23 said:
..But then I noticed that a lot leaders have a 12th house sun, eg Bush, Putin and Carter, to name a few.
Yes, that's very true. Many remarkable people were born with Sun and planets in the twelfth house like: George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin and Ariel Sharon.
Sharon was born with Sun in Pisces and retrograding Mercury nearby, and he is known as "the warrior" for his hawkish tendencies. He has Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries also in the 12th, which may explain why he does not display the accepted Piscean characteristics of compassion, empathy, sympathy and humanity. Nevertheless he is an example of a 12th house Sun.
Vladimir Putin was born with Sun conjunct Saturn in the peaceful sign of Libra and has a stellium in Libra including Mercury and Neptune, all in the 12th house. Even before his appointment as prime minister in 1999 he was one of the most powerful men in the Kremlin during the time of Boris Yeltsin as President & was personally chosen by Yeltsin as his successor
George Bush has Sun and Saturn in Cancer in the 12th house. Many astrologers see his Sun as a good 'case study' to show the dark side of the twelfth house. The manner in which he came to the Presidency in a disputed election, and the "behind-the-scenes" manipulations that have caused many to feel that he is not the real winner of that election, definitely reflect the power of that solar position.
Tony Blair has a huge 12th house (starts at 1°52' in Aries and ends at 1°04' in Gemini) with a stellium of Venus, Merc, Sun & Jupiter. Mars, ruler of his 12 is in 1 & Mercury, ruler of his chart in 12. His chart sheds light on yet another aspect of 12 - morality & healing.
At Oxford Blair had embraced both Christianity and socialism and has been described as a man of "enormous moral fibre." He has sought a "middle way" in religion in his marriage to Cherie, a Catholic, while he is a practicing Anglican. He has used Jesus as his role model, and attends Catholic masses with his wife and two sons. Blair is the principal hope for reconciliation with the Arab world. A philosopher and student of religion, he knows that the Muslim and Christian traditions are from the same tradition. A 12th house Taurus Sun conjunct Pallas, he has an inner strength and commitment that can be trusted. Blair showed his special genius most notably at the time of Princess Diana's death. He showed the British at the time of Diana's death that it was all right to express their emotions in public. He convinced the Queen to fly the flag at half-mast over Buckingham palace even though it was not in keeping with protocol. The man is a healer as well as innovator.
23 said:
..So I was wondering if you can do the same here for the 12th house like a previous post re the 6th house. What have you got in your 12th house and what are your impressions of the 12th house?
My impressions of 12 are reflected in my other posts on this thread.
Personally I have no planets at all in 12, I am quite gregarious, but also a very private person - has to do perhaps with my 12th house being in Cancer & its ruler (Moon) in Capricorn (where Moon is said to be in exile).
