the Cap Stellium of 1988-1991

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Mar 23, 2011
Southern California
One of my favorite subjects. I love this age group. My son was born in April 1989. An incredible divide among the young folks born during this time.
Super Achievers
Afraid to Live Up to Their Own Expectations
Driven by Their Own Expectations
Truly, the most brilliant minds, incredible talents, self-chosen lives I've ever seen of people at this age. Very Self Destructive. Passionate.
Pluto in Scorpio.

he's a musician - jazz guitarist. at age 22.
in 5th year at college, graduating in Spring with B.A. in Music
Arranges, Composes, Transcribes, Teaches, Performs and is in a committed relationship with a young woman aged 28, an actress with an MFA.

From the time he was a child, I used to tell my friends and family - "boy, if he can find a way to harness all of that passsion, tenacity and intensity, he'll be unstoppable. Very Self-Driven." Also, a very kind heart, respectful to all, always tells his mom, "I love you."

Has low tolerance level. Some OCD. Volatile temper, though very rarely expressed. Doesn't feel he'll ever live up to those he admires, their level of musicianship, although he is already on a high professional level at age 22.

Thanks for reading and taking part in this. If you are of this age group with the Cap Stellium, or if your children are of this age group, I'd love for you to share stories and charts.


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I love this topic too.

I would be interested to know 2 things: What type of OCD does he have,and which April was he born? Oh, and on the attached picture that isn't him,right? 'Cause that person looks older?
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Choe ~ yes, believe it. That is my 22 (almost 23) year old son. April 1989. The Cap Stellium is in his 1st.He has looked older than his age since adolescence. As for the OCD, he doesn't cut his hair and there are a couple others, organizational issues.
You can tell his birth info in case someone wants to make another house system chart,I erased it here.
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thank you, choe.
he's alwayys been an "old soul", as so many of the stellium folks with this ~ although there are some i've met in this age group who have no interest in growing up, moving on. a real split ~ and likely related to the pluto scorpio aspects in the chart ~ all or nothing.
his pluto tines moon exact and pluto sextiles all the stellium. his squares are shown in how he challenges himself daily to perfect his craft.

I think about the more-than-few of his age group who say they feel lost or confused. with neptune in this stellium, if it is challenged, it is perfectly capable of tipping the scales into oblivion, despite saturn. uranus, too, can upturn the applecart midstream ~ so this stellium is really a delicate chemistry of inter aspects to see which way they go.
A friend of mine/business partner, has this stellium and at 23, she has seen at least 5 of her peers die alcohol or drug related deaths. she also has friends of same age who are working on masters, own businesses and property - results of hard work, not privalege.
i haven't encountered many in between types.
i think this unique group has been gifted with amazing personal power and strength as well as a better~than~average sense of self ~ for the majority i've met. very mature, astute and artistic.

hoping others will share their own charts or kids chart, regardless of where they stand on the continuum, and discuss their personal experiences.
hi maemae,

i know a fellow who is the youngest person ever to be the music director for a theatre show at a well known venue in vancouver.. i am actually good friends with him as i worked under him on the show! he is born in nov 89 and by all accounts is brilliant.. he has this stellium in cappy with one in scorpio too, along with cancer rising with jupiter close by..

the saturn/neptune connection is definitely musical.. i play music with a few folks from the conjunction that happened the cycle before in 53 area.. this would be the next conjunction of these 2 planets and i think throwing uranus into the mix in the sign capricorn gives them an ability to create structure in a more magical way..

i think neptune for music, but this is probably just my personal view.. saturn gives neptune structure.. mozart had sun conjunct saturn/mercury in opposition to neptune for example. maybe it is the strings that are neptunian. beethoven had moon exact square to neptune, while saturn trine same moon.. saturn in leo trines all the sag planets..

many of those musicians at the beginning of the rock era had uranus/saturn conj trine neptune in some shape or form... lennon and mccartney were really musical geniuses to my mind.

