The case for electional astrology by clustering events, Olympics

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Jan 22, 2007
There is a case for the Modern Olympics since 1896 when they were first put in place, all of them have been aligned to Sirius and Alnilam, Belt of Orion, this is a cultural alignment regarding ancient myths and legends, being an archaeoastronomer i look at repetition.
"Even where an astronomical connection can be reliably established through its repetition
among a group of monuments, one still needs to consider the broader archaeological context
in order to interpret its cultural significance"
I have written about small parts of this before on this forum but not in it's entirety.

I am using the original date of the Tokyo Olympics that was cancelled in 2020, quote below:-

"Tokyo was selected as the host city during the 125th IOC Session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 7 September 2013.[2] The Games were originally scheduled to take place from 24 July to 9 August 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic affecting across the globe in March 2020, the event was postponed to 2021, the first such instance in the history of the Olympic Games (previous games had been cancelled but not rescheduled).[3] However, the event retained the Tokyo 2020 name for marketing and branding purposes."

The closing ceremony, that should have happened on 9th August 2020 in Tokyo.
This should have happened at 20:00pm at location at this time Alnilam, center star of the Belt of Orion is within one degree of Due North or Nadir, as shown on astronomy graph.
Other links about the Eleusinian and Isis mysteries below:-

Graph below:-

A brief note on parans below, although most here are aware of them:-

The rules are simple enough, the Sun moves one degree approx. a day along Eastern horizon with equates to 4 minutes of time, which is why i use one degree margins.
There are 3 day starts and four directions therefore with each star it could be possible that 12 times in a year this is possible, but we are looking at two stars being Sirius and Alnilam which can double up on certain days at location, this can be both stars setting with the Sun with ancient Greek day marker, or it may be Alnilam on Nadir or IC and Sirius setting at Sunrise, being ancient Roman and Egyptian day marker, giving examples.
As most of the Olympics fall during the period that Summer time has been observed, you can loose a star alignment during this period.
In truth using both stars in the course of a year or365 days it is possible for approx. 22 days that this can happen by chance, however by looking at all Olympics from 1896 on wards it would appear this was intentional!
I don't have any bad thoughts about this, as the Olympics are for very good and inspiring events.

The 2016 Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, however the Paralympics had been so successful in 2012, it seems those that have ancient beliefs marked the closing ceremony of this on 17th September 2016 for increased good fortune, link below:-

Later i will write more regarding this Olympic Games, but for now i will just deal with the closing ceremony, how this was aligned was by ancient Greek day marker, being sunset of previous day, for at this time, Alnilam, Belt of Orion, and Osiris star was aligned within one degree of the Nadir or I.C.
I have included astronomy graphs below:-

Bidding for the 2016 Olympics finished on 2nd October 2009, when Rio De Janeiro won in Copenhagen , it is possible that this was marked at midnight, however slightly offset, where the Belt of Orion was rising!

The Olympic Torch Ceremony started at 11:00am 21st April 2016 on Mount Olympia, 19 minutes into the ceremony Alnilam was rising in the East. The nearest point to Mount Olympia is Pyrgos, Ilia, Greece, which i have use as location.

However, it takes time for the ceremony to get going, and i have an alignment on day at near location at 11:19am where Alnilam, Belt of Orion is rising, graph below:-

With the London 2012 Olympics, the alignments started early in the bidding race, although Jacques Rogge made the dramatic announcement that London had won the bidding while he was in Singapore, it was piped through to a huge television in Trafalgar square in London, the time and date this happened was 12:49pm on 6th July 2005, as shown below:-

This was timed to correspond with the announcement in London, for at that time Sirius was culminating in the center of the sky at due South:-

The Olympic Closing Ceremony for London 2012 was held on Sunday 12th August, the day was marked by Egyptian Sunrise day marker with the powerful Sirius rising with the Sun at location, links and graph below:-

The Olympic torch run started in the UK 2012 Olympics in Lands End, Cornwall, on 19th May 2012.
This is significant as it had arrived in the country that the Olympics were taking place.

I haven't a fix for Lands End on my astronomy program therefore with graph i'm using Sennen, which is very near, and makes no difference to astronomy chart.

Now we get to one of those rare double alignments, we know that the Olympic torch run started in Lands End, UK on 19th May 2012, i have used Sennen as a latitude and longitude fix, which is very close.
The ancient Greek day marker is sunset of previous day, where we find sunset on 18th May 2012 at this location, Sirius and Alnilam set as well, a very auspicious alignment!

