Taurus Sun/Aries Mercury violent tendencies?

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Thanks for all of this. I am kind of taking an interest in Sabian symbols now, especially since I've gone into my own. However, I do have a question or two and that is why does Mars represent my mother and why is Saturn representing my father, or is this a house thing? Do those planets represent the mother and father for everyone in terms of this?
Post this on another forum and I'll comment there, perhaps in the Degree Symbols forum.
77yo guy mars opposite neptune. doesnt like distracted cloudy people?

the craziest guy has pluto conjunct moon in scorpio. this maybe means his emotins are very hurt internally so this can show as desire for revenge. idk what the ICU guy did to him.

your mom also has moon opposite pluto mars uranus
and mars conjunct pluto and uranus
77yo guy mars opposite neptune. doesnt like distracted cloudy people?

the craziest guy has pluto conjunct moon in scorpio. this maybe means his emotins are very hurt internally so this can show as desire for revenge. idk what the ICU guy did to him.

your mom also has moon opposite pluto mars uranus
and mars conjunct pluto and uranus
The craziest guy is also Canadian, and let me tell you they will break every law in the Geneva convention =. Also my mom has the energy of a family curse in her and she has a great great great grandpa that killed 42 men. I think their Pluto Inconjunct Mercury is what really makes them very powerful, least for my mom and the craziest guy. I am also growing through that exact transit right now, only it is a transit Pluto in Aquarius making that aspect to my Virgo Mercury, instead of their Aries Mercury with a Virgo Pluto (Mom) or a Scorpio Pluto (Canadian dude). Add in the fact that both are a Hades Moon like me (my with the Moon in the 8th house and opposite Pluto) and the other guy with a Scorpio Moon and a Pluto/Moon Conjunction. Honestly I like to call it the crazy.
some things to note
some people, no matter how much you beat, will not quit being aggressive.
some people are sensitive and perceptive and if you beat them, you may inspire them to be cruel or self sabotage

some guy who had triple conjunction of pluto moon and mars in scorpio. saw his father\s suicided corpse, stabbed 3 classmates and broke his girlfriend's nose/cheek and teeth knocking her unconscious because he got offended about interpreted something she said about him being feminine.

also consider plutocracy is the term for a small % of people having almost all the power. The reason may be related to that pluto is also the farthest away from the sun, therefore coldest and darkest planet (unless I am mistaken), and is also the smallest. Someone who had pluto 5h said it turned out there was a demon in the music he made. Be considerate of the forces pushing you.