Tell me about my personality! Law school?! What are the most challenging parts in my life?

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Nov 11, 2021
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Overall, my relationship with my parents are good and i grew up financially sound. Was depressed around 2014 when transit saturn was conjunct my moon when all my friends went to university and I didnt. I didnt take school as seriously and it really hit me seeing all the girls around me succeed and move on in life. I get jealous of other girls (moon in scorpio) and secretly dont like girls that are better than me. I usually think Im better than them. (Sun in aquarius- yes i consider my opinion of more significance)

Some of my bad sides include taking alot of things personally, hold grudges and having a tendency to always want to cheat. I cheated alot in school, and dont really care about the law.

Birthday February 11 1996
I know its funny because my goal is to be a lawyer, and now with my enhanced speech, i can definitely beat the rest of the university. University went better for me than high school. I have high hopes for my career and dream on being rich. I feel like someone is always secretly helping me.

What is my future like? How is my spouse? I dont want a man with a low income.

Im also compeleting law school. Will be done soon. How are the finances looking for the up coming years?
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Your Aquarian nature is enhanced with the Sun/Mars conjunct under its influence, however the Moon and Pluto are in adverse aspects to that conjunction: With the Scorpio Moon squaring the aspect, your desire for individuality and independence may be overshadowed by the intense emotional nature of the Moon, especially as it relates to intimate relationships. Also the influence of Pluto squaring Mars, is indicative that your actions can be rather erratic which at times and can end in power struggles.

Pluto represents getting down to the nitty gritty which can at times involve you in power struggles where you can become obsessive about getting your own truth across. Working through the 3rd House, you likely learn more readily through observation rather than by asking questions. Your mind can be very analytical and your thoughts run deep.

The third house is all about the mind and communications, and with Pluto here this can represent power struggles, especially through family connections/siblings/neighbours.

So while you admit to feeling that your own opinion is of more significance than that of others, this is not a positive trait in maintaining relationships. Pluto represents empowerment, as well as intensity and conviction, and expressing through Sagittarius, it can be an indication of seeking after higher enlightenment through religious and cultural studies.

It is rather interesting that you admit that elementary schooling was not taken seriously and that you ‘don't really care about the law’ yet now your goal is to become a lawyer…???

Looking at your potential for ‘serious’ relationships, the influence of Venus in the 7th aspected by both Moon and Jupiter, shows where you need to be accountable for your own actions in marriage or committed relationships. The energies can be supported by Pluto’s trine to Venus and the sextile from Uranus, however both can also add instability which can often be unexpected.

Have you been able to interpret the influences of having the conjunct of Chiron and NN both in the first house? These both relate to potential healing from within, as required from the Soul level.