The Paralympics Closing Ceremony started at 20:30pm on 9th September 2012, at that time in London Sirius aligned to Due North or Nadir, IC.

There is one more alignment for the 2012 Paralympics closing ceremony, not only is this marked by Sirius at actual time start on day, but it was also marked by ancient Greek day marker, but on actual day, as ceremony occurred after SUNSET!


Lets move on to the 2008 Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, this happened at 08:00pm on the 8th day of the 8th month 2008, purely as the Chinese love numerology and the number 8, as in their culture it is associated with prosperity and confidence, and thought of as lucky, link and quote below:-

"The 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony was held at the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest. It began at 20:00 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00) on Friday, 8 August 2008, as the number 8 is considered to be auspicious.[1][2][3][4][5] The number 8[6] is associated with prosperity and confidence in Chinese culture.["

The Olympic torch for the 2008 summer Olympics was lit on 24th March 2008 on Mount Olympia, please read second paragraph below on link:-

I don't have an astronomy fix for Mount Olympia, the nearest town is Pyrgos, Elia, Greece, which is very near, therefore i'm using that as a location, it won't change results!
Midnight day marker was used at location, where Alnilam sets in the West.

The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Athens Greece, the Olympic torch was lit on 25th March, as shown on link below:-

Midnight day marker was used, Alnilam is near setting point as shown below:-

Perhaps the myths of Prometheus that gave humans fire is bound up in the Olympic Torch?
Near the Summer Solstice and before the 2012 Olympics a strange ritual was performed in London, link below:-

We can return to the opening ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympics in Australia which happened on 15th September 2000, and the closing ceremony happened on 1st October 2000, link below:-

The date of the opening ceremony of the 2000 Olympics was 15th September 2000, ancient Egyptian day marker was used, as the Sun rose Alnilam was culminating, please remember the Southern Hemisphere is different to the Northern Hemisphere.
the Culmination point is Due North, and the Nadir is Due South:-

The closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympics happened on 1st October 2000, ancient Greek day marker was used on actual day as the ceremony took place after Sunset, as the Sun set, Sirius was on the nadir, or Due South.

Even then they weren't finished aligning to the stars for the closing ceremony in Sydney started at 19:00pm, which was an actual time alignment, as Sirius was on the Nadir or Due South:-

Graph below:-

The bids for the 1996 Olympics votes were counted on 18th September 1990 in Tokyo, Japan and Atlanta USA was successful.
On this day in Tokyo, ancient Egyptian day marker was used being Sunrise, while Alnilam was culminating, link and graph below:-

The Olympic Torch was lit in Olympia, Greece, on 30th March 1996, however i don't have a fix on this but Pyrgos, Greece is very near so doesn't make a difference to astronomy graph. Midnight day marker was chosen, as Sirius was setting in the West.
Details below:-
The 1996 Olympic was the Centennial modern Olympics that started in 1896, a terrorist attack happened during this time by Eric Rudolph which i will quickly investigate next:-
It would take too long to go through all Eric Rudolph's esoteric connections on this thread, i will come back to them later what isn't doubted is the 1996 bombing on 27 July 1996, he must have been aware of how the Olympics were aligned to the stars, for he used the same alignments, using midnight day marker when Sirius was on the Nadir or Due North, and Egyptian sunrise day marker when Sirius rose with the Sun being the heliacal rising star, probably the most powerful.
It gets very confusing when the good, the bad and the ugly use the same stars for alleged rituals, there must be extreme duality with Alnilam and Sirius, if you read the link below,, on the 1996 opening ceremony, part of it involved ancient Greek temples and priestesses, scroll down to "Temple of Zeus".
he 1992 Summer Olympics were only aligned to the bidding stage, which happened in Lausanne, Switzerland on 17th October 1986, with Barcelona being successful, please scroll down link to "HOST CITY SELECTION":-
Ancient Greek day marker was applied to 17th October 1986, being sunset of previous day, with Sirius on the Nadir, being Due North, graph below:-
The 1988 Olympics were held in Seoul, South Korea, the Opening Ceremony was on 17th September1988, Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen, when Alnilam was culminating.
The Closing Ceremony was on 2nd October 1988, Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen at location, as the Sun rose, Sirius was culminating, info below:-
Graphs below:-

The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Opening Ceremony was held on 28th July 1984, Egyptian sunrise day marker was used with Sirius rising with the Sun, link and graph below:-

The Moscow 1980 Summer Olympics were aligned to opening ceremony on 19th July 1980 in Moscow Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen, Alnilam rose with the Sun, link below:-
However there was a second alignment to actual time of event, as far as i know the opening ceremony started at 16:00pm, when Alnilam was setting in the West against horizon, link below, the other time mentioned is 03:46pm however Sirius was setting at the actual time, I like the quote below that times it with the Moscow Clock, quote below:-
"Sequence of events
Countdown of Kremlin Clock chimes at 16:00 Moscow Time.
Fanfare by the Herald Trumpeters: "Moscow Fanfare" by Soviet musician and composer A. Golovin.
Introduction of the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.
Playing of the national anthem of the Soviet Union. The card stunt displays the coat of arms of the USSR." Brezhnev, and IOC President Lord Killanin.

