother and why is Saturn representing my father, or is this a house thing? Do those planets represent the mother and father for everyone in terms of
you need to post your natal chart. The Moon represents mother always and Sun and Saturn represents father and father figures.4th house is family and the nurturance issues which are generally mother, not always. Father is 10th house..
Oh btw I finally have the chart of the 77 year old man


I would say he is the most violent of the three, and has the sharpest tongue of the three as well. He is also highly intelligent, but has obvious rage issues as well. Though people are very afraid of him and in a way he sort of acts like a dictator.