Taylor Swift.. guess her ascendant.

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Yup and I was quite shook to find that . I heard Capricorn risings aren't pretty but Megan Fox is so very beautiful and desirable to most people and is praised so much for her looks . I guess Capricorn risings fit the modern beauty ideal tall and slender women ( think supermodels of recent generations ). Earlier Libra risings used to be beauty ideal even compared to Aphrodite ( goddess of beauty) . But Libra risings don't fit modern ideal of beauty . Libra risings are rather curvy or 'soft bodied' . Most of the Libra risings nowadays hate their bodies and become anorexic to become slender.

i heard, to the contrary, capricorn gives beautiful bone structure...saturn rules the bones- for megan the cap asc paired with an exalted mars on the ascendant - double strong because exalted AND in the first house- of course would give her a very raw yet earthy kind of vibe...perfect combination of asc+planet for beauty and sexuality

as for libra, i think kate winslet has triple libra...moon sun ascendant in libra...she fits that image- she is classically beatiful, curvy yet feminine and very very symmetrical features

see beauty has many forms and shapes, every ascendant will have a very beautiful way of expressing itself, and also an ugly one...

as for taylor..definately taurus
i heard, to the contrary, capricorn gives beautiful bone structure...saturn rules the bones- for megan the cap asc paired with an exalted mars on the ascendant - double strong because exalted AND in the first house- of course would give her a very raw yet earthy kind of vibe...perfect combination of asc+planet for beauty and sexuality

as for libra, i think kate winslet has triple libra...moon sun ascendant in libra...she fits that image- she is classically beatiful, curvy yet feminine and very very symmetrical features

see beauty has many forms and shapes, every ascendant will have a very beautiful way of expressing itself, and also an ugly one...

as for taylor..definately taurus

Interesting... why Taurus?
I'm not interested in Taylor Swift but in birth time rectification. So I did one and it was quite easy with the given time of 8.36am, which must be correct (She was born between 7.45 am-9.20am). She's definitely Capricorn Asc.
Interesting... why Taurus?

well the choice really was between taurus and libra...for she is without a doubt ruled by venus- her entire life...career...choices everything its so venusian even venus cant handle it

so why not libra then, i hear you ask, and yes one could think because of her dating life which is quite active indeed- she seems to be very very focused on relationships...after breaking up with someone she within seconds starts a new relationship etc etc the typical libra thing-

i dont think she is a libra though. for a libra she gets involved waay too often in conflicts, arguments and like for real nasty fights with people...off the top of my head: kanye west, katy perry, nicki minaj, joe jonas, kim kardashian omg it goes on and on and on...for a libra ascendant its just not realistic to be in so many arguments, they would definately handle their disputes very differently- if she was a libra- these arguments would be different..not saying she wouldnt have arguments- she just would be more diplomatic and half the crazy things would never have happened...

there are other reasons for picking taurus like of course her voice...taurus/second house rules the voice - money of course...her outfits, her videos her love of food and so on and so on

im sorry but i cannot for the life of me believe she is a CAPRICORN ASCENDANT with saturn himself in the first house in CAPRICORN...it just doesnt make sense to me
How are we supposed to “ask her”? 😂

Ps. On Astrotheme the tob has changed. Now it says: 5:17AM
AS Scorpio!!
Taylor is Leo Rising -- as are an astounding number of the most important pop stars, yesterday and today.

She might just live long, too. So many female Leo Risings make it to, say, 147 years old (think Olivia de Havilland, Betty White, Angela Lansbury. eyc...)
I keep seeing Leo and Capricorn. I could also see Virgo, Scorpio, or Sagittarius. It'll be hilarious if it isn't neither of these. :p
With a hunchback like this and her resemblance to Capricorn rising/Saturn in 1th house celebrities like Catherine Deneuve and Morgan Fairchild, I think her rising sign could be Capricorn.
I see many men saying how unsexy she is on social media, What sign gives that ?
There's a part of me that gets annoyed by Scorpio's energy that just wants to 'get back' at everybody that hurt them. I get it, but they forget that sometimes someone doesn't mean to hurt them. And also, Scorpios sometimes forget the times that they hurt others too, and it still counts to hurt other people even if you don't mean it, or that you have trauma (I'm mean the Scorpio in this part of this paragraph).

It's probably my South Node in Virgo trying to nicely criticize Taylor Swift's Mars in Scorpio, and Scorpio energy. Add in that I've had Scorpios who just always want to criticize others while not criticizing themselves.
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from book, I'll get it right some time. mars rising. RRREEEDDD the song, like trump a business woman


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I don't understand why we are even guessing, because I thought according to Astrotheme, she is a Scorpio rising? Unless there is evidence that the info they have is wrong?

Anyway, I have found it hard to believe that she has Mars closely conjunct her ascendant. Of course, I don't know her personally, but she just doesn't appear very Martian to me. To me, she is really energetic and jovial, and I would say she is either a Sag rising (which would put her Sun in the 1st, which would fit her outgoing, happy image), or she has Jupiter on her ascendant.