Graph's below:-

The 1976 Summer Olympic Games opening ceremony in Montreal, Canada was held on 17th July 1976, midnight day marker was used with Sirius aligned to Due North or Nadir, link below:-
The Munich 1972 Olympics had an awful terrorist attack by Black September, i will look at this another time, as this thread is about the Olympic Game alignments.
This Olympics was marked by closing ceremony and Ancient Greek Day marker on 10th September at Sunset being ancient Greek day marker for 11th September, date of closing ceremony, being an auspicious date since 2001:-
As Sun set on 10th September 1972, Alnilam, Belt of Orion clicked into place on the Nadir or Due North within one degree margin.

The 1968 Olympics were marked by the bidding stage when Mexico was successful, this was on 18th October 1963 in Baden-Baden, Germany, please scroll down link below to "Host City Selection":-

Ancient Greek day marker was chosen, being previous sunset to 18th October 1963, when Sirius was aligned to Due North or Nadiir.
The 1964 Summer Olympics were held in Tokyo, Japan, the opening ceremony was on 10th October 1964, midnight day marker was chosen when Sirius was rising in the East, on graph midnight is displayed at top of the page as 00:00 as day start.
Link to 1964 Olympic Games below:-

The 1960 Olympic Games were held in Rome, Italy, However firstly i would like to look at the very first Paralympics held there, as this was the first time that Paralympics were held for disabled People, it is likely that this also was marked by the stars:-

Please note opening ceremony was on 18th September 1960, it was marked Twice, by midnight with Alnilam rising and by ancient Egyptian day marker being sunrise when Alnilam was culminating at that location, graphs below:-

The 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Italy, this was marked by ancient Greek day marker being sunset before date with Alnilam on the Nadir or True North.
The Closing Ceremony was on the auspicious 11th September 1960, so we need to look at sunset on 10th September to see alignment by ancient Greek style.
The 1956 Summer Olympics wasn't marked in Australia, but by the Olympic torch being lit at Olympia. I don't have a fix for Olympia, without doing it manually, which is a pain, so i use the nearest town Pyrgos, which is within spitting distance.
The torch for the 1956 Melbourne Olympics was lit on 2nd November 1956, the ceremony started at 09:30 AM, i am giving a chart four minutes after then when i believe the Torch was lit, so this was sneaky being an actual time alignment, not involving day starts, at 09:34 AM at location Sirius was setting in the Western horizon, graph and info below:-
I love Australian humour and there was a hoax played at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics that gave me a good ole belly laugh!
There are some that disrupt the Torch Bearers as this was only started in 1936 by the Nazi Government, Barry Larkin thought he would play a hoax because of this, which you can read about on link below:-

As you know i don't have a fix for Olympia, i have to do a manual application which is a pain so i use the nearest town which is Pyrgos, Greece which is very near.
The Helsinki 1952 Olympic Games was aligned by the torch lighting ceremony, which was held on 25th June 1952. Midnight day marker was used, while Alnilam was on the Nadir or True North, info below:-

The 1948 Summer Olympics were held in London, Please scroll down link below to "Opening Ceremony", this is an actual time alignment on 29th July 1948, King George VI opened the Olympics at 16:00 pm, while Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star was setting in the Western horizon at location.
"At 4 pm, the time shown on Big Ben on the London Games symbol, the King declared the Games open,"
The closing Ceremony was on 14 August, and at Sunrise day Marker Sirius was the heliacal rising star.
There wasn't any Olympics in 1944 or 1940 because of the Second World War, so the next one was the 1936 Nazi Olympics held in Berlin, which should interest!
It must be noted it has always been rare that both Winter and Summer Olympics occur in the same country as happened in 1936 in Germany, it has only happened four times.
The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Berlin and the 1936 Winter Olympics were held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Hitler wanted to use the Olympics as a propaganda tool to show Aryan racial superiority, it didn't turn out that way, the star of the Summer Olympics was Jesse Owens.
As both Winter and Summer Olympics happened in Germany, Hitler marked the earlier Winter one, link below:-
Ancient Greek day marker was applied to opening ceremony on 6th February 1936, which is sunset of previous day on 5th February at location, as the Sun set, Sirius was rising!
Astronomy graph below:-
I'll continue soon!
Some people at the time thought there was symbolism in the day that Hitler chose to open the Olympics, being 1st August, as it corresponded to when Germany declared war in 1914:-
I need to get back on track with the Olympic Games, below i have left a brief history of the Torch relay team and origin in 1936:-

