The 1960's and the Hippie Phenomena.

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The North Node, in the 35th degree of Taurus, at the moment of the third conjunction...


The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation.

At this final stage of the sequence of symbols focusing on emotional-cultural values, we witness the positive and impressive results of man's collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city.

This is a symbol of
COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of 'belonging' to a large, organized, peaceful whole."

...which really brings to my mind images of Golden Gate Park that soon followed, especially Dane's words "witness the positive and impressive results of man's collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation..."
Anything for the Saturn/Pluto conj next January? The last one was in November 1982. There was one in August of 1947, the year I was born.

I'll look into that when I get a chance.
Thanks for pointing that out.
If I do post anything it'll be in a separate thread here in the mundane sub-forum

P.S. Quite interesting from what I can tell the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct the two also...a four way conjunction all in the 23nd degree of Capricorn...yowza...!
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Checking further I find that the Sidereal precessed adjusted position for the USA natal charts' Part of Father aka Part of Advancement will be at 22* Cap. 45' 32 apprx., i.e. the 23rd degree of Cap. right at the same time...:andy::sideways:

...I can't get a picture in my mind of what that might be as like... not at this moment, anyways.

P.S. the Part of Disappointment is only another plus 00* 40' beyond that of the Part of Father/Advancement...
I've posted some more observations as to the Saturn Pluto conjunction next January at my thread on the Autumn Equinox beginning with post #5... for anyone that might be interested...haven't touched on any Sabian Symbols involved but there is plenty going on without getting that in depth yet.
It does look like the economic situation of the United States will be greatly affected.
Here's the link...

There was a Uranus - Pluto conjunction in 1965,...

Hi piercethevale,

That's most unfortunate, because the hippy movement was already in full-swing by then. It started many years earlier than 1965.

The hippy movement was already portrayed in the Media in 1950s TV dramas and sit-coms like Perry Mason, 77 Sunset Strip, Dobie Gillis, Peter Gunn, Superman, The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

It's folly to claim it started in 1965 when it had been on-going for at least 10 years prior.
Hi piercethevale,

That's most unfortunate, because the hippy movement was already in full-swing by then. It started many years earlier than 1965.

The hippy movement was already portrayed in the Media in 1950s TV dramas and sit-coms like Perry Mason, 77 Sunset Strip, Dobie Gillis, Peter Gunn, Superman, The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

It's folly to claim it started in 1965 when it had been on-going for at least 10 years prior.

Those were the so-called "Beatniks", a somewhat derogatory term coined by Herb Caen, an influential columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. That was the Neptune generation in Virgo, which paved the way for the Neptune in Libra, Hippie generation. Much more cynical and despairing, though, than what followed.
Hi piercethevale,

That's most unfortunate, because the hippy movement was already in full-swing by then. It started many years earlier than 1965.

The hippy movement was already portrayed in the Media in 1950s TV dramas and sit-coms like Perry Mason, 77 Sunset Strip, Dobie Gillis, Peter Gunn, Superman, The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

It's folly to claim it started in 1965 when it had been on-going for at least 10 years prior.

That is a matter of opinion... there were "Beatniks" who were considered "Hip" and "Cool", but the group that emerged in the mid 1960's had a saying "Don't trust anyone over thirty"... and they had a different philosophy than the "Beatniks" aka the "Hipsters"... besides "Hippie" was a media appellation and one the "Flower Children" took offense to. Sadly, few people today realize the difference and the appellation "Hippie" is what stuck and continues to this day to be the identifying label.

I should have worded the title of this thread differently, so it seems, but it did get people like yourself to take a look and read, now didn't it?

Where I live, on the Central Coast of California, there are a lot of young people who are the exact stereotype of "Hippies". It's an on-going phenomenon. Marijuana itself became associated with the "Hippie Movement", and has become nearly, if not entirely, mainstream.

Central Coast, you say?
Any where near Avila Beach?
P.S. There is an old saying... well, nearly as old as I am... "Don't give 'dope' the credit"
We weren't all pot smokers.... not by habit, anyways... in fact I just had my first toke in about a year a couple of days ago.
It does free up ones thinking at times... some would say that it cause the mind to "trip"... depends on the individual.
I've yet to buy it legally... old habits die hard, eh?
Was there during my roaming days, but not near it now.

