The Art of prediction Careers series Fourth

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Apr 20, 2023

Today, I also find chart and try to predict her job without any previous information on her but only birth data and gender

Date:1th February, 1968
Time: 17: 01pm
Birth Place: Memphis, Tennesse

She has strong, sharpen and brave heart by Strong Mars. But Mars is in Pisces so her angry does not appear apparent.
But her temperament is sanguine and phlegmentic and these two make her find a job which can Social or thinking or Emotional

Would her job be like scholar or calculating or words or documents?

Definitely not, because Saturn is in ninth house. and lord of ninth house is in 2th house. So she have felt bad experience in Religion or Higher Education Areas. Even though she has a temperament of scholar.

And her mercury is slow in motion and eighth house so Mercury can't be her Job.

She will have talent job of mars, Yoga teacher, Making jewelry, using fire and knife or Martial Art.

But her Mars does opposite with Part of Fortune. What does it mean? Her talent as Mars can't be income

But let's look Venus, Venus sextile with Mercury and Mercury is lord of 2th House. and Venus has triplicity in Capricorn.

What does it mean? Venus kind of job will help her income what will be? In my paper note I wrote like that "..she would be an artist, musician, actress or model or giving pleasures to other.." And William Lily say that when mercury sextile to Venus then native will be fun and loving joke

Result: Her Job is an singer-songwriter and a child of former wife of Elvis Presley.

Here is Astrodatabank link:,_Lisa_Marie

Additional Thoughts: Some will say that her DNA of Elvis Presley will give her talent of Music. But it is also appeared in Chart! Venus is lord of 4th house the father! Yes many people born at same times and same place but they will work all in Venus type of job, for example nursing. Or some will be Martial artist as a William Lily Career Track(10th lord mars) but if this native would be martial artist the native will be poor in income.

Twin have same Fortunes but both two use their talent and fortune different ways.... But Big pictures of Life is same