The 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles didn't have any alignments.
But it was one of those Olympics that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same Nation, so the earlier 1932 Winter Olympics was aligned to the stars.
The Opening Ceremony was on 4th February 1932, Sunset ancient Greek day marker was used in Lake Placid, New York, as the Sun set in the West, Sirius was rising in the East!
Astronomy Graph below, the was only 3 Olympics that both Winter and Summer Olympics were in the same Nation and all of them were marked by earlier Winter Olympics:-


Franklin D. Roosevelt was Governor of New York in 1932, he later become a 32 degree Freemason, he opened the 1932 Winter Olympics.
Lake Placid, New York won its bid to host the Winter Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland on 10th April 1929, link below:-
At location ancient Egyptian day marker was used, being sunrise, as Sirius was aligned to True North or Nadir, astronomy graph below:-

Between 1924 and 1936 3 of 4 Olympics had Summer and Winter Olympics in one nation, and i found when this happened, it was the earlier Winter Olympics that was aligned to Sirius and Alnilam, after 1936 this never happened again .

In 1928 the Summer Olympics were in Amsterdam, Netherlands, but the Winter Olympics were staged in St. Moritz, Switzerland, therefore it was the Summer Olympics that were aligned to the stars, link below:-
The closing Ceremony was aligned on 12th August 1928, Egyptian sunrise daymarker was applied, for Sirius is slightly off-set of rising with the Sun by a few minutes, astronomy graph below:-
The 1924 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France, but were not aligned to Sirius or Alnilam, link below:-
However the 1st Winter Olympics in 1924 were also held in France in Chamonix, the Closing Ceremony was aligned. link below:-

Closing ceremony was on 4th February 1924, ancient Greek day marker was used, which is previous sunset, Sirius rises as Sun sets at location, astronomy graph below:-

The early Olympics are confusing, however the 1920 Antwerp, Belgium Olympics started on 14th August 1920.
But usaully it is when the athletic stadium opens, where it is most likely to be aligned to Sirius or Alnilam, as you can see by link above, this happened on 14th August 1920:-
At location and date, Sirius rose approx. ten minutes before the Sun on 14th August 1920 in Antwerp, astronomy graph below:-
There wasn't Olympics in 1916 due to W.W.1., so next we move on to 1912 Olympics!
I'll be back on this in a few days.
It took a lot of time for me to solve the puzzle of the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden, i had to look through rare official records, as i believe this olympics was aligned to time on day of opening, firstly lets get day right, look to right of link below, it mentions opening ceremony of athletics stadium on 6th July 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden:-
In looking at official records, i feel that this olympics was opened at 11:30am, 6th July 1912 in Stockholm, as nations were added, opening ceremony become longer and longer, in 1912 there were only 28 nations participating, in 2012, there were 204 nations you may see why i feel estimated time was 11:30am 6th July 1912, by my link below with photo, look at clock to the right:- 11:30 am on 6th July 1912, in Stockholm, Sweden, Sirius was culminating, up from True South:-
Many of the early Olympics were really fuzzy, and down to actual time, 1908 was the same, please view link below:- you can see by above link that King Edward VII arrived at Olympic Stadium at 03:49 pm and i estimate time of declaring stadium open at 16:00 pm.
Everything about early Olympics is different from modern, in 1908 the Olympics lasted from 27th April to 31st October, but i'm interested when the STADIUM OPENED.
I think this happened at 16:00 PM on 13th July 1908 in London. Please note Alnilam setting at this time and date:-
"Official opening ceremony of the Games was at the stadium in White City, July 13, though the first event began as early as April 27 and by this time have been played 25 sets of medals.