Remembering when it was 2 years in jail or enlisting in the military for the possession of even a small amount of herb, I had a strange feeling when I bought some legally for the first time.
I have an old friend from grade school days that spends the Summer months renting beach gear under the pier at Avila Beach... I visited that beach for only the first time in 2013. It's a most lovely beach and, I figure, probably the Northernmost of Calif. beaches suitable for swimming.
The only thin I miss not living in southern Calif. nowadays are the magnificent beaches and getting to surf.
I am a bit too old to do any board surfing anymore but I would love to be body surfing a breaker at Malibu, at Santa Monica, or at Zuma right now.

If you're ever up my way [Orangevale/Folsom], give me a call... aa shout out... and we''l get together and hoist a glass of cheer, or a cup of joe, and we can talk of cabbages, and kings, and the stars above.
David: Steven Gaskin's farm, what a blast from the past.
"Hippy" was absolutely a slam.
Grace Slick rejected it, describing her contemporaries as disenfranchised intellectuals, and I'd have to agree.
In these heady hippy times Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan.

The most important message of its doctrine has yet to be noticed: The controlling power in the Universe is a Balance Factor to be utilized, not a God to be worshipped.

Interesting that both the ruling and exalted planets for Libra the Balance are conjunct with Chiron.


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NATAL - SIDNEY GOTTLIEB 1918 - 1999 American chemist and spymaster
who headed the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and 1960s .

Under the direction of Sidney Gottlieb, LSD was used by the CIA
in cooperation
participating "..colleges, universities, :jupiter:research foundations, hospitals, clinics
and penal:saturn: institutions.."
LSD was tested
on "..prisoners,:saturn: mental patients, volunteers, and unsuspecting human subjects.."

Timothy Leary began taking LSD in 1962.

By 1963, LSD had escaped the laboratory and became popular as a legal:jupiter: recreational drug
LSD influenced the social:venus: movements of the 1960s by wide availability of street acid 1965
- the birth of the hippie movement in 1966
- startling thesis that the Laurel Canyon folk rock music "..revolution.."
of the late 1960's was engineered by the military :mars: industrial complex
to discredit the anti-Vietnam war:mars: movement
by associating it with oddly dressed, drug addled hippies.:)

Ayn Rand contrasted the Apollo 11 Moon landing with the Woodstock Frestival as a clear contrast of Apollo and Dionysus (Nietzsche's Model).

She was more accurate that she dreamed. The Dionysian asteroids were very prominent in Woodstock's chart. Especially Dionysos and Pan conjunct Venus (music) all in the Descendant.


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In these heady hippy times Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan.

The most important message of its doctrine has yet to be noticed: The controlling power in the Universe is a Balance Factor to be utilized, not a God to be worshipped.

Interesting that both the ruling and exalted planets for Libra the Balance are conjunct with Chiron.
Libra's "scales" are not about "Balance", IMHO. If you read any of my thread titled "The Birth Chart of Jesus?" and my comments on the Sabian Symbols being able to be read in either direction and that the other direction begins with the last degree of Virgo, then you should understand why I'm saying this.
As the Sabian Symbols show that when read from the last degree of Virgo, in the other direction, it is a process of transformation that allows one to escape Maya, the material realm. That changes the interpretation of what those "scales" of Libra truly represent. As Libra then becomes the last sign of the Zodiac, those "scales" represent is the "weighing" at lifes' end.
I've also given demonstration of why Aquarius is called the "Water Bearer", and you'll find all about that in my thread titled "A Runic Explanation of the Zodiac"
@piercethevale - This thread brought back memories of those days.
My school years were from 1960-72, entering 7th grade in Sept of '66.
So the things you have said were often discussed in classes, especially once I
was in h.s. There was always something going on, always!
My secondary progressed Sun entered Sagittarius, and then crossed my MC
at the start of my teen years. I recall it felt like the world
opened up and I was witnessing a revolution! 😄
To hear those times depicted through your interpretation of the Uranus/Pluto
conjunction in Virgo at the time is fascinating!
But surely you have more to say about everything?
Libra's "scales" are not about "Balance", IMHO.
good catch :)

If you read any of my thread titled "The Birth Chart of Jesus?" and my comments on the Sabian Symbols being able to be read in either direction and that the other direction begins with the last degree of Virgo, then you should understand why I'm saying this.
As the Sabian Symbols show that when read from the last degree of Virgo, in the other direction, it is a process of transformation that allows one to escape Maya, the material realm. That changes the interpretation of what those "scales" of Libra truly represent. As Libra then becomes the last sign of the Zodiac, those "scales" represent is the "weighing" at lifes' end.
I've also given demonstration of why Aquarius is called the "Water Bearer", and you'll find all about that in my thread titled "A Runic Explanation of the Zodiac"