i wonder about the younger group of musicians coming up with so much before them to inspire or get sidetracked with! there is a lot to pull from, that is for sure..

your sons chart with sun/venus conj in the 5th sign from sag rising and venus ruling libra midheaven, it makes sense he is pursuing music as a career... ascendant ruler in such nice aspect to the midheaven too is helpful.. mars/jupiter is a lucky combo to have ascendant axis on the midpoint of as well.. the moon in cancer separating from the neptune/saturn conjunction and in an exact trine to the 12th house ruler is suggestive if one thinks of how working in the music biz involve a lot of 12th house type dynamics - behind the scene deals and connections, drugs and the night life that often goes with playing music for a livelihood.. you can meet a lot of dicey folks mixed with many beautiful inspired folks too - all sort of following the neptune flavour that i so often think of with music in all its shapes..

so much of the music scene is a young persons game.. going on the road for no money, living in a sleeping bag and traveling with a group in a van can wear you down if you are still doing it into your 30's or 40's!! i hope your son meets with some strong success along the way.. i agree this young group, and also out to 93 with saturn in aquarius even - are a force to be reckoned with! all the best to him in the wonderful wacky crazy world of music for a livelihood..
Well naturally this thread intrigued me, as i also belong to the stellium in Capricorn. Mine is in the 8th house, however it's in opposition to my Sun/Chiron.

I'm the furthest thing from an 'achiever'.. at least academically and creatively. I dropped out from school at the end of year 11, i went on to do a course in electrotechnology at TAFE (Further Education) however despite completing the short course i had no interest in that field, from there on i just worked random jobs here and there to support myself while i gave my attention to other interests..

There was this deep yearning inside me that wanted to experience life in all its glory and despair, i had a major conflict with the idea of choosing a career path without having any understanding of the world or myself. For a couple of years i became involved with drugs, not really your conventional kind; i was drawn towards psychedelics because they provided me with deep insight into the human condition. This is probably very 8th house material.

Cleaned up from all that about two years ago, having spent years with people on the fringes of society, the homeless, the strange, and the unique, i became quite involved in philosophy, psychology, writings and self-transformation.. all that drive and ambition from the stellium has been channeled inwards on a psychological,emotional and spiritual level.. the goal for me has become self-mastery. Pluto in Scorpio is tied in here, as it trines my Sun/Chiron and sextiles my Capricorn stellium.

I'll admit im lost in a sort of existential haze.. but strangely enough as time goes on everything around me becomes evermore remarkable. I don't know where im headed or what awaits me but im excited none the less, life is one amazing journey.

Im travelling oversea's on my own in a couple of months with just a small backpack and nothing else for an unknown amount of time, seems very uncapricorn.. but for me it's all about independence and proving to myself that i can survive, so maybe a little Capricorn :joyful:

Ill post my chart for fun :)


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Hey Lazurus ~
Thank you. Indeed. I see many in your same worldview. As an astrologer, i watched the cap stellium kids grow up ~ playmates, school mates, bandmates. It is a great divide. There is not a mediocre in the bunch. "Goin' hard," as they say here. Could be either way for you guys because of Neptune. He inspires and disillusions. He is fully capable of screwing up saturn and uranus ~ but never escapes pluto's cold grip.
the significance is pluto in rulership, saturn in rulership and neptune kept pretty ~ inspiration.
it could take a lifetime, who cares? this is as fragile a generation as it is powerful.
Each must look to Saturn/Pluto and it's allies ~ squares are Saturns drawing board. Trines/Sextiles ~ makes whatever Saturn/Pluto decides easy....
Finding what I can sink my teeth into ~ explore the depths as far as i am taken (neptune) ~ but allowing Saturn/Uranus and Pluto to do the filtering out, there is no end to the possibilities. Neptune left untended by a deficient Moon (mom) with these ones, self doubt/personal responsibility of neptune/saturn holds hands when Uranus drops in and a strange party ensues. it could truly be a free for all of living ~ not unlike the 1953 born that Sandstoned described. They became hippies, establishment or artists/creators. Except now - more than then, due to pluto scorp vs. Libra - more is at stake.
If ever there was a generation (micro defined thru stellium cap and pluo scorp) that can draw boundaries (saturn) and compleyely obliterate them, it's yours.
Gotta seek your Pluto passion. Never a pis*sing match has been won against him. He is the darkness and the ultimate light.
Think caves and tunnels, always with an escape, when you grasp your truth. Courage wins out over fear every time.
hi lazarusx - thanks for sharing!