A lot of notable people from across the UK, and from the rest of Europe came to the ceremony. At 15:49 King Edward VII and his wife Alexandra came into the stadium. After that sounded the fanfare, and William Grenfell said to the king: “Will His Majesty declare the Olympic Games IV open?” to which the monarch said: “I declare the Olympic Games in London open.”
In 1901 the I.O.C. met in Paris for election bids to find the host city for the 1904 Olympics, this started on 21st May 1901 in Paris, it was a shambles as Chicago defaulted and St. Louis, Missouri was successful in the end, part of official report below, the assassination of President William McKinley didn't help this process quote below:-
“This was the first-ever Olympic bid committee,” MacAloon said—and a successful one. On May 21, 1901, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) named Chicago the 1904 host city."
However this I.O.C. meeting was aligned to Sirius and Alnilam by ancient Greek day marker, as Sun set on 20th May 1901 in Paris, it did so with both stars! Ancient Greek day marker is the same in a lot of aspects to the Florentine Calendar:-
The 1904 and 1900 Olympics were just part of a World Fair, but link below shows that opening Ceremony for the St. Louis, Missouri 1904 Olympics was held on 1st July 1904:- four minutes of the midnight day marker being one degree at location both the Sun and Sirius were aligned to the Nadir, astronomy graph below:-
The 1900 Summer Olympics was held in Paris between May 14th and October 28th, another long winded process, that was part of a World Fair, hell they didn't even have a stadium for athletic events, runners had to race on uneven track in a wooded area!
"Competitions were held on 14 July, 15 July, 16 July, 19 July, and 22 July. This included Bastille Day, which is a French holiday, and then Sunday, which many of the American athletes protested. Even with many Americans not competing in finals because of confusion caused by the organizers' decision to count scores achieved on Monday, 16 July for finals held on Sunday, 15 July and subsequent rescission of that decision, the United States won more than 4 times as many medals as any other nation, including 16 of the 23 gold medals.

The conditions of competition were also subpar compared even to those at the previous games in 1896. There was no track for the Paris Games, as a grass field dotted with trees and of unequal elevation was used. The course was 500 metres in length, an unusual distance for a track." many times the opening/closing of the Olympic Athletics Stadium is day marked by Egyptian we don't have one, so i look at the best next thing, being date when athletics started, this happened on 14th July 1900 in general location of Paris.
Egyptian sunrise day marker was chosen, Sun and Alnilam, Belt of Orion rise in the East, this is the heliacal rising star, astronomy graph below:-
The first modern Olympics was held in Athens, Greece, opening ceremony was on 6th April 1896, link below:- Sunrise day marker was chosen at location, as Sun rose, Sirius was on the Nadir, graph below:-

I have now completed 116 years of modern Olympics and shown how they all were aligned to Sirius and Alnilam, Belt of Orion probably how the ancient Olympics were aligned, i hope you have enjoyed the chronicles regarding this, sadly i can't do the same for the ancient Olympics, beyond the scope of an archaeoastronomer as outside Julian Calendar that i can calibrate!
From the start of the modern Olympics in 1896 i have found that Alnilam and Sirius are aligned to opening date, closing date, date of winning bid or by the olympic torch, which is beyond coincidence.
The last day of the 2024 Paris Olympics is 11th August, and at location Sirius is the heliacal rising Star. Sunrise day marker for closing day of Paris 2024 Olympics below with Sirius
picture 521 50% (2).png
The Paris Olympics start today, and as above it is marked by the Eleusinian Mysteries by Sirius rising with the Sun by closing Ceremony, but there is more by actual time the event closes, the Olympic Flame is put out by 11:15pm on day, when Sirius is on the I.C.
Hi Monk :)


The 2024 offensive parody of the Last Supper
- Mark 14:17-26
featuring drag queens & other actors
who stood in poses inverted from the da Vinci painting
was set on a bridge over the Seine River
that overlooks the Eiffel Tower.

Antichrist Olympics MOCK Jesus Christ with 666

Satanic Opening Ceremony - Dr. Taylor Marshall


Hi Jup,
I haven't been well, but am feeling better so will continue with this, Bids for the 2024 and 2028 Olympics were sorted out and given to Paris in Lima, Peru for 2024, but what isn't usual is the 2028 Olympics were given to Los Angeles at the same 131st I.O.C. session. the session is marked for both Olympics!
Although not a complete grand Sextile, it is an interesting pattern using mean Node as a point, Sun rising, Alnilam on M.C.

Hi Jup,
I haven't been well, but am feeling better
Hi Monk :)

so will continue with this, Bids for the 2024 and 2028 Olympics were sorted out and given to Paris in Lima, Peru for 2024, but what isn't usual is the 2028 Olympics were given to Los Angeles at the same 131st I.O.C. session.
So the session is marked for both Olympics!
Although not a complete grand Sextile, it is an interesting pattern using mean Node as a point, Sun rising, Alnilam on M.C.
