What you see for Delineation of the native career?
We should start the first part of Natal Astrology.
Describing of Native personality, temperament and Wit.
Even though Someone has talents on Religious Practice, if one has too much afflicted Mercury, and Mercury in Pisces and under the Horizon and also occidental then native will not preach his enlightenment. But that person can famous because of one's noble activities or Wisdom which can transmit without words.
If Venus is the star of Talent but Mercury is bad and lord of ninth is also bad then it is difficult to be an well-learned Artist but it is easy to be artist without Degree of Art University.
Traditional Astrology is Synthetic Art.
Okay! Let's start with above Natal Chart.
Date: 14th August, 1957
Time: 3: 26am
Place: Miami, Florida
In Lily's career prediction, Mars is lord of Career. But remember that Mars is lord of 10th and lord of 10th can appear with various ways, For examples: Meeting Good Boss or aggressive but also good boss or Getting fame with Warlike Situation.
So only watching out only star of talent in career part of William Lily's Christian Astrology Third is not enough.
We must return to delineation of Native Temperament, Manner and Wit.
If Native personalities are Lazy then even though star of talent is Mars Native will not choice Martial Artist as native job Native can be Model or photographer but even though Native choice Venus as native Career, Mars is still lord of 10th. This star still try to appear native life as Boss or Fame.
Her temperament is Air but her Manner is fall Venus in Virgo. What she will choose? Yes laziness. So she will not work with Mars.
But her wit is very good because Mercury is in Virgo and third house and lord of ninth house is strong. and Mercury conjoin with Venus so native job will be Musician, Astrologers or mercury type of job
Result: her job was an astrologer and also major in religious areas and musician.
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