you have a gemini stellium to compete with the cappy stellium.. the gemini stellium is winning, lol... i think your quest for self discovery is very connected to moon in first ( conjunct mercury/jupiter) which rules the 2nd house cancer planets - sun/chiron.. gemini in the first has to check everything out and the first is all about self discovery.. these planets of the mind - moon/ mercury with jupiter - higher consciousness puts you on an interesting trajectory in relation to the cappy planets.. youth is a great time to travel and experience as much as possible of life which is what you are doing.. as you get older it can be more difficult to see happen, especially if you get involved in having a family and numerous responsibilities that can get in the way of the freedom that youth implies..

2 years ago would have seen t saturn hitting the sun/saturn opposition in your chart your comment : " Cleaned up from all that about two years ago".. saturn was at the 3/4 mark of its cycle.. another interesting junction for you will be at the saturn return given how it lines up in your chart..

i really liked what you said here : "all that drive and ambition from the stellium has been channeled inwards on a psychological,emotional and spiritual level.. the goal for me has become self-mastery. " that is awesome.. your words reminds me of the high regard i have for a few folks with a strong saturn which is how i see your saturn here in opposition to sun.. maybe others would see this from another part of the chart, but i think of self mastery as a saturn thing.. it is the the planet that turns the lead into gold.. a lot of folks never get to the gold cause they look at the lead and turn away, lol.. good luck on your journey and upcoming journeys! sounds like a lot of fun and a great learning experience.
Could be either way for you guys because of Neptune. He inspires and disillusions. He is fully capable of screwing up saturn and uranus ~ but never escapes pluto's cold grip.
the significance is pluto in rulership, saturn in rulership and neptune kept pretty ~ inspiration.
it could take a lifetime, who cares? this is as fragile a generation as it is powerful.

Yeah Neptune has been quite prominent in my life, and it is perhaps only through the grace of Pluto that i've been able to see the delusions i've been pulled into realizing them for what they are; Saturn seems to help in making practical use of these truths.

Gotta seek your Pluto passion. Never a pis*sing match has been won against him. He is the darkness and the ultimate light.

I agree, i find myself in very strong relation to the qualities of Pluto, for all it represents seems very vivid in my life.. from one day to the next, each moment; ever-transforming. If ever there was a quote that would symbolize Pluto's nature for me it would be Corinthians 15:31 "I die daily". Or as a friend of mine once said 'To live is to die, a little bit each day.'

Thankyou MaeMae for sharing your wisdom, i appreciate it :)

hi lazarusx - thanks for sharing!

you have a gemini stellium to compete with the cappy stellium.. the gemini stellium is winning, lol... i think your quest for self discovery is very connected to moon in first ( conjunct mercury/jupiter) which rules the 2nd house cancer planets - sun/chiron.. gemini in the first has to check everything out and the first is all about self discovery.. these planets of the mind - moon/ mercury with jupiter - higher consciousness puts you on an interesting trajectory in relation to the cappy planets.. youth is a great time to travel and experience as much as possible of life which is what you are doing.. as you get older it can be more difficult to see happen, especially if you get involved in having a family and numerous responsibilities that can get in the way of the freedom that youth implies..

I completely forgot to factor in the Gemini stellium in my post! Yeah it does seem to be winning in regards to my general direction in life, and it seems now its going from an introverted nature to a more extroverted nature through means of traveling, something i would of never even considered two years ago.. my cancer sun is prone to shyness and fear of uncertainty, but its since progressed into Leo almost 2" so.. theirs a spark of confidence in my general nature. Enough thinking, time to act.

2 years ago would have seen t saturn hitting the sun/saturn opposition in your chart your comment : " Cleaned up from all that about two years ago".. saturn was at the 3/4 mark of its cycle.. another interesting junction for you will be at the saturn return given how it lines up in your chart..

Yeah this was a hard period for me, i felt like i was been torn between a lifestyle i knew wasn't working and one that seemed empty. But what i didn't realize was that the emptiness was really a clean-slate for me to pull my resources together and establish some structure. But wow it was a dark place for a while..

I admit, the Saturn return looks a little daunting.. due to how it lines up with everything else; but im also excited to see how it comes together.

i really liked what you said here : "all that drive and ambition from the stellium has been channeled inwards on a psychological,emotional and spiritual level.. the goal for me has become self-mastery. " that is awesome.. your words reminds me of the high regard i have for a few folks with a strong saturn which is how i see your saturn here in opposition to sun.. maybe others would see this from another part of the chart, but i think of self mastery as a saturn thing..

Yeah i use to really dislike Saturn, especially it's placement in my chart.. i've always been a slow-learner.. and although i can see the negatives to this.. i suppose it also gives a great deal of time to go through every aspect of ones self, no shortcuts or skipping which i feel the wisdom gained throughout this time would be of great use later in life. I guess i'll have to wait and see..

Thankyou so much for your analysis and insight into my chart and it's placements sandstone, it's most appreciated. :)
Interesting that one member of the group, Saturn, is in an elevated degree (13th Capricorn) in the chart and that none of the members of the group are in pitted degrees (reference is to the event chart posted by Choe) The pdf of that chart (showing Parallel of Declination connection for the 3 planets) would be interesting to discover any hidden "conjunction-like" connections with other planets.
I have a six planet cap stellium (not sure if i should count 29°Mercury in though). Saturn is well placed in Capricorn as well. It's tightly conjunct Venus which i think it's good for dampening Saturn's sand. Now let's "super wet" Neptune to the mix and let's see what happens... we get a load of mud. A lazy, dreamy, self-indulgent Saturnian. Oh, and i love music. I can spend everyday of the year listening and playing guitar. Once i get the money i will buy a keyboard.

What i think helps a little is that Mars-Uranus conjunction. It makes me stressed and gets me moving everyday. Mars-Uranus being in Capricorn may be a good thing since things will be under control most of the time. However too much restrain is also bad on the long run because i always reach a point where i can no longer control my actions. That aspect is definitely a powerful one which i need to watch out for.

Pluto is also prominent in my chart. It's square my Aqua Sun, very difficult aspect imo. I push my buttons and limits, see what i'm capable of. I always find something that's wrong with my inner self and i can't be happy until i fix it. I used to be kind gullible and naive (i was always fearful though). But now i'm a huge skeptical when it comes to almost everything and i don't fully trust anyone but myself. I don't like to depend or use people to get what i want because it makes me feel inadequate and weak. I want to be as self-sufficient as i can possibly be so i don't have to ask favors to anyone. Makes me wonder if i will ever find peace? Well i don't really wish peace right now, but i'm just curious :)

I attached my chart.

Cheers :D


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that was good introspect.
i might offer that mars-uranus is never under control, as uranus doesn't understand such terminology. however, in cap, you could be inclined to do cost benefit analyses before getting swept up or jumping into something. Lucky you.
let me ask you and lazurus ~
do you have expectations for yourselves and if so, do you strive to meet them or do you avoid them? Neptune in this stellium can lead to procrastination, but uranus and saturn can overcome it by bumping you out of a drift when the time has come.
let me ask you and lazurus ~
do you have expectations for yourselves and if so, do you strive to meet them or do you avoid them? Neptune in this stellium can lead to procrastination, but uranus and saturn can overcome it by bumping you out of a drift when the time has come.

What i've noticed i've done in the past is i will set myself a long-term goal.. something to work towards; i make sure that it's so far away that it wont bother me for a while. This is part of my avoidance, it's a sneaky tactic that i've often setup for myself without realizing.. it gives me the illusion that im working towards a goal and been productive while at the same time avoiding it all together. A bit like chasing a carrot hanging off the end of a stick.. i keep myself in a perpetual state of avoidance with the belief that one day i will get there. The reason i would do this was our of fear of personal responsibility and the uncertainty that comes with it.

I realized all of this sometime last year after breaking down my habits and routines to their fundamental level, and since then have forced myself into a position of enormous personal responsibility in an effort to take the reigns of my life, so that i may be reminded that it's no where near as scary as i believe it to be. This will all come into action in just under 2 months from now which has me scared but also unbelievably excited to really be at the forefront of myself instead of hiding in the shadows.
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I do have expectations, but i often either avoid them or just get bored. It takes quite a lot to make me excited about something. Music is the only thing i'm passionate about. I'm very interested in romance and somewhat interested in sex, but could live without them. I have noticed i am very disciplined when it comes to learning music, but when it comes to other things it's hard for me to concentrate. Whenever i have been doing something for too long i start becoming very anxious: "i'm losing my time, i should be doing something cool somewhere else, i need to get out of here!"
Born in October of 89....

I tend to be afraid to live up to my expectations and as a result, fail because I just stop.
Kinda surprised I didn't notice this before...I have a friend born in 91 and he has a major Cap stellium: Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Sun and N.N. all in the 2nd house (Capricorn). He can play the guitar and piano that I know of and is interested in recording music. It's his passion but he seems to have a negative attitude...he thinks there's too much competition and there's always someone better than him so it's not good enough. :pouty: Kinda jealous...shame he's not into astrology...
hi lightrider,

thanks for sharing!

one of the first things i note in your chart is venus stationary about to go direct.. this highlights the might find some of the peace you're looking for through your love of music and any artistic activities... as i see it, it is your moon where a chunk of the self- critical energy is coming from.. the moon is ruler of your ascendant and in contact with all the planets in capricorn, unlike your sun where all these cappy planets fall in it's 12th house.. the moon is more connected to an important emphasis to your chart..

both saturn and pluto are known for having trust issues.. venus conj saturn will make it more difficult for you to open up and let yourself go and i think is part of this question of how to find peace. venus also rules your 4th house which is typically one area where a person can find peace - in the home or at the most personal and subjective point which to me is based on both moon and 4th house area..

at present t saturn is down in this personal area and squaring onto the 7th house planets, so relationships and finding a balance between your personal needs and the needs of others is an interesting consideration for the moment..

jupiter though retrograde is very strong in your chart here as well and in the sign cancer is very helpful to your search for peace as well. it counterbalances some of the dynamics mentioned above and would seem to really speak to the search for peace the more i think about it.. good luck on your path and happy trails in whatever you find yourself involved with.

Pluto is also prominent in my chart. It's square my Aqua Sun, very difficult aspect imo. I push my buttons and limits, see what i'm capable of. I always find something that's wrong with my inner self and i can't be happy until i fix it. I used to be kind gullible and naive (i was always fearful though). But now i'm a huge skeptical when it comes to almost everything and i don't fully trust anyone but myself. I don't like to depend or use people to get what i want because it makes me feel inadequate and weak. I want to be as self-sufficient as i can possibly be so i don't have to ask favors to anyone. Makes me wonder if i will ever find peace? Well i don't really wish peace right now, but i'm just curious :)

Cheers :D